Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 96 Grandma! Is it you, grandma?

"Jiang Chen, is that the kind of evil spirit you mentioned?"

Bai Xiaoyu, who was rushing at the front, had a look in his eyes, and the Blazing Dog immediately rushed forward.

"It looks like it is."

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "The state of these creatures is similar to that of madness. The more injured they are, the crazier they become. Also, be careful as their blood is almost boiling."

"Are they so passionate? Then I'll add some fire to them!"

A trace of fighting spirit flashed in Bai Xiaoyu's eyes, and in sync with it, a ball of scorching flame suddenly appeared on the body of the blazing dog, and it pounced on the "hot-blooded" evil spirit.

This evil spirit has obviously been eating the white flowers for some time, and the skin on its body has been burned to pieces. Coupled with the blood mist steaming, it looks like a blood beast from a distance.

After seeing the blazing dog rushing towards it, the blood beast immediately changed its target and directly attacked the blazing dog.

The fox-like blood beast opened its mouth and spit out a ball of blue flames, flying towards the face of the Blazing Dog.

The flame seemed to be swaying, but it was extremely fast and appeared in front of the blazing dog in the blink of an eye.

But the Blazing Dog's reaction was still so quick. He dodged the flames by turning sideways, and then fired an explosive claw.

After experiencing the previous battle with the Flame Blade Mantis, the proficiency of the Blazing Dog's explosive claws has reached a new level. A seemingly light blow exploded with a power that was not weaker than a bomb.

The blood beast, whose body had become extremely fragile due to the burning of blood, was directly blown into pieces after eating this claw, and most of the boiling blood was evaporated by the scorching flames.

" awesome!"

Yue Buzhi couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw that the blood beast that almost killed him couldn't even go a round in front of the blazing dog.

"It's not over yet."

Jiang Chen shook his head, patted Hongzhong who had been restless for a long time, and said, "Hongzhong, go help."

Meow meow!

Hongzhong nodded, stepped on the lotus and rushed out.

On the other side, after smashing the blood beast, the Blazing Dog began to look for new enemies, but did not notice that the remaining blood of the blood beast quietly gathered and floated towards the Blazing Dog.

Woof woof!

The Blazing Dog sensed something was wrong and immediately dodged, but the blood mist was faster and had already attached itself to the Blazing Dog.

At this time, the red ice lotus also fell down, instantly freezing the blood mist.

"These blood mist will seek out the surrounding flesh-and-blood creatures to attach themselves to, so their blood must be completely evaporated."

Jiang Chen walked up to the blood essence stone, put it directly into the palm of his hand, looked at the valley in front of him, turned to look at Yue Buzhi, and asked.

"Is there anyone else inside? How did you get here?"

Hearing Jiang Chen's inquiry, Yue Buzhi lowered his head in shame and said, "There are a few people inside. We all heard that a miracle point appeared in the third area, so we wanted to give it a try, but..."

"Because of the miracle point?"

Jiang Chen was speechless. Are these people really not afraid of death?

And forget it if you come, there are so many miracles and you have to go to such a weird place.

"Wen Quan, take him out of here. If you can, go to a safe house immediately and report what happened here. Just say it's very dangerous!"


Jiang Chen carefully inquired about the situation in the valley, threw a bottle of exorcism spray to Yue Buzhi, and then rushed towards the valley with Bai Xiaoyu.

Although it was a bit risky, since Yue Buzhi was at the entrance of the valley, the others should not be far away.

The two rushed into the valley and immediately felt that the surrounding temperature had increased a lot, and at the same time a pungent smell of blood hit their faces.

There are probably not a few "hot-blooded" evil spirits here!

Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyu looked at each other and became increasingly wary.

The situation in this valley is unknown, and there may even be silver-level evil spirits, so they must be careful.

Da da!

At this moment, Fa Cai seemed to have noticed something and suddenly turned his head to look aside.

"What's wrong with Fortune? Did you find out?"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen immediately leaned down and asked.

Da da!

Fa Cai pointed at the bushes in front of him, and then directly activated his golden eyes to clear away the weeds.

But, there is nothing behind the weeds.

"Lie also noticed something abnormal just now, but the smell of blood here is too strong, which seriously interferes with Lie's sense of smell."

Bai Xiaoyu frowned and said, "Since someone can run out, the others should not be far from here."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Jiang Chen walked to the bush where Fa Cai noticed something unusual, squatted down and took a closer look.

The vegetation in this area is very lush, and even if there is something hidden in it, it is difficult to find, but after being cleaned up by Fortune, those hidden things will no longer be hidden.

Looking at the obvious drag marks on the land, Jiang Chen's eyes couldn't help but become dark.

There is something hidden around them!

"Could this kind of trace be a snake-like evil spirit?"

Bai Xiaoyu walked up and guessed the origin of these traces at a glance.

"It's possible, but it can't be ruled out that it's something else."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and said, "But we may really have to hurry up."

Although the traces were very similar to those left by snakes when they swam, as far as Jiang Chen knew, snakes did not have the habit of bringing home their prey.

Therefore, something else must have taken those candidates away.

Meow meow!

At this moment, Hongzhong suddenly became irritable, growled deep in the valley, and then ran out.

"Let's go over and have a look!"

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate and immediately followed.

The deeper they go into the valley, the thicker the blood mist becomes, and the field of vision of Jiang Chen and others gradually shrinks.

"What the hell is this place, why is it so troublesome!"

Bai Xiaoyu was a little irritated by the blood mist, and signaled the Red Feather Eagle to take off and launch a fire storm!

In an instant, a fire storm spread towards the surroundings, the originally rich blood mist was quickly evaporated, and the vision was restored a lot.

But at this moment, a slender black shadow suddenly shot out and headed straight towards the red-feathered eagle.

Facing this sudden attack, the red-feathered eagle, which was releasing a fire storm, had no time to dodge. It was directly entangled and pulled towards the blood mist.

"What the hell!"

Bai Xiaoyu cursed secretly and immediately asked the Blazing Dog to come to the rescue, but a golden light cut off the black shadow first and saved the Red Feathered Eagle.

Da da!

Fa Cai quickly cut open the thing wrapped around Red Feather Eagle and threw it aside with a look of disgust. Jiang Chen and others finally saw the appearance of the black figure clearly.

A vine that is still twisting!

"Vine? Plant evil spirit?"

Bai Xiaoyu was a little surprised, but Jiang Chen's expression changed after seeing the white flowers on the vines.

This vine was exactly the same as the one he found in the Liuyun Waterfall cave!

"Xiaoyu, be careful, there is something wrong with this vine."

Jiang Chen looked around and found many black shadows swimming around them.

"I saw it, but why did this thing become an evil spirit? Are you saying it's just an ordinary vine?"

Bai Xiaoyu nodded and stood back-to-back with Jiang Chen. The four pets also occupied four positions and looked around cautiously.

"I have never said the word 'ordinary'."

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes. How could a vine that could grow that kind of weird white flowers be ordinary?

I just don’t know if the vine was always like this, or if it just recently transformed into an evil spirit.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but think of the miracles that happened frequently recently.

Could this vine be a natural treasure like the Water and Fire Lotus Seed? It's just that one transformation failed and the other succeeded.

But doesn’t this kind of thing only happen in forbidden places?

Suddenly, those vines that were constantly swimming like long snakes suddenly rushed towards Jiang Chen and his party.

Dozens of vines were seen, like giant pythons, snaking towards them. Their momentum was even worse than that of the Flame Blade Mantis.

Da da!

Out of disgust for Bai Hua, Fa Cai immediately rushed forward, condensed his golden body, and developed sharp blades everywhere on his body, transforming into golden lightning and cutting off all the vines that wanted to get close.

But the cut vines were still not dead, and they were still squirming towards a few people after falling to the ground.

Woof woof!

Seeing such a scene, the Blazing Dog immediately ejected a ball of fire and burned it to ashes.

"Plant evil spirits are troublesome and difficult to kill!"

Seeing that he was still able to make a fortune, Bai Xiaoyu simply asked Blazing Dog to assist him in dealing with the cut vines.

"It's really troublesome."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. The structure of plant-type evil spirits is completely different from other animal-type evil spirits. Their vitality is extremely strong. Even if their bodies are cut off, they will not lose their fighting power immediately.

What's more, as long as the main body is not completely dead, the plant evil spirits can return to their original state again, and some will even become stronger than before.

Seeing that the vines around him not only did not decrease, but were growing more and more, Jiang Chen made a decisive decision and said: "We can't stop here, otherwise we will be eaten to death sooner or later!"


Bai Xiaoyu understood immediately and took the Blazing Dog and Red Feathered Eagle to clear the way in front, while Facai relied on his flexible movements to move around and protect the two of them.

As for Hongzhong, he separated into four clones and sprinkled water lotus flowers around them to block the vines' attacks.

In this way, the two of them worked steadily, going deeper into the valley little by little, and finally found several other candidates who were trapped here.

It's just that the situation of these candidates is a bit troublesome.

Right in front of Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyu, a large tree that was as thick as ten people could surround it and about forty meters high lay across the center of the valley.

Because the sun was blocked by the blood mist, the lighting around the big tree was very poor. Only vines could be vaguely seen, like giant snakes swimming around on the trunk.

Obviously, the vines that attacked them before obviously extended from this big tree.

On the trunk of the big tree, several humans were tightly entangled with vines, swaying in the wind, and beneath them, there were pieces of evil spirit animal skins that had been drained of their flesh and blood!

"Old trees, vines, how the hell did they get rid of the grandmother in A Chinese Ghost Story..."

Jiang Chen looked weird. Don’t blame him for overthinking it. The look is so similar!

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