Bank of The Universe

Chapter 156 Talk! (one)

On the isolated island, the old Taoist priest used his superb medical skills to save the little girl's grandfather.

"Thank you, Daoist, for saving your life." The old man opened his eyes weakly and said gratefully.

"It's okay, you have to thank your granddaughter, I saved you only for her sake." The old Taoist waved his hand.

"Thank you, Daoist grandpa." The little girl was very happy to see her grandpa wake up, and smiled sweetly.

The old Taoist also smiled and said, "No thanks, since your grandpa is awake, let's leave here."

"Daoist, I wonder if I could trouble you to collect the inner alchemy of this big snake. I came here for this inner alchemy. Xiaoya's mother was poisoned and passed out. She needs the inner alchemy of this colorful python to save her." Ya's grandpa begged.

The little girl Xiaoya also knelt down to the old Taoist priest: "Grandpa Taoist priest, please save my mother, we need inner alchemy."

The old Taoist immediately agreed, hugged Xiaoya, and said: "You don't need to kneel down to grandpa, you are so cute, I will definitely promise you, you take good care of your grandpa here, and I will go get the inner alchemy."

The inner alchemy of the colorful python is in the body, and now the body is divided into two by the old Taoist priest, it is naturally very simple to take out the inner alchemy.

The old Taoist flew out and came back soon, bringing a white and soft inner alchemy, just like a hard-boiled egg, the difference is that it is several times larger than an egg.

"You take this inner alchemy, and I will take you out now." The old Taoist reached out and grabbed Xiaoya and her grandfather, and flew out of the mountain range.


In the battlefield of heaven and earth, a dilapidated mountain temple is dedicated to the ancestor of Taoism. The old Taoist brought Xiaoya and her grandfather here to recuperate.

By the way, the old Taoist also hunted a few pheasants and roasted them for Xiaoya himself.

While roasting the chicken, the old Taoist specially boiled water for Xiaoya to take a bath, and changed out the dirty clothes, making Xiaoya completely new.

A pink, tender, delicate and beautiful little girl appeared.

The more the old Taoist watched it, the more he liked it. Maybe it was because he was getting older, and he didn't consciously like it when he saw a child. In addition, Xiaoya was too obedient. She obediently did whatever the old Taoist asked her to do.

Let Xiaoya take a bath, and Xiaoya will obediently take a bath by herself, let Xiaoya take care of grandpa, and Xiaoya will silently take care of grandpa.

The old Taoist liked Xiaoya from the bottom of his heart.


A firecracker explodes in the campfire, setting the campfire ablaze.

The bonfire illuminated the surroundings, including the old Taoist face, Xiaoya's delicate and beautiful face, and her grandfather's frail face.

The three of them gathered around the bonfire, talking to each other.

The outside sky has already dimmed, the large open space is empty, the moonlight is covered by dark clouds, and the earth is dark.

In the mountain temple, the old Taoist asked Xiaoya kindly: "What's your original name?"

"Tianya, her nickname is Xiaoya." Xiaoya said with a sweet smile.

"This is my grandfather, called Tianyun." Xiaoya introduced.

"How did you enter the Heaven and Earth Battlefield with Grandpa? It's too dangerous." The old Taoist couldn't help shaking his head. Xiaoya has just built the foundation, which is the land reclamation realm, how can he enter the Heaven and Earth Battlefield?

Xiaoya said helplessly: "If I don't come in, I will get into trouble, and I don't want to come in either. I want to be by my mother's side."

The old Taoist looked at Xiaoya's grandfather Tianyun in confusion.

He hit Xiaoya like old friends at first sight, after getting along with her, he liked this girl from the bottom of his heart.

It may be because he has no wife, no children, and the old Taoist has never enjoyed family happiness at all. Now that he sees Xiaoya, he has a feeling of pampering his granddaughter.

Xiaoya's grandfather Tianyun sighed: "I have no other choice. Xiaoya's father is still missing. Her mother was poisoned and died soon. Xiaoya is being missed again. If I want to save her mother, I will save her mother." I have to enter the battlefield of heaven and earth and get the inner alchemy of the colorful python, but if I am not there, Xiaoya will expose herself. As a last resort, I sealed her mother and took her into the battlefield of heaven and earth, hoping to wait until I get the inner alchemy. Arriving, she is going back to save her mother.


"It's just a pity that the colorful giant python is very powerful. I didn't investigate any of it. I was poisoned by it, which made Xiaoya go all out to save me. I'm useless as a grandfather." Xiaoya's grandfather blamed himself endlessly.

His cultivation also has the Hengsha realm, not as powerful as the old Taoist priest, but he also has the Hengsha tenth level realm.

Logically speaking, when facing that colorful giant python, be careful, you can escape if you can't beat it.

But after being poisoned, he was exhausted and couldn't escape at all, so he could only wait for death slowly.

After the colorful python was poisoned by Tianyun, it didn't kill Tianyun immediately, or swallowed Tianyun, but planned to wait for the poison in Tianyun's body to slowly spread throughout the body, penetrate the internal organs and swallow it, so that it can be swallowed. It's delicious.

Unfortunately, it was at this time that Xiaoya brought in reinforcements.

"Who wants to deal with your family?" The old Taoist asked with a frown. He saw that Xiaoya was so cute, especially when she was combing her ponytails. She was so cute that people couldn't bear to scold her. Such a cute girl, how could someone do it?

The old Taoist was very angry!

Tianya's small face became lonely, staring at the bonfire, extremely melancholy.

Xiaoya, who is in her teens, matures like a little adult, maybe because she has experienced too many things, she has no choice but to mature.

Tianyun sighed and said, "It is Xiaoya's mother's family who are dealing with us."

The old Taoist was surprised and said: "The grievances of the wealthy family!"

Tianyun smiled bitterly, and said: "Master Dao, it's more than that, the love between a rich girl and a poor boy, I had Xiaoya, and then I was opposed by the family, and even chased and killed, exhausted, until now Xiaoya's father has disappeared , Mother was poisoned."

The old Taoist couldn't help but sighed: "It's true that the reality is far more outrageous than I thought."

"But the child is innocent." The old Taoist said angrily when he saw the lonely Xiaoya.

"Xiaoya's grandfather just wanted to snatch Xiaoya away. I don't know what they want to do, but Xiaoya is my granddaughter, the daughter of my child. Now her father is alive and dead, and her mother is in a coma. , must hold up a piece of sky for her." Tianyun said firmly.

"That's right, I'm responsible, Xiaoya, don't worry, when the old Taoist enters the eternal land, you can contact the old Taoist if you have any problems, and the old Taoist will definitely solve it for you." The old Taoist patted his chest and said.

"Really?" Both Xiaoya and Tianyun looked at the old Taoist in surprise.

"Of course, old Taoist priest, I am very strong, even...even if I can't solve it, isn't there still your fairy grandfather?" The old Taoist priest said to Xiaoya.

Xiaoya excitedly said: "Yes, there is also the fairy grandpa, the Taoist grandpa is so powerful, you have to listen to the fairy grandpa, the fairy grandpa must be very powerful."

"Well, who is Grandpa Immortal?" Tianyun asked confusedly.

"Don't ask Xiaoya about me and Grandpa Immortal. This is Xiaoya's chance. You just need to know that we won't harm Xiaoya. If you annoy Grandpa Immortal and Xiaoya loses her chance, it will be harm. Xiaoya for the rest of her life." The old Taoist said solemnly.

Tianyun immediately shut up and stopped interrupting.

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