Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 172: Hitting a character 'big'

On the other side, Zheng Fei finally finished his work and came to hang out with a few people, and he, the person who is most familiar with the villa, is naturally the best tour guide.

With someone to guide them, it is not a problem to see the ice lanterns, and even go to the bar in the villa. If there is no one to accompany them, Ji Xin'an would never dare to take them there. thing.

But with Zheng Fei's company, and Ji Xin'an's own 'territory' in the villa, he walked there generously, and everything went smoothly and he was very happy.

He even went up to the stage with Zou Ze and sang a song, which aroused applause from the audience. Several happy little girls were urged back to their room by Zheng Fei until midnight.

Because I slept late on the first day, I wanted to sleep in on the second day, but Zheng Fei asked the waiter to wake them up early in the morning, completely shattering their wishes.

Lu Ziyan was still dazed when she came out of the shower, "What are you doing up so early, and you don't do morning exercises."

"Today I happen to have time to take you guys to ski. I don't have time to accompany you every day." Zheng Fei laughed as he spoke. The looks of these people really didn't look like they were woken up from a military academy. Training to look natural, I feel that my decision to wake them up is correct.

"Do you still have a ski resort here?" A few people became energetic when they heard it. They didn't expect that there were so many new things.

"It didn't exist at first, but after you came here, there will be." Zheng Fei smiled and looked at the expectant few people.

"When will there be a ski resort? Why don't I know." Ji Xin'an was also a little surprised when he heard that, why didn't even her half of the boss know about it? It seems that Zheng Fei, like Song Jiangliang, has been in her absence for the past six months , things are done a lot.

"Finally, there is something you don't know. Hey, it's the first time I have such a sense of accomplishment." Zheng Fei said with some complacency. "This year, the villa bought the mountain to the north and put it within the scope of the villa. In winter, it built a ski resort there. The grade is still relatively high, and it has attracted many people who came here specially. "

"Then what are you waiting for, go quickly." Ji Xin'an pulled him to leave, looking forward to this ski resort that he had never been to.

"What's the rush? Let's talk about it after breakfast first. Don't blame me for waking you up this time." Zheng Fei shook his head and said.

Several people laughed when they heard what he said, it seemed that they were too anxious, and why would they blame him at this time, it's not too late to be grateful.

After breakfast, everyone walked to the mountain of the ski resort. After changing their clothes, they ran up the mountain excitedly.

But at this time, Zheng Fei discovered a helpless problem. Except for Ji Xin'an, none of them knew how to ski.

"Why did I forget about this? In this case, I will ask someone to call some coaches over." He was about to leave with a smile, and asked them to wait here for a while.

"Brother Zheng, don't you know how to ski, you can teach one, let An An teach me, and then find three more people will be enough." Zou Ze said from the side, since Ji Xin'an can also, how can he have such a good opportunity? Don't take advantage of it.

Zheng Fei nodded when he heard it made sense, and went down the mountain again.

Seeing that Zheng Fei had listened to him, Ji Xin'an looked at Zou Ze, "If you want me to teach you, you must be prepared for wrestling. Although I can skate, I haven't reached the level of a coach. If you regret it now Come in a hurry."

Ji Xin'an learned how to ski in his previous life, and he hadn't played it a few times before, so he still didn't understand it, so he asked her to teach him, Zou Ze was purely asking for guilt.

"What are you regretting? I don't regret no matter how many times I fall." Zou Ze said swearingly, Zou Zezheng couldn't wish for such a chance to get in touch with her at close range. How could he regret it.

"Then let's go, let's go first." Ji Xin'an said and pulled him to the beginner's hillside, and the two put on the sled and officially started their "master-student" relationship.

As expected, Ji Xin'an was right. Under her teaching, Zou Ze would fall down almost every few steps. Rather than saying that Ji Xin'an was teaching, it might be better to say that she was watching Zou Ze groping for himself.

"How about it? Do you want to continue?" Ji Xin'an came to help him, but accidentally brought himself down and fell on the snow, looking at him and asked.

"Continue, I can't even stand still, of course I have to continue to learn." Zou Ze was not afraid at all, and came with a smile. After a few slides, it was another cycle.

Maybe in his heart, as long as he can be with Ji Xin'an, he will be happy even if he falls down, otherwise how could he be so happy.

No matter what the two of them thought in their hearts, the other people who hadn't learned it were a little scared after seeing it, thinking about whether they could hold on if they fell like that.

The girls couldn't help but flinch at this moment.

At this time, Zheng Fei came back, and brought three female coaches behind him, "The coaches are here, you can skate this time."

Lu Ziyan looked at Zheng Fei with some fear, "Can we stop skating?" As she spoke, she glanced at Zou Ze who fell down again.

Zheng Fei was taken aback for a moment, and the few people who were quite happy at first didn't want to play anymore. They turned to look at the appearance of Zou Ze and the two, and also laughed. "You don't have to worry, the coaches I found for you will definitely not be like An An, they are all professional and will not let this kind of thing happen."

A few people thought about it, after all, they are professionals, so they each found a coach to learn, but Lu Ziyan learned from Zheng Fei.

Zheng Fei is different from Ji Xin'an, he is more professional, he didn't let her skate right away, but first said some precautions, and then made some demonstration moves, and then let her slide forward slowly, still It can be said that he was extremely careful to protect her from the side.

"The two boards are shoulder-width apart, the upper body and knees lean forward slightly, hold the ski poles with both hands and hang down naturally, eyes look forward, use both legs in a balanced manner, and keep sliding in parallel... Squat down when you fall... the sides and upside..." The two of them could still hear Zheng Fei's voice while skating, but now they were not as easy-going as usual, and became a little serious, like a real coach.

And although Lu Ziyan is not used to it, she appreciates him very much now. Unlike Zheng Fei who was joking with them, although he is serious at this time, it will not make people feel scared, and looking at his serious appearance, he feels that it is Another temperament.

Lu Ziyan couldn't help feeling a little dazed when he saw the difference.

"What are you thinking, be serious." Seeing that she was stupefied at this moment, Zheng Fei couldn't help saying dissatisfied. Although it was a game, he felt that no matter what, as long as he did it, he must be serious, so seeing Lu Ziyan attitude, a little unhappy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I remembered something." After hearing what he said, Lu Ziyan immediately apologized, thinking that she was stunned by him, and couldn't help but feel a little shy. Fortunately, she concealed it well, and immediately withdrew her thoughts and studied seriously up.

The other three followed the coach and started skating. Sure enough, although everyone fell down sometimes, they didn't exaggerate like Zou Ze, and it could be seen that the coaches were really professional.

At this time, they were all relaxed and enjoyed the fun of skiing wholeheartedly.

But while they were studying hard, Zou Ze's screams and Ji Xin'an's laughter would be heard from time to time, and they all sympathized with Zou Zelai.

However, although Ji Xin'an's teaching method is a bit 'cruel', the effect is not bad, even better than professional ones. After a while, he was able to skate by himself.

In other words, he has been skating by himself, but he has been wrestling all the time. An An has been playing the role of a spectator, but no matter what, he no longer falls now, and can act like a real skier.

"Haha, I can ski now..." Zou Ze, who didn't fall down this time, smiled and slid downhill.

"Zou Ze, slow down, I haven't taught you how to stop yet." Ji Xin'an chased after him.

After hearing her words, Zou Ze also panicked, but at this moment his feet were no longer under his control, slipping faster and faster, and suddenly shouted, "Why stop, I really can't stop. "

Ji Xin'an was in a hurry at this moment, so he didn't know what to say. When he organized his words and wanted to speak, Zou Ze had slipped far away, so he could only speed up and catch up.

The others also saw the situation on their side, but they were too far away at this time, and it was too late to think about it, so they could only count on Ji Xin'an.

Seeing that Zou Ze was about to reach the corner of the mountain, "Ah... An An... what should I do?"

Following Zou Ze's shout, Ji Xin'an also chased after him, but it was already too late.

Zou Ze saw that the front was coming to an end, but there was nothing he could do. He also found that he couldn't even turn a corner, so he could only go straight to the snowdrift blocking the corner of the mountain.

Because the inertia of sliding down was too great, it crashed into it all at once.

Although Ji Xin'an was only behind him, he could only watch him fall into the snowdrift. After he stopped, he looked at the big characters in front of him, and couldn't straighten up laughing.

And the few people on the mountain have been watching them worriedly. Seeing his appearance at this time, although they are far away, it is enough to see how he stopped, and they all laughed. Guang's coaches are no exception, maybe they have never seen such a way to stop.

Not only a few of them, but also other tourists looked at this side in surprise, and then burst into laughter. It seems that Zou Ze's glorious image will remain in people's memory for a long time.

"An'an, you're still laughing, pull me out quickly." Zou Ze's voice for help came from the snowdrift.

When Ji Xin'an heard his plea for help, he laughed more unkindly, but he also walked over and looked in from the hole. At this time, he still maintained the posture of the big character.

"Are you going to just stand like this?" Ji Xin'an asked with a smile.

"It's not that I don't want to come out, it's that I can't move." Zou Ze has never felt Ji Xin'an's voice so hateful like now, and never wanted to hear her laughter like now.

Ji Xin'an took off the sled first, and then helped him to dig away the surrounding snow with his hands. Zou Ze felt a lot looser, and finally sat down on the ground.

"Bah, bah..." As soon as Zou Ze was freed, he realized that his mouth was full of snow.

Seeing his appearance, Ji Xin'an wanted to laugh again, but he held back and came over to help him get the snow off his head and body.

"Laugh if you want to laugh, don't hold back, it's easy to suffocate." Zou Ze said angrily when he saw how hard she was enduring. He had never seen such an irresponsible coach, but he thought to himself, Didn't she find it by herself, she had already said beforehand.

When he said that Ji Xin'an couldn't help it, he laughed loudly, "It's such a pity just now, if only I had a camera, I will definitely take a picture of your handsome and heroic appearance."

"Don't you dare." Zou Ze became anxious after hearing this. He had never been so humiliated before, and she wanted to take a photo as a souvenir. "It's not because of you. If you hadn't forgotten to teach me how to stop, I would have lost such a big face. Now, everyone in the ski resort has seen it. I... I am dead."

Seeing that he was a little angry, Ji Xin'an also put away his smile, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to skate so fast, it's my fault, it's okay, don't be angry, as long as you can vent your anger, hit it!" I'm fine with a meal."

Zou Ze still had a straight face, "Hmph, you know I won't hit you, but you still say that, it's not sincere at first glance."

"Then how sincere do you say? I'll listen to you." Ji Xin'an said compromisingly, this time it was really her own fault, since she taught Zou Ze she hadn't been serious, so now that he is like this, she feels a little guilty.

Zou Ze glanced at her, and still said seriously, "It's okay if you want me to forgive you." He said, pointing to his face, "Kiss me."

After hearing this, Ji Xin'an immediately stood up, "Okay, you dare to play me." As he said that, he kicked him to the ground, and Zou Ze's face came into close contact with Xuedi again, but this time But he laughed.

"You told me to say it, why don't you say anything." Zou Ze said with a smile, spitting out and eating the snow in his mouth.

"You still say it." Zou Ze made a gesture to fight again.

"Stop talking, can't I stop talking, hey, my back hurts, please help me up." Zou Ze hurriedly didn't dare to joke anymore.

At first Ji Xin'an thought he was faking it again, but seeing that he was really supporting his waist, he thought it might have just arrived, so he hurried over to help him.

At this time, the staff saw that Zou Ze needed someone to help him walk, so he immediately came over and asked if he needed any help.

Before Ji Xin'an said that he was going to be sent to the hospital, he immediately answered, "It's fine, just move around and you'll be fine."

Ji Xin'an felt angry for a while, and lied to her again, but this time he didn't care about him since he really hit a snowdrift.

Zou Ze might also realize that she had seen through, so he could only smirk and cover up.

The few people on the other side of the mountain saw that they were all fine, so they didn't come down and continued to learn how to ski.

None of them thought that Lu Ziyan was the one who learned the fastest among them. She was able to slide down slowly by herself before the others stood still.

Seeing that she learned much faster than the others, Lu Ziyan was naturally very happy, and her skating got better, but after learning the lesson from Zou Ze just now, she basically learned everything, so she went to skate alone on the slope.

However, he did not forget to say proudly to Zheng Fei, "How about it, am I learning fast?"

Zheng Fei also smiled, but he had to admit that she was much faster than the others, so he also nodded.

Lu Ziyan was affirmed by Zheng Fei, and she smiled even more happily. After a few rounds, she could really skate alone.

"Brother Zheng, the two of us skated together, how is the competition going?" Lu Ziyan saw that this was meaningless, so she looked at Zheng Fei with a smile.

Seeing that she had just learned how to walk, Zheng Fei wanted to run away, but seeing that she was in high spirits, he couldn't spoil her interest. He came here just to have fun, so he shook his head helplessly, so he had no choice but to agree. Swipe down together.

Although Lu Ziyan is a beginner, as long as she doesn't add any tricks and just slides straight, her speed is still very fast, but how can she compare to Zheng Fei? However, he really didn't intend to compete with her, but just followed behind her , looking at her trying to slide forward, it seems that she really wants to win him as a coach.

I also smiled secretly in my heart, thinking that this girl is quite cute when she is serious.

All the way to the bottom of the mountain, Lu Ziyan was still in the lead. Although she knew that Zheng Fei was giving in to her, she was still happy with the result, so she smiled and wanted to show him a beautiful and graceful posture. .

In the end, one of them didn't stop well, fell down and ate shit, and rushed into the snow, but fortunately, there was no one around here, except for Zheng Fei, no one else saw it.

Zheng Fei was taken aback, but he didn't have time to laugh at her at this time, so he hurried over to look at her, fearing that she might be hurt somewhere, "Lu Ziyan, how are you? Did you fall?"

Lu Ziyan blushed and didn't dare to look at him, it was too embarrassing for her to fall, and she didn't speak, Zheng Fei thought she had fallen somewhere, so she looked at her worriedly.

But Lu Ziyan saw that if she didn't speak any more, the misunderstanding would be serious, so she said embarrassingly, "I'm fine, the clothes are thick and I didn't hurt from falling."

Zheng Fei just wanted to say why you didn't speak just now, but he understood immediately. If she didn't care, Zheng Fei might not have remembered it, but now seeing her embarrassed look and thinking of the posture in which she fell just now, he couldn't bear it. I couldn't help laughing.

Seeing him laughing at herself, Lu Ziyan blushed even more, "I hate you, you still laugh when he falls down." There was actually some coquettish element in her tone.

"No, no..." But when he said these things, since he was already laughing, he couldn't help it, and she was quite funny now.

"You..." Lu Ziyan felt ashamed when he stood up, and was about to hit him when she stood up, but she forgot that she was wearing a sled, and fell forward as soon as she stood up, and she fell on the ground again , She was so frightened that she immediately closed her eyes, but a thought flashed in her heart, 'I'm going to embarrass myself in front of him again. '

Special Recommendation: Lin Luo in Another World Author Red Fan ISBN 2071008 Rebirth in Another World

Book Title: The Concubine is also Happy ISBN: 2017484 Author: Xiao Yuyi Introduction: Holding jade beads in your hand, you will never worry about planting flowers and fields

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