Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 231 Looking for a new pet spirit

Forest of Elements.


Whiteboard, whose whole body was wrapped in purple hedgehog soft armor, had a lazy face and was being beaten back and forth in the air by a group of evil spirits.

"Jiang Chen, are you really training your pet like this?"

Bai Xiaoyu punched away an evil spirit without eyes, and looked in the direction of the whiteboard speechlessly.

"Why not?"

Jiang Chen shrugged and said: "Baiban ate too much plant essence in the forbidden place. There was too much energy accumulated in the body, and it was impossible to digest it for a while."

As he said that, Jiang Chen pointed at Bai Ban, who was injured but recovered quickly, and said: "Being beaten like this can speed up Bai Ban's absorption of plant essences. When he absorbs it completely, he may be able to reach the silver level."

"But aren't you fighting too passively?"

Bai Xiaoyu sighed. Although Baiban was positioned as an MT, it was rare to get a pure beating like this.

The key is to forget about being beaten. The evil spirits who beat him fell down one by one. From a certain point of view, it was considered a battle.

"As long as it works."

Jiang Chen grinned. The Ten Thousand Poison Seal can be triggered passively. Although Baiban has been getting beaten, his proficiency in the Ten Thousand Poison Seal has been improving.

Not only can it absorb the essence of plants and trees, but it can also improve skill proficiency. Such a leisurely training method is probably only available on a blank slate.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen moved his gaze to the side.

Their goal today was to train their pets, so Fa Cai and Hong Zhong each found a way to train that suited them best.

The exercise method for getting rich is relatively simple and crude.

In order to better temper his body and improve his proficiency in coercion, Fa Cai grabbed two silver-level earth-shaking demonic cows from nowhere to help him practice.

As for the method, the two demonic cows are tied up with gold threads, and then the pressure is released to intimidate them, and then they are pulled in the opposite direction by wrestling.

Mingming Fucai's body was no bigger than a fist, but he easily crushed two earth-shaking demonic bulls that were famous for their strength.

Not only that, because of fear, the two earth-shaking demonic cows also released coercion and confrontation. Not to mention deterring Fa Cai, they were stimulated even more crazy by Fa Cai's coercion and gold.

The way to train the Golden Gang Hegemony and Coercion Gold at the same time like this is something that ordinary pets cannot do.

Although there is no new manifestation of Jin Gang's hegemonic body proficiency, the gravity chaos area of ​​​​the farm has a very strong tempering effect on the physical body.

At least Fa Cai himself said that through the tempering of the gravity chaos zone, he had stronger control over his own power.

As long as he continues like this, Fa Cai will soon be able to hone his proficiency in several skills to the level of perfection.

In comparison, Hongzhong's exercise method seems much normal.

In order to pursue the goal of the Archmage, Hongzhong focused on cultivating his control ability and range.

There are many trees in the Forest of Elements and the environment is complex. Hongzhong drives water lilies around and every time he sees one, a water vine will branch out and entangle with it.

Although the levels are almost all bronze, it is quite terrifying to fight with twenty or thirty evil spirits at the same time and still not fall behind.

With three pet spirits and three training methods, the Forest of Elements, which was regarded as a dangerous area by other D-level envoys, has completely become Jiang Chen's best training ground.

"You guys are really getting more and more perverted."

Bai Xiaoyu looked at the three "monsters" speechlessly, silently turned his attention back to himself, and blew up one of the evil spirits with one punch.

"When it comes to monsters, you two are both~"

Lin Mu, who was traveling with him, couldn't help but sigh when he heard the words. He looked at the mess around him and said, "It means that the number of evil spirits in the Forest of Elements is not inferior to that in the wilderness. Otherwise, I doubt whether these are enough for the two of you to practice."

"It is true that there are very few cultivation sites with such a large number of evil spirits that are not as dangerous as the wilderness."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. Although the evil spirits in the Forest of Elements were a little less wild than the evil spirits in the wilderness, they were better in number and had a higher safety factor.

Training in a place like this is perfect.

It's just that they have been training here for two days, but they haven't seen even a single elemental species.

"Lin Mu, do all the elemental species in the Forest of Elements have fixed areas of activity? Why haven't we seen any of them?"

Jiang Chen asked the doubts in his heart.

"That's not the case. The reason why the Forest of Elements is named after elements is not only because of the abundance of elemental energy here, but also because of the existence of elemental species."

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "But the living habits of elemental species are different from other creatures. They usually go wherever the elements are rich. There is no fixed activity area."

"There is also the existence of elemental fragments. Every time an elemental fragment appears, it will increase the elemental concentration of the surrounding environment, and some of the surrounding elemental species will gather together. Therefore, elemental species basically have no fixed range of activities."

"What you mean is that the elemental species will actively move towards places with rich energy. In other words, we only need to look for areas with high concentrations of energy?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, suddenly becoming interested.

As the darlings of heaven and earth, elemental species have an innate advantage in controlling elemental energy, and the most intuitive manifestation is the rune of the life core.

For extraordinary creatures of the same level, the completeness of the life core runes of elemental species will be much higher, and such life cores will also have a greater advantage when making noble phantoms.

To put it simply, the life cores of elemental species are more valuable!

Of course, besides money, Jiang Chen has other goals.

Elemental fragments.

This thing's current function is ominous, but just the fact that it can spawn the seed is enough for Jiang Chen to pay attention.

He was very curious about what kind of things it would bring to him when it fully grew up.

New farm facilities?

Or is it a unique treasure that belongs to him as a farmer?

Considering the consistent quality of the farm, Jiang Chen said he was quite looking forward to it.

"That's understandable."

Lin Mu nodded slightly and said, "Jiang Chen, if you are interested in elemental species, I know there are several areas where many elemental species are active nearby. You should be able to meet what you want."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's set off quickly?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, before Jiang Chen could speak, Bai Xiaoyu was the first to respond.

"Are there any fire elemental creatures around here? Take me there quickly and take a look. If you're lucky, I might be able to deal with the third pet spirit."

"The third pet spirit? Bai Xiaoyu, are you sure you don't want to choose the cub? Even if the wild evil spirit makes a contract, there is still a risk of defecting."

Lin Mu immediately persuaded after hearing this, saying: "If you have an idea, I can take you to Lin's breeding farm. There are also many elemental cubs there."

"Forget it, I'm not a rich man like Jiang Chen, I'm already a millionaire."

Bai Xiaoyu waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Besides, the wild ones won't have any impact, as long as they beat him to death, it will be fine."

"And I remember Jiang Chen, isn't that how your Hongzhong and Whiteboard came to be?"

"Don't compare me with you, I'm willing to make contracts."

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes. Although both Hongzhong and Baiban were wild-contracted, one was restored to factory settings by the farm and was basically no different from a cub.

The other one came here on his own initiative, so there was no possibility of defecting.

There is probably no one with such a simple and crude method of subjugation as Bai Xiaoyu.

"In this case, I will take you there."

Lin Mu heard this and no longer objected, and decided to take the two of them there.

Buzz buzz...

At this time, Lin Mu's phone suddenly rang.

"Father...ok...ok, I understand, I'll be back soon."

Lin Mu hung up the phone and looked at the two of them slightly apologetically.

"Sorry, my father asked me to go back and deal with some things, how about next time?"

"No, just tell us the general direction and we'll find it ourselves."

Bai Xiaoyu said: "Anyway, we have nothing to do, so we can just wander around by ourselves."

"That's okay."

Lin Mu took out a map, marked several areas on it, and said, "These are areas where elemental species are more active. I have marked the attributes. You should be careful."

After saying that, Lin Mu left in a hurry.

"It seems that you are really anxious. Could something have happened?"

Ever since he knew that the magic tool might be related to Gusu City, Jiang Chen had been very concerned about various trends in the surrounding area.

In fact, he doesn't really love the Federation that much, but he knows very well that once there is a problem with the Federation, his current stable life will be completely lost.

By that time, let alone taking pictures with peace of mind, he may not even be able to guarantee a normal life.

So if something like this threatens federal security, he doesn't mind taking action to solve it.

"Stop worrying so much and take care of yourself first."

Bai Xiaoyu twisted his neck and said, "It doesn't matter what messy things he has behind his back, as long as he is strong enough, no problem will be a problem!"

"Yeah, I'm overthinking it."

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Indeed, these conspiracies and tricks are all empty talk in the face of absolute power.

Just like the Thunder Breaker Armor, wasn't it because he relied on his own strength to do whatever he wanted? And when he finally retreated, wasn't it because the strength of the barrier side surpassed him?

As long as you have enough tyrannical power, the problem won't be a problem.

But it is quite difficult to reach that state...

"Forget it for now, let's go find the fire elemental species."

Jiang Chen snapped his fingers, and the three rich pets immediately understood and changed their movements to end the training.

Before the two earth-shaking demonic cows had time to react, they were pulled directly by the sudden force of Fa Cai. Then with a slight wave of his claws, the heads of the two demonic cows were ripped off.

But Hongzhong was faster, the water vines suddenly tightened, and the cold air surged. The dozens of evil spirits were frozen instantly and became completely silent.

As for Whiteboard, after receiving the instruction, he directly activated the ten thousand poison seals in these evil spirits. The toxins exploded instantly, killing these evil spirits.

Invincible at the same level, this is what Jiang Chen is like.

"The three pet spirits are so perverted, I feel like there is no point in forming a team."

Bai Xiaoyu clicked his tongue and said, "It's a pity that I don't plan to follow your path. As long as Lie is strong enough, everything else can be a support."

"Let's go, go find my third favorite and see how I can surpass you!"

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