Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 522 The first battle with Dongfeng!

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, there was an uproar in the Rising Sun Hall. Even Ye Cang and the other two who knew about Jiang Chen's new strength were shocked.

Jiang Chen once fought one against four, but at that time Jiang Chen summoned his four pet spirits to deal with Ye Chen's four pet spirits.

Although they are at a disadvantage in terms of combat power level, they can actually be considered one-on-one.

But now what Jiang Chen meant was a true one-on-four!

"Jiang Chen, you have won many honors in succession, but you are still in a state of disgrace."

A trace of ridicule flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, and he said: "In that case, then I will satisfy your idea."

With that said, Ye Chen directly summoned the Zhenwu Turtle, while Ye Wu and the other three also summoned their respective pet spirits one after another.

The four pet spirits gathered together again, but they changed from balancing each other to defending each other.

After returning to his ancestors, the Zhenwu Turtle is fundamentally different from the other three beloved spirits, and this difference can easily become a barrier between them.

And this is the main reason why Jiang Chen is confident that he can fight one against four.

As long as there is no four-image formation, there is no threat to him.

"Very good, save everyone's time."

Jiang Chen shrugged, and Ye Chen didn't waste any time and asked directly: "So, you are planning to summon your main pet, the Buddha Glider? No, your fourth pet is also very strong now, could it be it?"

"Or are you planning to rely on the powerful vitality and poison skills of your three pets to drag us to death?"

Speaking of this, a trace of ridicule appeared on Ye Chen's face.

If the Taiyin Turtle had not evolved, he would not have the confidence to defeat Jiang Chen.

But now, having mastered the power of Zhenwu Turtle's complete transformation, Ye Chen has absolute confidence in facing any of Jiang Chen's pet spirits.

If that doesn't work, he still has talent.

During the evaluation competition, he showed a tendency to awaken his talent, but he was very emotional at that time, so he was forcibly interrupted.

Before the will of the world appeared, his talent was successfully awakened.

With this as a basis, he will win this battle!

Hearing Ye Chen's inquiry, Ye Duo also became interested, looking forward to what choice Jiang Chen would make.

He has already seen the third Poison Spirit Badger and the fourth Prison Shadow Demon Spider. He doesn't know whether Jiang Chen will send the second Sky Frost Cat or the boss Futu Glider this time.

"Ye Duo, your view on this young man has changed~"

The head of the Ye clan walked to Ye Duo and smiled.

"I still have the same attitude. I just want to see how far he can go."

Ye Duo snorted coldly, looking like a dead duck with a tough mouth.

"I think so about this too."

The Ye clan leader smiled slightly and said: "My intuition tells me that he may give us some surprises in this battle."


Ye Duo looked at the arena in the Rising Sun Hall, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

Let him see how many tricks this kid has to hide.

On the other side, facing Ye Chen's question, Jiang Chen thought very seriously for a while, and made the final decision in the eyes of the Ye family's children impatiently.

"They are a bit bullying with getting rich. Let's think of today's battle as Dongfeng's first show~"

As he spoke, Jiang Chen pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and then a plant covered in green leaves flew out from between his eyebrows.

"It's not a pagoda glider, nor a sky frost cat... Is this Jiang Chen's fifth pet?"

Ye Cang glanced at Jiang Chen in surprise. Ye Duo had taken Jiang Chen to select Ye's mythical species before, which also meant that Jiang Chen probably didn't have a fifth favorite in the contract at that time.

But this pet spirit is not just any end of the Ye family's mythical palace, which means that Jiang Chen himself had prepared it long ago and only contracted it.

Ye Cang didn't want to get into the origin of this pet spirit, but Jiang Chen would actually send a pet spirit that was obviously newly contracted in such a competition. This was no longer arrogance, but arrogance to the point of losing his mind.

Just thinking of Jiang Chen's previous performance in the Emerald Dream, Ye Cang felt inexplicably that Jiang Chen was not joking.

But this is no longer important, the results will be presented to them soon.

the other side.

Seeing that Jiang Chen actually chose a fifth pet that they had never seen before, Ye Chen could no longer maintain the smile on his face, and his breath became like the cold wind in the north, as cold as the bone.

"Jiang Chen, I really still hate you!"

Ye Chen waved his hand, looked at Dongfeng who was wearing sunglasses but his body was trembling slightly, and said coldly: "If I leave any indelible memories for your beloved spirit, I hope you won't mind."

"Don't worry, I won't."

Jiang Chen shrugged, stopped talking nonsense with Ye Chen, and ran to calm Dongfeng's mood.

"Don't panic Dongfeng, just follow my command later."


Dongfeng shook his head vigorously, unable to suppress his fear at all.

Dongfeng said it was so scary to be stared at by so many people!

If it hadn't been covered by sunglasses, it would have definitely escaped by now.

"It's okay. You fight first. If there is an accident, I will help you."

Jiang Chen's consciousness fell into the manor, looking at the precious phantom that was still gestating in the flower garden, and silently took out a few spiritual life cores.

It seems that it still needs to be induced.

The words are divided into two ends.

Just when Jiang Chen was silently smashing his life core, the outside competition had officially begun.

Facing this pet that looked extremely weak, Ye Chen and the other four did not act as confidently as others thought, but put on their usual posture.

But this time they did not deploy the four-image formation.

Ye Wu and the others summoned the law projection, but Ye Chen did not move at all.

If one of the four images is missing, the four-image formation will naturally not be able to unfold.

"It seems that the bloodline reversion has also affected Ye Chen's law projection."

If Jiang Chen realized something, he then issued a series of instructions to Dongfeng, and Facai and the others used the contract to constantly appease Dongfeng's emotions.

Finally, under Jiutong Wujie's intervention, Dongfeng slowly calmed down and looked down at the four beloved spirits below through the dark lenses of his sunglasses.

"Aren't you going to take the initiative to attack? Then let us do it first."

Ye Huan glanced at Ye Chen, who was also motionless, and took the initiative to ask for help. Ye Wu and Ye Xin also made moves accordingly.

In an instant, three attacks with different attributes flew towards Dongfeng, completely shattering all Dongfeng's dodge space.

Although they didn't think the five pets Jiang Chen had just contracted could do anything to them, but considering Jiutong's lessons learned, they would naturally not do the stupid act of giving away their lives one by one again.

Since Jiang Chen chose to fight one against four, they would defeat Jiang Chen head-on with thunderous means!

After all, history is written by the victors, and it doesn't matter how they defeated Jiang Chen.

Ying Ying!

Facing the attack of the three gold-level mythical species, Dongfeng subconsciously felt fear.

Just thinking of the instructions Jiang Chen gave him just now, and the encouragement of many friends, Dongfeng reluctantly stayed.

Although the fear in his heart still did not disappear, Dongfeng finally made some responses.

General skill - telekinesis!

In an instant, invisible thoughts appeared around Dongfeng, and the attacks of Shaoyang Jiao and the others were directly dispersed by these tyrannical thoughts.

"What's going on? My Shaoyin Tiger's attack just shattered. Is it a silent skill?"

Ye Xin's face was full of disbelief. Their attack just now was not reckless at all, but they couldn't even get close to Dongfeng.

It would be fine if it was about getting rich or something, but this is just a new pet spirit that has only been contracted for a short time!

"Psychic power system, I didn't expect Jiang Chen to choose such a beloved spirit."

Ye Duo frowned slightly. He was very sure that Jiang Chen did not contract a new pet spirit before leaving the Myth Palace, but now that he had summoned it again, he must have contracted it after leaving.

But he couldn't understand at all that even though telekinesis was a relatively powerful attribute, it wouldn't make Jiang Chen give up Ye's mythical species.

Unless this Yinghun Grass has other hidden abilities.

"The activation speed of telekinesis is still very slow. It seems that the proficiency needs to be improved."

Compared to the other two skills, Dongfeng's telekinesis skill has almost never been practiced.

Think about it, telekinesis skills are often used by telekinesis creatures as a means of movement, and it is almost impossible to make a person go out with fear.

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin. Dongfeng's telekinesis power was quite powerful, but its activation speed was obviously insufficient.

Although it is enough to defend against current attacks, it will be very troublesome as long as the opponent is aware of this weakness.

Sure enough, after trying several attacks, Ye Huan took the lead in discovering the delay in Dongfeng's telekinesis ability and immediately accelerated the attack pace.

Ye Xin and Ye Wu also realized the crux of the problem and joined the attacking team.

Although Dongfeng blocked the attack with his tyrannical telekinesis, looking at it, he was already very reluctant.

"Although I haven't defeated your strongest pet spirit, it feels good to defeat you like this!"

Ye Xin, who was defeated twice by Jiang Chen, showed a cheerful smile, and Shaoyin Tiger turned into a white blade and rushed directly in front of Dongfeng.


Facing Shaoyin Hu's attack, Dongfeng's ordinary sunglasses were unable to withstand the damage and shattered on the spot, and Dongfeng and Shaoyin Hu looked at each other without any hindrance.


It was the first time that he was so close to other creatures, and it was so sudden. Dongfeng suddenly felt dizzy, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred.

And those fears that had been suppressed completely lost their suppression and spewed out with an even more terrifying momentum.

"The wind is tight, pull!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen immediately took a few steps back.

Although this is also part of his plan, judging from the emotional fluctuations on the other side of the contract, Dongfeng's outburst will be quite terrifying.

It's better to run away quickly.

It's just that the Ye family's children didn't know the inside story, and Ye Chen and the other four even showed happy smiles.

Knowing that Beloved Spirit was going to lose, did you leave first?

Haha~ What a rubbish.

There was a trace of regret on Ye Chen's face. Although it was very satisfying to defeat Jiang Chen, he was a little unhappy before he took action.

But it would be nice to win.

Ye Chen turned his head to look in the direction of Dongfeng, but suddenly noticed something strange.

After breaking his sunglasses, Shaoyin Tiger did not attack Dongfeng any further. Instead, he was stuck in the air as if someone pressed pause.

Not only the Shaoyin Tiger, but also the Shaoyang Jiao and Sunbird attacks also stopped motionless in mid-air.

And the core of all this, the Yinghun Grass, was twitching all over, looking like he was about to cry.

Ying Ying!

Finally, Dongfeng could no longer suppress the fear in his heart and started to cry loudly. At the same time, the ten times of telekinesis he had accumulated during the flower garden upgrade process erupted out at the same time.

Racial skill-Psychic storm! (End of chapter)

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