Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 304: Fierce battle

Chen Lang smiled and said to the two of them: "Okay, don't talk nonsense." The two stopped talking, and Fan Si couldn't help but said anxiously: "I don't know what's going on with General Zilong? It's been so long. , There is no news at all!" Chen Lang said: "Don't worry. I believe in Zilong." Then he said: "It's getting late, there will be a big war waiting for us tomorrow, you hurry up and rest." The two clasped their fists and promised. , Go down.

Chen Lang stood up, walked to the map, looked at the map, and frowned. Thinking of Diao Chan immediately, his emotions became confused. He shook his head vigorously, and it took a long time before he managed to calm himself down.

The next day, it just got bright, and the Xianbei’s war drum horn broke the tranquility of the morning. More than 800,000 Xianbei and Huns surrounded them from all directions, and saw a yellow ocean, and Meji had become an isolated island in the vast ocean.

Each team of the Eagle and Yang army is strictly waiting for the enemy to attack!

More than 800,000 enemy troops surrounded Meji with huge shouts, and the movement was like a storm and tsunami! Faced with such a momentum, the weaker army may surrender directly without having to fight!

Kebi can sit on the carriage and make the army attack. The trumpet sounded loudly, and an army of about 10,000 people from the east, west, south and north simultaneously launched an attack on Meji. I only heard the roar of thunder, and the enemy troops attacked Miji like a pack of wolves! However, Chen Lang and others knew very well that such an offense was actually just a tentative offense!

The Yingyang Army bow and crossbowmen kept firing arrows, and the arrows flew towards the enemy like locusts, constantly stirring up countless ripples in the enemy! However, such an attack can't stop the enemy at all, and the tide of the enemy's attack is constantly approaching the barracks!

In a blink of an eye, the enemy rushed to the front of the Yingyang Army's defense line, trying to overtake the horse. Commander Yingyang, who was waiting in the trenches, spurred spears together, and the dense spears stabbed all the Xianbei who rushed to the front! The Xianbei people succeeded in succession, and turned their horses into the trenches! The pikemen could hardly use their spears, and they drew out the ring swords to fight with the enemy. They saw the swords and swords flying in blood and blood, the officers and soldiers of both sides strangling together, and the flying blood reflected the crazy faces of wild beasts!

Although the Ying Yang army gave up his life to fight, but the first line of defense was soon lost!

Chen Lang couldn't help but frowned, and immediately saw the enemy rush to the second line of defense, and the two sides soon fell into a cruel hand-to-hand battle! The officers and soldiers of the Yingyang Army gave their lives to counterattack, but there were too many enemy troops, and they kept surging up, and soon the second line of defense was also shaky! The officers and soldiers of Xianbei roared like evil wolves, and the Yingyang army died fighting to death. The corpses of the two sides accumulated alternately. Within a quarter of an hour, the corpses of the officers and soldiers of both sides almost covered the second line of defense!

Fan Silk standing beside Chen Lang couldn't help but exclaimed: "I didn't expect that the Xianbei people would be so strong in foot combat, they can almost fight against our army!" Chen Lang frowned.

Kebi could see that his officers and soldiers were as brave as their opponents, and they kept advancing. He nodded with relief and murmured: "Our Daxianbei warriors are the bravest warriors in the world! Any enemy who dares to stand in front of us It can only be ashen bones!"

The three hundred officers and men guarding the second line of defense on the east side fought **** battles with the enemy. The corpses of the enemy and their companions have filled the trenches! The captain swung a knife and chopped down the last enemy on the ground, panting, staring with blood-red eyes and roared: "Anything else?" A bruised soldier next to him suddenly pointed outside and shouted: "The enemy is coming up again! "

The captain quickly looked outside and saw that the enemy was coming up again. There were hundreds of enemy troops. I don't know how many times the enemy charged! The captain looked back at the companions around him, and found that there were only less than 30 people left from the original 300 people! The captain frowned, raised up the blood-stained jagged ring head knife and screamed! Thirty or so officers and soldiers couldn't stand up and shouted!

Hundreds of enemy troops swooped up and frantically besieged these 30 or so Han troops! The two sides fought fiercely, and the Han soldiers madly gave up their lives! The knife was chopped off, pinched with your hand, and the hand is dead, bite with your teeth! Flesh and blood flew across the battlefield, echoing the roar of Han soldiers! However, the enemy could not kill, but the soldiers of the Han army fell one by one in a pool of blood! The captain was frantically brandishing the ring's first knife and slashing the enemies that were constantly coming up. He no longer knew how many enemies he had cut down!

Looking back, the captain found that he was the only one left on the battlefield. All his companions had been killed. Many of them remained in their last-minute postures, pinching the enemy's necks tightly! The captain was filled with grief and anger, and rushed into the enemy group with a loud roar, desperately slashing! After killing seven or eight people, more than a dozen Xianbei rushed up from all directions with their spears and a dozen spears penetrated the captain's body at the same time! The captain roared and couldn't move anymore! The Xianbei drew his spear, and the captain fell among his companions!

The second line of defense to the east was lost, and almost at the same time, the second lines of defense to the south, north, and west were also lost one after another. The Xianbei took advantage of the trend and violently attacked the third trench of the Yingyang army to resist the line of defense, and their morale was like a rainbow.

At this moment, the camp gate suddenly opened, and a loud rumbling noise echoed between the heaven and the earth. The Xianbei people suddenly saw that hundreds of armored chariots were divided into four groups and rushed out from the four-sided camp gate, rushing like an attacking Xianbei army! I saw the armored chariot sweeping past like mountains and seas, in front of the invincible, smashing through the enemy army! The Xianbei army who attacked the camp couldn't help but panic. It was this time that Chen Lang waited. With an order, the soldiers and horses of the teams who had been angry for a long time roared out of the defense line and rushed into the enemy army, brandishing their swords and guns to kill the enemy army, like a tiger coming out! The Xianbei were caught off guard by the armored chariot, but they did not expect their opponents to rush out from the front again, and they retreated in chaos at once!

The Xianbei who attacked from east, west, south and north have all lost. The armored chariot that attacked quickly returned to the camp.

The generals could not help being annoyed when they saw that the east, west, north and south were repelled, but Ke Bineng looked as usual, as if such a situation had long been expected by him. Kebi could see that it was late at this time, and the soldiers no longer had the spirits they had previously, so they temporarily ordered to retreat.

By the next day, Kebi was able to continue to attack. He ordered 20,000 soldiers and horses to attack on the east, west, south and north, and 20,000 horses and horses for the east, west, and north. He waited for the opponent to replay the old tricks and counterattacks with armored chariots. They could take this opportunity to jump into the camp from the gate. .

The fierce fighting lasted from morning to noon, and from noon to afternoon. The Yingyang Army put its troops into the trenches to fight with the Xianbei people on the defense line, but no more armored chariots were sent! At this time of the fierce battle, the Ying Yang army seemed to gradually lose its support and retreated into the camp. Xianbei's morale surged through the trenches and rushed into the camp. Kebi was overjoyed to see this scene.

However, at this moment, countless fires rose up in the camp. The areas where the Xianbei people entered instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames. Thousands of Xianbei officers and soldiers plunged into the turbulent sea of ​​fire and screamed loudly, one after another. Flee backward! Following up, the Xianbei officers and soldiers who had not yet entered the camp were dumbfounded when they saw this scene! The fire men who escaped from the sea of ​​flames were panicking, or fell into the trenches, or fell on their horses, and even hit their companions and ignited them! The east, west, north and south were in chaos, and the Xianbei army, who had just charged in aggressively, now crawled back and forth! The Xianbei and the Huns in the rear looked at this scene, dumbfounded! Kebi frowned and murmured, "What a cunning guy!"

A general rushed to Ke Bineng and exclaimed angrily; "Da Shanyu, the enemy is too cunning! We burned to death and burned almost 20,000 of us!"

Kebi could be annoyed and wanted to continue the fierce attack. However, seeing the flames blocking the road for a while, there was no way to attack, so he ordered a suspension of the attack and resumption of troops back to the camp.

In the ensuing time, Chen Lang's wonderful strategies emerged one after another, causing the Xianbei and the Huns to suffer. Ke Bi could not know how many onslaughts had been launched, and the bodies covered Meji's inside and outside, but they were never able to defeat the Eagle Yang army. Meji, guarded by the Eagles, seems to be as solid as a rock! However, the situation of the Yingyang army is not good. The Xianbei and the Huns are by no means ordinary opponents, they are very fierce. During this period of fierce fighting, the Yingyang army has already suffered more than half of the casualties!

After another day of fierce fighting ended, the Xianbei and the Huns finally retreated. Kebi was able to sit on his head, frowning and saying, "After fighting for so many days, nearly 100,000 people were killed or injured, but they still failed to defeat the enemy! Even if Chen Lang was to be defeated and Meji was retaken, I don’t know exactly what to do. How many soldiers and horses have been lost!"

Su Li said: "Big Shan Yu, the enemy is deliberately holding on to Meji to consume our army. I think we might as well give up attacking Meji and contain only one of the Meji enemy forces. The army will simply go south and cross the Yellow River and attack Luoyang!" Ke Bi Neng nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, Chen Lang was also discussing matters with his subordinates in the big account, and everyone's faces were very tired. Chen Lang said; "The enemy's offensive in these two days is far less fierce than before!"

Fan Su hoped to say: "I hope the enemy will retreat just now!"

Chen Lang shook his head and smiled; "I'm afraid it's impossible. But I think Kebi can give up attacking us temporarily, only to contain us with a part of the soldiers and horses. The army will simply go south along the Yellow River and cross the Yellow River to directly attack. Luoyang!" Fan Silk frowned and said: "The lord had also anticipated this step before, but there was no news from General Zhao Yun! In case there was an accident over there, wouldn't Luoyang be really dangerous!"

Chen Lang looked at the map and thought: "Even if the enemy forces reach the Yellow River, they won't be able to fight the Yellow River for a while. If the war is fought for this purpose, it will be useless to think about it, so I can only resolutely implement it according to the original plan!"

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