Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 208 Perfect Abnormality, Demonized Creature

"Cheating? Just think of me as cheating."

Jiang Chen grinned and said: "Don't be so entangled. After all, you have never defeated me since you were a child. This time is the best."

"Huh? How about we practice together now? We are both at the silver level. I won't lose to you again!"

"Just practice!"

Seeing the two people bickering habitually, Dean Leng couldn't help but reveal a bright smile on his face.

Then, one hand grabbed the two of them by the ears.

"Two distinguished D-class envoys, could you please move the things here in first and then clean the yard again?"

Dean Leng's voice was still as gentle as usual, but Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyu straightened their backs unconsciously and started working quickly.

Although Dean Leng is gentle, he has absolute dominance over the children in the orphanage.

After eighteen years of suppression, neither Jiang Chen nor Bai Xiaoyu dared to offend the angry dean.

Under the supervision of Dean Leng, Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyu led the pets and a group of little guys to quickly place the things in the yard, and then cleaned the yard.

By the time the group stopped, they were already exhausted.

"Why do I feel that the dean's mental pressure is stronger than that of the silver creature? I haven't been so tired even after living in a wild breeding farm for a week."

Bai Xiaoyu was lying on the grass, his face full of exhaustion.

"I would rather fight with a gold-level person than be stared at by the dean like this."

"You started fighting when someone asked you to come up, and you got me involved."

Jiang Chen looked disgusted and asked: "But why did you come back so early? Tianqing University is on vacation so early?"

"No, others are still taking the exam, so I just gave up."

Bai Xiaoyu shrugged and said, "I failed the exam anyway, and it would be a waste of time to stay."

"You are quite powerful when it comes to self-awareness."

Jiang Chen responded speechlessly. Bai Xiaoyu's fighting talent was abnormal. If it weren't for the farm bonus, Jiang Chen was sure that he would not be able to surpass Bai Xiaoyu.

But when it comes to learning…

This scumbag is purer than 999K gold.

"By the way, do you know what's going on in the suburbs of Lingyin City?"

Bai Xiaoyu suddenly sat up and said, "I went for a walk in the suburbs when I came back. The evil spirits around me seem to be more ferocious than before?"

"A bit like a wilderness state."

"I heard about it, but I haven't verified it yet."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. The documents Supervisor Zhang gave him also recorded changes in the surrounding area, including several incidents of attacks in the city.

"How about going and taking a look now?"

Bai Xiaoyu looked back at Dean Leng, who had already started preparing dinner, and said, "Go back quickly and come back before dinner."


Jiang Chen looked at the time. There were still two or three hours before sunset, which was enough time for them to investigate the surrounding area.

Just as they said, the two of them swept away their previous tired looks, said hello to Dean Leng, and left quickly.

"Dean, where did Brother Jiang Chen and Brother Xiaoyu go?"

The boy named Hua Zai couldn't help but ask when he saw the two leaving.

"They, when they grow up, they have their own things to do."

Dean Leng smiled slightly and said, "When you grow up, you will be like this too."

"Growing up...then I'd better not grow up."

Hua Zai muttered, and then ran out noisily to play with his friends.

"If possible, I hope you don't grow up~"

Dean Leng sighed and continued to work.


"Jiang Chen, have you contracted a third pet spirit? Or is it a white-headed badger?"

Bai Xiaoyu was a little surprised when he looked at Bai Ban, who was serving tea and water next to Jiang Chen.

"Yeah, but Baiban is not an ordinary white-headed badger. Although his racial form has not changed, his bloodline has reached an epic level."

Jiang Chen said.

He also asked Cao Xiong about Bai Ban. According to Cao Xiong, Bai Ban should have eaten too much plant essence in the forbidden land, and then his bloodline was purified.

However, the whiteboard may have eaten too much, and the energy of the essence of plants and trees was accumulated, so it did not trigger the evolution of the race.

To put it simply, whiteboard means eating too much and causing indigestion.

"Epic bloodline... Then wouldn't you have two epic bloodlines?"

Bai Xiaoyu glanced at the red and white board, looking defeated.

"I thought Lie's bloodline evolution could surpass yours, but you actually contracted an epic level directly. That's too much."

"So, don't think you can surpass me."

Jiang Chen smiled, but the fortune on his shoulders suddenly sounded a warning.

Da da!

Facai stood in front of the two of them, and the Eyes of Delirium opened, and everything in front of him suddenly turned into magnetic fields of different sizes, appearing before his eyes.

Among these magnetic fields, there are several red magnetic fields that are obviously particularly dazzling.

"I didn't expect to meet him so soon."

Jiang Chen looked back and saw that he was not far from Lingyin City and had already discovered the clues. It seemed that the problem was really not small.

"There happen to be two of us. Let's compete to see who can end the battle faster."

Lie also noticed the presence of the enemy and suddenly accelerated and rushed out.


Jiang Chen was speechless, but he still sent out the fortune.

This place is too close to the city, so it's best to fight quickly.

Ta da~

After receiving the order, Facai flew out immediately. Baiban also wanted to show off when he saw this, but Facai and Lie's speed was so fast that it couldn't catch up.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's just go there slowly."

Jiang Chen pulled the whiteboard onto the water lotus, but looked towards the woods on the other side.

In the feedback of making a fortune, it is not just the two ends that have the same magnetic field of life.

The two moved forward quickly and soon found the owner of the red magnetic field.

"A blood-tailed rabbit again?"

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar rabbit in front of him, Jiang Chen felt helpless.

The first silver evil spirit he killed was the blood-tailed rabbit, and the one he used most for training afterwards was also the blood-tailed rabbit.

It can be said that the blood-tailed rabbit is the evil spirit he is most familiar with.

The reason why I say they are unfamiliar is because the condition of these two blood-tailed rabbits is not normal.

Although they still maintain the appearance of rabbits, the bodies of these two blood-tailed rabbits are covered with red blood vessels. From a distance, they seem to be parasitized by some kind of creature.

But what concerned Jiang Chen the most was the eyes of these two blood-tailed rabbits.

One of the two blood-tailed rabbits' eyes turned pure blood red, and not even the white of the eye could be seen.

Moreover, it was very similar to a certain eye that Jiang Chen had seen before.

Scarlet eyeballs!

"After all this time, you still haven't found all the white meat?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly. After Xiao Zhe found the aberrant rat's nest, Lingyin City had rectified the surrounding evil spirits and even held practical assessments to restrict students' access.

Unexpectedly, after so long, the abnormality still exists, and it seems to be more serious than before.

Click, click, click!

The two blood-tailed rabbits also noticed the appearance of the two men, and without any hesitation, they directly attacked them.

Their levels were all silver, and coupled with their own fighting attributes and racial characteristics, they were extremely fast and arrived in front of the two of them in a flash.

But just when they were about to attack Bai Qi and the two, two figures, one red and one gold, suddenly stopped in front of them and kicked them away.

Naturally, it means getting rich and being strong.

The two pet spirits looked at each other, seeing fighting intent in each other's eyes, and continued to attack without stopping.

The two blood-tailed rabbits were not good at it either. As soon as they landed, they rushed over at a faster speed.

I don't know if it's because of the influence of the blood vessels all over their bodies, but the physique of these two blood-tailed rabbits seems to have been strengthened. When they charge, they can even hear the sound of breaking through the air, and they are approaching the speed of sound.

This kind of strengthening is very similar to the mutant that was originally parasitized by the scarlet eyeball.

But these two blood-tailed rabbits didn't seem to have lost their minds. They actually knew how to attack from different angles, and they didn't look like the brainless beasts at all.

Is this another evolution?

On the other side, facing the two scattered blood-tailed rabbits, Lie took the lead and made a move.

As an epic bloodline, Lie's physical fitness is obviously stronger than that of Blood Tail Rabbit, and he also chooses to fight in close combat when facing fighting enemies.

The blood-tailed rabbit had no intention of giving in. The blood-red light above its head flashed, and it had already activated its collision skill.

At this speed, once successfully collided by a blood-tailed rabbit, ordinary creatures will suffer serious internal injuries.

But in the face of strong combat intuition, this direct attack method is almost in vain.

Lie accelerated and took the initiative to close the distance between him and the blood-tailed rabbit. Without waiting for the blood-tailed rabbit to react, he stepped aside to get out of the way, and then smacked him with a paw.

boom! ! !

A scorching flame erupted from Lie's claws, directly knocking the blood-tailed rabbit away, and bursts of meaty aroma filled the air.

The natural skill - Endless Explosion!

"Have you integrated your natural skills into ordinary attacks? It's so strong!"

Seeing Lie's performance, Jiang Chen couldn't help but praise him.

Explosion itself is a manifestation of the fire element, but it generally has a large range and is difficult to control.

But Lie's blow just now compressed the power of the explosion into a very small range, amplifying the destructive power of the explosion to the greatest extent.

"Do you think I've been dawdling these past two months?"

Bai Xiaoyu grinned and said, "Besides, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Lie's special move hasn't been used yet."


When Jiang Chen heard this, he was immediately curious and looked in the direction of getting rich.

Different from Lie's explosive moves, Fa Cai's current fighting style has become much simpler. He doesn't even use the Rasengan, but purely relies on his powerful physical body to fight.

The teacher said that the natal skills of getting rich tend to strengthen the physical body. Although strong combat power can be exerted with the help of geomagnetic fluctuations, this is all based on the strong physical body.

So Cao Xiong gave Facai an order to fight with fighting skills as much as possible within the allowed range.

And even if this is the only way, getting rich is still unilaterally beating the opponent.

The strength of the Jin Gang Hegemon in the awakened state is beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures.

Under the one-sided beating of the two pet spirits, the two blood-tailed rabbits suffered more and more injuries.

But even so, the two blood-tailed rabbits still had no intention of retreating and were still fighting tenaciously.

And as the battle continued, the blood vessels on the body surface gradually shattered, and wisps of strange blood-colored smoke began to escape from the bodies of the two blood-tailed rabbits.

Coupled with the scarlet eyes of the blood-tailed rabbit, the originally cute rabbit suddenly turned into a devil from hell.

This can no longer be called an aberration, but a demonized creature!

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