Balance the World

Chapter 789: Essence and blood break the rules

"Essence and blood? Yes, why didn't I think of this? Well, Juque, I will talk to you first, I will try it now." Wang Gongnan said excitedly when he heard Juque's words.

Wang Gongnan became focused again, and his divine consciousness reached the edge of the Chaos Zone. This time, instead of just tracking a grain of sand, he followed a pile of sand and accumulated a mouthful of blood early. When the pile of sand came to his side, he said, "Puff!" Essence and blood were sprayed on this pile of sand.

"Squeak..." The sand is very hot and is about to melt. I don't know how high the temperature is. As soon as the essence blood is sprayed on, it will evaporate immediately. The white smoke billows, but the essence part is attached to the sand and slowly Melted into the sand, turning the pile of sand into blood red.


Wang Gongnan sensed that this pile of sand seemed to have been washed away by new energy, and it was advancing much faster. When encountering the sand blocking it in front, instead of passing by, it directly ran into it and arrogantly knocked the sand in front of it. The sand hits and flies. The strange thing is that this collision, it seems that there is no love hindrance, but it moves faster.

Wang Gongnan's spiritual sense followed this pile of sand, and it was the same as the previous sand grains. After following a certain distance, he couldn't keep up, and the pile of sand was quickly lost from his spiritual sense.

After a while, nothing happens here.

"Is there too little blood? Okay, then I'll use three mouthfuls of blood." After spouting a mouthful of blood, feeling that the sand sticking to his blood disappeared, there was still no response here, Wang Gongnan secretly said.

"Puff!" He quickly collected another mouthful of blood, and he felt a pile of sand sprayed over.

"Squeak..." As before, the white smoke filled the sand, the pile of sand turned blood red, and soon disappeared from his spiritual consciousness.

"Puff!" He spouted another mouthful of blood.

Spouting three mouthfuls of blood, according to the general martial artist, at this time has already lost combat effectiveness.

However, he was fine, he just felt a little tired. He immediately put Qicai Zhenqi in his body for a week, and his spirit immediately recovered.


As soon as his Qicai Zhenqi ran for a week, he felt a loud noise coming from the ground.

"Juque, hurry back to the ground." Wang Gongnan called to Juque without hesitation.

"Yes, master." Juque immediately responded, and rushed to the ground with the palace south pole.

"Huh!" But as soon as he rushed to the ground, Juque Tongwanggongnan was surrounded by hot red sand. It turned out that a desert heat wave is occurring here.

"Oh, oh, master, it's so comfortable, my god." Ju Que cried out immediately.

"Juque, I will input energy for you, please endure it for me. This desert heat wave has occurred for a while, and it should disappear soon." Wang Gongnan immediately drew out a burst of energy and transmitted it to Juque through his arm. And said apologetically.

Both Juque and Qingfeng are afraid of high temperatures.

"Master, it's okay, the temperature is not very high, I can bear it." Juque said.

However, for the energy coming from the south of the palace, it was absorbing frantically.

Although the temperature of the desert heat wave is high, it is of course far worse than the underground magma. With the physical body alone, Wang Gongnan can resist such high temperatures. It's a huge fault. It's really unbearable. It screams "hehehaha" there, and it receives as much energy as the south of the palace transmits to it.

"Juque, go to the Chaos Zone." Sensing that the temperature can really cause damage to Juque, Wang Gongnan immediately said to Juque, and quickly took out the city lord's order.

He hadn't left here yet, the City Lord Ling was still present as a transparent jade.

Although the Chaos Zone here seems to be inaccessible to the south of the palace, without the order of the city lord, the south of the palace certainly cannot enter the Chaos Zone.

Because there is quicksand below, he has no place to stand. He is not a Tianwu yet and can't fly into the air, so he can only sit on Juque. Otherwise, if he puts away the giant fault, it will save a lot of trouble.

"Okay." Ju Que responded and rushed to the edge of the space.

There is little space in this area, and Juque is just a rush, leading the south of the palace to the chaotic area on the edge.

"Huhushasha!" However, entering the Chaos Zone, here is also wind and sand, but the temperature of the sand is not very high.

"Master, do you want to rush through the Chaos Zone and go out?" Juque asked, hanging in the air. Although Wang Gongnan had the City Lord's order in his hand, Juque still sensed that as the chaotic zone went inward, there seemed to be a large force that seemed like resistance, but not like resistance, interfering with its progress.

Moreover, it is currently restricted by the southern cultivation base of the palace, and cannot enter the void, so in the Chaos Zone, it dare not wear it randomly.

"No, this Chaos Zone seems to be against me. I forgot to tell you. When I came in earlier, I was tortured with life and death in the Chaos Zone, and my body was almost destroyed.

Now, this space has been destroyed by the force of rules, and the desert heat wave is breaking out again. When the heat wave passes, this space should be calm. I want to see what this space will look like.

In addition, I just vomited three mouthfuls of blood and let the three piles of sand take away. The sound I heard from the ground before was strange, it must be related to the three mouthfuls of blood that I sprayed, so I must Wait here for a while. Said Wang Gongnan.

"Okay, then I'll wait with the master." Juque said helplessly. It seems that it hates desert heat waves.

When it was in the forbidden land of the Zhuo family, every time it encountered a desert heat wave, it would go underground to escape.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At this moment, I heard three loud noises suddenly heard from that space.

Wang Gongnan immediately looked at the space through the Chaos Zone, and saw a mushroom cloud in that space, as if it had just undergone a nuclear explosion.

Of course, Wang Gongnan has never seen a nuclear explosion, but it can produce a mushroom cloud-like explosion, obviously the power is boundless.

Fortunately, he used the City Lord's Order to bring Juque into the Chaos Zone. If I were still there at this time, I really didn't know what the result would be. At least, Juque must be destroyed.

It stands to reason that the Chaos Zone can block everything, but now he and Juque are also rushed to the depths of the Chaos Zone by a powerful impact.

"Master, it's dangerous." After being rushed into the Chaos Zone for a certain distance, Ju Que immediately turned around and retreated to the edge of the Chaos Zone with Wang Gongnan, saying with a tone of fear.

"It's really dangerous." Wang Gongnan also said. Just now as Juque rushed into the depths of the Chaos Zone, Juque didn't sense it, but Wang Gongnan felt it with his physical induction. Just now he and Juque almost fell into the void.

"Master, what should be offended by your three mouthfuls of blood, what should I do now?" Juque asked.

"Juque, you have experienced a lot of things. Now that you analyze it, will there be any dangerous situations after this explosion?" Wang Gongnan asked.

"Master, you don't know. The power generated by the explosion of the three-tone cluster just now is something I have never seen before. I dare say that if the master doesn't let me leave there immediately and come into the Chaos Zone, I may be scumbag at this time. No more. So, I now feel that there should be no more dangerous situation than before.

Master, how did you know to leave there? "Ju Que asked the South Road of the Palace instead.

"In fact, I was just an instinctive reaction, and I didn't know it would produce such a strong explosion." Wang Gongnan said.

"Oh!" As soon as Wang Gong's Southern Dialect was finished, a long sigh suddenly came into his ears. The sound seems to be in the chaotic zone, and it seems that the space is transmitted to the chaotic zone.

"Who!" Before Wang Gongnan spoke, Ju Que shouted in amazement.

"This is my obsession, and it will disappear soon. Chaos Body Boy, you have succeeded, you broke my power of rules with your blood, and now everything here is under your control.

I advise you, don't go too far against the sky, people can never fight against the sky. Do it for yourself. "Ju Que finished drinking, and Wang Gongnan immediately heard a voice that seemed to be dying, making a last word, weakly.

"Who are you? Did you arrange all of my inheritance for me? Am I the **** you laid? Why did you arrange this? Do you know how bad your arrangement is? Don’t you know this world? How miserable is the life of the weak?" Wang Gongnan shouted immediately.

However, the response to the south of the palace is empty.

"Master, it's useless for you to lose your temper. He is an obsession. After saying that sentence, he disappeared. Master, look at it, the space is still blasting, and it seems that it is still exploding. Nothing is allowed to enter. "Juque said.

"It's continuing to explode. As he said just now, I broke his rules. It seems that this is his last thought. Now, the space has become a state of no ownership, just maintaining his last thought.

Juque, slowly walking out of the Chaos Zone, I want to see if I can really control this space. "Wang Gongnan glanced at the space through the Chaos Zone and said.

Juque led Wang Gongnan to slowly drill out of the Chaos Zone, and found a dead angle at the edge of the space hanging there.

"Calm!" Wang Gongnan immediately shouted loudly. Seeing the mushroom cloud immediately stopped rising, but fell rapidly.

"The land is now!" When the mushroom cloud fell and disappeared, Wang Gongnan shouted again.

"Huh!" Immediately, there was a wind here, blowing out the smoke from the explosion, and the hard gray ground was exposed.

"Huh? Where's the quicksand?" Juque shouted immediately.

"Don't have quicksand now, I want mountains and rivers." Wang Gongnan said.

"Huh!...huh..." The words of the south of the palace fell. There were many places on the ground that immediately bulged up, and some places were concave down. In the blink of an eye, many bare hills appeared here, and at the foot of the mountain. But there was a river with clear water.

"Haha, Master, as long as you have one idea now, it will change according to your idea. It's amazing. If you can take this space outside, it would be great." Juque laughed.

"This City Lord's Mansion is fixed here, there is no way to move it.

But fortunately, I have set a complete set of ideas here to make this a forbidden place for Wuhai City martial artists, and this will truly benefit Wuhai City. Said Wang Gongnan.

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