Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 511: More against less? I like this!

"What's wrong with you Gufeng?"

Seeing Gu Feng's dumbfounded appearance and trembling all over, Duan Ling immediately expressed concern.

"'s okay."

The ancient spirit has returned, and I no longer look at the pillar of light on the mountain behind Sunset Peak.

Although the distance is far away, one can still feel the unprecedented pressure from the chaotic light.

If he looked at it again, he might actually faint.

"It's okay."

Duan Ling breathed a sigh of relief, patted Gu Feng on the shoulder, and said, "Don't forget, we are not only here to become our leader today, but we also want to slap everyone in the face."

Speaking of this, Duan Ling's breath suddenly became sharp.

"I will definitely take revenge on you for breaking up and humiliating me back then!"

"Actually, I think you might have made a mistake..."

Seeing Duan Ling's appearance, Gu Feng wanted to say a few words of advice, but seeing Duan Ling's murderous look, he swallowed the rest of his words.

Because of that incident that year, Duan Ling practiced there almost desperately, and his strength also skyrocketed.

However, Duan Ling may have really thought wrong.

"You'd better be careful, and I heard that Bai Xiaoyu will also participate in this clan competition, so..."

"Bai Xiaoyu? Huh! You're just an orphan, why should you fight with me!"

Duan Ling's eyes flashed and he said, "I will let him know what a true genius is!"

"Okay, take it easy then."

Hearing this, Gufeng didn't give any more advice, but for no apparent reason, he thought of the chaotic light pillar in the back mountain.

That shouldn't be Bai Xiaoyu's...

Yuexu Villa.

"Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen! Are you awake?"

"I'm going to wake up if I don't wake up with your loud voice."

Jiang Chen pushed open the door, looked at Bai Xiaoyu in the yard speechlessly, and said, "Why did you come here suddenly? Is the matter with Ye's side over?"

"I don't know. I've been sitting there meditating for the past few days and haven't done anything else."

Bai Xiaoyu shrugged, saying that he knew nothing.

"Forget it, I didn't expect to know anything from you."

Jiang Chen sighed. If it were Young Master Yan, he would probably dig out Ye's background.

If Wen Quan... emmm, I guess the Ye family would have been demolished.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not. No matter what problem you encounter, just blow it up with one punch!"

Bai Xiaoyu grinned and said, "Would you like to practice with me? My current fighting ability may exceed your imagination."

"I reject."

Jiang Chen chose to refuse without hesitation. It was not like he was full and had to fight against Bai Xiaoyu, a pervert with an activation talent and a creature that could rival the Moonlight.

Although I'm not afraid of beating him, he has nothing to do with being close to his own people.

With that kind of time, he might as well fight a few more Ye clan members in exhibition matches and earn some precious phantoms.

"Tch, that's boring."

Bai Xiaoyu waved his hands with a look of displeasure on his face and said, "Since you're awake, come with me quickly. Ye Cang and the others are busy in front, so they entrusted me to take you there."

"I heard that you agreed to Old Man Ye Duo's invitation to participate in the exhibition match? If you ask me, just ignore them. They don't dare to do anything to you anyway."

"It's okay, it's always good to communicate more."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. There was a treasure phantom in one exchange, and the last time it was gold level, how could he miss such a good opportunity to make a fortune.

"Communicate...Jiang Chen, do you really mean what you say?"

Bai Xiaoyu twitched the corner of his mouth, not bothering to expose Jiang Chen's words anymore, and walked straight out.

"I have to participate in the clan competition later. Hurry up. If I'm late, I'll be nagged again."

The two of them left Yuexu Villa one after another and headed straight for the mountainside.

Ye didn't know what method he used to cut out a huge platform on the mountainside.

Crossing the platform is the core of Ye's business.

Under the platform is the resting area for the Ye family's children.

As for this platform, it also has a background.

Almost all the Ye family's children will practice and fight here. If they succeed in practice, they will go to the top of the mountain. If they fail, they will continue to return to the bottom of the mountain.

So Ye gave this platform a name, Longmen!

A fish leaps over the dragon gate and turns into a dragon, and so do the Ye family's children.

Now, nearly a thousand young talents from all over the world have gathered on this Longmen platform, hoping to pass the assessment of the Ye clan competition.

"My dear, did Ye actually collect so many geniuses?"

Looking at the exaggerated number of people on the platform, Jiang Chen was speechless.

After all, this is a family that has dominated the Federation for many years, and those folk geniuses with no background will almost make the same choice.

However, this number is really a bit exaggerated.

"It's normal. The Ye family has the most gymnasiums in the federation. Except for cities like Lingyin City that are firmly controlled by other families, almost all federal cities have Ye's gymnasiums."

Bai Xiaoyu shrugged and said: "Even if a gym only sends one or two people, it would still be several hundred people. Coupled with training institutions such as the Germination Class, this number is actually quite normal."


Jiang Chen had no choice but to say: "But in this case, how long will this match last?"

"It won't be long. I also came to watch the ceremony during the clan competition last year. The clan competition with other surnames used a melee audition and it will be over soon."


Jiang Chen understood that if a melee was used, it would end faster. If Ye's play was bigger and there would be an audition for everyone, it would be more efficient.

"Okay, I'll go down and get ready first. Remember to cheer for me."

Bai Xiaoyu waved his hand and rushed to the gantry platform with a few leaps.

"This guy's physique is getting more and more abnormal."

Looking at the distance of about three hundred meters between himself and Bai Xiaoyu, Jiang Chen sighed softly.

With Bai Xiaoyu's current physique, he probably can kill a bronze-level evil spirit with his bare hands without using fusion talent, right?

I hope these people don't get crazy and challenge Bai Xiaoyu, otherwise they will die miserably.

At this moment, Ye Duo and several old men of the Ye family who were unknown to Jiang Chen walked down from the top of the mountain, and the many children with foreign surnames on the platform also became quiet.

Afterwards, nearly a hundred young people wearing the costumes of the Ye family walked out from everywhere and stood neatly behind Ye Duo and the others.

Although they were far behind the more than a thousand disciples with foreign surnames in terms of numbers, they were firmly ahead in terms of momentum.

The disciples of the Ye family, even those at the bottom, are considered to be talents that attract tens of thousands of people to compete for. Even if they don't summon pet spirits, they are unrivaled in terms of energy and spirit.

Almost subconsciously, most of the children with foreign surnames lowered their proud heads, and the ambitions they had before coming were instantly wiped out.

Only a few people still looked forward with their heads held high, with complicated light shining in their eyes.

There is expectation, yearning, and hatred!

"Tsk tsk... This will directly screen out most of the people with insufficient character."

Jiang Chen shook his head. Although there was indeed a gap in strength between the two sides, this kind of mentality would not be helpful to the growth of strength when facing a strong one.

Although some of these bow-headed people will definitely pass the assessment, there is no need to expect that Ye will pay much attention to them in the future.

"Very good, the number this year is much higher than in previous years."

Looking at the dozen teenagers on the platform with their heads held high, Ye Duo nodded with satisfaction.

Just as Jiang Chen thought, this is also one of the contents of the assessment, and the purpose is to test the aura of these young people.

"Haha... I guess they all awakened their talents in the past few days and their self-confidence is overwhelming. The result is the same."

An old man next to Ye Duo sneered and said.

"Anyway, there are only a few people who can pass the assessment in the end. Don't engage in such a big battle next time, which is a waste of manpower and material resources."

"Lao Hai, please don't say such depressing words. Although there are not many people joining our family, a stall as big as Ye's needs someone to manage it."

The people around him were obviously used to hearing Ye Hai's depressing words, so they didn't care and skillfully comforted him.

"Hmph! Old man Shan, you can say these things, and these guys can also look at the territory in the federation. If they are sent outside... hum!"

Ye Hai snorted coldly, then looked at Ye Duo and said, "Ye Duo, you said you planned to change the process this year. What exactly it is, you haven't told us until now."

"Actually, there is no big change. It's just adding a new goal for these people."

Ye Duo took out his cell phone to send a message, and then picked up the phone to formally take over Zubi.

"First of all, welcome everyone to participate in the Ye clan competition. I am Ye Duo, the chief instructor of the Ye clan's envoy training, and I will be responsible for the assessment of this clan competition."

"Without further ado, I will directly announce the audition rules for the first race competition."

"In order to save everyone's time, this time we will no longer be divided into groups, but will conduct auditions collectively."

As soon as he finished speaking, a circular circle of light appeared on the platform, enclosing all the children with foreign surnames.

"The rules of the audition are as follows: 1. Every time a person is knocked out of the aperture range, he will get one point, and the points of the loser cannot be inherited. 2. When there are only 100 people left on the stage, the game ends, and the competition will be based on their respective points. Ranking.”

"This ranking will directly affect subsequent competitions and rewards, so you know what to do."

Speaking of this, Ye Duo suddenly paused and pointed in the direction of Jiang Chen.

"In order to give everyone a little more motivation, Yeh has specially invited a guest to participate in this clan competition."

"As long as you defeat this guest, you can get a hundred points!"

After the words fell, the entire platform fell into dead silence, and all the clan members with foreign surnames looked in the direction of Jiang Chen with crazy eyes.

At this time, Jiang Chen had just seen the message Ye Duo sent to him.

"The exhibition match has begun, little friend Jiang Chen, please don't run away from the battle."

Jiang Chen put away his phone speechlessly and silently raised his middle finger to Ye Duo.

This old boy actually used this method to trick himself.

Each person has one point and cannot inherit it, but he has a full hundred points.

This is clearly tempting these contestants to gang up on themselves...

"It's better to use more to defeat less, right? It's good, I like it too!"

"Jiutong, let these people know what the evil heart is!" (End of Chapter)

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