Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 306: bloody battle

The Ying Yang army took advantage of the chaos of the enemy army to rush and kill, like a tiger group assault, the wolves flying all over, a chaos! The Ying Yang army blasted out a **** Reuters from the enemy army!

However, the tide of the Xianbei cavalry swiftly caught up from the two wings and blocked the path of Ying Yang's army! The Ying Yang army dashed bravely with the iron armored chariot as the leader. The roar of the chariot galloped across the battlefield, and the crackling of the flesh and bones rang into one piece! The Xianbei cavalry were swept down by iron armored chariots, and their flesh and blood flew all over the place. However, the crazy Xianbei cavalry continued to roar and besieged. The scimitar slashed and killed the horse of the chariot. Even if the horse was protected by a wallet, it could not withstand such a crazy attack. The horse neighed and fell to the ground, and the car behind it slammed into it. On the horse body, he flew up and hit the ground hard, making a huge noise! Assassinated the chariot warrior with a spear, and saw that each warrior was picked up by the Xianbei's spear! The Yingyang infantry following the chariot rushed into the enemy group and fought with the enemy. The cold light flickered, the flesh and blood flew across, the accumulation of the two sides, in a blink of an eye, the battlefield was everywhere!

At the time when the Yingyang Army and the Xianbei cavalry were fighting endlessly, more and more Xianbei troops surrounded them, and the Yingyang Army was heavily surrounded! Killing on the battlefield shook the sky!

Seeing that the enemy army was besieging from all directions like a tide, Chen Lang hurriedly ordered the soldiers to shrink their formation! The Yingyang army contracted rapidly in the fierce battle, and the Xianbei people saw that in an instant, the Yingyang army had formed a round formation! The shield forms a shield curtain, just like a huge tortoise!

Xianbei people can kill, no matter what they are, they shouted from all directions and rushed up! Crashing on the line of the Ying Yang army like a tide! The huge impact sounded into one piece, but they couldn't pretend the shield line of defense of the eagles!

At this moment, countless lance spears suddenly pierced from the gap between the shields, and the enemy forces crowded in front of the shield were smashed to the ground! Immediately, the circular formation revolved, and countless spears swept across. The enemy army seemed to be thrown into a meat grinder and fell in pieces! Suddenly, flesh and blood flew wildly, and the screams rang into one piece!

The Xianbei army couldn't help retreating in a hurry. At the same time, a group of two Xianbei cavalry rushed towards the circular formation carrying wooden stakes, and those wooden stakes flew towards the circular formation with the speed of their horses galloping! Suddenly, there was a loud crackling sound, and the whistling wooden piles knocked out the round formation one by one, and the powerful force drove the Yingyang army officers and soldiers out!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Lang immediately pointed at the enemy general who was in command of the enemy group not far away and shouted, "Here comes the evil, kill him!"

Dianwei yelled, the prancing horse rushed out of the army, rushed to the enemy, and let out a thunderous roar! Hehe power is like a warcraft coming to the world! The Xianbei army was horrified and couldn't help but regress again and again!

Dian Wei rushed into the enemy group, wielding a double iron halberd to kill the Xianbei people on their backs, and the scene was full of flesh and blood, and no one could stop him! The enemy general saw Dian Wei aggressively killing him, and no one could stop him. He couldn't help being terrified and urged all the generals around him to fight! The generals roared to greet him, and surrounded Dianwei to fight! Dian Wei roared and wielded a pair of iron halberds at the same time, only to see two Xianbei warlords screaming and falling off their horses! Dian Wei became more and more courageous as he fought. Dozens of enemy generals surrounded Dian Wei with continuous casualties, but they couldn't beat him at all!

However, Chen Lang looked solemn, because Dian Wei was entangled by the enemy generals and couldn't kill the enemy generals at all. Chen Lang couldn't think about it carefully, and urged the horse to rush out of the army and go straight to the enemy general! The enemy cavalry greeted them with strange screams, and Chen Lang swung the sword of Qinglong Yanyue straight forward! When the blade passes, people turn their backs on their backs, no one can stop them!

Chen Lang smashed a **** path to the enemy general. The general saw Chen Lang coming fiercely. He was shocked and hurriedly waved his gun to attack! Chen Lang's horseman came up and issued a long hiss like a dragon, Chen Lang roared, and the sword in his hand was like a Taishan smashed straight toward the enemy general! The enemy general was so frightened that he couldn't care about the attack, and hurriedly raised his spear! I saw an electric light slamming down from top to bottom, like a thunderbolt! The enemy general and the weapon in his hand were split in half and fell off the horse!

The Xianbei people were shocked, but the Yingyang army gave out a shout of morale, and Fan Si took the opportunity to lead the army to the west! The Xianbei people were in horror. Suddenly, they were violently rushed and killed by the Yingyang army. They were in chaos and couldn't resist it. The Yingyang army broke through the encirclement! The people of Xianbei came back to their senses, becoming angry, screaming and catching up. The Yingyang army was almost infantry, and was soon besieged by the Xianbei on a lonely hill!

The Xianbei attacked fiercely in all directions, and the Yingyang army died fighting to death! On the hill, the soldiers on both sides were inextricably killed, just like a tiger and wolf with red eyes! The corpse had covered the hillside, and the setting sun was stained with blood! The Xianbei people are fierce and fierce, and the Yingyang army is fighting desperately! I saw that a soldier had already inserted more than a dozen spikes in his body, but he was still fighting desperately. He no longer knew how many enemies he had killed!

When his eyes were blurred, a Xianbei soldier screamed and rushed forward, piercing his gun straight into his chest! The blood he spurted soaked the opponent's face, his eyes widened, and he roared for the last breath, swinging a sawtooth-like circular knife and slashing into the opponent's shoulder! The opponent knelt down with a muffled snort, and the tail of the spear pierced into the grass to prop up the body of the Yingyang soldier! The Yingyang soldier dropped his hands, and there was no more movement, but he still held his ring sword tightly! At this time, the broken Yingyang Army battle flag beside him floated on his body!


The sky darkened, and the Xianbei people were exhausted and paused the attack. The noisy and fierce battlefield suddenly became silent!

Kebi was able to sit under the tree, frowning as he listened to the report of his subordinates. He had no idea that today’s battle would have paid such a high price. He was killed by a few thousand remnants and killed nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses. The war will lose more than 70 people, of which more than a dozen are him. The famous Titans of the Xianbei clan, and even the Western generals were beheaded by Chen Lang! It turns out that the general that Chen Lang killed in the army before turned out to be the western general who is second only to Ke Bineng! No wonder that after Chen Lang cut him down, the Xianbei people would be greatly shaken, and Ying Yang's army broke through the encirclement in one fell swoop!

Chen Chao, father and son, and Zhang Gui looked fearful and uneasy. Chen Chao suddenly clasped his fist towards Ke Bi Neng and said, "Da Shan Yu, if Chen Lang does not die, I will not be at peace later!" Ke Bi Neng frowned. Ke Bi-Neng originally thought that there would be no difficulty in this battle. Although the legendary Ying Yangjun and Chen Lang were powerful, Ke Bi-Neng believed that it was an infighting among the Han people. The stronger side was nothing great. As the more than ten thousand people go south, they can definitely defeat their occupation and even Luoyang like a hot knife slicing cheese in one fell swoop! However, the battle of these days, especially today's battle, made him completely change his original thoughts. The strength of the Yingyang Army and the strength of Chen Lang and other eagles and heroes far exceeded his imagination, and also exceeded the previous legend. They should not be the army that the world should have, so strong and not afraid of death. Just like the legendary magic army!

Ke Bi Neng suddenly became frightened, thinking that if Chen Lang did not die today, and if he was allowed to unite China, would there be a way for him to survive? At this point, Ke Bineng no longer wanted to capture Chen Lang again, he just wanted to kill him quickly!

Ke Bi was able to stand up and looked at the hill not far away. He saw a black shadow on a hill, with nothing to see. He couldn't help but frown and said, "In today's battle, although our army has suffered a lot of losses, But the enemy didn't take advantage, there shouldn't be too many people left!" Turning around, said to everyone: "Everyone rests for the whole night, and destroy them tomorrow in one fell swoop!" Everyone stood up and promised.

There was darkness on the hills. Most of it is not that Chen Lang likes the dark, but because there are only less than two hundred fangs left. If the lights are lit, they will definitely be seen by the enemy and rush up immediately! Chen Lang needs time for the rest of the brothers to take a break to recover their strength and break through tomorrow! Although Chen Lang knew that with the current situation, the probability of a successful breakthrough was low, he did not intend to give up. Until the last moment, Chen Lang will never give up!

Chen Lang stood on the hill and looked down at the hill. I saw that the enemy's bonfire surrounded this lonely hill like a sea of ​​stars, and the shadows of enemy cavalry were constantly wandering around. Chen Lang originally hoped that the other party would have a gap so that he could break out in one fell swoop when people were most tired in the early morning, but now it seems that this method is not working. Chen Lang sighed and murmured: "I have to wait until tomorrow day when everyone recovers their strength and breaks through."

Fan Si walked behind Chen Lang, with a solemn expression: "Lord, the situation today is extremely dangerous! The lord’s safety concerns the overall situation, and his subordinates believe that the lord should act separately from us. Tomorrow morning, he will disguise himself as the lord. Together with Dianwei, lead the fangs to break through to the west, and the enemy will be attracted away. The lord stays on the mountain without moving. After the enemy is attracted, he will put on the Xianbei costume and go down the hill and head east! This way, you can get out of danger!"

Chen Lang frowned. He knew in his heart that the method Fan Si said was very likely to get him out of danger, but he couldn't do this way of sacrificing his brother and letting himself escape! Chen Lang slowly shook his head, and said, "Should I leave you alone to escape? I can't do this kind of thing anyway!" Fan Si was anxious, "But..." Chen Lang raised his hand to interrupt. After Fan Silk said, "I have already decided, so don't talk about it!" Fan Silk sighed helplessly, but was moved in his heart.

The sky gradually brightened, and the grassland was covered with clouds and murderous! Countless Xianbei people are divided into teams, ready to go, they can't even see them at a glance! Chen Lang and others were immediately on the hill, looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Lang smiled and said: "Today we will have a great fight! If we can live, I invite everyone to drink!" The crowd shouted loudly, giving people a passion. a feeling of! Kebi could see from a distance that the remaining hundreds of enemies had fallen into his own siege without fear, and he couldn't help being annoyed!

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