Barracks of Rebirth

224 are not happy

Since this matter was decided on a temporary basis after the start of the school year, the time was very tight, and the work of recruiting students in the student union was simplified. After all the registration forms were collected on the first day.

Directly in the registration form, qualified candidates were selected for interviews, and after that, the personnel they needed were selected, and they entered the student union directly, eliminating the need for other processes every year.

After the interviewees were selected, Ji Xin'an did not forget to take advantage of his own convenience to look at the candidates, and saw that Zou Ze and the two people in the dormitory were among them, so he smiled with satisfaction. It seemed that they still had Ability, there should be hope to enter the student union.

"Why are you giggling while looking at the registration form?" Li Xue came over and saw that she was smiling, so she raised her head to look, and happened to see Zou Ze's silly one-inch photo, "Oh, so it was to see the lover, This time it’s okay, we can finally reunite, and we can see each other every day in the future, so be happy.”

"I just took a look to see who was there, I didn't look at him." Ji Xin'an smiled helplessly.

"I understand, I didn't look at him on purpose, I just glanced at him casually." Li Xue acted as if I understood.

Ji Xin'an could only smile wryly. She really didn't just look at him, but just to see if Luo Jiayi and the others were on the list. She believed in Zou Ze's ability, and it shouldn't be a problem to get into the student union.

"Which department does he want to enter this time, if you want to be with him, you can tell Ouyang and let her ask for someone, I believe she will give you this face." Those who fall in love in the military academy usually spend less time together, so I think it will be better if the two are in the same department.

"Although I also want to spend more time with him every day, I don't want to let him into the secretariat because of this. He has done enough for me. The secretariat itself is not suitable for him. I hope he finds a It is suitable for his own department, which can train him better." Ji Xin'an shook his head and said.

Li Xue was a little dazed when she heard that, she didn't expect her to think so, and she couldn't help but look at her with admiration, "You are right to think so, after all, we will have plenty of time together in the future, but if you think so, will he think so too, you Aren't you afraid that he will misunderstand that you don't care about him?"

"I think he will understand." Ji Xin'an smiled, feeling that there is still a tacit understanding between the two.

Seeing her confident expression, Li Xue also smiled, but she was very envious of her in her heart.

The two were joking. At this time, other people who wanted to interview new students also came in. In fact, there were not many people, mainly Zhao Fan and the others. The other ministers came in to observe, and there were Ji Xin'an and the others The secretariat.

And those students who were going to have interviews were waiting outside. Seeing this scene, Ji Xin'an thought of the job interviews. They must be waiting outside nervously.

But this is quite strange for her. After two lifetimes, she has avoided it. She has never experienced such a scene once, and it will never happen again in the future. It seems that she It really has nothing to do with this kind of thing.

"Li Xue, it seems that the process for me to enter the student union is really too simple. Look at them. I have to pass five levels and kill six generals. This means that time is tight. What if it is not so tight, I really sympathize They." Ji Xin'an said with emotion.

"Now you know how lucky you are, and half a year earlier than them, you can enter the secretariat as soon as you come, so you should cherish it." Li Xue said that you only knew it.

"Then that's how you got into the student union?" Ji Xin'an asked.

"Of course, we all came in after passing five trials and beating six generals." Li Xue said proudly.

"Oh, no wonder you bullied me as soon as I came here. It turned out that you were jealous of me." Ji Xin'an nodded and said affirmatively, but as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, you dare to make fun of me now, don't you?" Li Xue was injured and wanted to hit her, but she didn't look really angry.

At this moment, several people were seated, and Ji Xin'an hurriedly pointed at them, "Stop making trouble, they are all seated, and they are waiting for us, if they continue to make trouble, it will delay the business."

Li Xue gave her a white look, and the two of them also sat down.

The interviewers came in one by one. Ji Xin'an's job was to send the registration forms of the people who came in each time to Zhao Fan, and then record the interview status of each person with Li Xue.

After finally waiting for Luo Jiayi and Zhang Xiaoxue, Ji Xin'an looked at their performance with some concern, especially Zhang Xiaoxue. Ji Xin'an was afraid of her stage fright. Although she knew that she could enter the student union with her excellence, she was afraid She failed the interview.

But I didn't expect that not only was she not afraid, but she performed well. Although she was not as eloquent as some people, she behaved normally. Judging by Zhao Fan's expression, there should be no problem.

Seeing her go out, Ji Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief, but the person who came in next made her worry even more, but this time it was pure worry, not because of anything but because this person was Zou Ze.

When Zhao Fan saw Zou Ze walking towards him, he didn't know what it was like. Thinking of the hickey mark on Ji Xin'an's neck, he couldn't help but feel angry again. Maybe I can't help it.

In fact, he had the same thoughts as Ouyang Shujie.

He felt that since the two of them had been alone for so long, and saw the ambiguous marks on Ji Xin'an's neck, he also knew what happened between them, and felt that what should have happened must have happened.

That's what made him angry. He felt that Zou Ze was only doing it for his own desires and not for Ji Xin'an. He felt that he was not worthy of Ji Xin'an at all. Seeing Zou Ze at this moment, he really wanted to punch him.

But now it was working hours, and in front of so many people, he could only suppress the anger in his heart. He was business-like as before, and asked solemnly, but he wished that he would not be able to enter the student union.

However, after a few words, even Zhao Fan had to admit that Zou Ze was still very good, and it was no wonder that Ji Xin'an would fall in love with him. Even other people would not agree, let alone how Ji Xin'an would hate himself.

Now comes the last question. Zhao Fan looked at Zou Ze with no trace of hostility in his eyes, "If you join the student union, which department do you prefer?"

After hearing what he said, Zou Ze glanced at Ji Xin'an, who was lowering his head and taking notes, smiled, and said seriously, "If possible, I would like to join the propaganda department, because I think those are the most suitable for me, and the most capable. Play to my strengths."

Zhao Fan was a little dazed. When Zou Ze looked at Ji Xin'an just now, he thought he would want to join the secretariat, but he actually looked down on him, but he didn't expect the answer he gave to him.

But then he reacted, "Okay, your interview is over, go back and wait for the notification."

Zou Ze solemnly stood at attention and saluted, turned around and left. His interview was over, whether he succeeded or not, the rest was beyond his control, so he was not nervous and left with a smile.

Today, for some reason, he seemed to feel Zhao Fan's dissatisfaction with him, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He had contacted Zhao Fan before, and it wasn't once or twice, but he didn't treat him well at that time, which was considered polite, but Why did I feel his hostility today?

I couldn't figure it out anyway, so I shook my head, since I couldn't figure it out, let it go.

Ji Xin'an also smiled when he saw the back of him leaving. Although she pretended not to care just now, she actually listened attentively to what he said, and she didn't know what it was like.

On the one hand, I expected him to be with me, but I still hoped that he could go his own way. I couldn't help laughing when I heard his answer. It seemed that he had figured it out.

Maybe Zou Ze really wants to understand that there are not only feelings in life, but also many other things waiting for him. Now that he has arrived at the military academy, he will definitely become an excellent soldier, but this process of hard work requires some dedication. of.

When Ji Xin'an was thinking about things, all the interviewers had finished the interviews, and the ministers basically had their eyes on the candidates they wanted.

Zhao Fan stood up and looked at everyone, "You have also seen these people just now, tell me your opinions, who do you like, tell me."

Several ministers and deputy ministers looked at each other, but they were not ashamed to say it first, so Ouyang Shuxue stood up first, "Let me tell you first, I think Zhang Xiaoxue is pretty good, he is very suitable to come to our secretariat, so I will I need her first."

Zhao Fan nodded, "This is indeed possible. Zhang Xiaoxue meets all the requirements to enter the student union. She is also very simple and serious. She is very suitable for the boring work in the secretariat. It is perfect for you."

Seeing Zhao Fan nod his head, Ouyang Shuxue smiled in satisfaction, and wrote something behind Zhang Xiaoxue's name.

When Ji Xin'an heard that Zhang Xiaoxue was the first to be settled, he was also happy for her.

With Ouyang Shuxue's opening words, other people also started talking one after another, and Zhao Fan also agreed with most of the people they liked. After all, there are only a few outstanding people, and everyone knows who can come in.

But the funniest thing is that Luo Jiayi was snatched up by the study department and the group propaganda department. Everyone wanted her. Although Ouyang Shujie is usually a fool, he still cares about this issue very much. To have a competent subordinate, Is his happiest thing, because it means someone to help him work.

And the head of the learning department naturally also took a fancy to Luo Jiayi, and he didn't give in at all.

Zhao Fan saw that the two were still arguing, so he looked at Ji Xin'an with a smile, "Take a look at which department she hopes to get into?"

"It's the Propaganda Department." This Ji Xin'an didn't even need to look at him to say it. She asked about it last night.

Ouyang Shujie immediately showed a smug smile, and sure enough, Zhao Fan said next, "Then let Luo Jiayi go to form the Propaganda Department, and do as she pleases."

Although Ouyang Shujie won a general, he was still not satisfied, and wanted to choose another one, but looking at the list in his hand, there was no suitable candidate anymore.

At this time, his deputy minister said, "Then give us Zou Ze too, and none of you should argue with us. He also said that he wanted to come to our department, and his ability is just right for the propaganda department." , In fact, the department is not suitable for him."

After hearing this, Ouyang Shujie almost kicked him out. Although he wanted someone, what was going on with this Zou Ze? Watching him get intimate with Ji Xin Anxiu every day, isn't it his own fault.

But now Ji Xin'an is here again, how dare he say no, I can only hope that Zhao Fan will not agree.

Although Zhao Fan didn't want Zou Ze to join the student union, it's not his style to use his power for personal gain, so he nodded, seeing that Ouyang Shujie felt a headache.

But the others were also disappointed when they heard it. They were all optimistic about this student just now, especially Ouyang Shuxue. Originally, she also wanted someone. I want to come, but now it seems that there is no way to fight.

Glancing at Ji Xin'an, he was relieved to see that she was not disappointed at all.

Zou Ze's destination was decided when everyone was dissatisfied.

In this way, all the new members who entered the student union seemed to be robbed by several ministers, and they were all distributed.

The number of new members coming in this time is more than before. It seems that it will take some time for them to integrate in, but the new students don't give them this time.

Because tomorrow morning is the day when the new students will start their enrollment report, and their work will also begin. Although Zhao Fan is not at ease with these people, he can only adapt while working. Now he can only trust Ji Xin'an .

At this time, the first part they planned was completed, but Ji Xin'an's appointment as acting chairman has not been explained to everyone.

Therefore, the work mobilization meeting before the new students came, and some reminders to the new members, were carried out together, and now the resignation to Ji Xin'an was also added.

The rest is nothing. Although it is the first time to train freshmen, I have never eaten pork or seen a pig go away, so there is nothing strange about it.

After Zhao Fan finished speaking, he looked at them, "You understand everything."

Everyone nodded, and just when everyone thought the meeting was about to end, he spoke again.

"Since this is the case, there is one more thing to announce to everyone. During the new training period, when all the senior students are away, Ji Xin'an from the secretariat will temporarily preside over the work of the student union. This matter is After careful consideration with several ministers, I have reported it to the school, and the school has agreed." Zhao Fan said with a smile, as if talking about a trivial matter.

All the student members, no matter if they were seniors or newcomers, were stunned. They never thought that a sophomore who had been in the student union for less than half a year would act as the chairman.

Special thanks to: "Sparkle Bookworm", "Elyem" for the lollipops, which I can only say are delicious.

Special thanks to: 'Ying Yu Qing Qing', 'Elyem' votes, Elyem really doesn't make a move, it's a big one, but I really can't write it now, Kavinka is amazing, there are Sometimes I have the urge to get stuck here, but I just dare to think about it, and I still have to come back to write, but now I find it very laborious to write three or four thousand a day. I really don’t know how to code so many words before

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