Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 526 With me, I am invincible!

There was silence in the Rising Sun Hall, not knowing how to respond to Jiang Chen's challenge.

This scene reminded them of the scene in the judging competition when they were instantly killed with a single palm.

It is also so straightforward, without any unnecessary movements, and the enemy is defeated in one move!

Most of them had attributed Ye Chen's failure to carelessness or other reasons.

But now in front of them, facing Ye Bai, an opponent who is going all out, getting rich is still a one-hit kill!

"After the perfect fusion of law projection...he has become stronger~"

Ye Cang sighed helplessly. Jiang Chen's main pet's fighting ability was already demonic. Now that he has completed projection fusion, it will be even more difficult to defeat him.

Thinking of this, Ye Cang immediately wanted to go on stage, but was stopped by Ye Zhu.

"Ye Cang, don't worry, let me go up and try."

Ye Zhu was calmer than ever before and said: "The physical strength of this Buddha Glider has surpassed Ye Bai's Shaoyin Tiger. I don't know the other data yet. You will suffer a bit if you go up rashly."

"Fire defeats metal. It's most suitable for me to do the second game."

With that said, Ye Zhu jumped directly onto the ring and summoned Sunbird.

"B-level envoy Ye Zhu, beloved star star 4-star Sunbird, please enlighten me!"

Jiang Chen was speechless and cupped his hands towards Ye Zhu. Fa Cai also took the Eternal Pagoda back to him and quietly looked at the Sun Bird opposite.

Compared to Ye Huan's, Ye Zhu's sunbird didn't feel too hot, but when his eyes fell on the sunbird, he felt a stinging pain unconsciously.

This is the Suzaku bloodline that has begun to accept the fire of Nirvana and move to a higher level.

But with the lessons learned from Ye Bai Shaoyinhu, Ye Zhu didn't rely on anything. He also directly summoned the law projection for fusion, and launched an attack immediately.

Unlike Ye Bai and Shaoyinhu, who are unparalleled in melee combat, Sunqueen's strongest point is long-range attacks, and Ye Zhu also made full use of his own advantages and directly used his native skills.

Suzaku Bing's fire breaks!

The crimson flame was like substance, turning into a red ray and heading straight towards Fortune. All the energy it passed was converted into energy and filled into the Suzaku flame.

As the four-image divine beast and the spirit of fire, the level of the Suzaku Flame is extremely high. Ordinary energy is only worthy of being used as firewood in front of it, let alone the Suzaku Fire that has touched the law.

However, in the face of Ye Zhu Sun Bird's full blow, Fa Cai did not dodge or evade. He didn't even have the intention of using the Eternal Pagoda to defend, and just charged forward.

The scarlet flame fell directly on Fa Cai, and Fa Cai's body was instantly burned red.

The attribute suppression of fire and metal is not just talk. Ordinary metallic creatures may turn into molten iron on the spot if touched by this attack.

But Fu Cai's body only turned red for a short while, and soon returned to normal.

Although he has not completely absorbed the gold from Guixu, he has already mastered the entry of Guixu. Facai also has similar abilities.

The flame of Suzaku Binghuo only stayed in Fa Cai's body for a moment, and was directly transferred to the endless Gui Xu by the power of Gui Xu.

Even while the power of Guixu was devouring the flames, the Tree of Truth quietly came up and absorbed part of the energy.

Since the path energy was replaced by the gold of returning to ruins, the devouring ability of the Tree of Truth has also been greatly enhanced. Even if the fortune is not actively provided, it will still obtain energy from the surrounding environment.

As for the pure flame energy of Suzaku Bing Huo Po, the Tree of Truth will naturally not let it go and fill it all into the fire world runes.

Just like that, in Ye Zhu's unwilling but helpless eyes, Fa Cai actually rushed to Sun Que with the support of Suzaku Binghuo Po.

Naturally, Sunqueen didn't want to sit still and wait for death. Seeing that Suzaku Bing's fire attack was useless, he immediately changed his attack method.

I saw a flash of light in the sun bird's eyes, and black flames suddenly enveloped the whole body, and even the Suzaku Bing Huo Po was rendered black.

This is the fire of Nirvana that can scare even a fire spirit!

Of course, Sunbird does not take the initiative to reach Nirvana, but summons the fire of Nirvana with its own will to destroy the enemy.

This move is extremely difficult, and if you make a mistake, you will be forcibly nirvana.

Although you will become stronger after Nirvana and your status will be restored, it will also weaken your potential and vitality.

It can be said that this is a skill that only monsters like Ye Zhu can master.

Facing the fire of Nirvana, Fa Cai still had no intention of evading. He paused with his legs and came directly in front of Sun Bird, grabbing the opponent's neck with one claw.

Then, the fire of Nirvana that could have burned all things was suddenly extinguished, and Sunbird hung limply in the air as if it had been drained of its essence. He could only let Cai Cai throw him out of the ring.

In conjunction with the entry of Fa Tian Xiang Di, after suppressing the Sun Bird's law power and energy, the Dazhen Prison Claw also sent these powers into Gui Xu.

Although the Sunbird did not suffer any real damage, its condition was no better than that of the Shaoyin Tiger.


And when the sunbird landed, the ground that had been stepped on by Fortune cracked, and the strong wind made the barrier tremble.

The level is weak and the attributes are restrained. Under such circumstances, Fa Cai actually managed to kill instantly once again.

This kind of achievement, no matter where it is placed, no, which era it is in, is enough to be proud of!

But even so, Jiang Chen still had no intention of stopping.

After getting rich and returning to the ground, Jiang Chen spoke again, but the content was still the same sentence.


" seems I'm the only one who can do it."

Ye Xuan sighed. Ye Chen's position was originally squeezed out by him, but he also knew Ye Chen's strength very well.

Although he failed to perfectly integrate the projection, Zhenwu Turtle's strength was still very strong, even if compared with him, it was only a little bit behind.

Jiang Chen's five pets can kill the real martial turtle in an instant, so the main pet will be even easier.

This battle is difficult for me to fight.

"Leave this one to me."

At this moment, Ye Cang suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Ye Xuan and said.

"You are no match for him. There is no need to pave the way for me anymore."

Ye Cang walked slowly onto the ring and said: "The clan leader agreed with you on eight opponents. You have defeated six of them now. Ye Xuan only becomes the seventh when he comes on stage."

"In that case, how about I be your final opponent?"


Jiang Chen nodded slightly. From the battle between Ye Zhu and Ye Bai, he could already tell that the combat effectiveness of Ye Xuan's pet spirit would not be much different.

Although the other party didn't use their talents, he didn't mean to use his Noble Phantasm either.

This is a tacit understanding between the two parties, and neither party intends to reveal all their cards in this battle.

Even though the nature of the battle had changed due to Ye Chen's actions, Ye Bai and Ye Zhu still had no intention of letting it completely deteriorate.

And Ye Cang's behavior also had this purpose.

Although they verbally admitted that Ye Xuan was not Jiang Chen's opponent, as long as Ye Xuan was not really defeated, there would still be room for both sides.

The reason why Ye Cang ended up was to save the last face of the younger generation of the Ye family.

After this battle, all grudges are gone!

"Then let's get started."

Ye Cang pointed a finger between his eyebrows, and the arena was suddenly enveloped in green light, and then a handsome and majestic dragon emerged from it.

After Ye Cang's talent awakened, Shaoyang Jiao, a pet spirit, also benefited.

Although the bloodline has not returned to its ancestors due to subjective reasons, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this Shaoyang Jiao can no longer be judged with ordinary eyes.

"B-level envoy Ye Cang, pet spirit star 7-star Shaoyang Jiao, please give me some advice!"

As soon as Ye Cang said this, the audience was in an uproar.

"Ye Cang, you are actually 7 stars already. Are you always suppressing your power?"

Ye Zhu and others looked at each other speechlessly. The four-image formation can only exert its greatest power when the four pet spirits are of similar strength.

It is precisely because of this that all Ye's envoys contracted with the Four Elephant Pet Spirits are matched according to their combat power levels.

For example, Ye Chen was very talented and even obtained the Ghost Beast in advance. However, because his combat power level could not keep up and he failed to comprehend the talent runes, he was squeezed out of the first echelon by Ye Xuan.

As the first echelon, almost all of them have reached 4 stars, and they are also known as Ye's miracle generation.

But unexpectedly, Ye Cang quietly walked to Star 7.

At this speed, I'm afraid Ye Cang will soon reach the Moonlight level!

"It's not a deliberate suppression, it just happens naturally."

Ye Cang's eyes never left Jiang Chen. He paused and continued: "And combat power level never equals strength."

Everyone was silent, the confidence they had just gained due to Ye Cang's perverted combat power level was mostly shattered.

Indeed, if the combat power level had been useful, those few people just now would not have been defeated so easily.

You know, the pet spirits sent by Jiang Chen are only gold-level!

"So, can we get started?"

"Of course, I've been waiting to get rich for a long time."

Jiang Chen grinned and gave Fa Cai an order, and Fa Cai no longer suppressed himself and released his aura with all his strength.

I saw the Tree of Truth reappearing behind Fa Cai, and the runes of the Four Worlds were operating at full strength, injecting powerful forces into Fa Cai's body.

If it is said that the heavens and the earth have given Fa Cai an invincible body that has been tempered over time, then the Tree of Truth has made Fa Cai essentially move closer to a perfect life.

Earth, water, wind and fire, strength and physical agility, there is no shortcoming in Fa Cai after activating the runes of the four worlds.

In terms of attribute data alone, Facai is no weaker than any star-level creature.

Even the biggest gap between the starlight and the creatures under the starlight, the power of law, was completely wiped out with the perfect integration of the eternal pagoda.

The current wealth can be compared with that of Shaoyang Jiao, who has 7 stars in Ye Cang's star.

No, if you evaluate it from the perspective of mental state, the momentum of getting rich actually exceeds that of Shaoyang Jiao.

It is clear that what is suspended in the sky is the Shaoyang Jiao, but in the eyes of others, it seems to be upside down.

Whether it's your eyes or your momentum, you are stating a fact to the people around you.

With me, I am invincible! (End of chapter)

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