Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 265 Demon’s blood, completely crazy!

Jie Jie Jie...

Seeing that his attack could not break the cloud bomb, the demon smiled instead of angry and attacked again.

But this time, the devil no longer threw out the evil flame fireball, but condensed an emerald green crystal, aimed at the cloud bomb and fired a ray.

The speed of this ray was extremely fast, and it hit the cloud bomb in an instant.

Faced with such an impact, the cloud bomb finally showed its decline, and a big hole was blasted in the middle.

Not only that, the evil energy ray continued to move forward unabated, and its target was clearly Bai Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, get out of the way!"

Jiang Chen's heart trembled when he saw this, and he shouted a warning, while Hongzhong, who was already prepared, grabbed Bai Xiaoyu's waist and pulled him to the side.

But the devil's skills were not limited to this. The moment Bai Xiaoyu was pulled away, another crystal appeared in front of the ray, which actually refracted the ray back.

At this point, it was too late to change direction.

Even the cloud explosion bomb could not withstand the attack, and Bai Xiaoyu's mortal body was even more unable to withstand it.

Once hit, the only result is death.

At the thought of this, everyone's hearts clenched, but it was too late to rescue them.

But at this moment, Bai Xiaoyu's body suddenly sank, narrowly avoiding the attack of the ray.


Everyone was relieved when they saw this, and at the same time they admired Bai Xiaoyu's reaction.

Bai Xiaoyu can even dodge this kind of attack. Bai Xiaoyu's ability really cannot be described as human.

Ding Lie's level will continue to increase, and then he will continue to fuse with Bai Xiaoyu, and the combat power he can exert will probably shock the entire federation.

"Why does this action look weird?"

Looking at Bai Xiaoyu's movements, Jiang Chen noticed something strange. Looking carefully, he found that Bai Xiaoyu's eyes were closed tightly.

Is this guy asleep?

No, he passed out!

Sure enough, just after Bai Xiaoyu fell down, the rune between his eyebrows disappeared, and Lie also separated from Bai Xiaoyu and fell to the side, moving.

He looked like he was in a coma.

"It seems that this fusion state consumes a lot of physical energy, and it happened to be that at that time, I was too exhausted and passed out."

Jiang Chen laughed. Because he was unconscious and escaped the attack, Bai Xiaoyu had no luck.

But just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, another crystal appeared. Looking at the angle, it was impressive that the ray was aimed at Bai Xiaoyu again.

The devil is not stupid, he can naturally judge who is the greater threat, and will naturally deal with Bai Xiaoyu first.

At this moment, the surrounding air suddenly poured in, crazily pouring into the cloud explosion bomb, and the missing parts of the cloud explosion bomb were quickly filled in.

And, it gets even bigger!

The temperature of the resurrected cloud bomb also increased a lot, even affecting the demons on the side, and the crystals that had been successfully condensed dissipated.

Not only that, the devil showed a tendency to retreat for the first time.

Obviously, the exploding cloud bomb posed a real threat to it.

"Backlash? It's a mistake."

Jiang Chen grinned, a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Hongzhong in the sky.

At this time, Hongzhong no longer looked like a blood unicorn. The blood mist was steaming all over his body, and he couldn't see the slightest physical appearance. Instead, he looked somewhat similar to the Yunwu boy.

With the high temperature brought by the evil flames and cloud bombs, Hongzhong also heated himself to the extreme, and his whole body turned into blood mist.

And what this extreme boiling state brings is an extreme level improvement.

Gold 9 stars!

At this time, Hongzhong has promoted himself to the peak of his current combat power, and his combat power level has also jumped directly from Silver 1 star to Gold 9 star.

Such a span of improvement in combat power can be called cheating!

"What's going on? I..."

Seemingly stimulated by Hong Zhong's aura, Bai Xiaoyu woke up leisurely. After seeing the powerful demon in front of him, he instinctively wanted to join the battle again.

"Stop moving. Just lie down when your strength is exhausted."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and pushed Bai Xiaoyu back.

"Thank you for your special attack. Now Hongzhong is finally qualified to fight against astral creatures."

The strength of a thought of good or evil is determined by the degree of blood boiling and the degree of mental madness.

Because of the existence of the Heart of Extreme Ice, Hongzhong will maintain his final sanity, so the degree of improvement is limited, mainly because of the boiling of the blood.

But this is a step-by-step process. It originally required Hongzhong himself to improve little by little, but now that the external temperature is so high, there is no need for such trouble.

Feeling that his body had reached its limit, Hongzhong no longer hesitated, completely gave up on long-range attacks, and went directly up to fight with the demon.

On the other side, the demon shrouded in cloud bombs also revealed his figure, but his aura became more violent and his attacks became more violent.

If it was just following the mechanism to repel enemies at first, now, this demon really wants to kill them completely.

The demon's body was distorted, and bony horns quickly sprouted from various parts of its body, making the demon look even more ferocious.

The most heart-stopping thing is that this demon actually pulled out one of his own bones, burned it with evil flames, and turned it into an evil arc blade.

"Have the egg knives come out?"

The more Jiang Chen looked at it, the more he felt that this demon looked familiar, and he silently warned Hongzhong.

At this time, Hongzhong had already started his own attack.

Because his body was boiling to the extreme, the temperature on Hongzhong's body surface also reached a terrifying level.

I saw a flash of light in Hongzhong, and he quickly moved to the side of the demon. His scarlet claws quickly scratched the weak spot on the demon's back, and there was a sudden sound of gold and iron.

The demon's physical strength was abnormal. Hongzhong's claws were not even as big as one of the opponent's scales, so the attack's effect seemed somewhat inadequate.

But this seemingly weak attack actually left several deep scratches on the scales.

Jie Jie Jie...

The demon roared in pain, and its huge body moved without any sluggishness. It actually chased Hongzhong and attacked.

Hongzhong, on the other hand, relied on the blood mist to wander around the demon, leaving scratches on the demon from time to time.

"This demon is too thick-skinned and thick-skinned. It can't even break through the defense with 9 gold stars."

Lin Mu frowned slightly, the lightning badge in his hand flashed, and he was ready to strike with all his strength.

"Don't worry, it's not time yet."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to stop Lin Mu, with a smile on his lips.

Although Hongzhong failed to cause actual damage to the demon, he was very satisfied with the current results.

Hongzhong actually ignored the star field on the demon's body.

Although Bai Xiaoyu had attacked fiercely before and even interrupted the demon's attack, he had never been able to break through the star field on the demon's body. At best, it could only shake it.

But Hongzhong now directly penetrated the star field, hit the demon's body surface, and successfully left scars.

Just this point is shocking enough.

"Yin and Mao Liang can bring you a higher state. The attack is powerful and direct, but the weakness is that it is short-lived. Although the increase of good and evil thoughts is slow and the burst is insufficient, the victory is long-lasting."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, suddenly looking forward to Baiban's exclusive treasure.

On the other side, although Hong Zhong's close-quarters fighting failed to cause substantial direct damage to the demon, as the number of wounds gradually increased, some old wounds became deeper and deeper under Hong Zhong's continuous attacks.

Not only that, there were faint traces of green liquid oozing out from under the wounds.

This demon is about to be beaten to death.

And when it bleeds, it's time for Hongzhong to fully exert his abilities.

The blood demon's body can control not only his own blood, but also the blood of others!

Meow meow!

Feeling the demon's blood that was about to come out, Hongzhong suddenly let out a sharp cry, and the original blood mist body suddenly solidified, reincarnated into a blood unicorn, and grabbed the demon with one claw.

This claw gathered all the strength of Hongzhong, and at the same time brought the boiling power to the extreme. With one claw, the wound that was already about to be broken finally tore open.

Tsk tsk...

A wisp of green blood spurted out, just a wisp at first, and then it shot out like a fountain and could no longer be stopped.

Not only that, after the first wound was broken, other wounds were also broken by blood one after another, making it difficult to control himself anymore.

As long as the blood demon body controls the first ray of blood, the rest will be gradually eroded until the blood in the whole body is completely controlled, and life or death will be decided by Hongzhong.

Roar! ! !

At this point, the devil finally went crazy, and his voice was no longer as low as before, but had a hint of anger.

In an instant, the wounds on the demon's body closed instantly, and his aura surged. The surging green evil flames directly knocked away Hong Zhong and the blood.

Because he maintained his physical form, Hongzhong actually withstood the impact and his body size suddenly shrank.

However, there is still strength to fight.

However, there was a problem in Hongzhong.

Because of the demon's outbreak, the green blood also splashed everywhere.

Although Hongzhong noticed the abnormality of the blood, he deliberately avoided it, and even after he was injured, he did not absorb the demon's blood to heal his injuries.

But it ended up getting splashed.

Although there was only one drop, the demon's blood was like a tarsal maggot, firmly attached to Hong Zhong's body and constantly eroding Hong Zhong's body.

In the end, the demon's blood found a place to corrode.

Magic Eye.

I saw the green blood flowing directly into Hongzhong's body along the magic eye, and the aura on Hongzhong's body suddenly changed.

Searing, chaotic, evil, violent...

Various completely different auras appeared one after another, conflicting with each other but coexisting with each other.

And in the pupils of the Demonic Eye, invisible to others, one could vaguely see a fire lin fighting with a green demon.

The will of the fire lin beast contained in the blood of the fire lin absorbed in the fire lin cave was finally revealed under the stimulation of the devil's will.

"Hongzhong, go back quickly!"

When Jiang Chen saw this, he immediately wanted to take Hongzhong back to the farm, but he saw that the extremely ice hearts hanging on Hongzhong's ears suddenly melted at a terrifying speed.

Until it is completely gone.

Then, the last ray of clarity in Hongzhong's eyes suddenly disappeared.

Completely crazy!

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