Barbarian Throne

Chapter 55 God Meteor in the Desert

When he came to Jumang City, Zhang Debiao found that there were obvious differences between the grasslands and the Central Plains. The Central Plains adopted the city lord enfeoffment system. The cities were ruled by lords, and the lords could have their own armies. Even the barbarians in southern Xinjiang were eroded by this culture and divided into The five barbarian kings.

On the western grasslands, there is no such rule. The grasslands are ruled by temples of various tribes, large and small. Because of different beliefs, the gods worshiped in the temples are also different. The Jumang tribe believes in the wolf god, and they deeply believe in their ancestors. It is a giant wolf with unparalleled magical power.

The temple has an elders' council, and the elders handle the daily affairs of the tribe. These elders are all fanatical militants who are keen to go to war with other tribes, destroy each other's temples, and force other tribes to change their beliefs.

"Believe in the wolf god, who is the original pagan!" The great Delaney shaman is also a member of the fanatical militants. When he heard Zhang Debiao explain his purpose, a dark aura surged around him, like the ghostly gaze of a hungry wolf. Looking at him, he said loudly: "Believe in the Wolf God, and I will help you heal your magic pet!"

"Praise the Wolf God!" Zhang Debiao immediately abandoned the Goddess of Wisdom and took refuge in the imaginary Wolf God. The barbarian didn't have much respect for the gods, and he had already abandoned the Goddess Tanya, the Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Wisdom.

The great Draenei shaman was extremely satisfied. He took the six-winged golden light from his arms and gave it to a disciple in the temple for treatment. He said to Duluo: "My disciple, why did you come to me?"

Du Luo lowered his head and said respectfully: "Teacher, I want to go to the Shenyun Desert again to help Hong Yu improve his strength." Hong Yu is the name of Du Luo's red female wolf. Jiamen and A-Gump were once because of this. The woman's name teased him for a long time.

The Great Draenei shaman said, "Ruby has become a level 12 king-level monster. It has reached the peak of the evolution of the giant wind wolf. The chance of evolving again is very low. If the evolution fails, you may die." You and Hongyu signed a life-sharing contract, so think carefully before making a decision."

Duluo hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Disciple is willing."

The Great Draenei Shaman nodded and said, "The Wolf God will bless you."

Du Luo bowed and retreated. Zhang Debiao's eyes lit up and he quickly followed him and asked: "Brother Du Luo, what exactly is the evolution of Warcraft you just mentioned?"

Du Luo looked at him cautiously and said, "You are not from our Jumang tribe, why should I tell you?"

"Praise the wolf god!" Zhang Debiao flattered the wolf god very much. For Xiao Hei, Barbarian had to be shameless and said with a smile: "We are all the people of the wolf god, why are we so stingy?"

Jiamen and A-Gump were also very interested in things that could accelerate the evolution of Warcraft, so they quickly came over. When they saw Zhang Debiao's mount, they had already become extremely envious and planned to catch a King-level Warcraft each.

Dora glanced at the two of them with suspicion, and the magister and the archer immediately said: "We have just surrendered to the Wolf God!"

"...These three guys are so shameless! But the Shenyun Desert is not a secret on the grassland, so there is no harm in telling them. Besides, it is too dangerous for me to go to the Shenyun Desert alone. I need someone to help. The three of them are all masters. , with them around, the trip to the desert will be much safer.”

Thinking of this, Duluo smiled and said: "Let's talk while walking."

Zhang Debiao and others followed Du Luo to the market to buy some fresh water and dry food. Du Luo said: "The Shenyi Desert is a forbidden land on our grassland. It is said that a long time ago, a blazing fireball fell from the sky and landed on the grassland. Deep. People woke up the next day and discovered that where the fireball fell, all the vegetation died overnight, the stones turned into red sand, and the fertile grassland turned into a vast desert in the blink of an eye..."

This is a rather legendary story. After the grassland turned into a desert, the most powerful shamans, magicians and swordsmen on the grassland at that time teamed up to go into the depths of the desert to explore the cause of the drastic change. In the center of the desert, they found a human skeleton that was larger than a dragon. It was like a hill, surrounded by terrifying and suffocating energy.

It was the energy emitted by this corpse that turned the grassland into a desert overnight, and caused the creatures there to mutate and become extremely powerful.

These top experts on the grassland believed that the corpse was the fallen god from the sky who fell to the human world after death, so they named this desert the Godfall Desert. The bones of this god were snatched away by the strong men from the grasslands who came after hearing the news, and were enshrined in their respective temples. Some were made into powerful magic weapons, and some were made into armor. In the ensuing war, these sacred bones were scattered all over the world, and no sacred bones could be found on the grasslands.

Later, people discovered that the magic cores of the monsters that evolved in the desert had a magical power that could accelerate the evolution of other monsters. However, the Godfall Desert is extremely dangerous. All kinds of unbelievable and powerful monsters appear there. People who venture there suffer heavy casualties, so it is called a forbidden land on the grassland.

Although the magic core of the magic beast in the Godfall Desert can promote the evolution of familiars, there are many examples of evolution failure, and many things happen every year where both humans and beasts die. Dura was able to evolve Hongyu into a second-level king-level monster, and luck played a big part.

"Generally speaking, the first evolution of a demon pet will definitely succeed. The second evolution probability will be reduced by half, and the third evolution will be reduced by half again. Unless a higher-level magic core is used to increase the probability, the higher the level of the magic core, the more successful it will be. The chance is even greater. My ruby ​​has evolved three times.”

Du Luo looked at the giant dog following Zhang Debiao and said, "This big dog of yours is already a king-level monster, right? A king-level monster needs at least a second-level magic core to succeed."

Zhang Debiao shook his head and said: "Xiao Hei is not a king-level monster yet."

"It's not a king level yet..." Douluo looked at Xiao Hei and then at his red wolf. He couldn't help but feel the urge to burst into tears. This giant dog was not even a king level monster, but it could already compete with the gale. If the wolf king competes with him, doesn't that mean that the wolf king he worked so hard to cultivate is a big loser?

The four of them were ready and started heading towards the Godfall Desert. In the Temple of the Wolf God, the Great Draenei Shaman frowned and looked at another disciple who had fainted. These disciples were mentally exhausted due to treating Brother Tai. . Shamans have many ways to treat monsters, generally divided into three types: treating trauma, treating magic core, and treating spiritual power.

The Great Delaney Shaman had a sharp eye, and he could tell at a glance that this weird tiger had fallen into a coma due to damage to his mental power. The damage to his mental power certainly required mental power to repair it, but the Great Shaman did not expect to send four people in a row. None of the disciples could cure the tiger's mental energy. Instead, they exhausted the mental energy of the four disciples and fainted from exhaustion.

"Could it be that this tiger is a king-level monster? A king-level monster must be dealt with by this elder!"

The great shaman Draenei went into battle in person and discovered that this tiger possessed extremely terrifying mental power. After repairing its damaged mental power, the great shaman was so tired that he had the urge to faint. Fortunately, the tiger Already awake, he covered his mouth with his little paws and yawned, looking around curiously.

"Humble little life!" The Great Draenei Shaman smiled proudly and said, "It was the Wolf God who saved your life. Believe in the Wolf God! Come and say with me, praise the Wolf God!"

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