Bai Yueguang’s Wife Is Actually A Strange King

Chapter 69 Xu Xinxin Secretly Follows Chen Mo

Chen Mo glanced at the sunset that was gradually sinking into the other side of the horizon, and turned around with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

Just as he was about to speak, Xu Xinxin tilted her head slightly and said with a slight smile on her cheek: "Is there something urgent?"

"Yeah." Chen Mo's face felt a little hot.

They agreed to take a walk with Xu Xinxin, but just halfway through the walk, he was pulled away by the Executive Bureau.

This is a bit unjustifiable.

Xu Xinxin's delicate brows frowned slightly. She shook her body twice on the spot, and then a look of excitement flashed in her eyes.

"Shall I go with you?" The girl's pure and soft voice was full of expectation.

Chen Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head: "This time is different. If it is the same as the last movie theater incident, I will take you there."

"This time it's..."

"I know, this is a C-level strange incident involving rules." Xu Xinxin interrupted Chen Mo with a high face.

"It's very dangerous." Chen Mo stared at Xu Xinxin's eyes very seriously.

C-level strange events are different from ordinary C-level strange events. What they have to face are invisible rules.

Only by paying the price of blood step by step can the core rules of the treacherous realm be cracked.

The risk factor is much higher than the weird events of the same level.

Chen Mo looked at the girl with a trace of unquestionable rejection in his eyes.

He is worried about me...

The girl met Chen Mo's gaze and read the meaning.

"It's okay. I'm very strong. Not to mention the strange rules of C-level. Even if it's S-level, I can beat the head of the domain lord." Xu Xinxin waved her delicate little fist and said proudly. .

Chen Mo smiled slightly and reached out to touch the girl's soft head twice.

"Okay... I know you are very strong, but let's do it next time."

"Next time, if there is anything fun, I will definitely take you there." Chen Mo comforted Xu Xinxin and said.

"Okay, it's time for me to go." Chen Mo took out a small box from his pocket and took out a few pieces of White Rabbit toffee.

He took the girl's hand, put the White Rabbit toffee into Xu Xinxin's hand, and then closed her little hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to let you down this time. I'll make it up to you next time." There was a trace of apology on Chen Mo's face.

Chen Mo backed up and waved to Xu Xinxin twice: "I'm leaving."

Xu Xinxin stared at Chen Mo's figure. He turned around and ran away quickly.

The girl pouted her mouth slightly dissatisfied.

She looked up at the orange sunset that was about to sink into the night.

It's such a good day and such a good time.

I was interrupted...

Xu Xinxin felt a little bored in her heart.

She looked at Chen Mo's back, and a thought suddenly came to her mind.

Wouldn't it be nice if I went with him secretly without being discovered by Chen Mo?

The strange rules of C level are still a bit dangerous for Chen Mo.

Although Xiaolu was at Chen Mo's place...

Xu Xinxin's moist eyes were twinkling.

No matter, it’s not a good idea to take a walk today, someone must take the blame for this!

Xu Xinxin glanced at the little black dog squatting on the ground and dozing next to her, and kicked it lightly with some dissatisfaction.

"Woof???" The little black dog raised his head blankly and looked at Xu Xinxin's position.

The moment it raised its head, there was no one there.

Gone again?


Why should I say it again?

The little black dog scratched his belly with his hind legs and thought: "You two are gone, then where will I go?"

Forget it, let’s go home and sleep...

After thinking this, the little black dog shook his body and walked towards home.

Chen Mo took out the wireless earphones specially provided by the Executive Bureau from the portable box. After putting them on, Chen Mo lightly pressed the earphones.

Executive Bureau backup wiring room.

"Yang Meng, I'm heading towards Qinglin District." Chen Mo's extremely calm and steady voice came from the broadcasting device in front of him.

Yang Meng, who was wearing a professional skirt, quickly operated the computer in front of her, and a map of Jiangcheng City appeared on the screen.

A small red dot representing Chen Mo was flashing on the screen.

"Okay, your location has been connected to the map."

"I will contact you at any time." Yang Meng's somewhat heroic voice came from the earphones.

Chen Mo ran out of the community quickly, stopped a car on the street, and showed the Enforcement Bureau investigator card in his pocket to the other party.

"Your car is temporarily requisitioned by me. My name is Chen Mo, investigator number 0138246."

"Now I need you to send me to Gaota Street in Qinglin District. If you have any questions later, you can contact the Executive Bureau officials." Chen Mo said with a serious expression to the owner of the red Ferrari in front of him.

The well-dressed young car owner looked at Chen Mo in confusion at first, then suddenly realized and hurriedly raised the door to let Chen Mo get in the car.

Without too much nonsense, the owner stepped on the accelerator, and the Ferrari rushed straight down the street like a red phantom.

It didn't take long, and soon Ferrari sent Chen Mo to Gaota Road, Qinglin District, next door to Xitu District.

As soon as I drove a short distance into Gaota Road, I saw a street surrounded by yellow warning lines.

There were several Executive Bureau cars parked on the street.

When he arrived, Chen Mo turned around and said thank you to the Ferrari owner seriously.

The owner of the Ferrari raised the car door for Chen Mo, who got out of the car and walked quickly towards the blockade area with his long legs.

The Ferrari owner looked at Chen Mo's back and felt the blood in his body heat up.

It has been thirty years since the strange invasion, and some basic crisis response policies for strange events have been announced to the public.

It is an honor for the car owners to be given a ride by investigators on emergency missions.

The young car owner suddenly shouted.

Chen Mo turned around.

"Come back alive!" The young car owner made a fist gesture towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled slightly and responded calmly.

Then, without looking back, he raised the yellow warning line and walked towards the colleague in charge of the blockade over there.

Walking up to the colleague, Chen Mo showed his investigator card.

The investigator saluted Chen Mo with complicated eyes.

Chen Mo stood at attention and returned a salute with a serious expression.

"How's the situation inside?"

"It's not very good. Thirteen investigators have already entered." The fellow investigator in charge of the blockade said with a wry smile.

Chen Mo nodded and pressed the wireless earphone.

"Yang Meng, I have arrived at the incident location."

"Chen Mo, if you go straight along the north direction, you will enter the regular treacherous area. Be careful." Yang Meng looked at the position in front of her and her tone was a little heavy.

Once you go, you will most likely not be able to come back.

Chen Mo determined the direction and strode towards the direction of the Strange Territory.

After walking twenty meters, an invisible cold energy gradually enveloped Chen Mo's body, and the street scene in front of him became even more distorted.

Several investigators responsible for the blockade looked at Chen Mo slowly walking into the mysterious realm with complicated eyes, and said silently in their hearts.

Must come back alive...

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