Back to Zero

Chapter 68: Turning into surprise

When Ling Qiyang went to the side hall, Ling Hongzhi was sitting there drinking tea. Seeing him come in, immediately put down the tea cup in his hand, got up and said: "I have seen Princess Lin."

Ling Qiyang waved his hand quickly, "Brother, we are a family, you are welcome."

Ling Hongzhi smiled and said: "The courtesy cannot be abandoned." Although he is a military commander, he is also quite courteous under the guidance of Daddy Ling, not as reckless as ordinary warriors.

"Big brother, sit down." Ling Qiyang asked him to sit down, and he sat down slowly with Ming Li's support.

"How are you lately? This belly is bigger than when I left." Ling Hongzhi is still unmarried and doesn't know much about childbirth. He just feels like his brother has a small watermelon in his belly.

Ling Qiyang smiled and nodded, "When my eldest brother left, I only became pregnant. Now when the child is growing, he naturally grows bigger and bigger." He didn't mention the twins, it was not against Ling Hongzhi, but When it comes to production, everyone will know, and there is no rush.

"I heard that Qing Jun has been taking care of you?" Ling Hongzhi saw his ruddy complexion, and he had a good time thinking about it.

"Yes, the master is also in the house." Ling Qiyang smiled.

Ling Hongzhi nodded, "With seniors, everything will be safe." When it comes to the two elders, Ling Hongzhi asked: "It's convenient now. Since I'm here, I should also go to Qingjun to greet Qingjun. "

"Unfortunately, Dad went out with Master early in the morning. I only found out after waking up, so I don’t know where they went and what they came back." Ling Qiyang didn’t lie to Ling Hongzhi. And Gu Yao went out. Ling Qiyang was also surprised that his dad was so rare that he did not refuse, but he had a good relationship with the master, and he would also like to see him.

"That's the case. Qing Jun could not go anywhere in Wangyang Bofu before, and he was really wronged if he wanted to. Now it is good to be able to walk around." Ling Hongzhi said.

"If the eldest brother doesn't mind, you can wait. I think Dad is just going to the book market. No matter how far away he will go out of the city to collect medicine with his master, he will come back before dark." Will decline.

"It's okay, if you don't see it today, I'll come again for peace someday. Now the mansion can't live without anyone, I'll come to see you, and I'll have to go back later." Although Ling Hongzhi's complexion is fair, his eyes cannot hide his sadness. .

Ling Qiyang was silent for a moment, and asked: "Big brother is something bothering you?" Speaking of low, the martial artist is not as good at covering up as the literati, just like Jun Lixuan, no matter how smart, there will always be times when he goes straight, but it's just harmless.

Ling Hongzhi shook his head and said, "You must have heard about the Wangyang Bofu. You have left, and the older brother doesn't want you to worry about it anymore. There is only one thing today and I want to hear what you mean."

"Big brother but said it's okay." Ling Qiyang smiled. After leaving Wangyang Bo's House completely, and then listening to the family's affairs, Ling Qiyang only felt extremely relaxed, like a real bystander.

"Even though my mother was not badly injured that day, she was really frightened. Now the mansion is rioting and crazy, and the cold-eyed people watching the show only care about their own happiness, so that the family is not a family, and the mansion is not like a mansion. Although I am The eldest son, but the eldest wife pressed me, and my father did not dare to take me too much. What the eldest lady has done over the years has also made me feel incompetent towards my father. After thinking for a few days, an idea came to my mind... …" Ling Hongzhi paused, and said: "I want to stand on my own and take my mother out. Although life may not be as good as in Wangyang Bofu, at least my mother doesn't have to look at people's faces."

Thinking of how he felt when his father was beaten that day, Ling Qiyang could somewhat understand Ling Hongzhi's thoughts. However, he was the married prince and the princess, who brought out his suffering dad. No one else could tell.

But Ling Hong is different. He is the eldest son of the family and will have the opportunity to inherit Wangyang's title in the future. Even if he is not happy, there is no reason to give up.

Seeing Ling Qiyang lowered his head and pondered, Ling Hongzhi continued: "I know what you are thinking. I am not interested in the position of Uncle Wangyang. Besides, even if he inherits, his position will be lowered and he may not decide what he will live. Well. It’s better to be safe on my own. I can ignore the rest of the house, but I can’t care about my father. I am the eldest son, and even if my father is not good, I still have to support him when he gets old."

Seeing that Ling Hongzhi had not forgotten to take responsibility for his son, Ling Qiyang opened his mouth and said: "You can remember these. When it comes to self-reliance, although you are quite successful, this time escorting the princess to the marriage is foolproof, only waiting for the emperor's favor. , But in the final analysis, you still lack a reputation. Most of the previous awards were gold and silver, rather than generals. It is still not true. It will inevitably be controversial if you go out and set up a household. Seeing that Wangyang Bofu was helpless, and was afraid of being involved, he set up his own door. If it is really spread, let the emperor know, I am afraid it will hinder your future."

Ling Hongzhi listened to Ling Qiyang's words and thought it made sense. He only wanted to take his mother away before, but he didn't think so carefully.

"In your opinion?" Ling Hongzhi asked.

Ling Qiyang thought for a while, and said, "Big brother is now worried about Aunt Zhou, then just think of a way and send Aunt Zhou out. As for when to go back, it's not up to you? The Wangyang House is like this. If you leave the eldest brother, you will really exist in name only. Elder brother is still afraid that you will not be able to wait for the day when you are the master? As long as this matter does not involve you and the emperor is not dissatisfied with you, then a good day is just around the corner.” Although this way Some passive, but the most comprehensive.

Ling Hongzhi nodded, "What you said is that Big Brother is too anxious." Yu Qi was embarrassed, so it's better to wait for the moment, anyway, you can't let yourself suffer.

"If you care, you are worried about Aunt Zhou." Ling Qiyang smiled and picked up the tea cup. I believe Ling Hongzhi will take care of the rest, and he doesn't need to worry too much.

After talking about Wangyang Bofu's affairs, Ling Hongzhi talked about what he had seen and heard on the way to send the relatives off, saying that the eldest princess was very grateful to them for winning her a good marriage. That Shan Wenke was also very careful, and after returning to Chi Ze, he quickly lined up to take care of each other, and arranged all the board and lodging properly, so they didn't need to worry about it anymore.

Before leaving, the eldest princess also specially asked him to lead a message to express her gratitude to Ling Qiyang and the others. It's just that she had just taken the back seat, and it was really difficult to move the things in Emperor Chi Ze's warehouse immediately, so thank you for waiting to be refilled in the future. These Ling Qiyang wouldn't mind, as long as the eldest princess had a good time.

Speaking of the princess sending off her relatives, Ling Jieyu must be mentioned.

"I heard you picked her up on the way back?" Although Ling Qiyang didn't like this sister, she still had to ask.

Ling Hongzhi sighed, "This girl is doing her own crimes at all. I heard that after running with the man, she fell ill on the road. The two fled to the rock fortress to the west, and she was already very sick. That man He probably felt she was dragged down, so he simply left her in the inn and ran away. The innkeeper saw that she couldn't pay for the room and was too ill, so Xiao Er was carried out and thrown into the street. "Ling Hongzhi drank a sip of tea, showing no sympathy for this younger sister, and then said: "Later, it was picked up by a gambler and sold to a brothel, but because she was sick, she didn't sell many. After that, the old bustard found a doctor and showed her the illness. After she woke up, she knew about it, crying and making troubles, and being taught a lot by the old bustard. A place like a brothel-house... There are so many methods. Jieyu was stimulated by these things and began to be confused and talking nonsense. Finally, he was thrown out by the old bustard. I also happened to happen. When I came back, I wanted to buy some gadgets for my mother to relieve my boredom. I saw her among a bunch of beggars at the entrance of the streets and alleys. Then, I asked someone to inquire about her, and then I figured out the ins and outs of the matter."

Ling Qiyang put down the tea cup and asked, "Where is that man?"

"People have been looking for it, but there is no news so far." Ling Hongzhi said helplessly: "Jieyu went with him voluntarily, and it's not a trafficker, but finally left her behind." It is impossible for the government to convict people.

"That's right." Ling Qiyang has nothing to do. As for Ling Jieyu's madness, he is pregnant with a child, and it is not convenient to manage. If she loses control and hurts him and the child, it's not worth it.

The two were talking, and Jun Lixuan, who had just returned home, walked in.

Ling Hongzhi got up and saluted, Jun Lixuan waved his hand, and said, "Sit down. It's a rare opportunity to come over, just to accompany Qi Yang to relieve his boredom."

"Why are you back at this time?" Jun Lixuan is full-time today, and he should still be in the palace at this time.

Jun Lixuan looked at Ling Qiyang, and then at Ling Hongzhi, and said, "Someone in the army is here to report, and the man who took Ling Jieyu has been caught. He is now in the camp."

It was Jun Lixuan's army who followed Ling Hong to send off his relatives, so he would naturally report anything to him.

When Ling Qiyang was surprised, he asked: "How are you going to prepare for the big brother?"

After thinking about it for a while, Ling Hong said: "This is a family ugly, it should not be publicized, let's solve it privately."

Jun Lixuan nodded and asked someone to bring the man over.

Half an hour later, the man was quietly led into the Lin Palace from the back door.

Jun Lixuan and Ling Hongzhi met him in a courtyard. Ling Qiyang didn't show up, but sat in the warm pavilion and listened to their questions.

When the man was brought in, his clothes and hair were messy, and he obviously suffered a lot. Judging from his appearance, he doesn't seem to be a martial artist, but he has a heavier literary temperament. If you want to meet these soldiers, you can only shut up.

"Who are you? Why did you abandon my sister after taking away my sister?" Ling Hongzhi asked.

The man raised his eyes to look at Ling Hongzhi, and then smiled contemptuously, "Unexpectedly, Uncle Wangyang's trash, he would have a good son."

Ling Hongzhi frowned. He was asking about Ling Jieyu. Why did he get to Wangyang again?

Jun Lixuan sat aside and said nothing. This matter had nothing to do with him. If it weren't for Ling Hongzhi who used him, he would not leave Ling Hongzhi here for questioning.

The man looked away from Ling Hongzhi, looked at Jun Lixuan, and asked, "Are you Lord Lin?"

Jun Lixuan gave the man a look and gave a cold "um".

Unexpectedly, the man changed his attitude, knocked his head on the ground, and said: "Master, Xiaomin wants to sue the imperial court, Wangyang Bo killed his life, has no king's law, framed Zhongliang, and perjured him. He also asked the king to be a young man. The people call the shots and get rid of the traitors!"

Hearing this, Jun Lixuan frowned and said, "There is no proof, how dare you spit people and slander the court commander?"

"Master, Xiaomin has evidence!" The man said hurriedly, not looking like a lie.

The room fell silent for a while, and both Jun Lixuan and Ling Qiyang were quite puzzled, and they were surprised by the turn of events. Only Ling Hongzhi felt that this might be his chance to leave Wangyang Bofu...


Here comes an update. Today’s postponement announcement and Weibo are all hung up, I don’t know if you have seen it.

Since the pupil outline was flooded with coffee and rubbed off, it was in the stage of Carvin. So stop for another day on Sunday (this chapter is an update on Saturday), let me rewrite the outline,

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