The journey is not long and passes through a cluster of tall buildings.

Chen Mo took Xu Xinxin outside a slightly remote compound.

Xu Xinxin pushed open the door, and a head popped out of the security hall on the side.

"Hey! What are you doing?" shouted an old security guard in his fifties with slightly gray hair.

Chen Mo greeted: "Uncle Liu, it's me."

"I'll bring a friend to see it."

The old security guard squinted his eyes, quickly turned around and put on his glasses, and then he saw clearly that it was Chen Mo.

"Oh, Xiao Mo, are you back to see the dean again?"

Chen Mo nodded with a smile.

The old security guard looked at Xu Xinxin again and said, "Is this your girlfriend?"

"She's quite pretty..."

Xu Xinxin was startled and glanced at Chen Mo expressionlessly.


Chen Mo's front teeth suddenly hurt.

", we are friends..." Chen Mo quickly explained.

"Oh." Lao Liu nodded understandingly: "Okay, you go in."

"The children should be in class at this moment, it's not the end of get out of class yet."

Xu Xinxin opened the door and walked in. The floor in the courtyard was clean, spotless and swept very clean.

In a corner of the courtyard, there were several rows of clothes drying in the sun, of different sizes, swaying in the wind.

There is a large room in the east, west and north of the courtyard, which is very large.

To the west is a classroom, in which more than a dozen children aged five or six are sitting upright, tilting their heads and looking at the blackboard. An old man with gray hair is teaching them basic knowledge.

The east side looks like a dormitory, and the north side looks like a reception desk style layout from the outside.

Xu Xinxin cast her gaze on Chen Mo and asked, "Do you come here often?"

Chen Mo nodded and looked around.

"I have been living here since the annihilation incident twelve years ago."

"There are many children here who came because their relatives died in mysterious crises and no one took them there."

"This is only a small part. Those children of school age have gone to regular schools. If you come in the afternoon, you should be able to see them coming back from get out of class."

"This is my home in a sense." Chen Mo said lightly.

Xu Xinxin was startled for a moment, a wave of emotion flashed through her bright eyes, and then she nodded as if feeling something from her heart, without saying anything.

"What else do you want to know?" Chen Mo asked.

Xu Xinxin looked back at her surroundings with a hint of reminiscence and confusion in her eyes.

"Follow me." Chen Mo walked towards the house to the north.

The two of them stepped into the room. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a layout like a reception hall, with a corridor on the side that went straight to the end.

There is a counter, several sofas around a long table, and a wall covered with photos.

Xu Xinxin was the first to be attracted by the wall, walked over, raised her head and looked at the photo.

The photos on the wall are of different sizes and colors. Some of the photos are yellowish in color and are obviously old photos.

The girl stared at the yellowed old photos without blinking, trying to figure out something from them.

Chen Mo stepped forward and took down a photo. This action immediately attracted Xu Xinxin's attention.

In the photo, an old man hugged a group of children with a peaceful expression.

Next to him were children with smiling faces, and everyone was smiling happily.

But looking carefully, Xu Xinxin saw a little boy in the corner with an indifferent expression and eyes without any emotion, very indifferent.

That little boy looks a bit like Chen Mo.

Xu Xinxin raised her head and glanced at Chen Mo: "Is that you?"

"it's me."

"Why don't you smile?"

Chen Mo moved his gaze from the photo to Xu Xinxin, with a hint of complexity in his eyes: "Because..."

"Because that year I lost someone very important to me..."

"A person who has been with me for a long time."

The two looked at each other, and Xu Xinxin's heart trembled inexplicably.

She looked away unnaturally and nodded indifferently: "Oh."

Suddenly, several excited shouts came from outside.

Chen Mo turned around and said with a smile: "Those kids are out of class."

A group of children ran out from the west classroom, each with an innocent smile on their face, and started chasing each other in the yard.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xinxin felt an indescribable emotion well up in her heart.

A taller child saw Chen Mo while running and shouted in surprise: "Brother Xiao Mo!"

Chen Mo hung the photo back up, then walked out with a smile.

A group of children gathered around Chen Mo when they saw him.

"Brother Xiaomo..."

"Brother Xiao Mo!"

The children pulled on Chen Mo's clothes, and some jumped up and hugged Chen Mo's neck, which was extremely intimate.

Seeing the children happily surrounding Chen Mo, Xu Xinxin was inexplicably touched in her heart.

Chen Mo suddenly took out a bag of White Rabbit toffee from his pocket, and the children became even more excited.

"Line up, one for each person, no grabbing!" Chen Mo distributed the candies to the children one by one with a smile on his face.

The children immediately cheered.

Seeing the smile on Chen Mo's face, Xu Xinxin couldn't help but look back at the photo on the wall.

Chen Mo in the photo has an indifferent expression, and his eyes are dead.

But now Chen Mo is so sunny.

Xu Xinxin was silent, her eyes fell back to the photo wall, and she scanned something quickly.

Soon there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

She didn't see what she wanted to see.

"oh oh!"

"Thank you, Brother Xiaomo!"

A group of children dispersed after receiving the candies and started chasing each other.

Chen Mo returned to the reception hall again, and Xu Xinxin stared at him.

"Here." Chen Mo suddenly handed over two pieces of toffee.

"I left this specially for you," Chen Mo blinked: "It's not easy to hide things under the noses of those little guys."

Xu Xinxin stared blankly at the two toffees handed over by Chen Mo, and a warm current flowed through her heart.

Someone would remember her for something as small as this...

She smiled a beautiful smile: "Thank you."

The white and tender little hands that looked like they could be broken gently pinched the toffee that Chen Mo handed over. The toffee still retained the warmth of Chen Mo's palm.


Xu Xinxin gently tore open the candy wrapper, opened her pink lips, and her teeth were as white as white.

Gently bite down and take the milky white toffee into your mouth.

Chen Mo quietly watched the girl eating candy, his eyes full of tenderness.

Sensing Chen Mo looking at her, Xu Xinxin blushed slightly and turned her head.

Chen Mo chuckled lightly and changed the subject: "By the way, can you help me get rid of this bloody word first..."

He stretched out his left hand, and the eleven-digit blood number Xu Xinxin left yesterday was written on the palm of his hand.

Xu Xinxin felt the energy fluctuations on Chen Mo's body and couldn't help complaining: "You are so weak..."

Chen Mo scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

There is no way, there is no strange ability of pollution, and the ability of human beings to awaken is useless...

Just when Chen Mo thought Xu Xinxin was going to help him remove it, Xu Xinxin turned around, her white hands behind her back, and her long, silky hair spun around in the air before falling down.

Xu Xinxin walked deeper into the corridor.

"You're doing so poorly. I haven't gotten the information I want to know yet."

"Whenever you satisfy me, I will remove it for you."

The girl's cold voice echoed in the corridor, with a hint of a different emotion in her tone.

Chen Mo smiled helplessly, clenched his hands and chased after him.

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