Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 578: Task Assignment, Search for the Sky-Opening Cone!

Thinking of Hongzhong's appearance after changing into Daozu's skin, Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

Although it doesn't match, it seems not bad when you think about it?

At least the three pure ones are definitely full of style.

Looking at Hongzhong who is still continuing to comprehend, Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then cast his eyes on the other pets.

White board obviously didn't feel anything, after all, it was quite indifferent to this kind of operation.

Jiutong's immersion in the twin runes is second only to Hongzhong. After no need to record it, Jiutong immersed himself in the comprehension of the twin runes.

Yingyu and even Wujian need it to be able to do multiple things at the same time. The benefits of this twin rune to itself are only understood by Jiutong himself.

As for Dongfeng, from a certain perspective, he is also the same type as Jiutong, but he still can't stand the existence of strange dragons, and always hides behind Jiang Chen and dares not show his head.

On the contrary, Facai had a new understanding after seeing the twin runes for the second time, but it was not the same way as Hongzhong and the others.

Fa Cai summoned the Eternal Pagoda, forced part of his true spirit into it, and then tried to stuff the golden bowl into it.

"Is Fa Cai planning to merge the law projection with the exclusive treasure?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. As far as he knew, there were two main ways to develop the law projection.

One was similar to the Red Lotus Demon Tiger's Karma Fire Red Lotus, which could master deeper law abilities.

The other was like Ye, condensing the projection of the divine beast into one's own bloodline to stimulate the myth factor.

Jiang Chen had never heard of someone like Fa Cai integrating the law projection into the exclusive treasure.

"Exclusive treasure plus law projection, is this considered condensing the life magic weapon?"

Jiang Chen stroked his chin, but did not interfere with Fa Cai's behavior.

The teacher did not mention the development direction of the law projection, only allowing him to complete the fusion before the Star Level.

To understand it from another angle, does it mean that as long as the fusion is completed, it can be developed in any way?

In this case, it is really necessary for Fa Cai to try it.

After all, Hongzhong has already embarked on the path of beheading the three corpses, and Wuxiangze Ding has become the place where Hongzhong's true spirit rests, which is no longer the same as other law projections.

Now it seems that it is not bad to have another life magic weapon.

In this way, I don't know how Baiban and Jiutong will develop their own law projections.

"Human, have you seen anything?"

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking, the Sweetheart Demon Dragon asked anxiously.

"It should be fine, but for safety reasons, you should hold on for a while, maybe there will be other discoveries."

"Okay, then I will hold on for a while."

Concerning its own future, the Sweetheart Demon Dragon behaved unusually well-behaved, and ordinary people could not associate it with the moody food disaster at all.

However, if it knew that Jiang Chen just wanted Hongzhong and the others to watch for a while, I am afraid it would have an attack on the spot.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was not too black-hearted. After discovering that Hongzhong and the others had stopped comprehending, he took the initiative to stop and led the topic to the point.

"Your Majesty, Sweetheart Dragon, since your condition has been stabilized, our plan can officially begin."

Jiang Chen took out a bell treasure and handed it to Sweetheart Dragon, saying: "This is a special communication treasure made by Lin. No matter how far apart or even in multiple spaces, it can still transmit the sound."

"In order to ensure that the information is not leaked, we will not have any text or even language transmission when the plan begins. As long as the bell rings, please attack the natural defense layer with all your strength, okay?"

"It's that simple, I can do it."

Sweetheart Dragon agreed very readily, and even hung it directly on the neck of Sweetheart Dragon to show his sincerity.

"I fall asleep from time to time, and only Li Tianqi can wake me up, so just let him carry this bell with him."

"If my true spirit is here with my clone, I can directly use the Chaos Core to transfer it back to my body when I hear the bell, don't you think so?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Sweetheart Demon Dragon is thoughtful."

Jiang Chen skillfully gave a rainbow fart. This situation is indeed very likely, and this is indeed the best arrangement.

"But are you really sure there is a way to repair the Tianqian? Although I don't like that big cover, if the Federation destroys it, I won't have anywhere to find a taster."

Sweetheart Demon Dragon is still a little worried. After all, he has been a neighbor of Lin for so many years, and Sweetheart Demon Dragon is quite familiar with Tianqian.

In order to build the Tianqian system, Lin paid a huge price and fought with it during the period.

Now it is difficult to reshape it in a short time.

"I dare not say 100%, but this plan is imperative."

Jiang Chen shrugged. He was helpless that such a major matter fell on a small C-level envoy like him, but he should do some things if he could.

After all, it is not completely without benefits for him.

"That's fine. I'll wait for your notice."

Sweetheart Demon Dragon yawned and said, "But you'd better hurry up. Those guys haven't been very peaceful recently. I'm afraid of more troubles."

"Those guys?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. The five natural disasters and food disasters were already in the same group with them. The Fighting Disaster Breaking Thunder Armor had been trapped by the teacher's Judgment Scale and could not get out in a short time.

The remaining three heads, Mingshi, are very likely to have been involved with Xue Beng. Although the unintentional ones have not had any contact, the sudden destruction of the sky chasm by the other party, and the timely appearance of the Sky Cone in the federation, Jiang Chen also has reason to suspect The unintentional ones are also part of the Xue Beng group.

The only thing left is the Scourge roaming the wilderness, the most unstable of all the forces in the wilderness.

"Looking at you like this, I guess you'll meet him soon, but as long as it's not in my territory, I don't care."

The Sweetheart Demon Dragon dispersed the corona, looked at the confused Lin Mu and others outside, and said, "I want to sleep. If you have nothing to do, just leave. Do whatever you need to do."

"Uh... Are you going to drive people away now?"

Lin Mu and others looked at each other. They came with such a big fanfare, but they just had a fight and were driven back?

I don’t know if Jiang Chen’s matter has been settled yet.

"Jiang Chen, did something unexpected happen?"

Baili Honglian frowned slightly, a little worried.

Sweetheart Demon Dragon took the initiative to drive people away, which didn't look like a cooperation was concluded.

"That's not true. Although I can't tell you everything, we have accomplished more than half of our purpose here."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and asked Li Tianqi to help find an empty room, and then informed Baili Honglian, Lin Mu and others about the Nirvana plan.

Lin Mu was originally a core disciple of the Lin family, and he had recently begun to help deal with the affairs of the Lin family consortium. The Nirvana Project would definitely come into contact with it.

As for the four sisters who miss each other, they are the most powerful among the younger generation of the Lin family. Although they seem unreliable, this plan is also involved.

Only Baili Honglian and Xiao Yan could be regarded as Jiang Chen's subjective influence, and he planned to let them join in.

After all, there is one link in the Nirvana plan that he alone cannot complete.

"President, do you want us to also look for this Open Sky Cone?"

Xiao Yan was a little reluctant and said: "President, you also said that the location of this thing is uncertain. It is impossible for me to run all over the federation, right?"

"Of course not. I just want Master Yan to search for you in the north. After all, the Xiao family already knows the news."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said: "But now I can't guarantee whether there will be an accident, so I hope there is someone trustworthy to provide support."

After saying that, Jiang Chen looked at Baili Honglian and said, "Senior Baili, I hope you will cooperate with Master Yan. After Master Yan finds the location of the Open Sky Cone, Senior Sister, you will be responsible for destroying it, okay? "

"no problem!"

Baili Honglian agreed readily. When it comes to protecting the federation, Baili Honglian will never refuse.

Although she is not very fond of Master Yan, she does need Master Yan's space ability to find the Kaitian Cone.

"Since the senior sister has agreed, this young master reluctantly agrees."

When he heard that he was going to team up with Baili Honglian, Xiao Yan immediately changed his face, but before he could show his attentiveness to Baili Honglian, the four sisters who were thinking about him all day and night became furious.

"Why does Brother Yan want to accompany her? Wouldn't it be better for us to accompany her?"

"That's right, Brother Yan can just leave it to our protection."

"If you can't stay with Brother Yan..."


Thinking about them day and night, the four sisters suddenly entered a state of madness again. Fortunately, Lin Mu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and summoned the Cloud Mist Boy to perform purification to wake them up.

Such skillful operation made Jiang Chen very suspicious that Lin Mu might not have chosen Yunwu Boy just to help Nie Lang.

"Sorry, the four of you need to help Lin Mu find the Kaitian Cone in the Southern Territory. Although it hasn't appeared yet, I don't think they will let this opportunity go."

Jiang Chen explained with a wry smile, then approached the four sisters and whispered: "If you can deal with the Open Sky Cone in the Southern Territory as soon as possible, maybe you can take the initiative to help elsewhere~"

"So we have to complete the mission as soon as possible?"

"Yes, complete the mission and find Brother Yan!"

"What prevents us from completing our mission..."


The attitudes of the four sisters changed instantly, and Lin Mu also breathed a sigh of relief.

If these four sisters really go crazy, the situation will be really difficult to control.

Even though Baili Honglian had suppressed the four sisters by himself before, he knew that the four sisters had not become serious yet.

"There are people in both the Northern Territory and the Southern Territory, so what about the remaining two places?"

Baili Honglian asked.

"The east side will naturally be handled by Ye. I will also contact Bai Xiaoyu alone. As for Xiling..."

Jiang Chen paused and said, "I will rush there later, you don't have to worry."

"President, are you going alone?"

Xiao Yan asked curiously.

"Of course not, there is already someone waiting for me over there."

Grinning, he took out a conch and shook it.

"From a certain perspective, this guy is the first to discover the Sky Cone." (End of Chapter)

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