Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 545: Filming begins, the runaway bunny!

Lingyin City.

The city gate.

"Be careful, these equipments are all specially made. If I break them, I will throw you away to mine!"

Manager Zhang cursed and ordered Polar Star's subordinates to organize the shooting props, but they did not complain at all, but became more careful.

Because what Director Zhang said was not an exaggeration, every photographic instrument here uses the latest technology, which can perfectly display the temperament and extraordinary power of extraordinary creatures.

The most important thing is that these equipments were loaned to them by Daystar. If they were damaged, they would really have to go to the border to mine.

"Director Zhang, long time no see."

Zhengxin Gym Leader Yang Tianming quietly walked to Manager Zhang and smiled.

"I didn't expect that our Zhengxin Gym would have the opportunity to cooperate with Polaris like this. It is really a great honor for Mr. Yang."

"Master Yang is so complimentary. It's obviously our Polar Star who feels honored."

Manager Zhang smiled brightly, and the fat on his chin continued to tremble with laughter.

"If it weren't for the protection of Zhengxin Gym, I wouldn't dare go deep into the suburbs like this."

Yang Tianming smiled lightly when he heard this and said: "We are just cooperating in our actions. We are not the protagonists today."

"That's right. No one else but that kid can be the protagonist of this kind of documentary."

Manager Zhang was quite emotional. He had watched Jiang Chen grow from a person who had just awakened to the Yuling Space, relying on his outstanding photography talent, to a super genius who is now well-known in the federation.

Looking back, it still feels like a dream.

"Yeah, it's such a pity that our Zhengxin Gym didn't discover such a genius in time."

Yang Tianming also sighed, his eyes flickering as if he recalled something.

"There's nothing I can do about it. Geniuses will excel wherever they go. No, even the younger generation of the Ye family were defeated by this kid."

As he said that, Director Zhang looked at Yang Tianming with a half-smiling expression and said, "I heard that Jiang Chen's battle at Sunset Peak has been rumored in the gym world recently. There are also many people in the Zhengxin Gym who want to challenge Jiang Chen. dust?"

"Young people are just hot-blooded. This filming is also related to Master Zhe's anti-war. No one will come out to cause trouble."

Yang Tianming pursed his lips and expressed his meaning clearly.

"That would be best."

Manager Zhang showed his smile to the extreme and continued to direct the staff without saying anything more.

Gradually, all the people involved in filming the documentary arrived, except for the protagonist Jiang Chen who had not yet arrived.

"Isn't Jiang Chen here yet?"

Xiao Zhe arrived at the scene with a group of people from Dahuang. After scanning around and finding no trace of Jiang Chen, he couldn't help but frown.

This bastard, isn't he very punctual in the intelligence? Why hasn't he come out yet?

"There must be something delayed. Jiang Chen is never late."

Manager Zhang expressed his opinion silently. He and Jiang Chen had been dealing with each other for many years. Apart from Jiang Chen's photography skills, what he liked most was his punctuality.

"Indeed, although it is required to be as real as possible, young people will still be a little excited after all."

Yang Tianming also stood up to smooth things over, but Xiao Zhe obviously didn't appreciate it, and his face became darker and darker.

"This guy was indeed led astray by Xiao Yan!"

"My good brother, speaking ill of others behind their backs is not what a clan leader should do~"

Xiao Yan walked over from the side with his arms around the two senior students and said.

"So I said it to your face."

Xiao Zhe turned his head angrily and said, "Do you know where Jiang Chen is?"

"Of course, this young master has completed his intelligence mission quite well."

Xiao Yan raised his head and said, "Jiang Chen asked me to give you a message. He rushed to the suburbs first, so you don't have to wait for him."

"Did you go first? This kid is really impatient."

Manager Zhang burst out laughing and said, "In that case, Master Yang, should we set off too?"


Yang Tianming nodded slightly, then directed the gym members and Dahuang members to get into the car together, and then took Xiao Zhe into another exclusive vehicle.

Although the two parties now have a cooperative relationship, Xiao Zhe is, after all, the young master of the Xiao clan and a powerful heir to the next clan leader. Naturally, Yang Tianming will not neglect him.

In fact, during the time when Xiao Zhe was studying in Lingyin City, Yang Tianming's help was behind every move Xiao Zhe made.

From a certain perspective, Yang Tianming has been completely classified into Xiao Zhe's family.

The group of people was ready, and the convoy slowly drove towards the suburbs.

"Master Zhe, are you really not going to appear on the scene? Although you are a little exposed, you..."

In Xiao Zhe's car, Yang Tianming carefully expressed his views.

"No, the Xiao family is not suitable for appearing on such occasions. There is no need for me to show my face."

Xiao Zhe shook his head, and what he said made Yang Tianming silent for a while.

This young master Zhe is actually not interested in this kind of opportunity to show his saintliness in front of others. It seems that the other party is really serious about competing for the position of heir to the head of the Xiao family.

"But I heard that some people in the Zhengxin Gym have been a little cautious recently. Is this true?"

Yang Tianming didn't answer, but Xiao Zhe took the initiative to ask.

"It's true, but it won't delay Master Zhe's important events."

Yang Tianming immediately expressed his position and said: "And even if it is revealed, I'm afraid it won't be able to threaten that person."

"Do I need you to tell me about this?"

Xiao Zhe glanced at Yang Tianming and said, "I just don't want the gym under the Xiao family to follow the footsteps of the Ye family."

"Thousands of people surrounded and beat one person, but more than 300 people were eliminated. This is when Jiang Chen didn't use his full strength. The Ye family... hehe~"

Xiao Zhe showed a sneer on his face. The Ye family is indeed powerful, but this big tree has been riddled with holes after so many years. Even such a thing can be selected to participate in the Ye family competition.

"Master Zhe, don't worry, I understand."

Yang Tianming nodded slightly, and then added: "There is another news. The fluctuations of the Tianqian system are quite strong these two days. The evil spirits in the suburbs have also been affected and become a little manic. Master Zhe, you must be careful at that time."

"Huh? Why didn't you tell me this news earlier?"

Xiao Zhe frowned. He also knew about the problems of the Tianqian system. He also reminded the members of the Great Wilderness before leaving.

But Yang Tianming reminded so solemnly, it is obvious that the range of the fluctuations is very close to them.

"I just received the news this morning. I dare not say anything because it is not confirmed yet."

Yang Tianming admitted his mistake frankly, and Xiao Zhe did not pursue it further, but synchronized all the messages to the Wilderness Mirror.

The Wilderness Mirror uses an independent communication system, and its transmission efficiency is much faster than that of the patrol mobile phone. It has now become the first choice for the members of the Great Wilderness to communicate.

"The natural chasm is fluctuating... I hope that guy will not encounter it."

After sending the message, Xiao Zhe muttered to himself.



Fresh breeze and sea of ​​flowers.

"I haven't been here for a long time, and the level of the evil spirits in this sea of ​​fresh breeze and flowers has become so high."

Looking at the several golden energy displayed by the combat glasses, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Once upon a time, a silver-level blood-tailed rabbit could dominate this grassland and chase them everywhere.

If it weren't for Master Yan's diving dragon, Jiang Chen didn't know when he would be able to kill a silver evil spirit.

And now, several gold-level evil spirits appeared in the Qingfeng Flower Sea at the same time, and he remained calm in the face of their encirclement.

"Dongfeng, do you want to try fighting?"

Jiang Chen looked at Dongfeng, who was wearing sunglasses and huddled behind him, and looked around with curious and fearful eyes from time to time, and asked with a smile.


Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Dongfeng immediately retracted his head and dared not show his head, for fear that Jiang Chen would really let him go out to fight.

"I dare not even wear sunglasses. It seems that I can only rely on the white mask."

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly and did not force Dongfeng.

For social phobia, being willing to go out is already a great breakthrough, and Dongfeng cannot be rushed to make changes all at once.

You can't get fat in one bite. If Dongfeng is forced to come out completely, it will be in vain.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's current positioning of Dongfeng is itself a strategic weapon level like nuclear weapons.

If you don't make a sound, you will be amazing.

If you don't want to fight, don't fight. Just think of it as accumulating mental power.

"Bai Ban, go gather all those pet spirits."


Hearing Jiang Chen's order, Bai Ban was a little reluctant and shrank behind Jiang Chen like Dong Feng.

But Bai Ban forgot to put away the Wild Sky Poison Body. Its face was twice as big as Jiang Chen's, which didn't help it at all. On the contrary, it was a little funny.

"Don't pretend, hurry up!"

Jiang Chen kicked Bai Ban unhappily, signaling him to work faster.

He has been monitoring Bai Ban's condition for the past five days and found that except for the Heart-Erosion and Corrupted Soul that needs to be thrown outside all year round, other parts of it are not only not damaged, but have become better.

Especially after swallowing the Wild Sky Poison Body of the curse, the poison in the body has become purer and more domineering.

If anyone attacks Bai Ban now, they may not be able to hold on until the Ten Thousand Poison Seal is detonated and will die of poison.


Seeing Jiang Chen’s double-standard behavior, Bai Ban wiped his mouth in grievance and wanted to act like a spoiled child again, but Jiang Chen was busy fiddling with nightmare time and didn’t notice Bai Ban at all.

Bai Ban was bored and ran listlessly towards the location of the evil spirits.

What can I do? A new generation replaces the old one, can I still make a new contract?

Damn, why can’t these guys gather themselves obediently, and I have to work hard to find them?

Bai Ban became more and more angry as he thought about it, and suddenly roared, and several battle runes emerged from the sea of ​​flowers in an instant.


Then, accompanied by a series of teeth-grinding sounds, several strong rabbits rushed out of the sea of ​​flowers, looking at Jiang Chen with hatred.

It was this human who almost cut off the blood inheritance of the rabbits!

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