Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 76 Shooting with the 'heart'

Because Ji Xin'an often goes to the construction site every day, he has much less spare time.

Counting it, Ji Xinan has been studying piano and violin for more than three years. The three years of hard work have been affirmed by the teachers, especially the piano. They even suggested that she major in piano in college. It was successful, but of course Ji Xin'an refused it.

Since entering high school, Ji Xin’an no longer has to go to every class like he did in junior high school. He only goes there a few times occasionally. If you have any questions, please ask. After the second year of high school, he became even more busy, and the number of times he went was even less. , although the piano teacher didn't mind very much, thinking that she was already in high school and her studies were too tight, so it was normal that she couldn't come to class on time like before, but Ji Xin'an felt a little sorry.

But I feel that the time I have now is not enough, and it is impossible to spare too much time to learn the piano, so I decided to give up learning these.

When Ji Xin'an proposed not to come again, several teachers were very sorry to persuade her again and again, thinking that it was a pity that her talent was wasted, but Ji Xin'an was very determined, saying that it was impossible for her to concentrate on music. Those who have developed online, even if they come into contact with them one day, it is only because they like it.

These teachers who gave hope to Ji Xin'an were naturally disappointed.

Yu Yao and her have been studying together, and Yu Yao naturally knew about her very quickly. She always thought that Ji Xin'an was just talking, but she never thought that she would really give up all these things, just to pursue such A vain dream. "An'an, have you really decided? This matter is not a joke."

"Of course I have thought about it, and I have thought about it for many years. These things are just hobbies. If they are really not so important compared with business, it is time to make a choice. It is time for me to give up them. The only thing I can do." Ji Xin'an smiled, she knew that Yu Yao never believed that she would easily give up what she had learned for several years, but now she couldn't help but not believe it.

"But you are so good at playing the piano, even the teacher said that you are very suitable for development in this area. It would be a pity to give up." Yu Yao saw that she had come for real, but she really felt sorry for her. I can't even bring up jealousy. I have been studying this and that together for the past few years, and I am used to Ji Xin'an's excellence. If one day she is not the best, I will be surprised.

"What's the use of playing well? It's just a hobby. After all, it's not what I want. Maybe after I complete my dream, I may develop these again." Ji Xin'an smiled, and he didn't want to. I don't know if there will be such a day.

"I really didn't expect that when you were so young, you had already planned so far, and you have persisted until now. I really admire you more and more." Yu Yao was confused for a while. Looking at Ji Xin'an's journey along the way, her persistence in her ideals is really admirable. On the other hand, she has been under the arrangement of her mother all these years, and she can do whatever she asks. ', but it's not because of himself, but because of fighting against Ji Xin'an.

"Yu Yao, you don't have to admire me, each of us has our own way to go, it's just that some people go on the road earlier, some people go later, maybe you are the one who goes on the road later, maybe when you know When what you want is something, you will burst out with incredible power, making everyone beyond reach." Ji Xin'an understood what she was thinking, Ji Xin'an did not expect this life, because her relationship made Yu Yao She actually became a little inferior and worried about gains and losses. She really didn't want to let that confident and proud girl disappear because of her own reasons.

"I think I will." Yu Yao also smiled. She was originally a confident person, but because of Ji Xin'an's excellence all along covered up her brilliance, she even doubted herself sometimes, but after listening to With Ji Xin'an's words, she has somewhat recovered her original self.

"I believe in you." Ji Xin'an nodded his head, which seemed to settle his mind.

"I also believe in myself, An An, thank you for enlightening me, and I wish your dreams come true." Yu Yao solemnly extended her right hand to Ji Xin'an.

"Why do I feel like a parting speech? I haven't left yet, but thank you anyway." Although Ji Xin'an said jokingly, he still stretched out his hand.

The two excellent girls clasped their hands and smiled at each other.

After saving some of the time that could be saved, Ji Xin'an had a lot more time, but it still felt that it was not enough for her.

Apart from going to work, most of the other time is spent on gun practice. She really wants to go there once a day, but time is really not allowed, so she can only go to practice whenever she has time. But this is hard work compared to others.

Even the firearms instructor admired Ji Xin'an's diligence, and for Ji Xin'an, he felt that she had the talent to be a gunner, and no one else could get such a talent no matter how hard they worked.

In fact, Ji Xin'an is not a talented person, but his eyes are very good.

When Ji Xin'an was reborn, he found that his eyes were very good. At first, he thought it was because he was short-sighted in his previous life, but when he suddenly returned to an age where he was not near-sighted, he felt that his eyes were very clear, but later he felt that it was not that simple. If it's just not myopia, she would have experienced it before, but when she gradually got used to it, she found that it was too good to be exaggerated.

It’s okay to read the small characters on the blackboard clearly, but it’s not something that ordinary people can do.

And this advantage is especially obvious when shooting a gun. Whenever she concentrates on looking at the target she is shooting, she will feel that the target is very close and very clear. This has become the talent that the instructor said.

In addition, she also found that she could see things clearly in the dark. Although she could feel the darkness as before, she could see clearly without affecting her vision at all. She had tried shooting in dim conditions , the results are almost the same as usual.

With such conditions, Ji Xin'an's progress is of course faster than others, and it's no wonder that the instructor praised her for being talented. Maybe this is another benefit brought to her by rebirth.

But Ji Xin'an is still inferior to those sharpshooters now. She has seen a real gunman shoot a gun once. One is that the speed is much faster than her own, and the accuracy and coordination of movements are not comparable to her. .

It is one thing to recognize such a gap, but another to try to catch up with this distance. I find that no matter how hard I practice, I can only hit a fixed target accurately. If I let her shoot slowly, she can basically shoot. The gun is a red heart, but once the speed is raised, it will drop.

When changing to moving targets or sports rapid fire, it is almost the same as the average novice. The moving targets here are different from the regular ones in the gun hall. They all appear irregularly and quickly, and then disappear. Ji Xin'an probably won't be able to hit it, and even if he does, the number of rings is pitifully small, and the results of sports rapid fire, because they have been missing the point, are even more appalling.

"An An, your talent is very good. It is not easy to hit a fixed target so well in such a short period of time." Li Hao, the firearms instructor at the shooting range, saw that Ji Xin'an's marksmanship is already very good now, But it can be seen that Ji Xin'an's pursuit is more than that, so he really wants to help her.

"But what I want to hit is not just a fixed target. Although this one is not bad, but if I change it to other ones, my current results will be too bad." Ji Xin'an was not proud of his praise, but was still dissatisfied. of.

"You are very talented, and you are willing to work hard. It will be a matter of time before you get good grades." Li Hao smiled, and was very happy that she was dissatisfied with the status quo. Only in this way can he continue to pursue new heights for himself , to be able to progress.

"But recently, there has been no progress for a long time. I have been stagnant in this place. I feel that no matter how much I practice, I can't do it." Ji Xin'an was a little frustrated. He has been practicing mobile shooting for a while, but he feels that he has not improved at all. .

"You have indeed worked very hard, but to become a real shooter is not just like you." Li Hao picked up the gun with a smile and fiddled with it in his hand.

"Then how do you practice? Instructor Li, do you have any special methods?" Ji Xin'an's eyes lit up when he heard that.

"Look at you shooting, as long as you slow down and aim carefully, you can hit the red heart, which means that you still... use your eyes to aim at the front line. There is nothing wrong with a beginner, but if you want to make progress, or If you want to become a real shooter, you can’t just rely on your eyes, but shoot with your heart.” The gun in Li Hao’s hand raised his hand and shot, and shot out all the bullets inside with the fastest speed, and the gun hit the target. .

"Attentively..." Looking at the instructor's smooth movements, confident eyes, and precise marksmanship, Ji Xin'an felt a burst of envy in his heart, and he fell into deep thought.

"You don't have to be too horny, I'm just showing you a way. A good shooter is fed by bullets. Even if you can't figure it out now, you can figure it out when you shoot enough bullets." Li Hao smiled. Looking at Ji Xin'an, he is still very optimistic about this girl, and now there are not many children who can concentrate on practicing guns.

Ji Xin'an nodded thoughtfully, and then continued to practice hard, but this time he no longer relied solely on his excellent eyesight, but used his heart to shoot the gun as Li Hao said, looking for that smooth feeling .

Seeing Ji Xin'an's appearance, Li Hao nodded in satisfaction.

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