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Chapter 17: Different in the military

Regardless of whether others want it or not, the haunting of the four princes’ mansion ended in the death of the concubine, and the rumors of the Fangyan gradually dissipated. Although Daye was free of speech, there were talks about the royal family out of nothing, and were heard by the government. Can't eat and walk around.

There was news from the northern border that the six princes had gathered enough food for the army, enough to fight the first half of the war. Regarding this, Emperor Yanxi was very satisfied. After seeing Zhezi, he even said three "good". The army that rushed to the border also won the first battle and recovered the cold city.

The next day, Emperor Yanxi called Jun Lixuan to the Imperial Study Room. Bringing the zhezi sent by Jun Liche to him, he said, "I heard that this loan of grain was your idea?"

Since this matter has fallen on Jun Liche, it is imperative to borrow grain from Brother Erhuang, and Jun Lixuan has no intention of hiding it, "Yes. Although Brother Erhuang has a fief, it is still The father’s son should share the sorrows for the father. Moreover, the brothers of the second emperor are filial and filial to you. They are honorable to you as a minister and a son of man. Only if you become a king, you cannot be filial to your father. Now there is this Opportunity, just to fulfill the filial piety of Brother Erhuang to you."

Emperor Yanxi nodded when he heard the words, "Chengjing's mother and concubine were not well-born. Although he was well-educated, but he was too soft-hearted. I never wanted to become a crown prince, so I sealed the king. This child is also extremely filial. I will definitely prepare a hand-made gift for me. Now that he can help me, I am also deeply comforted. Thinking of his filial piety, I should also give one or two awards."

"Father Shengming." Jun Lixuan said respectfully.

"I am also very happy to see your brothers and friends respectfully." Emperor Yanxi held up the brush, making the decree, and said to Jun Lixuan: "You can withdraw. Yesterday, your emperor got some good tea. Go and ask for something for your wife."

"Yes, thank you Father." Jun Lixuan bowed and left.

Jun Lixuan has the most hobby--seeing what good things the emperor has about the queen, as long as it is not over the ancestral system, he will ask for some, and take it back to Ling Qiyang. Over time, the emperor and queen also discovered the new habits of her son. He laughed and teased him, then he agreed with his habit, and helped him think of any good things.

The next day, Emperor Yanxi made an order to call the six princes back to Beijing, and gave the second prince Jun Chengjing the first-class official title of Zhenbei to show his praise for this borrowing of grain.

Three days later, before Jun Lixuan waited for Jun Liche to return, he first saw Jun Liche's close-up guard. It is not clear what this shadow guard's real name is Jun Lixuan, only that the sixth brother has been calling him Xiaoying. He was the only shadow guard of the Six Princes. Hearing from Jun Liyuan, Wen Mo, the Qing prince who had served Jun Liche for so many years, was still just a small waiter and could not get rid of this little shadow.

As for the specifics, Jun Liyuan didn't know, except that Xiaoying spent the night in Jun Liche's room every night. If he had a rest, Jun Liche would not allow others to enter the bedroom.

"Get up. Why didn't you follow Sixth Brother?" Jun Lixuan asked without his courtesy. Even his sixth brother didn't need him to kneel, and he was even more unnecessary.

"The master sent his subordinates to come overnight." Xiaoying got up and said with her head lowered. Jun Lixuan is no stranger to him, he is one of the shadow guards trained by Jun Lixuan. Only after passing the assessment, he was sent directly to Jun Liche, so Jun Liche was Xiaoying's first owner and the only one.

Jun Lixuan frowned slightly, "What's wrong with Sixth Brother?" It stands to reason that Xiaoying would not leave Jun Liche.

"The master is okay, the prince does not have to worry. The master sent his subordinates to tell you that King Yi's army seems to be somewhat abnormal recently. For the past ten days, every few days, one or two soldiers will wake up like sleepwalking at night and kill Soldiers sleeping in their own tents. No one noticed for the first time. All 20 people were killed in one tent. In the last two times, some people were found dead. Most of them were just injured." Said.

Jun Lixuan frowned deeper. This happened to the third brother, not a soldier, he had no right to intervene. Jun Liyuan didn't tell him, maybe it was just treated as a mere incident.

Xiaoying was about to continue speaking, so she listened to Ming Li who was waiting outside the door and said: "Wang Hao, the prince is discussing things inside." Generally, Jun Lixuan is not allowed to disturb the shadow guard when he sees the shadow guard, or if he has any business matters to discuss. . "

"Got it. You will show him this in a while." Ling Qiyang asked Luo Su to pass the small basket in his hand to Ming Li. The yellow oranges were neatly stacked in the basket. Jun Lixuan wanted to eat at noon today, but the house was unprepared. The housekeeper hurriedly sent someone to buy it and had to pick sweet ones.

Jun Lixuan has good ears. He knew it when Ling Qiyang entered the yard and said, "Ming Li, don't invite the princess in." If this is another person, he will have to curse, but Ming Li was born and died with him in his previous life, so naturally he couldn't bear it. Harsh.

"Yes." Ming Li hurriedly responded, and said to Ling Qi Yang: "It's a little confused, the princess please."

Ling Qiyang took the basket in his hand, divided a few oranges for him and Luo Su, and said with a smile: "Loyalty is rare."

"Xie Wangfei." Ming Li smiled and took the orange, and opened the door to Ling Qiyang. Luo Su stayed at the door and shared oranges with Ming Li.

"The princess is her own." Jun Lixuan said to Xiaoying.

"Yes." Xiaoying knew clearly that the sixth prince had also told him about this princess.

Ling Qiyang walked in, "Excuse me?"

"No, it's all my own business." Jun Lixuan said.

"My subordinates have seen Princess Lin, Princess Lin Wanan." Xiaoying wanted to kneel and salute, but was supported by Ling Qiyang.

"You don't have to be polite, it was also the wrong time for me to come." Ling Qiyang smiled lightly. Xiaoying didn't wear a facial mask. The male and female faces were amazing, and the coldness in his eyes was with indelible vigilance. But even if it was cold, Ling Qiyang still saw a little innocence from it.

"You continue talking." Jun Lixuan sat Ling Qiyang next to him and said to Xiaoying.

"Yes. Those sleepwalking soldiers will wake up the next morning and don't remember anything about the night at all. They don't look like they are pretending. But I heard from others that those sleepwalking soldiers were in the period before the killing. His temper became very irritable, and he had disputes with several soldiers who were killed." Xiaoying said.

"Is it someone instigated?" Jun Lixuan asked, this thing really looks strange.

"It doesn't look like it. It will take a few days for the Sixth Prince to return to Beijing, so let his subordinates come down and talk to you." Xiaoying said.

"Yeah." Jun Lixuan nodded thoughtfully. If someone really ordered it, it would be impossible for the third brother to find out.

Jun Lixuan told him the part that Ling Qiyang didn't hear again, and then asked, "What do you think?"

"Do those people have other symptoms?" Ling Qiyang asked Xiaoying.

Xiaoying thought for a while and said, "Those people have been guarded temporarily. I heard that they were a little tired and haggard from the day after they murdered. It seemed that all their strength had been exhausted that night."

"But it was caused by the poisoning?" Jun Lixuan looked at Ling Qiyang.

Ling Qiyang thought for a while, "I can't tell right now, people will know if I want to see it."

"Then I'll go to the third brother to have a look first." Jun Lixuan said. As Ling Qiyang, he can't enter the barracks. Even if he has the intention, he can't make a face-to-face diagnosis.

"The subordinate has retired first." Xiaoying saluted to leave, but was stopped by Ling Qiyang.

"You must be here day and night. You should stay in the palace and rest for one night before you go back. Sixth brother can send you here, and you must be able to ensure your own safety. You can drive day and night, in case you become tired. Now, the safety of the sixth brother is really worrying." Ling Qiyang made a point.

"Yes. Let Ming Li take you to rest and leave tomorrow." Jun Lixuan also nodded.

Xiaoying hesitated for a moment, and said, "Subordinates obey."

Ming Li took Xiao Ying down to rest. Jun Lixuan looked at his princess and asked, "You said that Luo Su is your personal servant, so you don't need him to give a big gift. What about Xiao Ying this time? He is a man."

Regarding Ling Qiyang's support for Xiaoying, Jun Lixuan felt sour in his heart.

Ling Qiyang chuckled and said, "He has the smell of Brother Six."

Jun Lixuan looked at him unexpectedly.

"The spices used by the sixth brother are extremely rare. He can get this taste. First, he is very close to the sixth brother and stays together often; second, the sixth brother’s sachet is on him, and the man’s sachet is It won't be easy to give to others. This shows that the sixth brother values ​​him, maybe more than just. The sixth brother's people salute me, naturally, if you can avoid it." Ling Qiyang smiled.

Jun Lixuan looked at Ling Qiyang who was arguing, and smiled helplessly: "Only you are smart."

Before Jun Lixuan went to Palace of Yi, Jun Liyuan sent someone to invite him. Last night, another soldier wounded someone, but this time the soldier was not awake and seemed to be really crazy. Jun Liyuan also found that things were not as simple as they thought, and quickly sent someone to let Jun Lixuan go there.

Soon, the matter also reached Emperor Yanxi's ears. This matter was indeed strange. Emperor Yanxi immediately sent an imperial physician to diagnose and treat the soldiers, and the matter was inconclusive.

In the early dynasty two days later, Emperor Yanxi sat in the hall and looked at a courtier condescendingly. He said: "There was a sleepwalking and wounding incident in the army. I think all the Qings also know that they can talk about what they think."

The ministers were silent for a while, and the minister of war came out and said: "Tell the emperor, the minister thinks that this matter should be instructed, otherwise, how can the originally good people suddenly sleepwalk and hurt people? The soldiers should be interrogated severely and the answer will be obtained. "

"The minister agrees with the words of the minister of war." Xingbu Shangshu went out afterwards, "this thing happened suddenly, if it weren't instructed by someone, it would be too strange. Weichen thought that this person was malicious intent, and he must be trying to confuse the army and weaken our army's momentum. If the North Korea is uneasy, the soldiers fighting the Tamar tribe ahead will definitely be affected."

It happened in the army under the jurisdiction of King Yi, and the officials didn't have much to say.

"Doctor Zheng." Emperor Yanxi called.

"Weichen is here." Zheng Taiyi came out.

"You went to the army to check the condition of your illness in the past two days. What was the result?" Emperor Yanxi asked.

"Returning to the emperor, the Weichen is incompetent. The minister and several colleagues went to get a pulse. The soldier who went mad was indeed mad. The soldier who wounded and was imprisoned before was still clear-headed, but his physical condition was declining. The imperial physician in the same company analyzed it all night, and did not know where the problem was. The Weichen had been entrusted by the emperor, and he was willing to ask the emperor to convict him." The emperor Zheng bowed his head to the ground.

"Get up." Emperor Yanxi waved his hand. "You are a judge from the hospital. If someone does it deliberately, you can't stop it. It can only mean that the person came prepared."

"Father." The fifth prince Jun Chengxi said: "This incident happened in the army of the three emperors, and it is so foggy, it has nothing to do with the three emperors' lax management of the army. Otherwise, how could it only appear in the three There is nothing wrong with the emperor's brother."

Emperor Yanxi took a deep look at Jun Chengxi, without saying anything.

"Erchen is willing to receive punishment." Jun Liyuan knelt down without reason.

Emperor Yanxi glanced around the ministers, raised his voice and asked, "Lixuan, what do you think?"

Seeing that his elder brother was making things difficult for Jun Chengxi, Jun Lixuan was very dissatisfied, and knelt down beside Jun Liyuan in a solemn manner, and said: "Going back to the emperor, this incident only happened in the third brother army. Third brother. Even if the third brother is extremely intelligent, he is no match for the deliberate murder of others. Moreover, the matter is still inconclusive. If the third brother is punished in this way, I am afraid it will hurt the hearts of the soldiers."

Lin Wangjun Lixuan's hostility is full of civil and martial arts and no one knows, no one dares to really provoke him, and everyone knows how to bow their heads in silence.

"Brother Wuhuang puts the blame on the third brother, do you want to say that the third brother instructed the soldiers to hurt others?" Jun Lixuan looked to the side Jun Chengxi.

"I didn't say that." Jun Chengxi was startled by Jun Lixuan's sullen expression, but still pretended to say calmly.

"People's hearts are unpredictable. It doesn't matter what others think, but you and my third brother are both sons of the father, brothers and feet. Naturally, we should try our best to help when things happen, rather than stand up and gossiping." Jun Lixuan continued: "The third brother will not do this kind of things that have no silver here, nor will he bother the emperor. I hope the emperor will learn from him."

Emperor Yanxi looked at Jun Chengxi's eyes obviously a little dissatisfied, and then said to the two of them: "Get up."

"Thank your father." Jun Liyuan and Jun Lixuan got up.

After being silent for a while, Emperor Yanxi said coldly: "Li Yuan has always been cautious and measured. I believe this has nothing to do with him. As for the lack of strict management of the army, as far as I know, the soldiers who wounded people were temporarily temporarily. The squad that was organized into the Liyuan Army, and that squad originally followed Jun Chengrong to suppress the Tamar tribe. Liyuan is only a temporary supervision. If this matter is really man-made, when did the soldiers bury it? The hidden dangers of this are not yet known, and it cannot be said that it is Liyuan’s fault."

Jun Chengrong did not have military power. He was given a temporary military power when he went to suppress the Tamar tribe. Later, when the Hanguan City incident occurred, more than half of the soldiers who had followed Jun Chengrong returned to the border, and the other part was temporarily dispersed after Jun Chengrong was taken back from the temporary military power. After the Hanguan city is settled down, it will be reorganized. So these people probably had a problem before they were assigned to Jun Liyuan, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to get involved in Jun Liyuan's army in such a short time.

"My Emperor Mingjian!" The prime minister on the left and right knelt together and said loudly.

Others also heard what Emperor Yanxi meant, and knelt down and said, "My emperor Shengming."

Emperor Yanxi didn't want to say any more, but said: "Lixuan, tomorrow you will take Qiyang to see if you can find something?"

Although he was quite surprised by Emperor Yanxi's decision, Jun Lixuan immediately responded, "Yes."

He remembered that he didn't mention Ling Qiyang's medical skills to his father, but he thought it might have been said by the emperor.

"Father, Ling Qiyang is a prince, how can he go to the army? And even though Ling Qiyang is outstanding, he can't treat illness." Jun Chengxi said.

Subsequently, people from the Fifth Prince's faction also jumped out to oppose it. There is no precedent for women and Qingzi to enter the barracks.

Emperor Yanxi stood up and shouted: "Either you give me a result now, or shut up if you can't get the result!"

Jun Chengxi was silent.

"Retreat." Emperor Yanxi waved away.

Jun Lixuan glanced at the officials in the hall, and the five princes quickly turned their heads and pretended not to see them. Jun Chengxi also lowered his head, preparing to leave after a while.

Jun Liyuan patted Jun Lixuan and made a sign to the two old friends. The left and right prime ministers touched the beard and nodded, leaving the hall first. The reason why he didn't justify anything just now was because he believed that Emperor Yanxi would be on his side. It was not partiality, but the fact that this matter really had nothing to do with him.

Now that Emperor Yanxi asks Ling Qiyang to go, he is also relieved...


Here comes an update.

Jun Liyuan and Jun Liche are both CPs, so don't stand in the wrong team.

Their CP will also appear one by one and become clear. Look forward to it.

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