Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 551: Will count

In the Wu Jun camp, countless wounded soldiers were rescued, eyes full of blood, painful wailing one after another.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu couldn't help frowning at the sight. When several people returned to the big tent, Sun Ce walked up to sit down and yelled angrily: "The **** Qin army has caused me to lose so many soldiers!"

Lu Meng said with regret: "I didn't expect the Qin army to retreat so quickly. I originally thought that they could be wiped out outside the city.

Lu Xun frowned and said, "Our enemy is the Qin Army after all! I'm afraid they would have expected our army's actions a long time ago!"

Lu Meng couldn't help asking, "Then what should I do now?" Then he couldn't help but look at Zhou Yu, and the eyes of other people couldn't help but converge on Zhou Yu.

Sun Ce said impatiently, "If our army continues to attack the city tomorrow morning, I don't believe I can't take Nanjun!"

Zhou Yu frowned and said: "South County is well prepared, and Qin Jun is famous for being brave and good at fighting the world. We have lost the opportunity, and we may not be able to win the South County in a month or two, and our army will definitely pay pains. The price! However, don’t forget that we are still watching Yu’s army! At this moment, the attack on South County is not only in vain, but if Guan Yu comes back to help, our army will be at a disadvantage!"

Everyone looked at each other, and Sun Ce said in an angry manner: "Gong Jin, are you going to give up?"

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "The most hopeless time, it is precisely where the fighter plane is. I expect Guan Yu will definitely return to aid to attack our army from the north to the south. This is our fighter plane!"

When everyone heard this, they only felt inexplicable, but Lu Xun's eyes lit up and he said with joy: "I understand the plan of the governor!" Everyone's eyes couldn't help but converge on Lu Xun's face. I saw Lu Xun excitement and said: "The chief governor is going to do whatever it takes to ambush Guan Yu's army!" When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized, and all of them showed excitement. The depression just now was swept away in an instant.

Zhou Yu smiled and nodded, "Bo Yan really knows me!"

Sun Ce stood up, walked in front of Zhou Yu, and said with a smile: "Let's put in a pocket and wait for Guan Yu to get in!"

Zhou Yu said: "Not only must we set up a pocket against Guan Yu, but also prepare the next part of the army to ambush the Qin army from the southern county. Once Chen Lang finds Guan Yu in an ambush by our army, he will definitely come out to rescue Guan Yu with his character. The ambush troops can defeat Chen Lang in one fell swoop, and then take advantage of the situation to take the southern county! At this point, Jingzhou will basically fall into our army's grasp. If this battle can completely wipe out Guan Yu's army, then we can further invade. Luoyang!" Everyone was so excited, everyone was gearing up.

Sun Ce immediately conveyed an order to the generals. According to Zhou Yu's plan, the main force lay in ambush on the only way for Guan Yu to return to aid. At the same time, another soldier and horse lay in ambush outside the southern city gate. According to Zhou Yu's estimation, Guan Yu should have received the emergency report from Nanjun a long time ago, and the army should have been on the road at this moment. The moment of decisive battle will come before dawn.

The Soochow Army was well-trained and disciplined. Since Sun Ce's order was issued, in just two hours, the soldiers and horses of the various ministries were ready and waiting for the Qin Army to appear.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu personally led the main force to ambush Guan Yu's only way back to the aid. Nearly 200,000 troops were ambushing in this mountain forest. However, looking around, only the night snacks were heard, but the sound of people was not heard. This alone shows that the Soochow Army is well-trained and disciplined.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu only felt that time was passing extremely slowly, and half an hour had finally passed, but in their feelings it seemed as long as a year.

Finally, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes coming from the bottom of the mountain. Sun Ce Zhou Yu couldn't help but follow the sound. After a while, an officer galloped in front of the two of them on horseback, strangled the horse abruptly, turned over and jumped down, kneeling and said: "Young Master, General Governor, Guan Yu's army is less than twenty miles away from here!"

The two of them couldn't help showing joy, and Sun Ce shouted: "Explore again!" The officer promised and turned on his horse and galloped away.

Sun Ce couldn't help but admiringly said to Zhou Yu: "Gong Jin really has a brilliant plan, and the enemy really acted as Gong Jin expected!" Zhou Yu smiled slightly and held a fist to Sun Ce: "Brother Bo Fu, the cavalry can act." Sun Ce nodded. , Immediately passed the order.

On the other side, Guan Yu is leading his army back to the rescue at full speed. The more than 100,000 army roars like a flood and rushes towards the southern county. In the night, only the crowd is faintly seen, and the huge roar echoes between the sky and the earth, starting to fly. The bird, scared away the beast.

A messenger ran to Guan Yu head-on, strangled his horse, clasped his fist and said: "General, Wu Jun has stopped attacking Nanjun before nightfall, and Nanjun is safe now!" Guan Yu, who was anxious, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this. He raised his head to look at his army, frowned, and then rushed to Zhou Cang beside him and shouted: "The order goes on, don't care about the formation, go ahead at full speed! I'm going to hit Zhou Yu and Sun Ce by surprise!" Zhou Cang clasped his fist and promised. Ma Ben went down to pass the order, and Qin Jun no longer cared about the formation, and accelerated forward. The loud rumbling noise was deafening, and the billowing smoke was like a huge black dragon swiftly winding forward in the night.

The army ran for more than a dozen miles, and Guan Yu suddenly received an order sent by Zhang Lang. Guan Yu had seen the command, but a very surprised expression appeared on his face. Quickly handed over the order to Ma Liang to see. Ma Liang looked over, but couldn't help but exclaimed: "The lord is really clever!"

Sun Ce Zhou Yu received a report from the scout again, and learned that Qin Jun had reached a place more than ten miles away. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu ordered all armies to prepare for battle.

There was silence in the mountains and forests, but the majestic murderous intent opened up like an overwhelming net of heaven and earth! As long as Qin Jun enters the trap, this huge snare will fall from the sky.

Time passed slowly, one quarter of an hour passed, two quarters passed, half an hour passed, two hours passed. Why hasn't Qin Jun appeared yet?

Sun Ce couldn't help but anxiously said: "In just over ten miles, two hours have passed. Why hasn't Qin Jun appeared yet?" Zhou Yu frowned and said, "Bo Fu, don't worry, wait."

At this moment, a scout Pegasus came up to the two of them, turned over and jumped down.

Sun Ce asked anxiously, "Are the enemy troops here?"

The scout hurriedly reported: "The young lord of the cavalry, the chief governor, and the army of Guan Yu are more than ten miles away. For some reason, he suddenly turned around and returned!"

The two were shocked. Sun Ce couldn't help but look at Zhou Yu and asked, "Gong Jin, what's going on?"

When the incident happened suddenly, Zhou Yu was extremely wise and could not help being caught off guard. After thinking about it for a while, a terrible thought suddenly appeared in my heart, and I couldn't help but say in a hurry: "It's not good!" Then he said to Sun Ce: "Bo Fu, hurry up, mobilize all the troops to pursue Guan Yu, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Sun Ce frowned and asked, "What did Gong Jin think of?"

Zhou Yu looked to the south and frowned: "The opponent seemed to have expected our strategy, so he asked Guan Yu to stop returning aid, and led his army south to cross the Yangtze River and attack Jiangxia! What a vicious strategy!"

Sun Ce was taken aback and did not dare to delay. He hurriedly ordered the commander to send orders to the army, including the Lu Xun army who was lying in ambush outside the Nancheng gate at this moment, so that all the army immediately went south and pursued Guan Yu. Guan Yu must not be allowed to cross the Yangtze River. ! At the same time, the soldiers and horses guarding the Yangtze River Floating Bridge were urgently sent to make them burn the floating bridge immediately! At the same time that a series of orders were issued, Sun Ce Zhou Yu had led an army to pursue Guan Yu. At this moment, in order to buy time, I don't care whether there will be an ambush. The cavalry is in front and the infantry is behind. The army is rolling south, and the rumbling sound echoes in the night sky!

Soon after, thousands of cavalrymen in the front team suddenly encountered an ambush. Thousands of infantrymen of the Qin Army were ambushing in the gloomy mountains and forests on both sides. Suddenly they fired arrows. The leader general shouted: "Don't worry about the ambush! Run with me!!" Thousands of cavalry lay on their horses and rushed over with flying arrows, many of them fell. The subsequent Soochow war cavalry quickly attacked the mountains and forests on both sides. Qin Jun saw that the Soochow Army was coming fiercely. After launching two rounds of arrow rain and causing considerable casualties to the Soochow Army, they quickly disappeared into the forest. . The Eastern Wu cavalry could not catch up with the Qin Army's ambush, and immediately stopped chasing, turning their horses to continue chasing south.

The Soochow Army encountered many obstacles along the way, and some people were killed and injured, but the Soochow Army did not stay at all, and passed all the way. Qin Jun's resistance did not have much effect.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu rushed for dozens of miles anxiously. Nearly early in the morning, they suddenly saw a burning bright in the night sky in the distance, and they couldn't help but beamed with joy. Sun Ce exclaimed joyfully: "Great! The officers and soldiers guarding the bridge must have burned the pontoon bridge!"

Zhou Yu said anxiously: "Bo Fu, the enemy can't cross the river, they must be in chaos! We can take this opportunity to defeat them in one fell swoop!" Sun Ce nodded and immediately waved up. The army roared straight towards the bank of the Yangtze River!

However, when they got to the shore, they were dumbfounded. The expected Qin army disappeared, but several pontoon bridges on the Yangtze River had been completely burnt down, broken into sections and drifting along with the waves, forming countless fires, illuminating this section of the river.

Sun Ce was very anxious when he did not see Qin Jun, and shouted, "Where is Qin Jun? Where is Qin Jun?"

Zhou Yu pointed to the faintly surging crowd on the other side, frowned and said, "They have already crossed the river!"

Sun Ce's expression changed and he shouted in a hurry, "Go to the floating bridge upstream!"

Zhou Yu glanced at the sight of the burning sky in the distance upstream, frowning and said: "The floating bridge upstream is probably also destroyed!"

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