Bai Yueguang’s Wife Is Actually A Strange King

Chapter 3 Success In Striking Up A Conversation?

Looking at the lonely girl walking under the streetlight, Chen Mo took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and suppressed the toothache that had been stinging from just now.

All that’s left to do now is strike up a conversation.

Chen Mo was very sober. As the uncle said just now, too backward pick-up techniques will not work. On the contrary, it will increase the girl's dislike of him.

It must be a unique and very innovative way of striking up a conversation.

Chen Mo's mind kept churning with the pick-up techniques and examples he had seen from various places over the years, and he rejected every one of them.

He only has one chance. If he doesn't succeed this time, judging from how the girl suddenly disappeared in the park just now, the possibility of meeting her again is very slim.

When he thought of this, Chen Mo felt a little more pressure in his heart.

Sometimes you only get one chance, and if you miss it, it's gone.


Chen Mo exhaled and walked towards the girl steadily and firmly.

The distance between the two is constantly shortening.

Is it a natural and direct approach to conversation, or is it a humorous and complimentary approach?

Or is it a unique and weird way of picking up conversations?

As the distance between the two of them got closer, Chen Mo's heart tightened and his brain was working rapidly.

Watching the girl's figure walking under the street lamp, constantly passing through light and darkness.

In a daze, Chen Mo's life in the ward appeared again before his eyes. At that time, the girl had been in darkness.

He had never seen her face or spoken to her.

The only communication between the two is the experimental rewards shared with each other after each day's experiment.

Chen Mo's mouth felt a little dry and he subconsciously touched his pocket.

Inside are a few pieces of White Rabbit toffee.

The same White Rabbit candy as it was twelve years ago.


You should still remember it, right?

Chen Mo hesitated for a moment, then reached into his pocket and grabbed a few toffees.

This is a gamble.

Chen Mo took a step forward and walked slowly to the girl's side.

The two of them were just under the street lamp at this time, and there was plenty of light.

As he got closer, Chen Mo found that the girl's height was only a little shorter than him, not too much. She was already close to 1.7 meters, only four or five centimeters away from Chen Mo.

The girl's unique light body fragrance emanates from the girl's body lightly, and just a slight sniff is enough to make people's hearts rise.

"Hello, my name is Chen Mo, Erdong Chen, Hei Quanmo."

Chen Mo spoke slowly and at the same time extended his right hand to the girl.

Open your palm, and there are a few pieces of White Rabbit toffee lying quietly inside.

The girl stopped and looked at the toffee in Chen Mo's hand.

A hint of recollection and confusion flashed through his autumn-like eyes.

"I was just listening to you ask about the old residential area here before. I lived here."

Chen Mo paused and continued: "I have...lived here for many years..."

The girl's eyes only stayed on the toffee for a moment. After hearing Chen Mo's words, she raised her head and looked at Chen Mo with bright eyes.

For a moment, Chen Mo seemed to see the starry sky, the twinkling bright stars, and the endless darkness and coldness of the universe.

Chen Mo also saw the girl's appearance clearly from the front.

Just one glance made Chen Mo hold his breath, as if the air flow generated by his breath would blow away the scene in front of him.

A slightly childish face, as if carved from mutton-fat white jade, with a delicate face. The skin was smooth and shiny, as if it was glowing.

It's hard to believe that this is the appearance that appears in the human world.

Unparalleled elegance...

With her long black hair tied behind her back, the girl has a delicate and pure temperament, like an angel descending from heaven.

Time seemed to stand still, I don’t know how long it had passed.

The girl slowly picked up a piece of toffee from Chen Mo's hand, carefully tore open the candy wrapper and looked at the white candy.

After hesitating for a moment, he put it in his mouth.

The girl's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly. After chewing for a moment, a touching smile appeared on her pretty face.

"Thank you." The girl's pure and cold voice sounded, like a clear spring hitting the cobblestones.

The girl's eyes returned to Chen Mo's face, staring blankly, with a trace of confusion between her eyebrows.

"What's this called?" The girl pointed at the other toffee in Chen Mo's hand.

"Uh... White Rabbit Milk Candy." Chen Mo replied.

The girl nodded slightly and looked at Chen Mo with her big bright eyes.

"Can you give me the rest?"

"Of course." Chen Mo put the candy in his hand into the girl's hand.

The girl took it carefully and fiddled with it gently with her fingers as white as onions.

Seeing the girl's cautious look, Chen Mo felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

Twelve years...

What has she experienced?

Chen Mo didn't dare to think about it.

"I seem to have eaten it before, but I don't remember..." The girl muttered to herself, then raised her head.

A touching smile appeared on her delicate and pretty face, but there was no color in her eyes when she looked at Chen Mo.

"Thank you for the... milk candy," the girl said with a smile, "I won't kill you..."

When the girl said this, a cold air came from the surrounding darkness and penetrated through the ground into Chen Mo's feet.

The cool air is bone-chilling, chilling people's hearts.

The girl raised a finger, put it to her lips, and said with a smile: "I know you recognized me..."

"Remember, don't tell anyone about my coming out of the park..."

"do you understand?"

There was a smile on the girl's pretty fair face, but Chen Mo couldn't feel any warmth, only coldness.


Chen Mo didn't speak, he just looked at the girl blankly with complicated eyes.

The girl was very satisfied with Chen Mo's attitude, but when she saw Chen Mo's eyes, she saw a hint of pity.



A different feeling arose in the girl's heart.

The girl turned around and tore open a piece of toffee, put it into her mouth, chewed it carefully, and moved towards the next streetlight, gradually being enveloped in darkness.

She likes the night because it represents darkness...

The rich milky aroma in the mouth was mixed with the unique sweetness of sugar, and an inexplicable sadness filled the girl's heart.


"Wait a moment……"

The girl stopped, and Chen Mo rushed in front of the girl, looking at her with clear and sincere eyes.

The girl tilted her head.

"Can...can you add WeChat?" Chen Mo took out his phone and looked at the girl with soft eyes.

For a moment, the girl was stunned.

Chen Mo's eyes were soft but firm, and there was something in his eyes that the girl couldn't describe...

That is……

Something that has never appeared in this weird world...

Suddenly, the girl smiled, with an inexplicable meaning flashing in her eyes, and nodded.

"I'll scan for you." Chen Mo clicked and scanned.

The girl smiled slightly and said, "I don't have a mobile phone."

Chen Mo was stunned when he heard this, and then he remembered that the girl had just come out of the strange world...

The girl thought for a moment, then stretched out a white finger, and a trace of energy condensed on the girl's fingertips.

"Reach out."

Chen Mo opened his palms, and a clean and slender hand appeared in front of the girl.

The girl gently wrote a series of numbers on Chen Mo's palm with her fingers.


The numbers fell on Chen Mo's palm and turned into a few dried blood stains.

The girl's fingertips gently pecked Chen Mo's palm, feeling itchy.

Wind blows.

The quiet body fragrance mixed with the night breeze blew over Chen Mo's face, blowing the girl's long black and silky hair.

Under the streetlight, the two stood opposite each other, and the girl's long black hair danced lightly in the quiet night.

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