Barrier of Light

Chapter 1026 Say it

Lao Yu and Xu Fang, who were sitting far away from the auditorium, were in a state of nervousness. When they saw Xie Zheng and Qi He starting a fight, they felt entangled and uneasy in their hearts.

No matter how much Liu Quan hides his strength, he is still the disciple they brought out.

If they are sent to the safety committee, they will be investigated at the least, and detained under supervision at the worst.

They were relieved to see that an adjudicator was willing to come forward for Liu Quan.

But unexpectedly, a adjudicator came forward, and instead of calming down the situation, it actually intensified.

Because of a "forbidden sealed object", the vice-chairman of the Security Committee was involved, and even the first-ranked adjudicator was involved... Can this matter be solved?

The two held their breath nervously.

At the same time, they noticed that Mr. Gu next to them seemed to be calm all the time.

Although Lao Yu and Xu Fang came from other places, they were not fools.

The young man surnamed Gu next to him had guessed the direction of the "Recruitment Trial" several times in a row. It was obvious that his eyesight and level were much higher than his own, and with this surname... could his identity be ordinary?

A bold guess has emerged in the minds of both of them. Perhaps this little Mr. Gu is an extraordinary person recruited by the Gu family in Qinghe and has a certain background. Or maybe he is an official in the other two headquarters of the three institutes. ?

all in all……

The boldest guess has been lingering in their minds, but they don't dare to guess.

Because it's too big.

Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared on the ring, the two subconsciously moved their heads... The seats next to them were empty.

Mr. Gu is missing.

To be precise, Mr. Xiao Gu arrived on the stage.

The water swords above the dojo condensed into ice, and the flames around the arena stopped turning.

A figure appeared in the center of the dojo at some unknown time.

Ice and fire intertwined and collided, producing a large amount of fog. This fog not only blocked everyone's sight, but even isolated their spiritual perception.

The strong pressure that originally shrouded Xie Zheng's head disappeared at this moment.

He looked blankly at the figure shrouded in mist before him.

Who is this?

how come?

His mental power didn't capture him at all!

The extraordinary people in the spectator seats of the dojo did not understand what was happening.

Judge Zhou E...hasn't he already taken action?

Why was there no movement in the arena after those water swords were condensed into ice swords?

The dojo suddenly became silent, and the sound of heartbeat could be heard in the silence.



Zhou E lowered his head silently.

He looked at the green frost spreading on the soles of his feet, and his heartbeat almost stopped.

Qi He's expression at this moment was uglier than crying, because he had already guessed the identity of the person in the mist.



Things in this world are probably like this. Some things have a very low probability, but they will happen.

An extraordinary person who has never experienced the entanglement of the two great realms of [Blazing Fire] and [Pure Land] will definitely not be able to understand what this kind of coercion feels like...

The figure in the mist slowly spoke.

But he was not facing Zhou E, nor Qi He.

Instead, he looked at Hu Yanbo, who was not far away from the ring.

"Will the Huyan family become the Gu family's most important affiliated family in Jiuning District?"

His voice is not loud.

But it's clear.

It was clearly conveyed to everyone's ears, not only Hu Yanbo, Zhou E, Qihe Du Wei, but also everyone in the stands.

"I don't think so."

Huyan’s family is big, but not that big.

In Jiuning District, the Huyan family is considered one of the top ten families. Even in Nagano, the head of the Huyan family is considered a prominent figure...

But there are not many people in the world who can decide the fate of such a family with just a few words.


Mr. Gu Qilin is one of them.

This is why Huyan Bo dared to say those words to Du Wei before. Mr. Gu was willing to support him. Even a word or an attitude was enough for the Huyan family to complete a historic "leap".


The word rarely means more than one.

For such a big shot, one word can make a family prosper, and one word can make a family decline and fall.


Hu Yanbo looked at the foggy shadow in the dojo, his throat rolled, and then he used words of respect.

"You... are here?"

"I am always here."

Gu Shen spoke calmly, then waved his sleeves to disperse the fog. This time he no longer covered his cheeks with the [Ghost Veil], but showed his true face.

The fog cleared, revealing a face that was familiar to everyone.

"Gu Shen!"

"Gu Shen!!"

There were exclamations in the dojo one after another.

Lao Yu and Xu Fang looked very wonderful. The latter's mouth is wide enough to swallow a cow.

Thinking back to the time when we were chatting and laughing.

And those words he said teasingly when he smiled and patted "Gu Shen" on the shoulder.

Xu Fang felt like he was dreaming... So Mr. Xiao Gu who had been sitting next to him was the legendary Mr. Xiao Gu? !

"always there……"

The smile on Hu Yanbo's face had solidified, and he could no longer laugh.

The words "always here" mean that Mr. Gu has seen everything that happens in this dojo from beginning to end.

Hu Yanbo also knew.

Although his previous conversation with Duwei was very hidden, it was impossible to escape this level of transcendent perception.

"The Huyan family...disappointed me."

After Gu Shen spoke, he didn't look at Hu Yanbo again. He looked at the first adjudicator opposite.

"Zhou E, you also disappointed me."

[Pure Land] enveloped the dojo, and Zhou E's water element realm was fully covered. His legs were frozen by blue frost, but what really made him fall into the ice cellar were Gu Shen's words at this moment.

Gu Shen looked at the first adjudicator calmly.

He decided to give Zhou E a chance: "I heard what you said before, but I didn't hear it clearly... There are many people here now, can you say it again?"

At Shenci Mountain, Uncle Gao told Gu Shen that the adjudication office had been discussing the matter of the "Grand Adjudicator" in the past few years.

Gu Shen felt a little relieved at that time.

Because the tribunal really needs a grand adjudicator.

As for who this person is, Gu Shen doesn't care. He only cares about whether the future "Grand Adjudicator" has the ability, courage, and quality for this position.

In Nagano, which fist is bigger, or the truth?

There is no answer to this question.

The truth is dead, but people are alive. If he followed the regulations of the Safety Committee, he should have been "monitored" and "isolated" after awakening.

It is precisely because of Mr. Shu’s efforts.

He is what he is today.

In the world of extraordinary beings, we need those who follow the rules and those who dare to break the rules.

So today's "Qi He" and "Xie Zheng" are both correct.

As for Zhou E...

It was a sideshow, which was expected and understandable.

If this guy was really so selfless that he turned a blind eye to his junior brother being beaten, Gu Shen would feel "admired" instead.

What Gu Shen is doing now is actually the same as Zhou E.

This is also the reason why he is willing to give Zhou E a chance. It is not wrong to want to compete for the top and become the Grand Adjudicator... If Zhou E really wants to be the Grand Adjudicator and has a very strong will, it will be a problem. Good thing.

Gu Shen spoke calmly, encouraging Zhou E to speak.


This ordinary voice fell into Zhou E's heart, but it was like thunder.


Zhou E's judge's windbreaker was soaked with sweat, and then the sweat condensed into dense ice slag.

He felt like his whole body was made of iron and he had no control over anything.

After struggling for his life, he could barely control his gaze and move it up little by little.

He wanted to look directly at the figure in the center of the frost and snow.

But the huge pressure in his heart prevented him from even looking directly at him.

The battle between Gu Shen and Jia Wei at the Red Lake was hailed as the closest battle to "god".

Through the image alone, most extraordinary people can only see the gorgeous arc of light that overflows the lake——

Only the truly strong know the real horror of this battle.

But experiencing it through images and experiencing it personally are two different things.

Zhou E suddenly felt desperate.

It turns out that when I meet an extraordinary person of this level, I can't even "look directly" at him.

Zhou E felt that the pressure on himself was not heavy.

His feelings were not wrong.

The snowstorm in the [Pure Land] realm seemed chaotic and lingering, but Gu Shen did not deliberately put pressure on Zhou E at all.

His "encouragement" is "encouragement" in the true sense.

It's a pity that Zhou E didn't live up to his expectations. After all his Adam's apple was beating, no sound came out at all.

He actually wanted to repeat what he wanted to say.

But he couldn't open his mouth.

Can't even speak a word.

"If you can't even do this, then let's forget about the position of Grand Adjudicator."

Gu Shen shook his head in disappointment.

This scene made Xie Zheng dumbfounded.

He and Zhou E only had a face-to-face fight, and he knew that he was no match... There were several natural chasms between the fourth levels. Zhou E's ability to rank first among the eighteen adjudicators for several consecutive years was definitely not a wasted reputation. A person's strength is second only to the extraordinary title.


Could it be that a person like Zhou E couldn't even "speak" in front of Gu Shen?

Of course Xie Zheng also watched the final battle in Red Lake.

Although he spends all his time in seclusion to refine and create sealed objects, no one in the world knows about the huge event in Guangming City.

The entire dojo was shrouded in wind and snow.

But Xie Zheng felt that the pressure in his heart did not seem to be that strong.

He slowly landed next to Gu Shen, and then spoke boldly: "Are you... the legendary Mr. Gu?"

Gu Shen looked at Xie Zheng with a smile.

"There is a saying, I don't know whether to say it or not..."

Xie Zheng took a deep breath, his eyes full of hope. He suddenly understood why he suddenly had a strong premonition in his heart today that he must go to the dojo for the recruitment trial.

And why the child Liu Quan would be "attractive" to him.

Perhaps, it was just for the "encounter" with Gu Shen at this moment.

Gu Shen smiled and said, still using the same two words: "...Say it."

"Mu Qingyang told me that I must come to Nagano, I must join the Judgment Office, and if I have the chance to meet you... I must ask you to become my teacher."

Xie Zheng is not old, but he is not young either.

Gu Shen was stunned and looked at this young man who was only a few years younger than himself.

He knew that Xie Zheng was brought here from the tundra by Mu Qingyang, but he did not expect that Mu Qingyang would say such things to Xie Zheng.

Do you want to worship yourself as your teacher?

Xie Zheng raised his head and mustered up the courage to speak, word by word: "So... I want to become a disciple."

(PS: 1. There is another big chapter tonight, and I promise it won’t break the chapter again this time. 2. The Sword Bone animation is out today. If you are interested, you can go to iQiyi Kangkang.)

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