Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 242 Cooperation with the Great Scourge?

After listening to Wen Quan's explanation, Jiang Chen began to try out how to use this new camera.

"Is the blue button the shutter?"

Jiang Chen made some simple adjustments, then aimed at Hong Zhong and quickly pressed the shutter.

There was a flash of blue light, and a pure mirror suddenly appeared in front of the blue crystal in front of the camera, aiming it at Hong Zhong, who was groping around.

Afterwards, Hongzhong's image was copied on the mirror. Whether it was temperament or demeanor, it was exactly the same as Hongzhong.

"The mirror image of the mirror beast? Could it be possible to summon a mirror image body?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised when he saw this. If he could reproduce the mirror image ability of the mirror beast, wouldn't he have a new way of fighting?

"That's what I regret."

Wen Quan sighed and said: "The mirroring ability of the mirror beast is somewhat different from what I imagined. It is not a random mirroring. It must meet the conditions based on its own basic attributes."

"If one of the basic attributes is insufficient, the mirror image will fail, and the camera cannot inherit the attributes of the mirror beast."

"I see."

Jiang Chen was stunned when he heard this, but he had a new idea.

Perhaps, consider incorporating silhouettes into it?

Even though this precious phantom was given to him by his teacher, he still couldn't make any decisions.

And fusing two astral treasures seems to be quite difficult.

At this moment, Hong Zhong's image was completely formed, and a light shone on the camera again.

"I haven't found a way to directly convert the image into data yet, so I can only use a stupid method and install an additional camera to capture the image."

Wen Quan scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Brother Chen, don't worry, I will find a better way soon."

"No, this is already good."

Jiang Chen operated on the few electronic areas of the camera, and as expected he retrieved the photo he had just taken.

Although the clarity is not as good as a mirror image, it is much better than an ordinary camera.

The most important thing is that the photos taken in this way have more charm than those taken by other cameras.

For this reason, this camera can beat all the cameras he encounters.

"The ability of the mirror beast is extraordinary, so it should be able to take photos of most extraordinary creatures. However, I don't know yet whether it can break through the interception of the star field."

Wen Quan said: "But it doesn't matter even if you can't. Brother Chen, you can erase this obstacle by adjusting the time knob."


Hearing this, Jiang Chen understood clearly that this function was proposed by him, and his purpose was to use the ability of defrauding the pocket watch to take the picture he wanted.

And now, it’s time for verification.

Click, click, click...

Jiang Chen slowly turned the knob, and the picture on the water mirror also changed accordingly, clearly reversing the scene Jiang Chen had just shot.

Wen Quan actually did it by freely adjusting the degree of time retrieval!

Jiang Chen shook his fist vigorously. He had always suspected that he had not developed the ability to defraud pocket watches, but he had not found any clues after studying for a long time.

But he has always suspected that the fraudulent pocket watch can adjust the back time, but he has not found a way.

Now with the help of Wen Quan, it has actually been done!

"In this way, as long as you adjust the lookback time after the battle, you can take a perfect photo!"

Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction, and on a whim, he aimed at the two tiger king corpses on the ground.

"Brother Chen, the time rewind function comes from a fraudulent pocket watch, so it cannot shoot scenes longer than five minutes."

Upon seeing this, Wen Quan immediately explained that although he had developed a method to adjust time, the upper limit of fraudulent pocket watches could not be broken.

If it weren't for this limitation, he would have even considered working in reverse and building a camera that could capture the future.

Before Wen Quan finished speaking, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

As Jiang Chen kept turning the knob, the image of Dark Tiger King appeared on the mirror image. Regardless of its momentum or shape, it was impossible to imagine that this image came from an evil spirit that had been dead for almost a long time.

"It's really okay!"

Jiang Chen's face was filled with surprise. Of course, he had not been able to break through the limitations of the fraudulent pocket watch. The main reason why he did such a thing was to verify one thing.

That is what is the difference between time inside the farm and time outside.

According to Jiang Chen's previous experience, the time on the farm is completely synchronized with the outside world, so there is no such thing as a day outside and a year on the farm.

But the strange thing is that no matter how long the food or even the corpse of the evil spirit thrown in by Jiang Chen is left here, it will not show signs of decay.

Jiang Chen once doubted whether it was some kind of preservation method on the farm, but he was quickly overturned.

If it is kept fresh, then getting rich should also be affected, so this special phenomenon may only appear on dead things.

In other words, time may be suspended for all dead creatures once they enter the farm.

However, this had always been Jiang Chen's guess, and he had no way or ability to verify it. It was not until the appearance of this camera that Jiang Chen confirmed his guess.

From the moment they were thrown into the farm, these two dark-scorching tiger kings had paused time!

"It actually involves time. This farm is really becoming more and more mysterious."

Jiang Chen put away the camera and suddenly found Wen Quan staring at him with a strange look.

"A camera that can infinitely advance time is simply a blessing for researchers. Brother Chen, can you lend it to me for a while? I want to find out all the secrets of this world!"

Wen Quan showed unprecedented enthusiasm. If he hadn't retained the last bit of rationality, Jiang Chen even suspected that Wen Quan would be crazy now.

Are all people who do scientific research so crazy?

Seeing this, Jiang Chen could only push the problem to the palm of the universe. Although Wen Quan felt that there was something wrong, he had to give up after several attempts.

"Although it is a pity that I can't inherit the ability of the mirror beast, Wen Quan's level of making treasures is really getting higher and higher."

Jiang Chen looked at the new camera in his hand and said, "Since it is your work, let you name this camera."


Wen Quan's face flushed immediately, and he waved his hands to refuse.

"My level is not as good as what you said, brother Chen, after all, I just know a little bit."

"Don't be modest, after all, this is your first star-level work~"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. This camera has all the abilities of a fraud pocket watch, and its level is naturally star-level.

"Well... okay." Wen Quan thought for a moment and said, "Brother Chen, your dream is to record extraordinary creatures you have never seen, and this camera can help you break through the barriers and fulfill your dream. How about calling it..." "Real Camera?" "Real Camera... a good name, let's decide." Jiang Chen nodded slightly. A camera that can go back in time is indeed more suitable to be described as real than fraud. Wen Quan was very happy to hear that Jiang Chen approved of the name he gave. Suddenly he thought of something and said. "By the way, Brother Chen, Uncle Luo came to me this morning and said that Brother Chen, you will soon go to negotiate with the Sweetheart Dragon?" "I don't know the details, but from what Lin Mu said, it should be." Jiang Chen sighed helplessly. Although it was a good thing to see Li Tianqi again, he felt strange when he thought about dealing with the Great Disaster. Although his goal was to shoot all kinds of creatures he had never seen, naturally including the Sun-shining Great Disaster like the Sweetheart Dragon. Just thinking of the crazy state of the Sweetheart Dragon, Jiang Chen was still a little scared. After all, it is the world's top combat power, one of the five natural disasters in the wilderness. Jiang Chen himself would not believe that he was not afraid.

"That's great!"

Wen Quan suddenly cheered and said, "Manager Luo asked me to go with him to this negotiation. Seeing the high-end combat power and actual situation in the wilderness may inspire me."

"Although the discussion of cooperation has nothing to do with me, it would be best if I could go with you, Brother Chen."


Jiang Chen was stunned when he heard Wen Quan's words.

Didn't they say they were going to discuss the entry of the Sweetheart Dragon into the Federation? How did it become cooperation?

"Yes, Brother Chen, don't you know?"

Wen Quan was a little surprised and said, "The people sent by Uncle Luo came back and said that the Sweetheart Dragon was willing to negotiate with us and was willing to reach a cooperative relationship."

"Talking about cooperation with the five natural disasters... Should I say that Manager Luo is really courageous?"

Jiang Chen smacked his lips and didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

The existence of the five natural disasters is longer than that of the Federation. They have been entrenched in the wilderness for such a long time. In addition to proving their strength, they also show their relationship with the Federation.

It may not be a bad feeling, but it is definitely not a good feeling.

Now Manager Luo actually wants to discuss cooperation with such an existence, which is really crazy.

"Uncle Luo has always been like this. After all, he manages such a large company, Morning Star."

A trace of admiration flashed in Wen Quan's eyes, but it was soon replaced by expectation.

"Brother Chen, you have been to the forbidden land before, so you should have some understanding of the situation inside?"

"Well, I know a little bit."

"What do you think will be in the forbidden land of the Sweetheart Demon Dragon? Natural treasures? Or other precious materials that are not usually seen?"

Wen Quan rubbed his hands and was ready to show his skills.

"Forbidden land? Cooperation? Isn't it a chance to obtain a natural treasure?!"

Bai Xiaoyu, who was standing aside, also heard the conversation between the two and became excited.

"Jiang Chen, take me with you. This time I must get a powerful enough natural treasure."

"Then surpass you!"

The two of them were on the left and the right, both imagining the bright future after the deal was made, but Jiang Chen's expression was a little strange.

"The forbidden land of the sweetheart dragon... Why do I feel that the things I get in return from the deal might be some desserts..."

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