Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 221: Integrated offense and defense, purple hedgehog soft armor

"It's actually a poison-type armor. I underestimated you."

Looking at Eclipse Wind Spirit, who had only driven out half of the poison, Nie Lang finally put away his contempt.

Perhaps the envoys from other places would think that Jiang Chen's use of foreign objects was not the right way, but for their envoys in Gusu City, the noble phantom itself was also part of the combat power, so he wouldn't think too much about it.

But it was precisely because of this that he noticed the difference in the whiteboard.

That purple armor is indeed weird, but it cannot withstand all the damage, and some of it will definitely be shared with the whiteboard.

But looking at the whiteboard, it was clear that there was no sign of injury at all.

On the other hand, the Eclipse Wind Spirit has not expelled all the toxins yet. If it continues to be approached, it will be really dangerous.

"Eclipse Wind Spirit, long-range attack, don't let this guy get close to you."


The Eclipse Wind spirit energy blew out two strong winds, and seemed unhappy that he would be hurt by a white-headed badger.

I saw Eclipse Wind Spirit shaking its body, and its original light green body suddenly turned into light blue, and it continued to spread, even covering all the limbs of the flames. Only a few flame bracelets were left to prove that the fire attribute still existed. .

At the same time, the speed of the Eclipse Wind Spirit increased sharply, and its body continued to flutter in the battlefield. At the same time, it threw out wind blades that filled the sky, blocking all the movement paths of the whiteboard.

Eclipse Wind Spirit - Spiritual Wind Body!

As a dual-attribute elemental pet spirit, the Eclipse Wind Spirit can choose its attribute preference.

But what he usually displays is a balance of wind and fire, with both strength and speed being balanced.

And when he tilts his attributes towards the wind attribute, he can gain the most terrifying speed.

This skill was something he mastered after he lost the high school joint drill. If he could master it earlier, Eclipse Wind Spirit's ranking would definitely be higher!


Faced with the eclipse wind spirit whose speed surged, Whiteboard also stayed where he was.

It wasn't that it was helpless, but that the Eclipse Wind Spirit ran so fast that it was blinded.

Da da!

Whiteboard became more and more unhappy. He didn't even bother to block the wind blades, and started yelling at the open space.

No one else could understand what Whiteboard said, but everyone could detect the irony in it.

This feeling became even more obvious after those wind blades were bounced away after falling on the purple hedgehog's soft armor.

Perhaps due to the influence of the whiteboard, the attack frequency of the wind blades has increased significantly, and the audience outside can no longer even see clearly the gaps between the wind blades.

But even so, the soft armor on Bai Plate's body has not been broken. Even if there are one or two cracks occasionally, they will be repaired at an extremely fast speed.

"Is this really a gold-level treasure?"

The terrifying defensive power of the purple hedgehog's soft armor completely stunned Lin Mu.

As a son of the Lin family and the eldest son of the current CEO of the Lin family consortium, he naturally knows a lot about Noble Phantasms.

But this purple hedgehog soft armor was completely beyond his knowledge. It was simply the strength of the Starry Noble Phantasm.

But judging from the aura of the soft armor, it is clearly a golden treasure?

"Is it because this life core comes from aborigines?"

Jiang Chen thought thoughtfully. Wen Quan had always emphasized the importance of the integrity of the runes. Unsurprisingly, this should be the reason.

On the other side, facing the rough-skinned and foul-mouthed white board, Eclipse Wind Spirit finally couldn't bear it anymore, and a flash appeared in front of the white board.

Subsequently, Eclipse Wind Spirit's whole body was covered in flames, and he transformed from a wind spirit into a fire demon.

In this state, the strongest thing Eclipse Wind Spirit can do is attack!

boom! ! !

All I saw was a huge fire fist hitting the whiteboard. The whiteboard no longer had its initial calmness, and was directly knocked away, landing heavily on the wall of the opposite battlefield.

The power of this punch exploded, and it also successfully broke the defense of the purple hedgehog's soft armor, leaving a large burn mark on Bai Ban's belly.

You can even see the burnt flesh and blood.

"The final winner is, indeed, me."

Nie Lang showed a satisfied smile, and the aura of the Eclipse Wind Spirit began to change. The colorful light above the battle room flashed, and it was evident that it was about to evolve!

"Fostering war through war, cultivating the heart of victory to supervise evolution, this kid has some perseverance."

Bai Xiaoyu was a little surprised when he saw this, and said: "This method is basically equivalent to self-hypnosis. As long as you keep winning, you can trigger mental fluctuations and accelerate evolution."

"Xiaoyu, do you still understand this?"

Jiang Chen met Bai Xiaoyu for the first time and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Because this is how the Germination Class is trained. If you want to stand out in the Germination Class and enjoy sufficient resource quotas, you must win every battle."

Bai Xiaoyu raised his head and said, "And I am the only person in this sprout class who has never lost!"

"No wonder."

Jiang Chen suddenly understood and said: "But since the requirement is to win every battle, will there be any impact if we lose?"

"Of course there will be. If it's light, the evolution time will be moved back. But if it's more important, it will leave a permanent psychological shadow and make it impossible to evolve for life."

Bai Xiaoyu nodded and said, "But as long as you don't place your hopes particularly on this method, it doesn't matter if you lose a few times occasionally."

"Well, Brother Xiaoyu, what will happen if you lose in this situation?"

"Losing in this situation? Then you're dead."

Bai Xiaoyu ruthlessly told the answer, and suddenly realized something was wrong and looked into the field sharply.

At this time, the colorful light of evolution has been formed, but it is stuck in the air like constipation and has not fallen down.

There was no other reason, it was just because Eclipse Wind Spirit's attention was diverted.

Moreover, the mentality is affected.

The whiteboard that was supposed to have completely lost its fighting ability stood up unsteadily once again, and the burnt flesh and blood on his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is this guy's defense and recovery abilities so terrifying?"

Nie Lang's eyes widened, remembering for no reason the scene when he lost to Shuiyue Cat.

It seems that this guy also lost when he took it lightly.

"Eclipse Wind Spirit, win the game first."

Nie Lang's eyes gradually became darker and he murmured to himself: "We can't lose again before avenging our father!"

As if aware of Nie Lang's mood, Eclipse Wind Spirit also gave the most intuitive response. It was still a fire demon, but it showed a speed that did not belong to the wind spirit body.

And, even more violent!

But after taking the blow without any problems, Baiban also looked down on Eclipse Wind Spirit, and kept making various mocking gestures.

As for the purple hedgehog soft armor, it was quickly repaired at the same time as the whiteboard was restored.

Finally, Eclipse Wind Spirit rushed to the whiteboard again and hit the whiteboard with a set of combo punches.

As the person with the worst fighting skills in the team, Whiteboard is naturally unable to defend against him.

But the whiteboard had no intention of defending at all. If Eclipse Wind Spirit punched twice, it would punch back, and if it was kicked, it would bite.

In other words, elemental species have no so-called vital parts, which greatly limits the performance of the whiteboard. Otherwise, there may be even more despicable tricks.

But even so, Eclipse Wind Spirit's condition was still abnormal.

When Bai Ban punched, the armor on his claws turned into a spike glove.

If you are punched by the whiteboard, you will be poked by at least twenty needles, and you will also accumulate more than twenty thousand poison seals.

What's even more outrageous is that the whiteboard is still shortening the size of the sharp needles and constantly increasing the number.

Others can make hundreds of flowers blossom with one punch, but Whiteboard can make all kinds of poison come with one claw!

"This whiteboard and this purple hedgehog soft armor are really tricked by him."

Jiang Chen grinned. The purple sand salamander itself is a fluid creature, and this attribute has also been integrated into its life core.

Unexpectedly, Wen Quan could also develop it. Although the name of this purple hedgehog soft armor is defensive, it is both offensive and defensive.

Especially for a guy like Whiteboard whose native skill requires attacking rhythm, it's a perfect match!

"Speaking of which, I have only seen a whiteboard detonating a hundred poisons, but I have never seen a thousand poisons. Is there a chance this time?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin, looking forward to it.

But Nie Lang didn't dare to delay it any longer.

"The sun eclipses the wind spirit, and both wind and fire are extinguished!"

Hearing Nie Lang's words, the Eclipse Wind Spirit let out a cheerful cry, and then the wind and fire elements appeared at the same time and collided with each other.

For the first time, these two elements did not merge, but began to cancel each other out.

At the same time, a very special aura escaped from the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

"How come this feeling is similar to the destructive power of the first generation? No, it is quite different in essence, but the meaning is correct."

Jiang Chen's expression also became a little unnatural, but he was not worried about himself, but a little worried about Nie Lang.

Because it seems that this skill of Eclipse Wind Spirit can no longer be released.

As soon as this thought came to an end, something strange suddenly appeared on Eclipse Wind Spirit.

A series of dark green marks were seen flowing from the body of Eclipse Wind Spirit, and a new poison mark was condensed.

As the number of marks gradually increased, not only did this mark not expand, but it became smaller.

By the time the Thousand Poison Seal was completely condensed, it was already as small as a fingernail.


Baiban, who was also activating the Thousand Poison Seal for the first time, was looking forward to it and snapped his fingers like a human.

In an instant, Thousand Poison Seals suddenly erupted, and a dark green wave spread rapidly, and the elemental energy wherever it passed also gradually dissipated in the collision with the poison.

An unprecedented feeling of weakness instantly eroded the entire body of Eclipse Wind Spirit.

And the skills that had just been condensed were shattered due to the chaos of the power within the body.

This battle was won by the blank slate!

"This...this is impossible!!!"

Nie Lang went completely crazy when he saw this, and let out an unwilling roar. The colorful light above his head also began to dissipate.

"I feel like I did something bad."

Jiang Chen felt a little guilty. He just wanted to find a suitable opponent, but he didn't expect that it would end up like this.

If Eclipse Wind Spirit cannot evolve because of this, even if he fights normally, they are both human beings, and there is no hatred between the two parties, so they still feel a little regretful.

"Jiang Chen, don't worry. Nie Lang's character is not bad, but he was a little too hasty. There is nothing wrong with losing a game completely. It may help him calm down."

Lin Mu immediately comforted Jiang Chen when he saw Jiang Chen's appearance, but was pulled away by Bai Xiaoyu beside him.

"Are you sure this guy is calming down?"


Lin Mu was a little puzzled. He followed Bai Xiaoyu's gaze towards the battlefield and suddenly felt his pupils shrink.

Suddenly, strange red smoke appeared on the Eclipse Wind Spirit, which had been eroded by thousands of poison seals, and its originally clear eyes turned blood red.

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