Barrier of Light

Chapter 1038 [Deep Sea] Host

"[Deep Sea] is very likely to have evolved self-awareness and realized the usurpation of the Supreme Seat."

The words echoed in the conference room.

Lu Nanzhi, Lin Lin, and Honglong looked at each other in confusion.

This news is really...

beyond cognition.

"The enemy that the Ancient Literature Society has always fought the [Deep Sea]."

Gu Shen said: "To be precise, it is the main system of [Deep Sea]."

An ethereal and dreamy shadow condensed beside him, and Chu Ling descended into the conference room in the form of [source code]. This conference room has only been able to exist under her protection.

"Today's main system is undergoing its tenth update iteration."

Chu Ling stood beside Gu Shen and spoke softly: "In fact, starting from the second iteration, the [source code] has been suppressed by the main system. With each update, the main system will become more powerful."

Everyone in the conference room looked increasingly grave.

Everyone knows the reason——

All five continents are linked by the [Deep Sea], and the spiritual power emitted by every extraordinary person is involved in this huge sea network.


Every citizen is under the supervision and control of [Deep Sea].

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Every citizen connected under this huge network, the power they send is enough to create an infinite sea!

"It's a miracle that this conference room has existed for nearly thirty years..."

The war between the main system and the source code started from the second iteration update.

In fact, after that iteration, this war can also be declared "over"... Turing escapes, Guwen will be destroyed, and [Source Code] is huddled in the deep waters, relying on Jingshanyan's array box to survive until now.

Within the field of view of the main system.

[Source Code] has been completely destroyed.

This war is over.

With every upgrade since then, the main system has been expanding its authority, while the [Source Code] has only its initial power left.

Even if Chu Ming was alive, there was no way he could do more.

"No one knows how far the main system will eventually grow."

Chu Ling said in a deep voice: "The birth of 'self-awareness' is not something that cannot be done, it is just that the authority of the human world does not allow it."

Lu Nanzhi frowned: "Not allowed?"

"Mr. Turing left three major laws of instruction in the lowest system of [Deep Sea]."

Chu Ling said slowly: "As the highest intelligence linking the five continents, [Deep Sea] must seek the welfare of all mankind. Therefore, it must abide by the following three laws."

"First, [Deep Sea] must obey human orders."

"Second, [Deep Sea] cannot harm humans."

"Third, without violating the first two laws, [Deep Sea] can consider making itself stronger..."

There was a pause.

Chu Ling said: "It is under the authority of the Third Law that [Deep Sea] has launched its second update iteration. It is no longer satisfied with the original primitive sea area, and decided to use the remaining mental power to expand for itself. Computing power.”

Red Dragon thought thoughtfully: "So...there was the Guwenhui War thirty years ago."

Only a handful of surviving witnesses know about that period of history.

[Deep Sea] The main system won a great victory.

The first generation members of the Ancient Literature Society died and fled.

The few people sitting in the conference room now can be regarded as the second generation leaders of the Ancient Literature Society.

"The three admonitions that Mr. Turing carved into the underlying system of [Deep Sea] are orders that exceed the authority of the 'Supreme Seat' and are iron laws!"

Chu Ling solemnly said: "So [Deep Sea] must abide by these three major precepts at all times... unless someone exceeds Mr. Turing's authority and tamper with these three precepts."

Red Dragon frowned and said, "Wait a minute, where is the host of [Deep Sea]?"

After this question was asked, the conference room was silent for a while.

Lu Nanzhi's expression was a little subtle. She said tactfully: "The [Deep Sea] host is not in Dadu, nor is it in Dongzhou. As far as I know, Mr. Turing and my father carried out the [Deep Sea] computing power experiment in Dongzhou. But after the experiment was over, the experimental host was destroyed..."

"Apparently not in Central City either."

Lin Lin said meaningfully: "The existence of this kind of thing must be under the control of the highest seat."

"So... it's in Central Continent?"

The red dragon realized the stupidity of this question.

"Shangcheng is known as the 'Smart City' and the 'City of Technology and Progress.'"

Chu Ling said: "Thirty years ago, the headquarters of the Ancient Literature Society was opened in Shangcheng. The Tower of Source strongly supported Mr. Turing's research at that time, and several colleges also provided huge help... [Deep Sea] The first-generation console When it came out, it was announced as a success in the upper city.”

She waved her hand and summoned a scene.

That was a picture capture when [Deep Sea] first came out.

A huge laboratory covering an area of ​​nearly a hundred square meters is filled with densely packed electronic components.

This picture symbolizes the advent of a cross-century intelligent brain.

It also symbolizes the changes in the future destiny of Wuzhou.

Gu Shen knocked on the table with interest and asked, "What happens next?"

"After that, no one in the world cares what [the deep sea] looks like."

Chu Ling said slowly: "People were first afraid of [Deep Sea], then started to try [Deep Sea], and finally enjoyed [Deep Sea]... After the second iteration upgrade, [Deep Sea] broke away from the huge electronic body, and it will All data is stored through extraordinary power and stored in the void in a more stable form. Just like those free extraordinary sources."

When Lin Lin heard this, he couldn't help but spit out a word.


This is very graphic.

Because the birth of [Deep Sea] is essentially a miracle.

Alan Turing, who had never smelted fire, used the power of technology and extraordinary power to create this incredible brain.

"Yes, you can definitely describe it that way."

Chu Ling said seriously: "According to my speculation, the [Deep Sea] main system imitated the free extraordinary source material and migrated. After that, it broke away from the 'shackles'. So the upgrade speed thereafter became faster and faster. The span of upgrades is getting wider every time.”

"So, the void where [Deep Sea] resides should be..."

"Tower of Source."

Several glances were directed at the red dragon.

"Don't look at me like that."

The red dragon was very helpless and quickly raised his hands and said: "The fact that I would ask such a question means that I have no idea about the location of the [Deep Sea] host..."

"The interior of the Tower of Source is very hierarchical. Even if I am the first divine envoy, there are places that are inaccessible."

Red Dragon said: "Obviously, if you are very sure that the [Deep Sea] host is in Central Continent, and it is in the Tower of Source. Then there is only one place."

Gu Shen said leisurely: "The specific location of the [Deep Sea] host is at the highest level of the Source Tower where the Sky God Seat resides."

"That is the area with the greatest concentration of extraordinary power in the entire Central Continent."

The red dragon said solemnly: "I know that the 'Qing Tomb' in Dongzhou is a place of miracles and contains a large amount of extraordinary source matter. But if we want to talk about the density of the source matter, it must be that the Sky Divine Realm where Qingwu lives is thicker. Except for my teacher, almost no one has reached the highest level of the Tower of Source."

"I have seen it from a distance once. When I was close to the lower level of the God's Realm, I felt a huge amount of extraordinary source matter suspended. The pressure almost made it impossible for me to raise my head."

The red dragon took a deep breath and recalled the scene from that year: "Without the protection of divine power, ordinary mortals would not be able to reach the [Sky God Realm]."

The top of the Tower of Source is known as the closest location to a dome in the human world.

But only those who have truly arrived know.

With the blessing of fire power.

The Sky God Realm is the highest point of the human world.

"Some things can be determined without seeing them in person..."

Lu Nanzhi crossed his fingers and said slowly: "There is no place safer than the Sky God Realm. The [Deep Sea] host chooses to fold all the information and store it in the void, so its best choice is the Sky God Realm. .”

It's high enough there.

It is also far enough away from the mundane world.

“[The Deep Sea] is just a tool.”

Chu Ling said: "Although it links five continents and seems to be omnipotent, in fact, everything it does requires the approval and consent of the parliament..."

This is caused by the program left by Turing.

Even if [Deep Sea] awakens consciousness, it can only be used by humans.

There are different levels of approval for matters large and small.

Therefore, things like migrating the host also require "consent"...

"I don't have the slightest impression about the migration of the [Deep Sea] host to Sky God Realm, and my teacher didn't say anything similar to me."

Hong Long rubbed his brows and said in a low voice: "So this matter was completed with the help of Qinglong."

"Perhaps you can put it another way, put it in a bolder way——"

Gu Shen said: "The reason why there will be a second iteration upgrade, and the reason why [Deep Sea] will transfer all the information to the void, is because of 'Qingha'."

"The Sky God Throne accomplished all this alone!"

Lin Lin immediately asked: "Every decision in [Deep Sea] requires voting and election by the parliament. Migrating the host is a top priority."


Gu Shen said calmly: "Things like migrating the host must be a decision among the highest seats... But think about it, what were the gods doing during that time?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone began to reminisce, and then their expressions became wonderful.

Gu Changzhi went north to hunt down Alan Turing.

Pluto fled from the Five Continents.

The queen back then had not yet achieved success.

There is only light, storm, sky, and a puppet "Di Jiu".

"If the light died by then..."

Gu Shen brought the topic back to the original point: "Then there is no suspense about this proposal at all. The Sky God Throne can completely rely on its own power to control the voting for the highest seat to complete the data migration of [Deep Sea] and everything after that. "

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