Yan Mogang just finished checking the 12 people, and confirmed that their ability to stimulate has stabilized. In the future, as long as there is a proper training method and the physical conditions can keep up, they can steadily upgrade, and his right hand suddenly When you are bright, you will see a message at the same time.

- Exiles help other humans to awaken their own abilities, the number is 12, and the scum value is -1200.

——The exiles helped the people to upgrade the Pengfeng Jiufeng and the carnivorous bee colony, and the scum value was -2700.

Looked at the tips given to him by the guide, and fell silent for a long time.

He suspected that the guide to inspire the blood soldiers, the guide will certainly be expressed, but he did not expect that the reduction point will be so much.

Twelve blood soldiers were awakened, and he received a one-person scum reduction. The upgrade of the nine winds and bee colonies is unconscious, and it has also been reduced a lot. Maybe it is because there are more bees.

Before he used his flesh and blood to make a return to the soul, he saved the original battle and only got a hundred points.

And this is not a big head, the big head is the following tip!

- The exiles have developed a biosafety stimuli method with a completion rate of 75%. For those who meet the conditions, the highest abilities are 100%, and the safety is 100%. Here, the reward is scum-100 million points.

One million points!

This is definitely a reward reduction point that he did not think of at all.

He saw this number as dumbfounded.

How could it be so much? why?

Before he wanted to understand, the reward of reducing more than one million points came along. He could only temporarily put the doubts aside and concentrate on seeing what the rewards are.

-- Congratulations to the exiles for the cumulative reduction of scum values ​​exceeding 1 million points, and now the total scum reduction is 1,120,843 points. In order to reward the enthusiasm of the exiles, and to make the exiles better, they are rewarded and rewarded.

Reward one, the intermediate training method of the warrior, the upgraded version of the primary training method, suitable for the sixth to eighth class fighters. Other considerations are the same as the primary training method.

Reward 2, fixed-point portal, can be fixed-point transmission between two locations, unlimited distance within the planet, limited weight 100,000 kg. Note 1: The mother transfer point cannot be changed once it is decided, and the sub transfer point can be arbitrarily changed. Note 2: The transfer point is destroyed and cannot be transferred and can be repaired. Repairing the required scum value plus points will be determined based on the damage.

Both rewards are very good, but from the actual situation, the first reward is strictly and without hesitation.

When the guidelines were carefully speculated to reduce the value of one million people because of a safe power challenge method, the first harvested earthen nuts were all ground into rice.

The earthen nuts are as described in the guide. Whether it is the rice that has been ground after drying or the rice that has been ground before drying, it is similar to wheat and has a hard taste. It is not suitable for rice and rice. Articles, etc., but suitable for face rice. The water that has not been dried and dried after the rice is ground can be poured into the soil as a nutrient, which has the effect of soil and fat.

Strictly summoned Gan Yu and others, and handed them over to them. It happened that the first batch of blood-blooded warriors awakened. Everyone said that they wanted to celebrate. He took the opportunity to let Gan Yu take the face of everyone and put a lot of noodles. All the noodles were made into various pastas and distributed to the public at the celebration meeting.

The first time I tried such a food, some people liked it, some people couldn't adapt it, but everyone said that the food was good and it was full.

The meat film and patties in the food made are the most popular, followed by the pie and the taro, because you can eat meat in the middle.

When you tell us that this food is easier to preserve than meat and any other fruit, the earthen fruit tree has become one of the most important plants in Jiuyuan's mind. However, because of the specificity of the earth-fruit trees and the current situation of Jiuyuan, it is not necessary to give the soil-fruits to everyone to plant separately, only to wait until the tribes are large.

There are a lot of people in Jiuyuan. Nowadays, apart from a small piece of Beicheng and Dongcheng, there are basically no people living in other places. They are not willing to waste these land. They are used to grow fruit and cotton with good soil quality. After waiting for more people, the field will be transferred to the city and out to the city.

The cotton eye is also about to be harvested. Before the winter, the two sides of the original war will be used to give birth to two hundred earthen fruit trees. This time, he pays special attention not to reach the conditions for the emergence of the earth tree. First, he did not let The original battle was to mix the soil, followed by staggering the maturity time.

The two hundred earth-fruit trees did not grow well in front of the two hundred, but because this land was first planted, even if it was not carefully blended, it was still fertile, and there were many earth-fruits.

When the original warfare gave birth to these earthen fruit trees, sometimes it felt pain in the eyebrows. He would definitely not put it in his heart before, but after he said this to him, he would have some doubts.

"It will soon enter the winter. The Gramma has no signs of leaving. Are they planning to stay here to settle down?" Seeing the original war, he said it by raising his head.

In the original battle, I washed my hands and washed my face, and took a spoonful of cold water to pour it. This was a mouthful: "Let me ask them. What are your plans?"

"They have a lot of women and a lot of labor. If they want, I want to bring them in. Winter is a good opportunity. I let the dwarves put a lot of vacancies in the outer city. They moved in and immediately lived there. But let Hey, tell them clearly, not live alone, they need to work to pay back."

"Don't rush to let them in, let's talk in the winter. Let them ask us, better than us."

Look at him closely. This animal is now more and more like a real leader regardless of the work or consideration. "Oh, this matter is handed over to you, I only want people, how to get it, you are responsible. In addition, Ramon It is said that the first snow cap will be lowered in more than 20 days. We have to speed up the last hunting before winter."

"I have already told them that I will not go this time. Because of the team, he will pull out these awakened blood warriors. By the way, let them practice their hands and train them to cooperate."

"Indeed, it is very important to cooperate with the war. According to the physique and talent, not everyone can wake up as a blood-stained warrior. The first batch of talents are good enough to wake up. This is also luck, but next time it is not necessarily, for example, now The preparation of this batch can be half awakened very well. And some people will not be very powerful even if they are barely awakened. In the end, the tribe must be more ordinary warriors than the blood warriors. I am wondering how to improve the body of ordinary people. Quality, if researched out, with the primary training method, exercise, they may be even more powerful than the average blood warrior."

I have tasted the sweetness once and for all. Now I am thinking about how to add another physical growth method or simply a genetic improvement method. When he used to do genetic research, he broke through the physical energy, increased the quality of the human body, and increased the life span of human beings. His main subject of research is that his research direction is not the same as that of other genetic scientists. He has always been fascinated by the balance of the five elements of the meridian acupoints of traditional Chinese medicine. He believes that these invisible things are the most breakthrough in human genes. Important element.

When he talked about it in the original war, he fell into meditation, and he swallowed again about the bloodstone. Forget it, the Modu is already busy like this, and his body does not really have any problems. It is better to wait until the winter, when everyone is free.

"Oh, yes, I got the intermediate training method from the ancestors. I can only go to the fifth level at the beginning level, and I need to use the intermediate level from the sixth level to the eighth level."

When the original battle was heard, the fear of the bloodstone was gone. He thought that the eyebrows were painful because he was still using the primary training method.

Two days later, under the strict blessing, the hunting team set off.

On the third day, people who stayed in the city began to learn to collect cotton.

On the fourth day, I was responsible for the rushing of the patrol outside and said a bad news.

"War, silence, the Yi people came out of the forest!"

"Direction?" asked the original frown.

After rushing to grab a sip of water, he quickly said: "They came out of the forest in the northwest. There was a group of dwarves who lived there. Now they are fleeing to us. The Yi people are behind them."

“How long will it be for us?”

"They are very fast, and they will reach the periphery of Jiuyuan in about three or four days."

The original battle and the strict mutual observation, the original war immediately ordered the commander to the side: "Tell me the order, tell the sand wolf, let her blow the horn, and inform all the people except the hunting team to return to the city before the night!"

"Yes." The commander flew away.

Looking at the stern eyes, he just ran back at full speed, let him rest for a while, okay?

Unfortunately, the silence has not yet been opened. The original battle has been ruthlessly preached: "Fast, you continue to scout and pay attention to the purpose of the Yi people. Any discovery will come back and tell me, go, be careful."

Slamming, since he awakened the speed ability, he ran around outside every day, and when he had something to do, he ran his leg and ran his leg. He is the head of the Fourth Warrior Regiment, not a scout or a commander!

There is no way to do it. The original battle is the tribal boss, and the most powerful one. Even if he has full complaints, there is nowhere to tell, he can only continue to run errands.

Hey, silently said that it is good, who can do more, who makes the whole tribe a speed so fast. Suffering pain and proudly ran out of the city again.

Strictly seeing this, with a little thought, "The Feisha people don't know if they can have speed ability in the future, but I think the wind is good and the speed is also effective, but it is too wasteful to just let them run errands. What's more, Meng and the entire Fourth Warrior Group have to manage."

"Do you have any idea?"

"I am going to look for the nine winds to see if it can help tame some big birds. If we can, we can organize a group of aerial reconnaissance teams, and the black people have the advantage of vision. If they practice bows and arrows, match With the ability to fly in the air, they can not only become scouts in the sky, but also become a fighting force that poses a great threat to the enemy."


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