Wang Hu looked at the straight upward stairs, his eyes becoming deep and calm.

"Everyone turn on your headphones," he said.

The investigators present heard the instructions and silently turned on their headphones.

In the Jiangcheng wiring room, everyone's headphone signals on the wiring signal screen lit up.

Seeing this scene, the operators felt heavy.

Yang Meng looked at the signal screen with red eyes.

When all investigators have their headphones on, it sends a signal.

They will probably never return.

The purpose of turning on the earphones is to transmit the strange sound data of the battle and encounter back to the executive bureau and provide a few clues to the next group of investigators.

When Wang Hu and others entered the strange realm, life no longer belonged to them.

There was dead silence in the wiring room. Some people's expressions were stiff, their eyes were straight, and some were sobbing quietly.

What they are doing now will be for humanity.

Guilou Guiyu, a civilized property company.

The atmosphere on the thirty-ninth floor became heavy.

Each investigator had a calm expression and looked directly at the stairs leading to the fortieth floor.

In their eyes, that is no longer the way home.

But a fast road to death.

As long as you go, you will die.

Chen Mo was also infected by this solemn atmosphere. Each of these investigators, who had been through life and death, had an expression of resignation on their face.

Everyone's eyes were firm.

They are standing here now, no longer for the sake of getting out alive.

But for those who come after.

We can die...

But our death must be valuable.

Later generations, if we fulfill our legacy, our sacrifice will not be in vain.

Chen Mo felt a little heavy as he glanced around.

After a while, Chen Mo could only use the "Summoning Technique".

The only person who can make Chen Mo feel at ease now is Xu Xinxin.

Wang Hu took a deep breath and said calmly: "Let's go."

The investigators stepped forward and strode towards the death staircase.

Behind them, the elevator arrows changed, and a flashing upward arrow appeared on the screen.

The elevator slowly went up, and it happened to be on the thirty-ninth floor.

Wang Hu and others stepped onto the stairs leading to the 40th floor. As soon as their feet stepped on the steps, a cold feeling spread from the soles of their feet.

A chill seemed to penetrate into the bone marrow, so cold that one could not help but shiver.

Everyone's body surged with energy, resisting the cold air.

Xu Xinxin floated behind, waving her little hand lightly, and an imperceptible energy entered Chen Mo's body.

"Huh?" Xu Xinxin suddenly exclaimed.

She felt that the energy she shot into Chen Mo's body cut off contact with her the moment it entered.

"What's going on?" Xu Xinxin's beautiful eyes widened with disbelief.

She popped out another burst of energy.

Chen Mo's body was like a bottomless pool, energy shot into it, and the contact was cut off without any response.

Seeing this strange situation, Xu Xinxin couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Letting go of her perception, she unexpectedly discovered that the cold energy transmitted from the steps disappeared the moment it entered Chen Mo's body.

It had no effect on him.

The girl's big bright eyes were full of confusion.

"Could it be..." Xu Xinxin suddenly thought of a possibility, and she murmured thoughtfully.

Everyone stepped onto the last step together, and an antique wooden door appeared in front of them.

A brass sign hung on the top of the door, which read in black letters: MANAGER'S OFFICE.

Without hesitation, Wang Hu put his hand on the door and pushed it open.

A large office with an area of ​​three to four hundred square meters appeared in front of everyone.

An oversized desk running from left to right is placed in the center of the office, dividing the office into two parts.

A tall and straight figure sat in the center of the desk, with his back to everyone.

From the back, you can only see that the other person is wearing an oversized black suit. The muscles in his back are very obvious, as if they can burst the clothes.

An explosive sense of energy emerged from the other party's body.

Everyone walked into the office, and the door behind them closed automatically.

Just as the door was closed, the elevator door on the thirty-ninth floor opened, and a figure walked out.

Ah Bing scratched his greasy hair, and dandruff fell from his head like snowflakes, landing on his clothes that had not been washed for a long time.

He walked out of the elevator and saw a messy ground.

The cracked yellow puppet, the strangely punctured heart, the scorched ground...

When A Bing saw the strange heart, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes. He walked over quickly, squatted down, and pinched the weird heart with his hands.

He sniffed it carefully, and the excitement in his eyes disappeared, replaced by disappointment and confusion.

Disappointingly, this thing has lost all its energy and cannot be eaten.

What confused him was that he sensed a familiar energy fluctuation from the strange corpse in the heart.

Abing tilted his head and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that he had sensed this energy wave in the stairwell of a civilized community.

"So familiar..."

"Where have you seen it before?" Ah Bing scratched his head and couldn't remember.

He casually threw the heart on the ground and looked at the stairs leading to the fortieth floor.


"We have to get ahead of those people."

"Really, you didn't tell me earlier..." A Bing's tone was full of dissatisfaction, and he dragged his thin body slowly towards the stairs.

Civilized Property Company, 40th floor, manager's office.

The furnishings in the empty office are simple, with an extra-long desk across the center and a large safe in the corner.

Feeling the breath coming from behind.

The figure sitting on the chair with his back to everyone slowly turned around.

A face made of red brick walls appeared in front of everyone.

There is something strange sitting on the chair behind the desk. Its face is a red brick wall, and it is wearing a black suit like a human.

Its body is bulging, and you can see the exaggerated muscle outline, holding up the black suit.

Except for the face with the red brick wall, this strange thing gives people a great sense of oppression.

Look at the extremely mismatched face that appears on the macho body.

The originally depressing atmosphere suddenly became strange.

Wang Hu looked at the strange red bricks behind his desk and said, "The manager of Wenming Property Company is about two meters tall, wearing a black suit, with obvious muscle outline, and his face is made of red brick walls."

He paused and white light shot out of his hand.

White light fell on Manager Qiang Lei, and a blood tank forty to fifty meters long appeared above his head.

This blood groove runs across the office, just from the far left to the far right.

Seeing this exaggerated blood bar, everyone looked at it with straight eyes and dry throats.

Wang Hu said in a dry voice: "The opponent's strength..."

"A level or above, preliminary judgment is S level!"

Brick Wall, who was sitting on the swivel chair, turned around strangely and didn't move.

It didn't even dodge the white light shot by Wang Hu.

Facing that red brick face.

Even if there are no eyes on the other person's face, they can still feel the face made of red brick walls staring at them.

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