Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 30 Riverside

There was no rest on the way, and the atmosphere was even better than when we first set off. Some people sang and some told jokes. When everyone didn’t feel too tired, they heard the person at the front yelling, “We’re here, I can see everything in front of us.” of the river."

The others happily speeded up after hearing this, and Yu Yao was so frightened that she shouted at the back to tell them to slow down, lest something happen to them, which made Ji Xin'an give her an appreciative look.

When everyone reached the river, some people took off their shoes and stood in the water to play. Zou Ze saw him and pulled Ji Xin'an and the others to go down too.

When Ji Xin'an stood barefoot in the clear water, it felt unreal. Looking at the clean pebbles at the bottom, the green grass on the bank, and even the unknown birds flying by from time to time, Ji Xin Ann felt like she was dreaming.

Because Ji Xin'an knew that in a few years, this large piece of wasteland including the river would be sold to a foreign company, and they would set up a highly polluting rubber factory here, and their sewage would run from morning to night every day. within two years, this place has become a stinky ditch that no one wants to come back to. At the end of this river, the small lake has also become a garbage dump. Now that Ji Xin'an can see these beautiful scenery, he doesn't know whether to be happy or sad.

When she was feeling sad, cold water suddenly splashed on her face, Ji Xin'an was startled, and when he came back to his senses, it was Zou Zezheng looking at her with a smile, "What's wrong, you're still in a daze in the water."

"The scenery here is so beautiful, I'm intoxicated." Ji Xin'an squatted down and splashed water on Zou Ze, and Zou Ze immediately washed his face again.

Zou Ze and her immediately started attacking each other, which soon spread to other people, causing a scuffle, even Yu Yao, who had never been very gregarious, was not spared.

She didn't know who was hitting and who was being hit, so she could only splash water passively. Shi Lin even sat in the water because she couldn't stand still because she was having fun.

The result of the scuffle was that everyone became drowned, and the most embarrassing one was not Shi Lin, who was sitting in the water, but Yu Yao, who didn't get along with everyone very much. Maybe it was the first time I saw her participate in everyone's activities. Okay, so be more enthusiastic towards her, and Ji Xin'an guesses that most of the boys are boys.

"Everyone's clothes are wet, how are you going to play?" They looked at each other and saw that their clothes were all wet. If they didn't want to do anything, they really had to go back home.

"How about this, the girl will wipe it here first, and the boy will pick up some branches or something and come back to light the bonfire, and we will dry the clothes." Zou Ze suggested, taking off his clothes first and wiping his face. People went to pick up branches, and the boys also took the initiative to follow after hearing this.

Seeing that the boys had left, Ji Xin'an also took off his outer sports jacket. He saw that the clothes inside were not wet, but when he combed his hair, he found that water could come out. So he went to the side of his schoolbag, threw the clothes aside, and wiped the water from his face and hair.

After I finished tidying up, I turned around and saw that Yu Yao was also wiping the water off her body, but she was already soaked, no matter how much she wiped, it was useless, and water was still dripping from her body.

Ji Xin'an thought that he seemed to have the foresight, took out the T-shirt he brought from his bag, and walked over, "Don't wipe it, just put this on, let's make it right now, wait a while for the fire to light up." Just dry your clothes."

Yu Yao looked up and saw the clothes handed over, she said thank you softly, and took it.

Holding the clothes and looking at the surrounding objects without any cover, you can still see the boy's figure in the distance, "How do you change this?"

Ji Xin'an also looked around and thought for a while, "Why don't we gather around to block you."

So several people formed a circle with their backs to her, and Yu Yao nervously changed out of her soaked clothes in the middle.

When she came out wearing dry clothes, Zou Ze and the others also came back. They took dry branches and piled them on the ground to start a fire. They were quite skilled, and the fire started after a while.

"Come and sit by the fire, all of you, dry your clothes quickly, or you'll catch a cold." Seeing the fire starting, Zou Ze hurriedly called all the wet girls over, only then did Ji Xin'an realize that Zou Ze was still alive. Very caring.

Ji Xin'an watched him concentrate on fiddling with the bonfire, his bare upper body, unlike other boys of this age, who were either so thin that the ribs could be seen, or were all soft fat, on the contrary, the muscles were distinct without a trace of fat. Ji Xinan didn't expect that Ping looked very thin, but inside he was quite predictable.

Zou Ze seemed to feel that someone was watching him. He raised his head and saw Ji Xin'an who was sitting by the fire with his arms around his knees. His long hair was still dripping and a few strands were still sticking to his face. His supple face was slightly reddish from the fire, and now Zou Ze only thought of a sentence, "Clear water comes out of hibiscus to be carved naturally", and only her was left in his eyes.

Ji Xin'an watched him stare blankly at himself, although he didn't blush, but he was not used to being stared at by a boy like this, so he coughed twice to get his attention.

Zou Ze immediately recovered from the state just now, as if he had been discovered by peeping. He was very embarrassed and his face was a little red. Fortunately, everyone was like this around the fire, so they didn't notice anything strange about him.

"Bring the wet clothes to dry, it will dry in a while." Zou Ze really didn't know what to say, but it would be even more embarrassing if he didn't make a sound.

Ji Xin'an nodded, and went to get the coat that he didn't plan to wear again.

"That's right, Zou Ze still has this skill?" Ji Xin'an was sitting by the fire, holding his soaked coat and roasting, remembering that he lit the fire a few times, not like it was the first time.

"What is this? My old man used me as a scout for training. This is the most basic thing for survival in the wild. You haven't seen the tragedy." Everyone in Zou Ze didn't notice what happened just now, secretly I'm relieved.

"How lucky you are to have such a father." Ji Xin'an looked at him enviously.

"What is happiness? Right now, I really hope to have a father like Uncle Liu who can understand music, support me, and have a common language with me. Even if it's not like Uncle Liu, just an ordinary person is fine, even if he I don’t understand anything, as long as he doesn’t object to what I do. It’s not like my dad, he forces me to do what I don’t like every day, but he says it’s not a proper job if I like.” Zou Zeyi looked unhappy .

"Zou Ze, you will be struck by lightning. You don't know how many people in the second generation of officials like you will envy and hate you!" Ji Xin'an said it smoothly, and blurted out several outdated words.

"What is the second generation of officials?" Zou Ze felt very fresh after hearing her words.

"It's someone like you whose father is an official, who lives in the environment created by his parents, and still talks about being boring every day." Ji Xin'an chuckled lightly. Indeed, Zou Ze will really be a second-generation official in the future. , it is said that his father was already a general at that time.

"Isn't that the second world lord who eats and waits to die? I don't like that. I'd rather support myself. Although it's a bit tiring, as long as I can do what I like, it's worth it." Zou Ze shook lightly. Shake your head.

Yu Yao had been listening to the two of them talking, and at this moment she suddenly answered, "That's right, it's not necessarily a good thing to have parents who are officials, it's better to have ordinary parents who support you."

Ji Xin'an knew that she must be thinking of herself, and smiled, "It seems that everyone is envious of other people's parents and families, and always feels that their own is not as good as others'."

"Maybe they can understand us, don't impose their wishes on us, and ask what we need when they want to arrange our lives. That might be better." Zou Ze thought for a while, and felt that he and his father had nothing to do The contradiction is too big, but it is just that I want to learn music, and my father wants to become a soldier like him, which creates a conflict between the two.

"I don't know what they think of us. Are they always envious of others like us?" Shi Lin suddenly laughed, thinking that this question is quite funny.

"Maybe they always think that other people's children are much better than their own, and they always think how wonderful it would be if they were their own children." Ji Xin'an laughed with everyone as soon as he finished speaking.

"Then everyone is not satisfied?" Someone said with a smile.

"Then let's think about it from another angle. In fact, it's not easy for parents. They have to take care of their own affairs and think about us every day. Their methods may not be very good, but I believe they all love us. Maybe the lack of communication between us is just communication, we can try to talk to them, maybe things will get better." Ji Xin'an looked at everyone who was a little depressed, so he smiled and tried to persuade them.

"But they will always treat us like children, so why would they talk to us?" A girl in the same class sighed, and the others also nodded.

"Then you should do something to make them no longer think of you as children. When they look at you with admiration, stand up again, and there may be unexpected results." Ji Xin'an fiddled with the clothes in his hands to help them out.

The others nodded and began to ponder in their hearts.

"Okay, we're here to play, so don't talk about it. Zou Ze, if you know how to survive in the wild, you must be able to catch fish too. Don't waste the fire here, catch it and roast it." Ji Xin'an saw everyone A little silent, so I proposed to do something fun.

"Okay, just now I also saw fish in the river, and it can not only be eaten roasted, but I brought a pot, and I can also make fish soup." Zou Ze smiled and took out a simple pot from his bag .

"Then don't just catch fish, there are so many people anyway, go and pick some mushrooms and wild vegetables to eat together!" Seeing Ji Xin'an, he thought that wild vegetables are everywhere now, so it's good to try something new.

"Then everyone will divide the work by themselves. Those who want to catch fish will follow me. Others will find other people. If they are edible, they will be brought back. Let's have a real picnic." Zou Ze stood up and directed everyone, and then even I walked into the river without wearing the clothes I just dried

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