On a summer night, the starry sky is bright, and bursts of insect chirping can be heard from the grass and treetops.

Room 210, Building A, Yutian Community, Jiangcheng.

Xu Xinxin stood at the door of the bathroom and slowly took off her tight black skirt. Her white skin was gradually exposed as the skirt came off.

Clear collarbones, bulging and bouncing mountain peaks, white and smooth belly...

A pair of firm and plump thighs...

Xu Xinxin took off all her clothes, and her snow-white and delicate body lines undulated, with a hint of youthfulness in her maturity.

She slowly sat in the bathtub, and the warm hot water gently enveloped her flawless body.


The girl let out a breath and soaked half of her pretty face in the water.

Staring at the mist rising on the water, Xu Xinxin kept recalling all the scenes since she met Chen Mo.

The first time they met, Chen Mo caught up with her under the streetlight, stretched out the toffee in his hand, and asked her for WeChat.

When she was in the orphanage, Chen Mo showed concern for her when he left two pieces of candy for her.

In the movie theater, Chen Mo's firm eyes revealed his true feelings.

And the charm of having dinner together today...

Scene after scene appeared in Xu Xinxin's mind like a movie, and gradually a blush appeared on her pretty face.

She closed her eyes and soaked her whole body in the hot water.

Her previous attitude towards Chen Mo was just using him as a tool.

but now……

It's hard to say what kind of attitude she has towards Chen Mo.

Just thinking of Chen Mo, Xu Xinxin would have a unique feeling in her heart.

It was a feeling she had never experienced in twenty-two years.

An emotional feeling…

Thinking of this, Xu Xinxin stretched out two snow-white arms and gently put them on her shoulders.

A touching smile suddenly appeared at the corner of the girl's mouth.

It was as if the warmth on Chen Mo's coat was still there.

"Actually, Chen Moren is not bad..." Xu Xinxin thought in her heart.

She reached for her cell phone beside the bathtub.

Click on WeChat and change Chen Mo's note from Tool Person No. 1 to Chen Mo.

Staring at the phone, the girl hesitated for a moment, then added a puppy emoticon behind the note like a prank.

After doing this, Xu Xinxin lay down in the bathtub and completely let the hot water wrap around her.

Inside the Jiangcheng Executive Bureau.

Cao Bin looked at the address information on his phone and checked them one by one.

After seeing the recent occupancy status of the high-end Yutian community under Jin Lei's name, Cao Bin showed a cold smile on his face.

"found it."

Cao Bin installed his mobile phone and asked the supervisor of the Executive Bureau: "Is there any news about what Chen Mo did tonight?"

The inspector looked at the itinerary file in his hand and said: "Chen Mo arrived at the Michelin three-star restaurant for dinner at 18:23, and the person dining with him was a woman."

"According to the service staff's reaction, she could not remember the appearance of the lady, but she was very sure that she was a very beautiful girl."

"And that girl is very proud," the inspector said with a strange expression: "Except for a few dishes, she ordered everything on the menu."


"She also fed beef wellingtons to her dogs."

After speaking, the supervisor glanced at Cao Bin's face.

Cao Bin's face was dark and expressionless.

"Then what?" Cao Bin asked when he saw the supervisor stopped.

"Oh, it wasn't until 19:54 that the two of them came out of the restaurant."

"After coming out, the two walked for a total of 23 minutes and arrived at the high-end Yutian community."

"After another 12 minutes, Chen Mo left from the high-end Yutian community."

"At 20:46, Chen Mo arrived at the community where he lived and never moved again. He should still be at home now."

After listening to the inspector's report, Cao Bin nodded.

This corresponded to what he was thinking.

It's all within his reasoning.

Cao Bin left the execution bureau and walked to the shade of a tree.

He closed his eyes, and his mind sank into his abdomen, communicating with the strange energy.

Soon, a cold feeling spread from his abdomen to his whole body.

A faint rainbow light of seven colors glowed from the outline of his body.

After communicating the energy, Cao Bin looked a little tired and sighed secretly.

After all, it is not your own strength.

Cao Bin's ability originated from an unexpected contact with something strange ten years ago.

A strange fish-shaped fish with great potential got into his stomach from his mouth while he was sleeping.

For the next ten years, this strange fish has been living in his abdomen.

Every seven days, this strange fish will absorb his spiritual power.

Every time he was absorbed, Cao Bin would feel the pain of his soul being torn apart.

But on the contrary, the strange shape of the fish gave Cao Bin powerful power. This power allowed Cao Bin to climb to the position of CEO of the Asian branch!

Every month, Asia Distribution will give him some specially prepared materials for restoring his mental power to maintain his mental state.

Don't let him die due to mental exhaustion.

Fortunately, while this strange fish-shaped creature absorbed his mental power, it also absorbed the negative emotions in his heart that were contaminated by the strange power.

Therefore, Cao Bin's mental state ranks among the top three among all executives.

This is very rare.

When going on a mission, having a clear mind and mental state will greatly benefit the mission and teammates.

Cao Bin took a deep breath, and the seven-color rainbow light shook slightly.

Driven by his thoughts, the seven-color rainbow light enveloped him and flew off the ground, flying at a speed close to the speed of light.

Cao Bin looked in the right direction and flew towards the high-end Yutian community in Jiangcheng City.

In less than five minutes, Cao Bin flew into Yutian Community.

He stood under Building A, staring deeply at the only brightly lit 21st floor of Building A.

Cao Bin let go of all his mind and communicated strangely with the fish-shaped fish in his abdomen.

He wanted to use all his strength to fight against this mysterious A-level weirdness, and he wanted to succeed with one blow.

As long as he successfully kills this mysterious A-level monster this time, his contribution points will be enough to exchange for that opportunity.

The opportunity to use the most mysterious weapon in the executive bureau.

At that time, he will be able to peel the fish-shaped weirdness out of his body.

He was tired of this life of fighting and killing, and tired of the pain that tore his soul apart every seven days.

As soon as he thought of this, Cao Bin took a deep breath, and the seven-color rainbow light that originally enveloped the outline of his body turned into blood red.

The bloody energy enveloped Cao Bin bit by bit, but it looked like the bloody light was eating him bit by bit.

The blood light completely enveloped Cao Bin, transforming into an armor-like form.

Now he looks like a brave general resurrected from ancient times.

He felt the surging power coming from his body, clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles.

This is his ability, adding power to himself beyond human imagination.

At the same time, it can also pull the opponent into a foreign space and engage in a one-on-one duel. In the space, the opponent's strength will be weakened by 20%, and he will absorb 20% of the opponent's strength!

This ability is very scary!

Cao Bin, who was wearing red armor, sank slightly, his legs exerted force, and the ground instantly cracked.

He turned into a red light and rushed towards Room 210, Building A, in Yutian Community.

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