Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 41: Meeting Zhang Xiaowen Again

The first person to ask a question was a young female reporter. After asking the question, I went directly to the main topic, "Your album sales have exceeded one million copies this time. Everyone knows that such achievements are not only mainland singers, but also Hong Kong and Taiwan singers. This kind of achievement is rare, what I want to ask is if you can achieve this kind of sales, will you give up the original plan of just trying to enter the music scene and release your second album immediately?"

Ji Xin'an naturally took the microphone, "I still say the same thing, we will focus on our studies now, we will not enter the music scene, and we will not release an album for the time being, even if we do it again, we will have to wait until we finish our studies. "

"But the entertainment industry is the most forgetful. After a few years, people may have forgotten you. Don't you think it's a pity to miss such an opportunity?" The reporter seemed to be a fan of the two, and she would not appear again The album was very disappointing.

Before Ji Xin'an was about to answer, Zou Ze gave her a tug, indicating that he would answer this question by himself, and he didn't want to hide behind Ji Xin'an. "Of course I don't think there are too many things to choose in one's life, and An Xin and I are facing such a choice now. If we look at it in the long run, which one is more important to our life, I think everyone can understand, So there is nothing to regret, and when we come back here, even if everyone forgets about us, I believe we will use our better music to remind everyone of the peace and hardships of the past."

There was applause from below, Zou Ze was completely relaxed after saying these words, the two looked at each other and smiled, Ji Xin'an was also relieved.

The next question was still friendly, and both of them answered humorously. There was a lot of laughter on the scene, and everyone gradually asked questions as if they were chatting with friends. At this time, Zou Ze saw a person hanging The person with the reporter brand is pushing forward, holding a fairly professional camera in his hand, but Zou Ze can be sure that this person is not a reporter.

"An'an, look two meters in front of you on your left, your most loyal fan is here." Zou Ze turned his head and whispered in Ji Xin'an's ear.

After hearing this, Ji Xin'an looked there and saw that it was Yao Wenhao, his tablemate and fan, and suddenly panicked. Although he was wearing a mask at such a close distance, he was really afraid of being discovered by him. "Why did he enter the reporter area? Isn't it that only reporters can come there?"

"I don't know, but you see that he has a press card, so he must have been brought in by someone." The two exchanged with smiles on their faces.

The two people who thought that they would not be discovered like this did not expect that all this would fall into the eyes of caring people.

This person is Zhang Xiaowen who once made things difficult for Ji Xin'an in front of the company.

Given the opportunity to ask questions, Zhang Xiaowen said concisely, "May I ask what is the relationship between the two of you?"

"We are just ordinary friends." Ji Xin'an also recognized this reporter who had been against him.

"But what you guys showed is not just like that. We have all seen it. You came out hand in hand. I think if you are ordinary friends, you don't need to be so close." Zhang Xiaowen was still so aggressive.

Because of her sharp question, the relaxed atmosphere disappeared suddenly. Ji Xin'an smiled. This Zhang Xiaowen really observed carefully, so he answered carefully, "This reporter friend's insight is really impressive. He is admirable, and his associative ability is also good. Kan Ke and I held hands and came out because I was wearing high heels for the first time to attend this reception today, so I came out before the road was stable. I was holding him because I was afraid of being so Falling down in front of a lot of journalist friends. I don't want to get headlines for this."

Ji Xin'an's answer made the reporters below smile in understanding, but only Zhang Xiaowen didn't seem to intend to let her go, "Then what happened to Ke Ke's whispering to you in front of so many reporters just now? This is completely subconscious. behavior, how do you explain it?"

"Just now Ke Ke did lie in my ear and said a few words, I don't know if you want to know what he said?" Ji Xin'an smiled and glanced at the reporters in the audience.

"Think." A coordinated voice sounded from below.

Ji Xin'an smiled and continued, "He told me that he was very nervous before going on stage, fearing that the reporters would make things difficult for him and the fans would be indifferent, but seeing everyone here today, the fans are so enthusiastic and the reporters are so kind, If he wasn't standing on the stage, he really thought he was with his friends, which really made him nervous for nothing."

The fans burst into enthusiastic voices after hearing her words, and Ji Xin'an's burst of compliments made many reporters give up some difficult questions. No one wanted to make things difficult for this smart and clever girl, but this does not include Zhang Xiaowen, but before she asked another question, the staff snatched the microphone and gave it to another person.

Zhang Xiaowen didn't make trouble anymore, she shook her hand, turned around and left, but how to use her pen after going back is beyond Ji Xin'an's control.

Ji Xin'an finally heaved a sigh of relief seeing her leave, but when he turned around, he saw Yao Wenhao squeezed into the front row, looking at her with admiring eyes, and pressing the camera in his hand from time to time.

Ji Xin'an swallowed, looked at him nervously, and felt relieved when he saw that there was nothing unusual.

Afterwards, there was interaction with the fans. Ji Xinan had seen the appearance of crazy fans in later generations. Although the current fans are not comparable, the enthusiasm is not diminished. A girl came up with thousands of pieces of paper that she folded herself The crane was given to Ji Xin'an, which moved her a lot.

Finally, Song Jiangliang saw that the time was almost up, so he asked the staff to take out the champagne, and everyone poured the champagne, and finally ended today's celebration.

The two retreated backstage. Just as Ji Xin'an was about to take off the mask on his face, he found that Yao Wenhao had somehow entered the backstage and came in front of her. He was not as reserved as usual, "Anxin, may I Shall I take a picture with you?"

Both Ji Xin'an and the staff were taken aback, not knowing how he got in, the staff were busy trying to drive him out, but Ji Xin'an stopped him, and agreed to take a photo with him with a smile.

After taking the photo, Ji Xin'an took the initiative to shake hands with him. Yao Wenhao showed a surprised expression, and immediately shook hands with her excitedly, but it may be that he was too happy so he used extra force, which hurt Ji Xin'an, who was already injured. Shoulder.

Ji Xin'an gasped in pain, Zou Ze and Yao Wenhao both noticed her strangeness, and they both showed concern, "What's wrong with you?"

He shook his head with a chuckle, and left with Zou Ze. Yao Wenhao suddenly felt that the bumpy back was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he immediately shook his head again. How could he possibly have anything to do with them! Then he left happily with the camera with the photo taken with An Xin.

As soon as he entered the dressing room and found a place to sit down, Ji Xin'an hurriedly put his hand on Qin Xin's painful shoulder, thinking that he really asked for it, if he hadn't played too crazy yesterday, he wouldn't have been like this.

Just when Ji Xin'an was in "extreme pain", Zou Ze conjured a peeled boiled egg out of nowhere and handed it over. Ji Xin'an looked at him in surprise, "Zou Ze, you are too powerful. Where did you find it?"

"I went to the company cafeteria to ask for it." Zou Ze saw that she was having a bit of trouble with it, so Yu took it and helped her roll on the bruised shoulders.

"Be gentle, it hurts." Ji Xinan grinned again.

"I know it hurts, so be more careful next time, it's useless to bump into someone so big." Although Zou Ze said it, his hands were much lighter.

Ji Xin'an knew that although he was a little bit poisonous, he still cared about him in his heart, so he didn't bother with him anymore.

After Zou Ze's treatment, he felt that his shoulders and arms belonged to him again. Although they still hurt, they felt much more comfortable. I didn't expect Zou Ze, who usually looks carefree, to be good at taking care of others.

Afterwards, the two had a simple meal, and then began to prepare for the evening banquet. After everything was ready, the time was almost up.

Zou Ze looked at Ji Xin'an, who had just put her hair up after changing into a dress, with an indescribably charming charm, and couldn't help but be attracted by her unique style.

"What's wrong?" Ji Xin'an saw Zou Ze staring at her as soon as he came out. He thought there was something wrong with him, so he lowered his head and checked around, but he didn't find anything unusual.

"An An, you are so beautiful." Zou Ze said with a smile while staring at Ji Xin'an sincerely.

"Thank you." Ji Xin'an playfully pulled her skirt and made a European court salute.

"Let's go, my princess." Zou Ze smiled and raised an arm.

Ji Xin'an cooperatively put his hands in Zou Ze's arms

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