Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 337: Interpretation of Huang Zhong

The officer staggered and fell to the ground, ignoring him to get up, and shouted anxiously: "It's not good, the enemy! The enemy is attacking the city! The enemy is on all sides!" As if responding to the officer's words, in all directions. There were bursts of huge killings and shouts. Liu Qi was terrified, stumbled and ran outside.

Liu Qi rushed to the city wall and saw a flash of fire outside the city. Under the light of the fire, countless warriors went back and forth and Mercedes Benz kept firing arrows at the city. The sound of arrows breaking through the air rang into a numb scalp! At this moment, Liu Qi dinged a few times, and several spike arrows hit the wall next to him. Liu Qi hurriedly backed away in fright. All the soldiers hurriedly raised their shields to protect Liu Qi!

At this time, Huang Zhong carried the sword and led the heroic Huang Wudie and ran up and said loudly: "My son, I will lead the army to repel the enemy!" Liu Qi nodded quickly and said, "The old general, go!"

Huang Zhong got the order, and immediately led Huang Wudie down the city wall, leading the only three thousand warriors in the city to rush out of the city gate.

Huang Zhong took the lead and roared: "The thief should leave! Huang Zhong is here too!"

Eagle Yang warriors ran backwards one after another, the plight of the city was solved! Liu Qi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and praised excitedly: "The old general is really brave!"

Huang Zhong saw the Eagle Yang army running backwards, and immediately led his army to chase after him. Ying Yangjun did not fight, as if afraid of him. Three thousand knights have been chasing and killing like rainbow!

However, at this moment, there was a sudden killing in all directions, and tens of thousands of Eagle Yang warriors suddenly surrounded Huang Zhong's three thousand riding regiments as if they had suddenly emerged from the ground!

Huang Zhong was shocked and quickly stopped the horse! Huang Wudie said anxiously: "Father, we are surrounded!" Huang Zhong frowned and said: "Don't panic! Let me break through!" Then he turned his horse's head abruptly and led the soldiers to kill along the way! Blocking the front, Ying Yangjun immediately sent out a dense rain of arrows, which roared in, and instantly filled the ground in front of Huang Zhongjun! Huang Zhong and his men couldn't help but slam their horses to a halt! Huang Zhong thought that the opponent would quickly launch a second round of shooting, but the opponent did not shoot a second wave of arrows, Huang Zhong couldn't help feeling a little inexplicable.

Huang Zhong looked around, and saw that tens of thousands of sturdy eagle-winged war cavalry regiments surrounded him, with murderous aura ready to go, frowning, and reprimanding himself: "I'm careless! I fell into the opponent's. trap!"

Suddenly, Huang Wudie saw a dozen riders rushing out and immediately yelled at them, "Father, look!" Huang Zhong looked in the direction of her fingers and saw the dozen riders, but in the middle of the night. Shifen torch dimmed the brilliance and couldn't really see it, so he shouted, "Who is the one who is here? Come out and talk to me Huang Zhong!"

"Old General Huang, Miss Huang, you are frightened!" Chen Lang's voice came over.

Huang Zhong and Huang Wudie couldn't help being startled. Huang Zhong sighed and clasped his fists, saying, "It turns out to be a general! The general is really amazing, I'm not your opponent!"

Chen Lang rode a horse to Huang Zhong and Huang Wudie not far away. At this time, the brilliance of the torch shone on Chen Lang and he was able to see his appearance clearly. Huang Wudie saw Chen Lang and his expression moved slightly.

Chen Lang looked at Huang Wudie and smiled; "Miss Huang, don't come here unharmed?"

Huang Wudie snorted, did not speak, and looked very annoyed.

Chen Lang sighed and said, "Since I separated from you, I have always thought of you! I just didn't expect to see you again on the battlefield!"

Huang Wudie didn't expect that Chen Lang would say such a thing in public, and couldn't help Xiafei's cheeks.

Chen Lang looked at Huang Zhong and said, "Old General, you can't get out of this situation now! Why don't you just surrender to me! Old General Huang is a talent, and he is really wronged by Liu Biao!"

Huang Zhongzheng said: "What kind of person does the general regard me as Lao Huang! Although Liu Biao is not a master, he is kind to me after all. How can I betray my lord and beg for glory! What happened today is nothing more than death! !" He said with a broad sword, looking desperately. When Huang Wudie saw his father doing this, his heart became a mess, but he also subconsciously lifted the spear in his hand.

Chen Lang sighed, glanced at Huang Wudie, and said, "How am I willing to kill you!" Huang Wudie couldn't help but flushed, her beautiful eyes trembled.

Huang Zhong shouted sharply: "General, it is absolutely impossible for me to surrender! Today's matter can only be a fight to the death!!"

Chen Lang smiled and said, "How is the affairs of today all in my hands." Then, he shouted to his soldiers: "Get out of the way!" Upon hearing the words, Ying Yangjun immediately separated the two sides, acting neatly and uniformly, like a sea of ​​water. Bo is breathtaking!

Huang Zhong was surprised, looked at Chen Lang, and asked in disbelief: "The general is going to let us go back?"

Chen Lang nodded, "Go ahead."

Huang Zhong frowned and said, "When I return to the city, I will definitely be an enemy of the general. Does the general still let us go back?"

Chen Lang said, "I'll talk about the future. I really don't want to fight the old general and Miss Huang in a decisive battle today! Let's go!"

Huang Zhong was moved in his heart. He wanted to say something to be grateful, but he didn't know what to say. He clasped his fists and bowed to Chen Lang, and then led his officers and soldiers away from the Ying Yang army. When Huang Wudie left, she couldn't help but glance at Chen Lang, her eyes lingering and meaningful. Chen Lang blew a kiss to Huang Wudie, causing Huang Wudie's heart to move, her pretty face flushed red, and she hurried away. Chen Lang smiled and watched them go away, and then ordered the army to retreat back to the camp.

Huang Zhong waited to return to the city, Liu Qi immediately shouted: "Catch me this rebellious collusion with Chen Lang!" Liu Qi's soldiers immediately stepped forward and caught Huang Zhong, but Huang Wudie was not polite and immediately waved his spear. Overturned the rushing soldiers to the ground, and then swung their spears to force away the soldiers who had caught Huang Zhong! Huang Zhong shouted anxiously: "Dancing butterfly, don't be rude!" Seeing Huang Wudie dare to resist with force, Liu Qi was shocked and angry, and shouted sternly; "Reverse! Reverse! Take them for me!" When you have to do it.

Huang Wudie shot a horizontal spear, staring and shouted: "Who dares to step forward!" The officers and soldiers could not help but stop taking photos of Huang Wudie's power.

Huang Zhong hurriedly grabbed Huang Wudie's spear and shouted angrily: "How dare you confront the young man!" Huang Wudie said unconvincedly: "It is he who wants us! How can we let him kill!" Huang Zhong He shouted sharply: "You have to die if you want to die! You are rude!" Then he bowed to Liu Qi, who was looking pale: "Our father and daughter are loyal to the lord. We can learn from this world! Please also see the grandson! "

Liu Qi snorted coldly, and said, "At this time, you still have to quibble! Are you blind when our eyes are blind? Just now all of us saw that you were clearly surrounded by enemy troops and unable to come out of conflict, but in the end it was the enemy. The army took the initiative to let you out! If you didn’t collude with the enemy army, how could the enemy army return to the mountain! Before you Huang Zhong went out of the city to talk to Chen Lang privately, I already had some doubts, and this is happening again today. The matter is clearly conclusive!"

Huang Wudie couldn't help crying: "You are clearly saving the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain! The previous meeting was just the affection of friends; the reason why the general took the initiative to withdraw tonight is entirely because the general admires my father as a man. , I couldn't bear it, so I took the initiative to withdraw from the siege!"

Liu Qi sneered: "This kind of nonsense is even a three-year-old child won't believe it!" Then he shouted at his officers and soldiers: "Everyone listens to the order, give me the rebellion immediately!"

Huang Wudie was furious, swung his spear, and sternly shouted: "I see who dares!" The three thousand horses also raised their weapons one after another, as if standing by Huang Wudie's side. Upon seeing this, Liu Qi's trusted officers and soldiers couldn't help but hesitate and looked at each other.

Liu Qi was furious and wanted to order an attack.

At this time, Liu Bei suddenly appeared. He quickly came between the two sides and shouted: "Calm down everyone! Listen to me!"

Liu Qi pointed to Huang Zhong and Huang Wudie and said angrily: "Uncle Emperor should have seen it just now! They clearly colluded with the enemy!"

Huang Wudie even wanted to speak, but Huang Zhong stopped him, staring and shouted: "You are not allowed to speak anymore!" Huang Wudie was indignant, but did not dare to defy his father's words. Huang Zhongchao Liu Qi clasped his fist, and said sadly: "The eldest son, my old Huang and my daughter are so loyal to the lord. I didn't expect the eldest son to doubt us so much! Alas, I have nothing to say, what the older son wants to do, do Right!"

Liu Qi snorted coldly, when he was about to order Huang Zhong and his daughter to be taken down. At this moment, Liu Bei whispered: "My son, now that the enemy is present, General Huang no matter whether he really colludes with the enemy or not, but the old general is very prestigious in the army. If he kills them rashly, he will definitely be serious. The morale of the generals is detrimental to the overall situation!" Liu Qi frowned, nodded, and shouted: "First put him in custody. We will deal with the matter after we find out!" All the officers and soldiers suddenly agreed and stepped forward.

Huang Zhong bowed to Liu Qi: "Thank you, Grandpa!" Then he bowed to Liu Bei again: "Thank you, my envoy!" Liu Bei hurriedly replied. Then Huang Zhong and Huang Wudie were suppressed. Seeing that Huang Zhong and Huang Wudie did not resist, those trusted officers and soldiers under Huang Zhong naturally did not make any moves. This matter seems to be over.

Early the next morning, the Eagle and Yang army left the camp and lined up outside the city and shouted challenges. There were seven generals in the Jingzhou army, but Guan Yu, Dianwei and Zhang Fei's opponents were all beheaded in less than three rounds! The drums rumbling outside the city and the shouts shook the sky, but morale in the city was low, and everyone was terrified. An officer couldn't help but said indignantly: "If General Huang was here, how could he be suppressed so much by the enemy!" An officer next to him couldn't help but said in an angry tone: "The old man is really absurd. He actually said that the old general is rebellious! If not! As for the old general, this Fancheng is simply impossible to defend!"

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