Barrier of Light

Chapter 106 The End

Gu Shen stood silently in the fog.

After Hu Danian took action, he remained in this position, motionless, like a wooden stake.

But then Li's voice appeared.

The light of the Ruler of Truth slowly bloomed, and a long bow appeared in front of Gu Shen. He strung the string in the air, slowly drew the bow to full capacity, and pointed the arrow at "Shi Li" in the fog...

He waited patiently.

Waiting for Hu Danian to create an opportunity for himself.

Because he couldn't see anything and couldn't use the blazing fire to his fullest, he just kept his bow and arrow movements, catching every sound not far away... The fight started, and it was over.

Hu Danian's voice sounded weak.

As expected, the head-on contact... turned out to be no match for Shi Li.

The two of them asked and answered questions.

Finally, there was a moment of surprise in Shi Li's voice.


Gu Shen aimed at the last position where the sound came from, released his hand, and the big bow burst out with a trembling thunder, and all the fog within a ten-meter radius was shaken away!

An arrow of nothingness shot across the space and shot out a long circular trajectory.

When the arrow was shot, three or four stone walls on one side of the factory building were all crushed by the huge impact, and the debris was thrown away.

Gu Shen took action the moment he let go of the string.

He started running in the direction of Shi Li.

The big bow in his hand changed shape in an instant and turned into a long sword.

Gu Shen knew that the arrow he had been charging for a long time... did not end Shi Li's life, because he did not hear the sound of blood being thrown. In a brief tenth of a second, a very smooth "bounce" seemed to be heard. "Hit" sound.

The moment he broke through the fog and saw Shi Li, Gu Shen knew that his judgment was correct... The man raised his arms to protect his head. The skin on the outside of his arms was pierced by countless bones from the outside of the inner ear. These bones turned out to be... It was pieced together to form a shield. The surface was extremely smooth, and there was a deep white mark on it, which was obviously the mark left when the arrowhead was deflected.

He raised his hand and struck again!

Shi Li looked frightened and angry.

When the Red Silver Fortress tripped him, his extremely effective intuition emerged once again.

Hu Danian, there is another teammate!

That person has been waiting for me...

So before the cold light from the arrowhead without warning occupied his entire field of vision... Shi Li took the first "defensive" measure, extruding the entire arm bone as a shield, and polishing it as smooth as possible.

Heavy arrow shot!

It was like being hit hard.

Even with the bone shield as a buffer, Shi Li still felt like half of his head was about to be blown off.

But fortunately, the heavy arrow bounced away!

It's too terrifying... With the killing power of this arrow, if I had been slow to react, my whole head might have evaporated!

But Shi Li hasn't come back to his senses yet.

The man behind the hidden arrows had already rushed in front of him, and what he saw was a cold, heartless face of a young man... and what he held in his hand was not a big bow, but a long knife.


A magnificent sword light hung upside down!

Shi Li looked at the sudden flash of sword light in front of him in horror!

How could there be such an insidious person?

At the critical moment, the shield blocked the sword's light, and a long white mark was instantly cut out.

"Wait a minute..."

Shi Li felt the shock coming from the bone armor, and he vaguely felt that this young man's strength seemed very weak... not worthy of his fear.

Seeing the white marks on the shield... Gu Shen frowned. He was not satisfied with the power of his sword.


On the river beach, he killed Qu Shui with just one knife!

But now this sword...can't even break through Shi Li's bone armor.

He has tried his best, but judging from the effect... the power of the Ruler of Truth should be directly linked to his own mental power.

This sword can kill Qu Shui.

But he couldn't break through Shi Li's defense.

This is an enemy who is at least two levels higher than himself in the extraordinary trial.

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

The knife falls and rises again!

He slashed out the second time with great force!

This time, Shi Li did not dodge. Instead, he charged forward. The seemingly majestic sword light shattered into pieces the moment it came into contact with the bone armor. There was still a "qualitative" gap between the two.

"This kid's no more than the third level of the deep sea!"

With just one touch, Shi Li felt confident.

Anger surged in his heart.

It's just that even the third level of the deep sea dared to assassinate him...

Seeing Gu Shen being bounced away by the bone armor, but still insisting on swinging the knife to make a third cut, Shi Li directly removed the bone armor. All the clothes on his body were torn by bone spurs, and there were huge spider-like legs. The bone spurs surrounded Gu Shen and formed a big net!

See through the opponent's strength and offensive intentions!

He no longer defended, but decided to tear this kid apart in an instant!

But the next moment——

Gu Shen's third sword did not cut down, but disappeared in the air. Countless silvery brilliance was blown to pieces in the strong wind, and finally only a figure that bullied him was left.

The two of them were close to each other in the bone mesh.

Like two zombies embracing in a big cocoon.

At this moment, the entire field of vision in Shi Li's eyes was occupied by a flash of red.

Between the young man's eyebrows, a wisp of bright red flame appeared, which was so bright that it was almost blinding.

From the beginning, the "attack and killing" planned by Gu Shen had nothing to do with the Ruler of Truth.

The timing couldn't be better.

What the Ruler of Truth can do... is only a surprise attack on the physical level.

Shi Li is a powerful attacker whose real strength is much higher than his own, so attacking is the wrong choice.

Using one's own spear to attack the enemy's weakness is the most correct tactic.

However, in this heavy fog, one will be noticed once one gets close, and the success rate of "mental hypnosis", which he is best at, is greatly reduced. Only by allowing Shi Li to misjudge, can he have a chance of success.

What Gu Shen was waiting for was the moment when Shi Li removed his bone armor and made murderous intentions towards him.

"Give me...dream!"

Fiery trembling!

When the two eyes met, the killing intent in Shi Li's eyes instantly dissipated and turned into confusion.

But he didn't fall directly into a dream.

Gu Shen, on the other hand, felt very strenuous. He looked at each other fiercely, and his mental power was rapidly passing away at an unimaginable speed!

All extraordinary beings, no matter which system they belong to, need to cultivate both the spirit and the body... Shi Li's realm is at least two levels higher than his own. Even if he is a strong attack type, his mental power will not be weaker than his own.

If you want to hypnotize it, you can only rely on the "characteristics" of blazing fire.


Gu Shen roared again, veins appeared on his forehead. At this moment, all his energy was poured into Shi Li's spiritual ocean.

Shi Li's face turned pale, and he frantically resisted the invasion of Gu Shen's consciousness.


In just ten seconds, Gu Shen's spirit reached its limit.

One of the Liufu beads tied to his wrist cracked. It seemed as if an invisible force of fate came and fell in Gu Shen's mind, like a stream of clear spring flowing through, replenishing his dry spirit!

The two wills are entangled.

Hu Danian, who was sitting against the wall, raised his hands with difficulty breathing. The red silver flowing on the ground rolled once again, turned into a sharp blade, and pierced towards the sole of Shi Li's foot.

Severe pain invaded my mind instantly.

Shi Li's eyes were distracted.

This struggle at the level of will has reached the final moment of tit-for-tat. Anyone who is distracted for a moment is enough to determine the winner.


Shi Li seemed to hear something explode in his mind.

Blood was pouring from his mouth and nose, and his consciousness seemed to have been struck with a heavy hammer and forcibly carved out of his body.

When the sound of the explosion sounded in his mind, Shi Li knew——

all of these.

It's all over.

Hu Danian gritted his teeth and tried to get up... In order to prevent the leakage of secrets caused by mental hypnosis, the extraordinary people in the Jiujiu Foundation had programs similar to "self-destruction" implanted in their minds.

If Gu Shen wins.

Then... Shi Li is going to explode!

The huge solidified bone network was silent in the heavy fog. Hu Danian struggled with frightening efforts for several seconds. In the end, nothing came of it. There was only the sound of the howling wind and the thick fog that could not be blown away on Yuan Dan Street.


The self-destruction did not occur.

Losing control did not happen.

He slowly moved his body and came to the condensed bone spur spider web. Among the thousands of bone spurs, he saw the young man who saved his life.

The bone spurs, which were sharper than knives, were still a little short of piercing the flesh.

Gu Shen was not injured, but his clothes were all wet with sweat.

His two fingers seemed to be holding something very slender... It was a stopwatch hour hand, and the tip pierced between Shi Li's eyebrows.

The skin was broken and blood should have flowed out.

But... not.

That small hour hand seemed to solidify everything about the wound between Shi Li's eyebrows, the pain, the blood, and... a certain "explosion" that had been pulled on the spiritual level.

Hu Danian held his breath. He saw a slender flame beating slowly and burning between Shi Li's eyebrows.

In the end, the flame pulled out a long thread... and burned it into nothingness.

Invisible smoke spreads in the heavy fog.

After doing all this, Gu Shen let out a long breath, showing an expression of relief. He pulled out the hour hand and stopwatch that was lighter than the weight of a feather, but it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength, so that the last finger , all trembling constantly.

The bone spurs... were retracted bit by bit.

Shi Li did not die, but fell into a state of sinking consciousness.

He was hypnotized.

Hu Danian stared at Gu Shen blankly, as if looking at a freak who did not belong to this world.

In his understanding... the extraordinary beings of the Jiujiu Foundation are all hopeless lunatics. These people don't care about their own life or death, nor do they care about winning or losing... They are extreme scourges that the Parliament tried its best to eradicate, but they didn't. What good ideas can people come up with.

Because no one can stop a man who is going to die from exploding his own spirit.

But... Gu Shen did it.

There was silence for a long, long time.

Hu Danian said in a hoarse voice: "Is all this... over?"


Gu Shen responded tiredly.

He squatted down and used the Ruler of Truth to simply treat Hu Danian's wound. Snow-white brilliance flowed and the blood stopped, but it was only limited to stopping the bleeding... Hu Danian stared at this ray of silver light in amazement. From the arrow just now, to From the two swings of the sword to the current treatment, it seems that they all come from a sealed object?

He looked up and saw a blazing red flame.

A gentle voice sounded in Hu Danian's ears, with irresistible power.

"It's over. Forget the pain and get some sleep."

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