Barbarian Throne

Chapter 36 Sinking into the Abyss

On the way to Sunken Canyon, Zhang Debiao tried several more times, hoping to fire the same knife that killed Sam again, but he failed.

That knife not only condensed all his mental power and fighting spirit, but also had the power of Long Meng Baoxiang. In addition, the tourmaline knife activated the gravity magic circle, which weighed a thousand kilograms. Sam was caught off guard. Even with his tyrannical strength like a sword, he was killed in mid-air.

Zhang Debiao also experimented in this way, but never succeeded. He always felt that he was missing the refreshing feeling at that time. He thought secretly in his heart: "There is a saying in Qiankunjue, which says that the advanced state of martial arts is the combination of essence, energy and spirit." First, I only knew that qi refers to fighting spirit. Later, when Old Baidi talked about the importance of mental power, I realized that jing is mental power, and there is a "god". I don't know what it means. Could it be that I have entered that kind of omnipotence. The state of having nothing to think about and only one sword in mind is God?”

He could clearly feel that when he killed Sam, he did have a wonderful state that blended spiritual power and fighting spirit, but that state was ethereal. After one strike, the state was shattered, and it was difficult to grasp the feeling.

When Zhang Debiao came to Xingyuan to study, he went to the library to look up information, but he could not find a specific explanation of "god". It seems that for those who practice fighting spirit, this state can only be understood but not expressed, so there is no Detailed records.

"Forget it, what is supposed to come will come naturally. If you insist on forcing it, you will fall behind."

With a thought in Zhang Debiao's mind, his mental power circulated in the Dou Qi channel with barbaric energy, and the cycle went back and forth, constantly turning the barbaric energy into barbaric Dou Qi.

Only now did he understand why people outside the forest said that barbarians were born warriors. It wasn't that they had bodies two or three times stronger than ordinary people, or that they had the talent of barbaric strength. It was that when barbarian warriors reached the age of ten After leveling up, the primitive fighting spirit of Barbarian Jin turned into Barbarian fighting spirit, which turned out to be extremely pure!

Take Zhang Debiao himself as an example. His barbaric energy is already saturated, but if he completely refines these barbaric energies into barbaric fighting spirit, he may not even be able to fill up a fighting spirit channel!

Xiao Hei's feet were very fast, and after less than half an hour, he arrived at Sunken Canyon. From the outside, Sunken Canyon looks like a large crater created by a falling meteorite on the ground. However, this crater is not small. It is hundreds of meters deep and more than fifty miles in diameter. "Boyatu Holy Demon Guide" said that the Sunken Canyon was not formed by meteorites, but the entrance to the abyss appeared here, digging out a piece of the continent's surface, and wind and rain eroded it, so a grand canyon was formed.

Zhang Debiao entered the canyon and was amazed when he saw birds singing, flowers fragrant, dense trees, and a peaceful and quiet environment. There was no gloomy atmosphere at the entrance to the Demon Realm.

Arriving at the bottom of the valley, Xiao Hei gradually slowed down. There were many adventurers in front of him, gathering in twos and threes. Zhang Debiao saw that many of them were wearing Xingyuan school uniforms. They should be students from Xingyuan who came to practice. There were also many mercenaries mixed in the crowd. These people were much more mature than the students, chatting and laughing, and seemed not to care about the dangers of the abyss.

In front of them, there was a cliff. A deep hole suddenly appeared on the cliff. In the middle of the hole was a huge black magic vortex, running silently and faintly exuding an invisible pressure.

Next to the entrance of the cave, someone wrote two lines of words.

Once you enter the abyss, life or death depends on heaven!

This is the entrance to the abyss.

When Xiao Hei saw this magic vortex, he suddenly opened his nostrils, sniffed hard, growled angrily and restlessly, and kept pawing at the ground with his front paws.

"This magic vortex seems very familiar..." Brother Tai stuck his head out and murmured, looking thoughtful.

"De Biao Wild Hammer!"

Zhang Debiao followed the sound and saw three men and two women walking towards him. The leader was a male magician wearing the uniform of Xingmang Academy. He smiled and said: "Classmate Debiao, it is indeed you!"

Zhang Debiao smiled and said, "It turns out to be Senior Gao Sen."

Gao Sen is a tenth-level magician whom Manzi met when he was attending classes in the sixth grade. Zhang Debiao once asked him for advice on advanced spiritual power tempering methods, so he has some friendship with him. The other two boys were dressed as swordsmen, wearing the same school uniforms as the two girls, but they were not the Star Academy's standard. They should be students from other colleges.

Gao Sen looked extremely enthusiastic and said: "These are some of my fellow classmates from Dongcheng College, Mickey, Cole, Hepburn and Betty. Classmate De Biao, did you come here alone? The abyss is extremely dangerous, so why not just the six of us?" Let’s form a team so we can take care of each other..."

Before Zhang Debiao could speak, the girl named Hepburn immediately said: "Gao Sen, isn't this bad? Our team is not very strong, and it is difficult to protect ourselves, so as not to harm others!" After that, Zhang Debiao's magic apprentice A glance at the robe. Mickey and the other two showed a clear look on their faces and smiled arrogantly.

Zhang Debiao saw this and smiled: "Senior Gao Sen, I'm used to being alone, so let's forget about forming a team. By the way, why don't you go in?"

"There are few people now. Let's go in together when there are more people. This way we can be sure." Gao Sen was still waiting for persuasion, but Hepburn pulled him and turned away, complaining in a low voice: "Gao Sen, you are so serious, a magic apprentice is begging for help." It’s not a burden to join our team, is it?”

Gao Sen turned his head and smiled bitterly at Zhang Debiao, and explained in a low voice: "He is a master, not an ordinary magic apprentice..."

Cole sneered and said: "Gao Sen, the more you live, the more you retreat. What did I say at the beginning? Star Academy has long been reduced to a third-rate academy. You still don't believe it, so you go to Star Academy. Now it's better, there is even a magic apprentice here Your college has become a master! If you ask me, you should transfer to our east college as soon as possible..."

This was just a small incident, and Zhang Debiao didn't take it to heart. He had no intention of forming a team with anyone else. Magic core is a necessary material for forging magic wands. Only king-level monsters have magic cores, but not everyone can hunt king-level monsters. Most people who venture into the abyss target rare alchemy materials and herbs. In the world, except for powerful teams, few people have the idea of ​​​​king-level monsters.

Zhang Debiao is an exception. With Xiao Hei and Six Wings Jin Guangjian here, his trip to the abyss is to harvest gold coins. He has to share the results equally with others, so the gain outweighs the loss.

"Brother Tai caused me to owe the school so much money. I want to take it back with interest!" Zhang Debiao gently stroked the back of Brother Tai's head with a smile on his lips.

The little thing didn't know that he had been tricked a long time ago. He lay down comfortably, stretched, and then turned over, indicating that he could caress Brother Tai's belly.

More and more people came to venture into the abyss. After all, this is the most suitable season of the year to go to the abyss. Even the air was filled with the smell of gold coins. Someone shouted: "There are enough people, let's go in!" Suddenly The crowd was crowded, and the adventurers disappeared one by one into the whirlpool of black magic.

Zhang Debiao looked at the old mercenaries and saw that they were still joking and not in any hurry. The Southern Xinjiang barbarian thought for a while and immediately understood their intention: "The abyss is extremely dangerous after all. We may encounter people from other countries. It would be better to let these people go in first to explore the way."

After a while, the old mercenaries finally got up, quickly formed a defensive formation, and walked towards the whirlpool. Zhang Debiao quickly followed. When he passed through the whirlpool, his eyes suddenly darkened and then brightened, as if he had traveled to another time and space at that moment.

I saw this is a vast and boundless world, I don’t know how big it is. The top of my head is gray and there is no sky. There are many space cracks in the mid-air. The magma gushes out from nowhere and falls from the sky, like a series of fiery red waterfalls. There was a loud rumble on the ground.

There are undulating mountains on the ground, and there are sharp stone pillars everywhere, as straight as a spear, with terrifyingly sharp tips. There is a corpse hanging on one of the stone pillars. Judging from the clothes, it should be an adventurer from another country.

"There is no sky..." Brother Tai suddenly flew up, surprised and happy, and shouted: "Ahman, Ahman, this is my home, I'm home!"


I have a cold, my head hurts, and I only wrote more than 2,000 words in four hours. Pigs need to take a rest. Even pigs have to work so hard these days. Who can give me some consolation votes?

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