When asked by Black and White Wuchang, Ji Ruxue also recalled it, but she didn't know how to answer and began to hesitate.

Seeing this, Chang Xuanling asked again:"He even exhausted his inner strength to save you! He was even willing to give you the Millennium Fire Ganoderma lucidum! Who are you?"

Black and White Wuchang stared at Ji Ruxue..

Ji Ruxue didn't know how to answer at all. friend?

It doesn't count, after all, it's only a one-sided relationship. benefactor?

If you say so, will Black and White Wuchang let you go?

Ji Ruxue began to feel entangled in her heart.

But at this moment, Chang Xuanling's voice came again:"You can't be his woman, right?"

Chang Xuanling said, feeling inexplicably jealous in her heart. She didn't know why she was like this.

Could a person as powerful as senior brother really fall in love with Ji Ruxue?

I heard Chang Xuanling ask this.

Chang Haoling on the side was also extremely curious.

Hearing this, Ji Ruxue was stunned again and remained silent for a long time.

By now, Ji Ruxue already knew that Black and White Wuchang was already her senior brother's.

Because the two of them explained it just now.

The senior brother gave them poison pills to control them, but at the same time, he also gave them both benefits, and their strength reached a big star level.

Thinking of this, Ji Ruxue had the answer in her heart.

If this is the case, maybe the woman who said she was a senior brother might actually be able to get away with it.

Immediately, Ji Ruxue gritted her teeth and said bravely:"Yes! I am his woman!"

As soon as these words came out, Black and White Wuchang subconsciously looked at each other, and they guessed it right.

However, Black and White Wuchang was also a scheming person, and he still asked Ji Ruxue:"How do you prove it?"

After hearing this, Ji Ruxue began to activate the internal power of Zhiyang in her body.

When the senior brother healed her injuries before, he left a lot of pure inner energy in her body.

Ji Ruxue relied on the Zhiyang inner power in her body and the medicinal power of Fire Ganoderma to break through the big star position in one fell swoop.

Now, these inner energies of Zhiyang are finally useful


The internal power of Zhiyang slowly appeared in Ji Ruxue's palm.

Feeling this familiar breath, Black and White Wuchang's heart trembled suddenly

"Senior brother's sword energy! And internal strength! This is the smell!"

Chang Xuanling subconsciously took a few steps back.

Facing the internal power of Zhiyang, she already had some shadows. Seeing this,

Chang Haoling finally confirmed Ji Ruxue's identity, and quickly bowed and saluted:"I was rude just now! We now work for our senior brother! You must proceed with caution! I hope you can forgive me!"

Seeing Chang Haoling bowing, Chang Xuanling also followed suit.

Ji Ruxue was shocked when she saw this scene.

She didn't expect that this trick really deceived Black and White Wuchang.

Then, she also asked Black and White Wuchang:"What do you want? Where to go?

Chang Haoling replied:"Go back to Xuanming Sect!"

Ji Ruxue asked again:"What are you going back for?"

Chang Haoling and Chang Xuanling looked at each other again and replied vigilantly:"The mission is secret!" This is the big plan laid out by senior brother! We can't reveal it!"

As he said that, Black and White Wuchang also carefully observed Ji Ruxue's expression to see if there were any flaws.

But when Ji Ruxue heard this, she pretended to be calm and said:"Okay! You are in good hands! I also have a mission! We say goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, the phantom sound in Ji Ruxue's body was activated, and it turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of the black and white impermanence.

After leaving the two of them for a mile, Ji Ruxue was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Fortunately, I got through it!"

Ji Ruxue wiped the sweat from her forehead and said in shock.

Black and White Impermanence has broken through the big star level. With the combined efforts of the two, Ji Ruxue is simply unstoppable.

But fortunately, she has finally escaped now.

Just thinking about herself Ji Ruxue couldn't help but blush after saying those words just now.

At the same time, she recalled the mysterious appearance of her senior brother in her mind.

But at this moment, Ji Ruxue seemed to notice something and quickly jumped to the tree.

Nothing After a while, three horses galloped past her.

"Senior brother? Why did you go back the way you came?"

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Ji Ruxue murmured in a low voice.

The people who just galloped away on horseback were none other than senior brother, Li Xingyun and Lu Linxuan.

Unexpectedly, just thinking of that senior brother, it turned out that that senior brother It just appeared.

It’s just that Ji Ruxue didn’t understand why the three of them wanted to go back the same way.

Subconsciously, a piece of information flashed in her mind

"It is said that the Xuanming Sect has gone to Jianlu to kidnap Uncle Yang! Is this true?"

Recalling the information she just learned this morning, Ji Ruxue was shocked.

Then she immediately spread her body skills and rushed in the direction of Shu.

In the mountains and forests, Black and White Wuchang looked at Ji Ruxue's retreating back, and her thoughts were in her heart Somewhat complicated

"Brother! Do you think this bitch deliberately lied to us?"

Chang Xuanling complained unhappily.

After hearing this, Chang Haoling quickly lowered his voice and reminded:"Just lie! Anyway, I don’t want to fight now! Go to Jianlu early to meet up! Then rushing back to Xuanming Sect is the most important thing!"

"besides! If you don't keep your mouth shut, you are a bitch! If she is really that senior brother's woman, we will definitely not get any good results!"

PS: There are eleven updates in total today, and 20,000 words have been updated. Please vote to support me. The data is still too bleak! Thank you!

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