Barrier of Light

Chapter 982 Deathrattle (at the beginning of the month!! Please vote for me!!)

Gu Nanfeng has long known about the existence of "evil ghosts".

The Dongzhou Fleet was able to escape from the black and silver cannons of [Ice Sea Ruins] because of the help of evil spirits——

It's just that there is no corresponding No. 1 person in his mind.

With Gu Nanfeng's identity and status, there was nothing wrong with Dongzhou that he didn't know about.

He knew every title in Dongzhou.

If there is really an "extraordinary person" who can hide from the eyes of the Gu family and grow to this point silently, then it must be the handiwork of the God Throne.

Or Mr. Bai Shu.

Or... it's Hades.

The "answer" that Xizhou Guangming Church could guess could actually be guessed by him.


The evil ghost was silent for a few seconds. He did not answer Gu Nanfeng's question, but asked calmly: "Why do you think I am helping you?"

"I already know about the [Ice Sea Ruins] and the assassination of Uto."

Gu Nanfeng said: "You stopped me because you didn't want me to die."

"I stopped you not just because I didn't want you to die."

Gu Shen's biggest headache is dealing with acquaintances.

When he attended a cocktail party in Nagano earlier, he was almost spotted by Bai Lu. Although the Shenyin cloak could help him hide his aura of authority, his speaking habits and work style could not be changed at once.

When talking to Gu Nanfeng, you need to pay more attention.

The young master of the Gu family is very insightful, so he deliberately changed his tone of voice and conversation style.

Since you choose to wear the "evil face", you have to completely change your face.

He said word by word: "If you want to rescue 'Meng Xizhou', you can't be jailed today. I stopped you just because... I hope this mission will succeed."

"So you are indeed from Dongzhou."

Gu Nanfeng stared at the evil ghost's face and whispered, "It's impossible for me not to know you, unless you are Mr. Bai Shu's person."

Gu Shen remained silent.

" are from Hades."

As Gu Nanfeng spoke, he stared into the eyes of the evil ghost opposite him, trying to get some information from these eyes.

But he found nothing.

The evil ghost's eyes were as dark and deep as the sea, and seemed to contain a smile.

He couldn't figure out the true meaning of this smile...

The evil ghost's silence clearly sounded like a mockery, but Gu Nanfeng couldn't see the sarcasm in his eyes.

"Well, I can't guess who you are."

He shrugged and sighed softly: "If Mr. Bai Shu really cultivates a [title], his behavior should not be like this, at least like Song Ci... As for Pluto, although this possibility is the greatest in my mind. But I can’t believe that the descendants of Hades dare to walk into this city of light.”

Gu Shen wanted to laugh, but he held back.


Who would have thought that Pluto himself would dare to visit the City of Light in person?

If it weren't for the help of [Shenyin Cloak], even he wouldn't believe it... This is indeed too ridiculous.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you will know this later."

Gu Shen suppressed his smile and spoke slowly: "The important thing now is... I can help you rescue Meng Xizhou."

Deep in the secret prison, the dark shadows were illuminated by the light of the [Lantern], making it as bright as day.

The great elder who gave up the trial of the Heart Washing Pond came here in a hurry. Because he was in such a hurry, his robes as white as snow were stained with the dirt on the floor of the secret prison.

The heavily armored servant stood guard at the end of the last secret cell.

Su Ye and Yao Jin stood silently beside the great elder.

"Junior brother..."

The great elder stared blankly at the figure slumped on the ground.

Yuan Yang committed suicide.

This news is very sudden, but... it is true.

He destroyed his own spiritual sea, thereby cutting off the last hope of life. This trace of death cannot be disguised.

No one knows why Yuan Yang did this, or what he thought of before "dying". The corners of the lips of the second elder of the temple were still slightly upturned after death, and he seemed to be smiling.

He seemed to know that it wouldn't be long before the door to the secret cell would be opened.

And his body will be completely preserved until he meets his senior brother.

People in the world always think that the longer they live, the more numb they become to the separation of life and death.

But that's not the case.

The Great Elder has lived for many years, many years... Yuan Yang was the only one who grew up with him in the temple.

The longer you live, the lonelier you become.

Although Yuan Yang made serious mistakes in handling the Dongze family incident this time, in fact, the great elder was not prepared to deal with his junior brother at all. The No. 1 secret line was removed. To him, it was just the death of some insignificant people. "Chess pieces", there are too many chess pieces in Guangming City. No matter how important these chess pieces are, they are just chess pieces after all.

Yuanyang is different from chess pieces.

This is his junior brother.

There is only one junior brother.

The great elder looked at the body of his junior brother in silence, his eyes were very sad.

This strong body that was clearly "reborn" found it difficult to even beat his heart at this moment. His heart felt like it had been hit by a bullet, and a strong sourness came over him, but he couldn't shed a single tear.

Be it blood or tears.

It has long been exhausted.

In this body, the only thing that belongs to him is the lingering thoughts and the spirit that may be extinguished at any time.

So he could only feel the sadness silently in his heart, but he couldn't squeeze out a single tear.

"Great Elder..."

Su Ye's voice was hoarse: "When I came to the secret prison, the second elder was already..."


The great elder raised his hand, signaling Su Ye not to say any more.

He has lived for a long time and has experienced too much. You only need to take a look to understand what happened in this secret prison.

The great elder slowly turned around and looked at Yao Jin who was sitting in the wheelchair.


A crisp slap sounded in the underground cell.

Half of Yao Jin's cheeks were swollen. He and his wheelchair were knocked to the ground, and two of his teeth were knocked out. When the heavily armored guards guarding the door of the secret cell on the last floor heard this sound, they were heartbroken. It's chills.

No one dared to help me.

It is true that Yao Jin is the leader of the secret prison.

But this power... was given to him by the temple.

After this slap.

It's unclear whether Yao Jin still has the power to control the secret prison.


Blood flowed down his chin and stained the snow-white robe. Yao Jin refused Su Ye's support. He straightened the wheelchair silently and struggled to sit on it again.

"Where are the people?"

The great elder spoke softly and just asked these two words.

Su Ye narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out the amount of information contained in these two words.

"...Not coming." Yao Jin's voice was hoarse.

There was no trace of smile left on his face.

During the time when the secret prison door was open, the alley was always calm and nothing unusual.

He laid out a net and waited for Gu Nanfeng to step in.


Gu Nanfeng didn't come.

Or maybe Gu Nanfeng has already arrived, but is currently watching his joke in the alley.

Yao Jin never imagined that after entering the secret prison, he would get the news of the death of "the second elder committed suicide". This secret network that was finally laid was forced to be closed early. Now that all the elders of the temple have arrived, and the great elder is also present, Gu Even if Nanfeng had three heads and six arms, he wouldn't be able to step even half a step into this alley.

Yao Jin, whose face was covered in blood, raised his head and looked at the great elder.

He wanted to say something else.

He didn't want to quibble, nor did he want to beg for mercy... He just wanted to say what he wanted to do to avoid misunderstanding by the great elder. But when he saw those cold eyes, Yao Jin closed them tightly. own mouth.

He knew there was no point in saying anything now.

The great elder waved his sleeves.

Su Ye understood immediately, and with a complicated expression, he pushed the wheelchair and took Yao Jin out of the last secret cell.

It became silent, more silent than ever before.

The great elder opened the door to the second secret cell.

He looked at the goddess sitting in front of the black silver stone wall and said softly: "So... what exactly happened?"

There are only two people left in this secret prison.

No one knew what was happening at the moment.

Meng Xizhou turned his back to the great elder.

This was the first time in six years that the door of the prison where she was imprisoned was opened, and this was the closest she got to the outside world.

Meng Xizhou softly uttered two words.


She didn't look back because she didn't want the great elder to see her face.

Trapped in a secret prison for more than two thousand days and nights, she did not surrender to anyone or reveal any information about the Holy Book.

But after Yuan Yang's sigh, her rock-solid heart still wavered.

Meng Xizhou thought that all of this was the temple's plan.

Until something unexpected happened beyond the plan.

And she wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"I knew it was suicide."

The great elder said hoarsely: "Why did he commit suicide?"

Meng Xizhou smiled and asked, "Isn't this question clear to you?"

The great elder was silent for a long time.

He knew that his junior brother had a very stubborn temper. If he decided to do something, he would never look back. Even if he hit the wall and suffered a bloody head, he would not regret it.

If one day my junior brother commits suicide.

Then he must have had this idea a long time ago.

Yuan Yang had long decided to end his life by "suicide" when he was about to reach the end.

But what happened in this black silver secret prison.

This is what the great elder is curious about.

He walked into the cage that trapped Yuan Yang and sat down. He didn't care that his white robe was stained with blood and dust. He just sat on the spot where his junior brother once sat. He raised his head...

There is nothing here.


Total darkness.

Then the great elder looked at his junior brother, and he saw the sunken mark on his forehead.

The great elder silently stretched out two fingers and touched the sunken part.

Yuan Yang's heart has collapsed.

But... there is still some broken spirit in the forehead.

This is the last bit of "death words" he left to the world, or to be precise, to himself.

After that ray of spirit was touched, a familiar voice came out from the collapsed heart.

"Brother, you are here."

The great elder closed his trembling eyes.

This was a dark nightmare. During the intersection of spirits, he saw the familiar face of his junior brother again.

The last broken spirit left by Yuan Yang spoke with a smile and words of nostalgia.

The past of the temple many years ago.

Missionary Journey East Many Years Ago.

Because he has lived for too long, these past events have long been buried in the heart of the great elder. He does not want to mention them to outsiders, but Yuan Yang is the only exception.

Those who witnessed it back then are all dead.

Now Junior Brother is no exception.

The great elder suddenly felt tired as never before, and he seemed to understand why his junior brother chose to end his life in this way.

Both the temple and he had gone very far, so far that they couldn't even see the way they came when they looked back.

Those who traveled with us back then have been buried long ago.

If Yuan Yang hadn't reminded him, he might have forgotten that the temple looked like this back then.

The end of this deathrattle.

Yuan Yang left a sincere plea.

"Senior brother, I can no longer go on, and I can't hide it anymore... Forgive my selfishness and choose to take the first step on the final road."

"When I leave here, I feel nothing but relief, relief, and endless joy."

"I just have a little regret, I hope you can make it happen."

"I hope you can release Xiao Meng from the secret prison and give up the [Holy Book]."

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