Barracks of Rebirth

VIP Volume 290

Several people were talking and laughing when there was a sudden change on the other side.

"An'an, there is something wrong over there." Lu Ziyan stood up suddenly. Although there were opponents over there, they were all standing out of range at this time, and there was no need to hide.

Ji Xin'an immediately stood up when he heard this, and couldn't help laughing when he saw it, "They are waiting for everyone to arrive, and then surround us."

"They thought well, even if they were encircled, they wouldn't be able to charge forward, so they let us fight." Lu Ziyan has gained confidence since she was excited about the fight just now. is very different.

That time she was chased and beaten by others because of her good marksmanship, but she could deal with a few, but in the end she couldn't escape the fate of being 'killed', but this time it was really fun, even though she showed herself in the crowd Nothing stood out, but I was happy from the bottom of my heart.

"However, I don't think they will surround us. It would be too unwise to surround us and disperse our forces even though we know we won't run away," Zhou Ruo said suddenly.

Ji Xin'an looked at Zhou Ruo in surprise.

"What's wrong, senior sister, did I say something wrong?" Seeing her expression, Zhou Ruo felt a little unconfident.

Ji Xin'an suddenly laughed, "No, you are right, they will definitely concentrate their forces to attack our weak points."

"Then I guessed right?" Zhou Ruo suddenly laughed.

Ji Xin'an and Lu Ziyan looked at her, smiled helplessly, but nodded. "However, even if they are concentrated to one point, it will be difficult for them to fight, but they will definitely not compromise so easily.

While they were talking, the other party came in two more groups, and these two groups should have about the same number of people that Ji Xin'an and the others had wiped out before, similar to one of their companies, it seems that only the one seen before was special, as for the reason Ji Xin'an couldn't guess.

But it seems that the other party really wants to do a big job.

As they observe each other, the other observes them at the same time.

"Their tactics are too ruthless. It's not right for us to fight, or not to fight. Company Commander Zhang, what do you think we should do?" One person looked at Ji Xin'an and the others in this direction, and said dissatisfiedly, and from his words It can also be heard that their establishment is actually the same as that of Ji Xin'an and the others, but it has become so small for some special reason.

"That's right, if you have the ability, fight with us in an upright manner. You are a hero if you lie there." Before the company commander could speak, a small boy interrupted.

"What are you talking about, this is a drill, and that is a real war. You are a knight dueling, and you are upright. Just now, the twenty or thirty people fought with you upright. What happened to you, you just got knocked out halfway. A company." He got angry when he mentioned this, and it made him, the company commander, feel ashamed. It was just a small encounter, and he was knocked out of half of the company.

As soon as this was mentioned, several people fell silent, and the little boy just now muttered, "Those people were carefully selected with good marksmanship and strong military qualities, and they were ambushed there in advance." , We are in a weak position, I don’t believe that the students who participated in this exercise are all like them.”

"Okay, we can't compare, we can't compare. We are not as skilled as others, so don't complain, let's find a way to solve the problem in front of us first." The company commander said with a cold face, it seems that he is still obsessed with what happened just now. bosom.

"Company commander, the people from the third company just now said that there are two to three hundred people on the opposite side, and they have the advantage of the terrain. What's the use of our dozens of people? Aren't we going to die when we go up?" People's idea, they immediately said in surprise.

"Didn't I just tell you to send a signal to call everyone nearby? If there are really 300 people here, then we don't get rid of them, and we don't want to win this time." The company commander sighed and said, He is not willing to fight these people in front of him, it seems that even if he wins this time, it will be a miserable victory.

"Who do you think came up with this idea? On this plain, it is really not easy for us to attack if they are so guarded by them." Several people were relieved when they saw that they had to wait for other companies. Once more, I don't believe that I can't attack.

"It's worth thinking about. It must be Ji Xin'an. Except for her, no one else would have such a whimsical idea. She actually dug a trench here. I don't know what is going on in her mind. I haven't thought about it for so many years." I heard that some cadets dug bunkers during the drill." Zhang Lianchang said dejectedly, not only sighing at the difficult hillside in front of him, but also because the opponent he faced in the graduation drill was Ji Xin'an. frustrated.

When he heard that Ji Xin'an really organized these people together, he had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't expect this premonition to come true so soon. It seems that this exercise is really bad luck. .

"Company commander, don't let other people's ambition destroy your prestige. Ji Xin'an is not as good as she is said to be. If she is really powerful, she should leave more than 600 people on the mountain. No matter how we beat her, she will not show her face. , then we are doomed, but there are still their people outside. You see, the people we wiped out just now have no rules. There is no bunker except for hiding people, but they are hiding there. I didn't think much about it at all." Someone said a little dissatisfied after hearing his words.

"That's right, it seems that not all of these students obeyed Ji Xin'an. Those people must have disobeyed her orders and went out to fight according to their own ideas." Someone immediately agreed with his words.

The company commander was stunned for a moment when he heard the discussion of several people. He also felt that if it was like what they said, then the side of the graduates would be really hard to fight. But there are only 300 people in front of him. What to do, he didn't think that, as they said, they did not obey Ji Xin'an's orders and fought on their own.

Based on what they knew about Ji Xin'an in the past few years, it was impossible for her to fail in such a few things, and then she would not be Ji Xin'an.

Thinking of the group of people that his company met just now, he suddenly thought of something, but couldn't grasp the feeling, at this moment, someone suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Company commander, the people from the fifth company and the sixth company have arrived." The little male student suddenly said with a smile, everyone has arrived, so they are more confident.

Zhang Lianchang looked in the direction he was pointing at, and indeed he saw them, so he let go of his thoughts and hurried over.

As soon as the three company commanders got together, the sixth company commander asked loudly, "What's the matter, our company is searching according to the plan, and we saw your signal, what's the urgent matter, so we all come here?"

"We found the opponent's main force, at least 300 people, and ambushed on the opposite mountain, and just wiped out the third company. If we fight them now, we don't have enough manpower, so we asked you all to come." Company Commander Zhang No nonsense, directly explained.

"A company has been killed?" The sixth company commander said in surprise, "What about the other party's casualties?"

"According to the people from the third company, there are not many. They have the advantage of the terrain, and they attacked suddenly, so there are no casualties at all." Zhang Lianchang explained, and the person from the third company left immediately after speaking, just like this After they talked about the situation, they had already counted it as a foul, but everyone knew this in their hearts, and they didn't say anything about it, but if they stayed here, it wouldn't work.

"Then that means we only wiped out a few of them now, but paid the price of a company?" The fifth company commander also said, and couldn't help but said in surprise.

Although Zhang Lianchang was reluctant, he still nodded. This is the truth after all.

The fifth company commander thought for a while, and then continued, "We have been here for almost a day, and we searched around according to the plan in advance, but we haven't encountered a single 'enemy', how about you?"

"Even if we are like you, it has been a whole day, and we haven't even seen a person, and we are as tired as a dog." The sixth company commander also said dejectedly.

"We did meet, but there were only thirty people. We fought for twenty minutes, and only those who lost half of them killed them." Company Commander Zhang said with some embarrassment.

"So we have lost 150 to 60 people on our side, while the other side has less than 50 casualties?" The fifth company commander's face changed when he heard this. shock.

Hearing his words, the other two changed their faces at the same time, and looked at each other at the same time.

"The commander on the mountain now must be Ji Xin'an, and no one else can come up with such a method except her." The Fifth Company Commander actually had the same idea as Company Commander Zhang. "They must be waiting for us to go up now. Even if they suffer the same casualties as us, we will lose."

"By the way, I figured it out." After hearing what he said, Company Commander Zhang said suddenly, "Zou Ze was one of the people we met just now. There are other deployments, but they were accidentally smashed by us."

The two of them were stunned after hearing his words, and now they didn't know how to make a decision. They were really stunned by Ji Xin'an's unusual style of play.

"Company Commander, Battalion Commander is here." When the three of them were undecided, someone shouted, and when they turned around, they saw that not only the battalion commander had come, but also the company's people.

"Battalion Commander." The three of them looked at him at the same time. If Ji Xin'an was here at this time, they would definitely recognize that this person really has some relationship with her. Although he has never been a member of the student union, he is still very good.

This person is exactly the Li Feng whom Ji Xin'an met twice in the first exercise, and Ji Xin'an also rescued him once. Maybe Ji Xin'an didn't expect that Li Feng would become the commander in chief of this exercise. Not to mention her opponent, it was still a duel between the two.

"What's going on?" Seeing that the three of them were all gathered together, Li Feng asked seriously.

The three looked at each other, and Captain Zhang stood up and explained what happened.

Li Feng frowned when he heard this, "Hey, I didn't expect that Ji Xin'an would give me such a big problem on the first day."

"Battalion Commander, I heard that you cooperated with Ji Xin'an in previous exercises?" the Sixth Company Commander said suddenly. These people have somewhat heard of their previous experiences.

Li Feng nodded, "It was the exercise the year before last, and she saved me. The people in our two teams were the only two teams to rescue each other. Our goal at that time was to be the first to defeat the graduates. She didn't expect that I had become a graduate and hadn't achieved it yet. She was still insisting, and now her opponent was actually me.

Now I really don't know whether to hope for good success or for her to fail. "

Several people were a little bit sighed when they heard it. They also thought that one day they would become the first student to defeat the graduate, but they never just thought about it. The biggest difference between Ji Xin'an and them is that they can put their hearts on What I thought became reality, but when the beaten person became me, I felt uncomfortable at all.

"But although I also want someone to beat the graduate one day, but now I can't be the first graduate to be defeated." Li Feng said with a sigh, thinking that this is really contradictory. "We can't let her get away with it."

"But Battalion Commander, what should we do now?" Company Commander Zhang still couldn't help asking.

"Wait." Li Feng said decisively, but kept staring at the opposite hillside.

"Wait?" A few people were stunned for a while, they are still in a weak position, so procrastinating is not good for them.

"We'll wait until it's dark, and now we're attacking like this, without any cover, and it's bright day again. This is to be used as a target for others. After a while, the people from the Second Company will also be recruited together. When it gets dark, our five A company spread out and attacked at the same time, I don't believe that such a small slope cannot be attacked." Li Feng thought of a countermeasure in such a short period of time, which is considered pretty good.

"We've found all the people here, so what about the other 'enemies'?" Company Commander Zhang was still a little worried, thinking that it was impossible for Ji Xin'an to have such a simple tactic.

"I understand what you mean. There is indeed an accident in Zou Ze's matter. They will not appear there for no reason, but we don't have time to see what they want to do now. We can only kill these people in front of us first. It's gone." Of course Li Feng didn't think that Ji Xin'an would be able to deal with it so easily, but he really couldn't think of where those people outside of this had gone, and continued, "And keep the second company I don't feel at ease when I'm outside, it's better to gather together, if there is any unexpected accident, it will be easier for us to deal with it."

Several people nodded after hearing this, and there was no other way except this.

The people on the other side became a little impatient seeing that they just stopped here but didn't do anything.

"Senior sister, what do you think they are waiting for? Why aren't they attacking?" Seeing this, Zhou Ruo became a little anxious.

"Yeah, if we wait any longer, our people are a little anxious." A company commander of the second battalion also stood up and stretched his arms, saying.

"They are waiting." Ji Xin'an was not in a hurry, he smiled and said, seeing this scene, he guessed what they wanted to do.

"What are you waiting for? Could there be any more reinforcements? We killed more than a hundred of them, and now there are four hundred on the other side, and at most there are still about a hundred." The company commander seemed to be a science student. It is so clear at once.

After hearing this, Ji Xin'an looked at him and nodded in satisfaction, "You're not bad, but they should not only be waiting for the hundred people, but also waiting for the dark."

"It's dark?" Several people were stunned for a moment, why didn't they think of this, Zhou Ruo jumped up, "Sister, you mean they will use the darkness to attack us?"

"Yes, with so many of them, we can minimize our advantage by taking advantage of the darkness, and then disperse them. It is very likely that they will succeed in attacking with hundreds of people." Ji Xin'an chuckled He nodded, and then continued. "It seems that the commander of the other party is really smart."

"Then what should we do? There are more than 500 of them, and our current advantage will be lost once it gets dark. As you said, then we will be in danger." Lu Ziyan looked at her nervously.

"It's okay, don't forget that we still have backup." Ji Xin'an smiled to make them feel relieved.

"You mean Luo Jiayi's company?" Lu Ziyan immediately thought of Luo Jiayi after hearing her words.

"That's right, Zou Ze and the others have been discovered before, so we can't point to it, but there has been no movement from Luo Jiayi's side, and they should continue to hide. If their people are really here, then we will go inside and outside." Pinching." Ji Xin'an nodded with a smile. "Go and inform the people of each company to rest first, and don't need to look at them. There should be nothing wrong before dark."

Hearing what Ji Xin'an said, everyone relaxed again. They couldn't help but feel that it was easy to fight with Ji Xin'an. All the problems were solved when Ji Xin'an came to Ji Xin'an, and all the accidents were thought of by her.

At this time, everyone had nothing else to do, and the only thing they could do was wait, but without the tension and impatience just now, they became hungry.

Sitting in the bunker, Ji Xin'an suddenly heard someone's stomach growl, and burst out laughing, "Who is this, are you hungry?"

"Sister, it's me." Zhou Ruo said with some embarrassment, "I haven't eaten much this day. I was nervous before and didn't feel it, but now I feel hungry."

Ji Xin'an smiled without heeding it. It was nothing to be ashamed of, so he stood up, "Second Company Commander, tell everyone to serve dinner. We are full and we will have the strength to fight at night."

"Do you want to eat the food we distribute?" The second company commander asked after hearing this.

"Of course, is there anything else to eat here?" Ji Xin'an said after being stunned.

"Eat it now, what should I do if there are two days left?" The second company commander said hesitantly.

"You don't have to worry about it, just go and give the order." Ji Xin'an said with a mysterious smile. If things go well, they might be able to go back to school and lie comfortably on the bed tomorrow to eat and drink spicy food.

Zhou Ruo listened to Ji Xin'an's words, and immediately took out the compressed food distributed by the school and ate it. The usually unpalatable food tasted surprisingly delicious at this time.

Seeing her appearance, Ji Xin'an laughed, took out his own and began to eat slowly, while quietly waiting for the arrival of the dark.

When it was getting dark, another company came from the other party. At this time, they should be full. Ji Xin'an sighed, "It seems that we have a tie now. We have defeated one of their companies, and they also After defeating one of our companies, we are back on the same starting line.”

"But we still have an advantage now, and with the support of Luo Jiayi and the others, our chances of winning should be greater. We will avenge Zou Ze and his company." Lu Ziyan leaned over and said.

Ji Xin'an didn't say anything, but just nodded, she would not let the people from that company sacrifice in vain, Zou Ze and his company's "sacrifice" made Ji Xin'an even more eager for victory.

It was getting dark gradually, but the people on the opposite side didn't make any moves. Ji Xin'an and the others were not in a hurry. They rested and chatted in the bunker. At this time, they were more patient than anyone else.

But at this time, Ji Xin'an couldn't relax. Once it was dark, others would not be able to see anything. It would be useless even if Ji Xin'an sent them to be on guard, but she was not affected at all, so she took the responsibility personally. After completing this task, I kept staring at the other party, fearing that I would miss any movement.

Seeing this, the second company commander hurried over, "Why are you on alert yourself? You go to rest, and I will send someone to alert now."

"No, you all go to rest, I can do this myself." Ji Xin'an shook his head and said, this really can't explain the reason, I don't know if it will be seen as pretending to be noble.

Seeing what the second company commander had to say, Ji Xin'an put away his smile and said, "Execute the order."

It was rare for the second company commander to see her get serious, he was stunned for a moment, then turned to leave helplessly, leaving only Ji Xin'an here to guard.

In the first half of the night, Ji Xin'an saw that the other party hadn't moved at all, and she also held her breath, and she didn't move until the second half of the night, when the other party's people suddenly started to move, and they all scattered around in a low body. of.

Ji Xin'an smiled lightly, not to mention that they were short, even if they were lying down, he could see it, so he stood up after thinking about it.

"They're about to make a move. Tell everyone in each company to get up and prepare to meet the enemy." Ji Xin'an smiled and whispered to the people around him. Since the other party wanted to attack, he had to give them a surprise.

At this time, most of the people had already fallen asleep, but when they heard Ji Xin'an's words, they all woke up with a jolt, and immediately went to notify each company.

Lu Ziyan didn't leave at this time, she lay down next to Ji Xin'an, and looked over there, but she couldn't see anything except a black shadow, so she asked in surprise, "How do you know, how can you leave?" Can you see it this far?"

Ji Xin'an was taken aback, "Uh, I heard their voices just now, so I guess they are about to act."

Lu Ziyan didn't have any doubts after hearing this. The two had been together for a few years, but they didn't discover Ji Xin'an's secret. It has to be said that Ji Xin'an concealed it too well.

Special thanks to: 'Xiao Feng 8' for the red envelope, I also wish you a happy new year

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