Bai Yueguang’s Wife Is Actually A Strange King

Chapter 48 One Shot Is Like A Soul

Chen Mo and Xu Xinxin got off the jumping machine.

The girl's pretty face was flushed and she didn't dare to look up at Chen Mo.

Let Chen Mo hold her hand and walk around the amusement park.

Suddenly, Chen Mo stopped.

Xu Xinxin bumped into Chen Mo's solid back.

"Huh?" Xu Xinxin rubbed her aching forehead.

When she saw where Chen Mo had stopped, her eyes widened slightly.

Inside the amusement park, there are several small game stalls.

The place where Chen Mo and Xu Xinxin stopped was a booth for shooting and shooting balloons.

A long table covered with red cloth separates the visitors taking the shooting challenge. About five meters away from the long table is a wall covered with balloons.

"Want to play with this?" came Chen Mo's gentle voice.

Xu Xinxin looked at the various animal plush dolls displayed beside the stall, including penguins with white bellies, green crocodiles, and yellow puppies.

The girl's eyes sparkled.

"Yeah." Xu Xinxin nodded, but said hesitantly: "But I don't know how to play this..."

Chen Mo took her hand and took a step forward: "It's okay, I'll teach you."

"Boss, here are twenty bullets." Chen Mo said to the boss, who was about thirty years old and lying on the rocking chair.

"Twenty bullets, forty, scan the code first."

Xu Xinxin scanned the code first.

The stall owner sat up from the rocking chair, reached out and took two rows of plastic bullets from the box next to him and handed them to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo picked up the air bolt gun placed on the long red cloth table.

"First, put the bullet into the groove at the top, and then close the lid..."

"Pull the bolt on the back of the gun." Chen Mo demonstrated while raising the air gun.

Aim at a red balloon stuck on the wall.

With a "pop" sound, the small air gun shook slightly, and a plastic bullet rushed out of the barrel and hit the red balloon.

The red balloon burst in response.

The stall owner glanced at the red balls falling down and said to the two of them: "If you break five red balloons, you can exchange them for a plush doll."

"Come and try." Chen Mo handed the air gun in his hand to Xu Xinxin.

The girl clumsily took the air gun and started playing with it, imitating Chen Mo's actions just now.

"First like this, then like this..."

Xu Xinxin muttered something, finally pulled the gun bolt, and pointed the muzzle at a red balloon on the wall.

With a "pop" sound, the girl pressed the trigger.

A plastic bullet rushed out of the gun chamber, then passed lightly by the red balloon and hit the hard wooden surface.

"Well, I missed it." Xu Xinxin's face was slightly red, a little embarrassed.

Chen Mo encouraged him from the side: "It's okay, try again."

"I couldn't hit the balloon correctly the first time."

"Is that so?" Xu Xinxin picked up the air gun again and aimed at the red balloon on the wall.

There was a "pop" sound and the trigger was pulled again.

This time the bullet did hit the red balloon.

But the moment the red balloon was hit, with the help of the bullet's inertia, it shook twice to relieve part of its force.

"Eh? It's not broken?" Xu Xinxin was surprised.

"It's best to shoot at the fullest part of the red balloon's surface. The ball there is thinner and easier to explode." Chen Mo pointed at the side.

Xu Xinxin nodded with understanding and raised the air gun in her hand again.

With a "pop" sound, the red balloon burst.

"I succeeded!" A blush of excitement appeared on Xu Xinxin's fair face.

Chen Mo smiled slightly.

"Come on, if you blow up three more, you can get a doll."

Xu Xinxin nodded excitedly, then kept firing, adjusting her movements and aiming angle.

Within a few minutes, the girl had used up all the bullets, and Chen Mo loaded her with another forty rounds.

Soon, the last red balloon made a popping sound.

With an excited blush on her face, Xu Xinxin took a light yellow puppy from the pile of dolls next to her.

When choosing dolls, Xu Xinxin saw a brown bear doll as big as a person on the top of the doll shelf.

Seeing the brown bear doll, Xu Xinxin's eyes flashed brightly.

"Boss, I want that, what kind of balloon should I hit?" the girl asked.

The stall owner tilted his body from the rocking chair and glanced at the oversized brown bear pointed by Xu Xinxin.

"Well, you need to pop all the balloons on the wall."

The girl turned back and counted the balloons on the wall. There were more than twenty.

Chen Mo directly scanned the code and bought 200 rounds of ammunition.

The stall owner counted out twenty rows of plastic bullets from the bullet box and said, "Once the bullets are sold, they cannot be returned or exchanged."

Chen Mo picked up another gun on the red cloth table.

"Come on, let's fight together, we can go faster." Chen Mo smiled slightly at Xu Xinxin and handed over a hundred bullets.

The girl took the bullet and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

The two fought side by side.

Within a few minutes, all but one of the balloons on the wall were popped.

It was a purple balloon. Chen Mo shot out all the plastic bullets in his hand, but failed to pop the balloon.

There is something wrong with this balloon.

Chen Mo noticed the stall owner lying on the rocking chair next to him, with a dark smile on his lips.

I knew there was definitely something wrong with this balloon.

Xu Xinxin still had more than 20 bullets in her hand.

Her learning ability is very strong, and she can basically pop a balloon with two or three bullets.

Seeing a balloon on the wall, Xu Xinxin pointed her gun at it and said, "Look at me."

"Pa bang bang..."

Bullets rushed towards the purple balloon one after another, but all the bullets were bounced away by the balloon when they hit it.

Xu Xinxin also discovered that there was something wrong with the balloon.

what to do?

Xu Xinxin looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo walked next to Xu Xinxin, with a faint girly body fragrance floating around.

He took a deep breath subconsciously, and then slowly exhaled it.

The warm air gently brushed Xu Xinxin's pink and small ears.

A soft feeling spread from the depths of the girl's body.

Xu Xinxin's body shook slightly, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.


Chen Mo leaned very close, and the air he exhaled lightly tickled the girl's ears.

"You have energy, blast it."

Xu Xinxin blinked and suddenly realized.

"What else do you want to do about the illegal traders and the black-hearted boss?" Chen Mo took a step back, acting as if nothing had happened.

Xu Xinxin raised the air gun in her hand and aimed at the purple balloon.

A cold energy flowed out of the girl's body and wrapped around the plastic bullet.

The next moment.

The bullet rushed out with a "pop" sound.


The bullets were like cannonballs, blasting the purple balloon directly.

The boss, who was lying on a rocking chair and enjoying his leisurely life, heard the sound of the balloon exploding and his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

The stall owner stood up and saw the exploding purple balloon, and the expression on his face was very wonderful.

It seems as if there are several big words written on it: This is impossible!

As the purple balloon exploded, Xu Xinxin and Chen Mo learned the secret of why the balloon couldn't burst.

Under the surface of a layer of purple balloons, there are inflated balloons of several colors.

Damn it if a plastic bullet could pop this balloon.

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