“Alpine cave family?” Strictly stunned when he heard the hunter and asked if there was a tribe with this name nearby.

"Why, is there a problem with this tribe?" Hunt asked quickly.

Strictly in order to confirm the map again, even if he has already remembered several tribes in the vicinity.

I clicked on the map and pointed out the original battle and hunting a few times. "I don't know if there is a mountain cave near here, but here..."

Several Jiuyuan high-level and a few small people together to see the location of the strict point, there was a big circle. It is in this circle that the names of several tribes are indicated, and the alpine caves are in it.

Big and small look at each other, isn't that their ultimate destination? The priests said that they must go.

"The child said that the neighborhood looks familiar, but there are many similar terrains. Maybe the child remembers it wrong." Hunted and guessed, and then he stood up and said: "I am going to bring the child over."

"Don't scare him." Strictly told.

Hunting is gone.

The original war took the map and said casually: "We don't need that child to lead the way? I don't know if he remembers the road."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember the road, as long as he can remember the exact location of his tribe. These tribes are all in the deep forests, and it is basically impossible if no acquaintances lead the way to find them."

He only felt that his luck was very good. Although he speculated about the approximate location of the ruins, there was a deep mountain and there was a real inaccessible place. He and the original battle were not afraid of danger, but they could not lie on the ground. Looking for it?

"There is no energy leakage, more than the scanning function is not used. The ability of Wuguo treasure hunt is temporarily sealed. Only by the nine winds and our people to find a little bit, I don't know how long it will take. Although I can ask the local Life helps, but a clearer goal is better than finding a needle in a haystack."

To this end, they had secretly collected information everywhere before going, and learned that there are still a few small and medium-sized tribes. The alpine cave family is a relatively large tribe in that piece, and deals with some goods in Mucheng.

There may be some small tribes in the deep forests, but these tribes never go out of the mountain, no different from the wild people, and they want to know in advance.

He also thought about the neighborhood, the idea to find the local indigenous first, ask the situation clearly, he always felt that Ding Yi can find the ruins and occupy it, the local indigenous is informed.

Unexpectedly, God helped him, and even sent the aborigines of the alpine cave family to him in advance.

In the original battle, he smiled happily and poked his face. "How can you be sure that the local indigenous people must know the ruins?"

Strictly spread the map onto the pavement. "I'm not sure they must know the ruins, but I think there are ninety-nine percent of the local indigenous people who know how to get some of the Dingyi tribes."

"Master, why are you so sure of the local indigenous knowledge?" Xiao He and others did not understand and asked.

Strictly teach the children: "If I tell you my judgment directly, it would be boring. Who can analyze and analyze first?"

More than the first raise, "According to the news we got, the Dingyi tribe did not work in that generation ten years ago, then the problem came, their territory is so far away, how did you know and discovered that? Where is the ruins?"

Strictly praise: "Good question! Continue."

The little black eye turned and raised his hand. "Assume that the alpine tribe or some other tribe found the land of the relic, but they don't know the preciousness of the relic, maybe because they can't go on, maybe because of the traitors, they are in the remains. Some of the things discovered in the land flowed out through the tourist business. The great witch of the Dingyi tribe had the power of prophecy, and he might discover the secrets of the relics through some special goods brought by the tourists. Maybe go to the alpine tribes. There is a caravan of Dingyi. This will explain why Ding Yi has to turn over the Nasher Mountains to occupy the territory that is currently of little use to them."

"Speak well." Yan Mo is always worthy of praise for the apprentices.

Nasher in the Nassau Mountains is said to be a very old indigenous language, meaning mysterious and terrifying.

The mountain range is located between Shuicheng Mucheng and Dingsong. It is a vast expanse of vast forests and mountains. It has been extending from the upper reaches of the Jiuyuan River to the lower reaches of the Dahe River. It is like a dragon ridge, almost parallel with the Jiuyuan River. East.

There are large hills and plains in the middle and lower reaches between the Jiuyuan River and the Nasher Mountains. The land is too broad. The Dingzi tribe, which originally lived in the lower reaches of the Jiuyuan River, has crossed the river to encroach on more fertile land resources. It will not run to the Nassau Mountains in just a few years.

It is important to know that even Mucheng and Shuicheng, especially the wood towns with good plants, dare not easily enter the Nasher Mountains, so that a large virgin forest in the Nasher Mountains has always been stateless.

Sumen holds the witch fruit and clicks on the map with the branches. "I understand. Even before the meeting in Wucheng, Dingyi failed to occupy the Nasher mountains. The most frequent activities of them are here. A place is less than one-fifth of the area occupied by the mountain. However, it is clearly located in the center of the mountain. If it is a normal occupation, it should develop from the periphery, instead of jumping directly like Ding Wei. The innermost."

"Very well, all of the reasons you said are a good proof of the fact that Ding's behavior is very weird. And weird behavior always has its purpose. Dingyi is willing to pay such a big price, and he will use his life to clear the way. At the same time, fighting with several local indigenous peoples, but also occupying this land, it can only show that this land has greater value and can bring better benefits to Dingyi." Strictly summed up.

The original battle suddenly plugged in. "I feel that Ding Ding may not pay special attention to her after occupying this relic site. Otherwise, I will not trade the bones found in the relics to various tribes."

"I think Ding Yi people must also regret this, so they only have one time to deal with the bones found in the ruins." Yan Xiao laughed, "They should find behind the more powerful weapons such as energy guns. It is also to understand how valuable the land of the ruins is."

"So, will we have a big fight with Dingyi in the past?" Xiaohe blinked. "The land of the ruins is so good, they definitely don't want to give up?"

"Not necessarily." Yan Mo and the original battle look at each other, said harshly: "Specially tell me, they will give up ... feed, don't be jealous!"

The original battle was very uncomfortable, and I squeezed my lover's thighs hard. At the same time, I used my eyes to grieve the geological question: When did the two of you meet me, and truthfully recruited!

Suddenly he was pinched by his teeth, and his face was smothered with a wooden needle.

"Hedgehog! The sergeant has become a hedgehog." Several children smirked and smirked.

Wu Guowo was in the arms of Sumen. He was half-small with a small mouth. He slept with a mouthful of water and snorted. He didn’t see his father’s even being tied into a hedgehog.

Sumen was a serious child. He grabbed the small handcuffs that were sewn on the collar of Wu Guo and wiped his mouth. He bowed his head and kissed the little witch.

Strictly see, the corner of the mouth is slightly twitching. The mouth of his eldest son does not know how many times he has been beaten by several of his brothers, let alone the first kiss, and may have more than a hundred kisses.

But Wu Guo doesn't mind at all, the big ones don't marry him, and he also climbs over to people to marry others.

The original battle was thick, and he was used to being accustomed. One root pulled the wooden needle down, and did not return it to the stern, all confiscated, used to tie the priests of his family.

These little nephews dared to call his teacher, thinking that he did not hear it!

Yan Xiaole’s first screaming screamed and rolled all the way to the back.

Xiao Hei also screamed and jumped up with his ass.

Dolby's tentacles turned fast, and the result was to pay attention to the dodge wooden needles, but did not notice the slap in the original battle, and was beaten right, and fell to the trunk.

Sumen holding the witch fruit did not escape, wearing a red bag that was knocked out on the forehead, and looked at the tears with sorrow: Master, what am I doing wrong?

Witch is more unlucky, sleeps well and is bounced, and the eyes have not opened his mouth and started to wow.

Strictly squatting on someone, "How old are you? I will bully my apprentice all day long!"

"I am teaching the father's responsibility to teach them that these little sisters are spoiled by you." Someone is righteous.

Slightly silent for a long while: It’s hard for you, and I want to think of the word Dad.

Sitting on the side of the big river is very eager to ask: If Ding Hao gave up so easily, then the ruins still have to go? They should have finished moving all the good things?

However, watching this family is very happy, Dahe put this problem aside, he thought that since the two came out personally, the relics must have the value of exploration - this is the nine original people who are always full of mysterious faith to the priests. typical.

When the snail was brought over, the highest family in Jiuyuan had recovered to "normal". At least it seemed to be a dog-like dog. Only Wu Guo was still anger at his father's fingers.

The screw image was a little scared, and the man was dull and looked at it and couldn’t stop shaking. Even if hunting told him how to say it, Silence just wanted to ask him something.

Si saw that hunting did not stop, but also followed.

"You two sit down first." Strictly raised his hand.

Xiaohei gave two cushions to the two people and poured them two glasses of water.

The snail that was so scared that the legs were soft was pressed to the mat by the black, and he was stuffed with a cup.

Si slammed the wooden cup and sat down on the ground. He didn't dare to use the fur mat that was very delicate and thick.

Strictly watching the two people are too nervous, indicating that all others are scattered, but a few small are not willing to go, Sumen is obedient, but he does not leave, he also sat down.

The original battle is even more unwilling to go.

Hunting and the big river are laughing and sitting farther away.

"Do you call the snail?" Yan said to the boy with the most harmonious look.

The screw stupidly nodded.

Si touched him gently, and the snail replied loudly: "Yes, adults."

"Don't be nervous, I ask you to come over not to punish you, but to have something to ask you." The tone of silence is soothing and directly soothes the soul.

The snail suddenly felt that the priests in front of him were not so horrible. The sorcerer was not terrible, but he feared that the top has become an instinct.

Strictly looking at Sri Lanka, "I remember that you are the original slave leader, the name is Sri, right?"

"Yes, adults." Si looked up and bowed. He didn't expect the priests who were on the top to remember him, and even remember his name.

"You are also a mountain cave?"

"No, I am not."

"Then you are not worried about this child?"

After the answer, there was no answer, and the body remained motionless. His behavior was light in the past ten whips, and he was ready to accept punishment.

However, the young silent witch only smiled at him and said "you are very good", there is no other indication to him, no punishment, no reprimand.

Strictly began to ask about the snail about the alpine cave family. When asked if the clan was broken by the attack, he interrogated more carefully: "Do you remember who attacked you? What characteristics do they have? What weapons are used? ”

He shook his head in confusion, and he only managed to escape, and his age was still small.

Suddenly seeing his uneasiness and nervousness, he released his soul again to appease him and tried to evoke memories he had.

"Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, good boy, come, follow me to breathe... exhale... well, tell me, how many people are there in your family?"

Xiao He stared at the harsh movements, expressions and intonations, and he was fascinated.

Everyone else was quiet, and Si felt a strange look in this silence. Then he saw the teenager around him close his eyes like a dream, and began to tell his life with a smile.

While the teenager recalled his past life, Ding Hao was withdrawing from the Nasher Mountains.

The singer, the singer, the sorcerer and the great sorrow are all coming. Lamona, who has been married to Ding, is not here. It was once the highest secret of Ding, and Ramona is not qualified to know.

"Is it sure that all have been evacuated?" Dawu Lili once again did not feel confident.

Zhichun Gongyi replied: "There is no doubt that there are no more items in the inside, that is, we can peel off the patterns on the walls and peel them off. We can all ruin them. We also opened the ground and walls. The following are all real soils, and there will never be other things left."

Lili still felt a little uncertain. He always felt that something was missing. Unfortunately, he used the prophecy ability many times to see the future of this relic, but only saw a white fog.

He dare not use this ability any more. The prophetic ability is probably the least popular among all the gods' blood abilities. Whether it is the first prophetic witch, or him, every prophecy requires a great price.

Now the witches can no longer predict - no one can be sure about this, but the witch has publicly said that it will not be predicted, then he will at least not publicly predict. As far as he knows, there is prophecy on the East Continent and he is known. He is the only one at present.

If he can't even see the future of this ruined land, he can only say that God does not want people to see it.

However, this has created a problem that is extremely troublesome for him: Why does God not want him to see it?

The more he can't see, the more uneasy he is.

"All the slaves who know this place are killed, and the indigenous people around here don't want to stay."

The conspicuous frown, "The slaves brought back. Those indigenous people don't know anything, and the secrets of this place are dead."

Lili shook his head. "The Jiuyuan people will find it sooner or later. That murder is too strange. Even if he doesn't know that there is a place in the ruins, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not hear from his mouth. I can't see him. In the future, I can't see the land of this ruins. I can't even see the future of Jiuyuan. I don't know if it was evacuated by us, but I don't want to leave anything to the sorcerer and leave nothing to Jiuyuan. Even a grass in the ruins of the land. Those slaves and local indigenous people keep it worried, so it is better to get rid of it."

He said that Li Li looked up and looked at him, and his eyes were a bit weird. "Do you have a soft heart? The strange witch has influenced you, right?"

He did not answer, and he felt that there was no need to answer.

However, Lili felt that it was because he felt that he had no answer after he felt the loss. This led him to say the next paragraph: "If you don't have an accident, you will be the new generation chief of our Dingyi tribe. Your actions and judgments will affect the development of the entire tribe. As a great witch, I must remind you: Don't forget, Jiuyuan is the largest enemy tribe of our Ding, which was predicted by the previous generation. The factual development also proves that There is nothing wrong with Dahua!"

Su Li suddenly became excited. He held his fist and hated: "Our territory was plundered by Jiuyuan! Our chiefs were killed by them! Our warriors were humiliated by Jiuyuan! These hatreds can never be forgotten!"

"Great witch..." Zhichun wants to reconcile.

Li Li waved him and pointed at the scepter with a scepter. "Do you think I want to kill? It is Jiyuan who is forcing us! These slaves, as well as the indigenous people living in this neighborhood, are all because of Jiuyuan. The land will die! It’s not me who killed them, it’s Jiuyuan! Zhichun, start!”

The singer grasped Zhichun, and there was no sound in the waves. "Great witch, I will say it again, it makes no sense. Zhichun, to serve the great witch, it is getting dark, we have to reach the mountain camp before dark."

"Special!" Li Li.

The special turn turned, "It takes ten days to get out of the forest. If you have the time to kill, it is better to keep your strength."

Li Li holds down his forehead, and he has a good reputation. But there is something wrong with him. He believes that it is extremely difficult for others to shake him. He does not blame him for refuting him in the face of Zhichun. This is the character, and he is the same to the former chief.

However, if this order is not willing to listen to him, how can he persuade the other party to accept Princess Ramona after going back?

Ramona is too important for Ding, how can he not give up the princess. But if you don't want to marry her, how can Ramona be at home? The woman of the previous chieftain? The former chieftain had a son, but it was just the son of the former chief.

Do you want him to give the position of the big witch to Ramona?

When Li Li fell into thinking, when he made a good decision to return to God, he had already taken people away. He only knew that Chun and some guards who were far away were still waiting for him.

"Zhichun," Li Li grabbed Zhichun's shoulder.

"Great witch, what do you have to order?"

"Kill those slaves and indigenous people, don't leave one."

Zhichun was in a dilemma, but after seeing the cold eyes of Lili, he nodded his head and turned to tell the soldiers who were nearby to protect the witch.

After a month and a half, Yan and the original battle finally arrived in the Nasher Mountains.

The ear and the lower/body have been restored. The snails before the change have been timid, with real happiness. The mountain in front of the finger is like a bull's head. Quickly said: "Look, Niutou Mountain! Just in front, this time will not be wrong. Our alpine cave family lives in that mountain!"

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