Asian Bizarre Crisis Management Division.

In the office marked with the head of the branch, an alarm bell placed independently on the table suddenly sounded, flashing red light and making a harsh sound.

Mr. Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the chair and holding his breath, suddenly opened his eyes and saw the flashing red police chain, a serious look on his wrinkled face.

The outline of his body emits a seven-color rainbow light, surrounding him.

The next moment, a rainbow of lights flashed through the sky, and he flew away.

Wrapped in the seven-color rainbow light, he seemed to have entered the void, without colliding with any physical matter in the world.

Soon, he appeared in the mysterious stone chamber.

The seven-color rainbow light on his body dissipated, and Mr. Li landed.

When he saw that the person soaking in the pool was actually Cao Bin, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Xiao Cao?"

Hearing Mr. Li's hoarse voice, Cao Bin, whose whole body was covered in bruises and soaked in green pus, opened his eyes tiredly.

At this time, his condition was very poor. There was no trace of integrity in his body. His flesh and blood were exposed, his internal organs were damaged, and his bones were broken.

The vitality is somewhat weak.

Seeing Cao Bin in such a seriously injured condition, Mr. Li had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He thought of something bad.

"Have you met the King of Creatures?" Mr. Li asked nervously with a hoarse voice.

Cao Bin gritted his teeth and sat up with great difficulty from the stinking green pus. The sticky liquid hung on his body, and he was covered in green.

"No." Cao Bin regained some strength and said with difficulty: "It's not King Gui."

"Then how did you get hurt like this?"

Cao Bin recalled what had just happened, with a trace of fear in his eyes, a trace of fear of death.

He had just had a brush with death.

Cao Bin took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness and fear in his heart and said, "It's Jiangcheng."

"An S-level monster appeared in Jiangcheng!"

When Mr. Li heard the news, his pupils shrank slightly.

"S-level? Are you sure?" Mr. Li looked at Cao Bin deeply.

If there is an S-level weirdness, then this level of harm is not something that these branches can handle.

If it needs to be reported, please ask the United Nations Headquarters to take action.

Only S-class can fight against S-class!

Cao Bin told what he discovered in Jiangcheng.

When he said that he was instantly killed by the opponent without even seeing what he looked like, a wry smile appeared on his face.

Cao Bin felt powerless and afraid for the first time, when he was so close to death.

Moreover, he had a feeling that the other party had not yet used its true strength.

If it was true strength, he probably wouldn't have had time to use the magic weapon: the Ring of Contract.

After listening to what Cao Bin said, Mr. Li frowned tightly with his white eyebrows.

After a long while, he said quietly: "Are you sure..."

"Isn't she the deceitful king the prophet said?"

Mr. Li's eyes were sharp and meaningful.

Cao Bin was stunned for a moment, first broke out in a cold sweat, and the news he discovered after going to Jiangcheng quickly passed through his mind.

Then he calmed down and said, "No."

"She will definitely not be the deceitful king described by the prophet."

"How could a trick king do so many unreasonable things?"

"More importantly, how could a trick king fall in love with a human male?"

Cao Bin expressed his thoughts.

After listening, Mr. Li didn't speak, just thinking.

After a long moment, he sighed.

"I hope you're right."

"I will report it to the United Nations Bizarre Crisis Management Committee and let the seniors deal with her."

"You take good care of yourself, and you don't have to worry about things in Jiangcheng." Mr. Li said in a calm tone.

After saying that, Mr. Li left the stone room.

Cao Bin thought deeply for a moment alone in the quiet stone room. He smiled bitterly, and his whole body sank into the stench of pus.

Hope he is right...


A strange king...

Even if those old monsters from the United Nations Committee take action together, they will not be her opponent.

Cao Bin closed his eyes and completely sank into the foul-smelling pus.

Green pus came in contact with the surface of his body, and an itchy feeling spread throughout his body.

At the same time, waves of violent, angry, and crazy negative emotions continued to pass from the pus to the depths of Cao Bin's soul.

At first, Cao Bin gritted his teeth and overcame the impact of those negative emotions.

But soon, his face showed crazy, angry and other negative emotions, and his expressions kept changing, which made people feel chilly.

On the other side, Mr. Li, the head of the Asian branch, left the stone room, returned to the office with a heavy expression, picked up the phone on the table and dialed.

In less than a minute, an old voice came from the other side of the phone.

"What's up?"

Mr. Li bowed slightly and said in a very respectful tone: "Master, there is an S-level weirdness in Jiangcheng."

"Oh?" The old voice coming from the other side of the phone had a hint of surprise, but his tone remained calm.

"Is the news reliable?" the old voice asked.

"Reliable, Xiao Cao is lying in the liquid pool now. He was teleported back by the contract ring without even seeing what the other party looked like."

"Are there any other casualties?"

Mr. Li paused and said, "Not yet."


After the old voice finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Mr. Li, whose hair was already graying, put down the phone and let out a sigh of relief.

He is nearly seventy this year, and his strength is A level.

He has a strong say in the Global Bizarre Crisis Management Committee, and he is the head of the Asian branch.

There weren't many things he could handle with caution.

Just call his master.

Mr. Li picked up the tea on the table and took a sip to moisten his dry throat.

The matter has been reported, and the results should be available tomorrow at the latest.

Mr. Li breathed a sigh of relief.

However, there was still something pressing on his head like a big mountain.

The prophecy of the prophet.

There is no news yet from the prophet, and he is still in a state of predicting the future.

He has stepped up the recording of all weird and abnormal events in Asia.

But as of today, the only thing that can be called abnormal is the weird B-level incident in Jiangcheng.

After just thinking about it for a while, Mr. Li felt a little tired.

Sure enough, he is old...

Mr. Li sighed softly and looked out the window at the star-studded night sky.

In the night sky dotted with stars, an illusory and harmless harmless thing floats across from time to time.

These harmless and weird things are becoming more and more integrated into human life, and now ordinary people will no longer make a fuss when they see them.

See them like flowers and grass, earthly things.

Mr. Li would feel sad every time he saw such a scene.

The sky now can no longer be called the sky.

This is a polluted world.

Mr. Li occasionally thinks, if one day the weird world really merges with the human world, will those incorporeal weird things floating in the sky still be harmless?

Some things are scary just thinking about them.

Mr. Li cleared his mind and continued to check the documents at hand, looking for abnormalities in recent days.

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