Barrier of Light

Chapter 1040 Origin (Second update! Please vote for me!)

Qingzhong Cemetery is surrounded by golden light.

Gu Shen took Shen Li and Mu Wanqiu directly to the cemetery.

His identity as Pluto is not a secret to Mr. Bai Zhu.

As for these two apostles, there is nothing to hide.

Mu Wanqiu's mental crisis was saved by Mr. Bai Shu. Mr. Bai Shu had long known about Gu Shen's little thoughts and the person he was interested in as an apostle.

"Mr. Bai Shu!"

Gu Shen stood in the outer mausoleum. As soon as he spoke loudly, a circle of golden divine clouds spread out, sweeping away the mist and making way for a wide passage, enough for three people to enter together.

"Come in, everyone."

Gu Shen turned around with a smile and signaled to Shen Li and Mu Wanqiu not to be cautious.

Having said that.

Shen Li and Mu Wanqiu still looked respectful. They bowed before daring to step into the glow.

After all, this was the first time they came to the Dou Zhan God Realm. Even with Gu Shen around, they still walked cautiously.

The existence in front of me is a real fire controller!

Even someone as arrogant as Mu Wanqiu would not dare to make a mistake. Mr. Bai Shu's status is on the same level as Her Majesty the Queen, and even higher in seniority than Her Majesty the Queen.

The end of the mist corridor is connected to a wide wilderness.

Bai Shu's Fighting God Realm follows Gu Changzhi's "Four Seasons Wilderness" scene, and this scene is familiar to both Mu Wanqiu and Shen Li——

Gu Shen's pure land is exactly the same as the wilderness of Dou Zhan God Realm at this moment!

The Pure Land is born out of this.

"See Lord God Throne."

"I have met Lord God."

When Shen Li and Mu Wanqiu saw the sacred figure wrapped in golden clouds, their hearts trembled.

Both of them are now apostles of Pluto, and more or less, they have gained a ray of authority.

With this power of authority, they are different from other extraordinary beings and have undergone a qualitative change. At least when facing high-level beings, they will have more confidence in their hearts.

But now that they actually saw the "God's Throne", they couldn't help being frightened by the powerful aura.

Because at this moment, Baizhu is in his peak "youth posture".

Shenxia is like a dragon, entrenched on the shoulder.

Compared to Little Iron Man and Mu Wanqiu, Gu Shen seemed much more comfortable.

He smiled and asked directly: "Mr. Bai Shu, your cultivation level seems to have improved again?"

"After smelting the fire, you will know that the road of cultivation has no end."

Bai Zhu slowly opened his eyes, with a pair of golden eyes burning with blazing fire, and said: "The awakening ability of the extraordinary person will be merged into a certain included 'great road'. Smelting the fire is equivalent to contact. Once you reach the origin of all the 'principles' and 'rules' in this world, from now on, what you practice is no longer the extraordinary power, but the power of the origin."

This is the essence of practice spoken by the taboo being himself!

Gu Shen looked solemn.

Shen Limu Wanqiu remembered every word in his heart!


"Extraordinary practice itself is a leap in the level of life. The higher you go, the more you can come into contact with the 'essence' of existence in this world, and deconstruct and reorganize all the forces in the world."

Bai Shu said calmly: "Smelting fire is the end of the extraordinary, but it is the starting point of another road. Each god can complete the 'deconstruction' of the power in the world, but due to the different characteristics of fire, they can 'reorganize' the origin The strength is also different."

Gu Shen asked tentatively: "Deconstruction is destruction, reorganization is creation?"

"Somewhat similar, but not quite the same."

Bai Shu said seriously: "When you truly reach the level of 'God Throne', you will understand that the so-called 'destruction' and 'creation' are also the origin. Deconstruction is easier than destruction, and reorganization is easier than creation... No God Throne dares to say that he can do it When it comes to the creation and creation of 'from zero to one', I can't do it, Qingwu can't do it... Gu Changzhi definitely can't do it either."

Gu Shen asked again: "Then what does the original power refer to?"


Bai Shu raised a palm, and the fighting fire appeared in his palm, which was the "divine power seed" that had been completely refined by him.

The entire Golden God Realm began to tremble.

"As we all know, my divine domain is called [Reverse Flow]. Before the fire of the furnace, I can reverse a certain amount of time and space in the domain."

Bai Zhu's voice resounded in the hearts of the three of them.

There were roars from the ceiling in the Four Seasons Wilderness.

Thousands of drizzles flowed upstream.

At this moment, the three of them all had an unprecedented "sense of confusion". Their time was moving forward, but time in this wilderness was being turned in the opposite direction. A large amount of accumulated water flew up from the ground and returned to the sky. On the top, Bai Shu turned the time in the God's Domain at will, and said at the same time: "After smelting the fire, the power of my [Backflow] domain did not dissipate, but was merged into the Dou Zhan God's Domain. The origin is the origin of [time and space].”

Bai Shu sat in front of the ancient coffin. At this moment, he completely became the god of the world.

Turning around time at will... only God can do this kind of thing.

However, as the [Reverse Time] reversed, his life form was also changing, and he began to regress from his youth form.

"Contact the origin, understand the origin, control the origin..."

"This is the practice of God's throne."

Bai Shu said: "Why do you say that this path of cultivation is completely different from the extraordinary? They are two different things. Because as long as you smelt fire, the power you come into contact with is no longer on the same level as ordinary extraordinary people... Take myself as an example. When I was twenty years old, no matter how much I was at my peak, I could not compete with myself who had mastered my original power."

This is not a level of power at all!

"It's just that understanding the origin... is too difficult."

Bai Shu sighed softly: "Even I can't fully control it."

In fact, Gu Shen also saw this. Mr. Bai Shu's life form was not stable. Every time he met, Mr. Bai Shu would swing between several age levels.


In the waning old age, the combat effectiveness is the weakest and the mental strength is the strongest.

The boy is weak in combat power and spirit, but has the strongest vitality.

Of course, the most powerful period is the heyday of "youth" at this moment. If Baizhu truly understands the original power, he can make himself stay in this stage most of the time, at least when encountering When facing a god-level enemy, you can definitely fight with your "powerful posture"!

"So... Her Majesty the Queen's origin is [Ice and Snow]?"

Mu Wanqiu spoke cautiously.

In the Dolu River disaster situation, everyone saw the scene of the Queen of Beizhou killing travelers with her sword. The scene was truly shocking.


Bai Zhu smiled and said: "This is the origin of the fire smelter. Each smelter will awaken his own 'ability' before coming into contact with the fire. The Federation has defined and divided it with a pedigree chart. Promotion to the throne of God After that, this ability will be merged into the corresponding source of life. In addition to this innate 'origin', each god will also have its own 'source of authority'."

His eyes moved towards Gu Shen.

"For example, if you...if you complete the promotion to the throne in the future, you will have the 'origin of blazing fire' and the 'origin of Pluto's authority'."

There are only a few people in the five continents who can spy on this avenue.

"I see……"

Gu Shen sighed: "What if I reach two realms in the fourth level of cultivation?"

"One, one."

Bai Shu still looked calm, "Don't forget, what is the 'title' standard defined by the federation? No matter how many fields you practice in, if you want to complete the next step of life level promotion, you need to 'unify' them. Only by Only by 'unifying' them can we have the opportunity to come into contact with the so-called origin."

This sentence is like an enlightenment.

Gu Shen suddenly realized.

Nowadays, the "road to promotion" explored by countless extraordinary people is a real avenue. Developing potential step by step, opening up the spiritual sea, and comprehending the field are all necessary steps to lead to "god".

But it's a pity.

If you want to become a god, these are not enough.

The hard condition is to smelt fire!

Only with fire can you be qualified to be promoted to the throne of God, and only by ascending to the throne of God can you be qualified to contact the original power of this world.

Unity is to prepare for contact with the source...

Over the long years, countless extraordinary practitioners have tried to make the final "life transition" like crucian carp crossing the river, but they have all ended in failure.

"Without fire, even if the realms are unified, there is no way to contact the 'origin'."

Bai Shu said calmly: "After reaching this point, the title recognized by the federation is already the end of transcendence. Further promotion and practice can only be said to be close to the 'God's Throne', separated by a thick barrier. Go touch and feel the legendary 'original power'. There may be amazing geniuses who can feel some of the original power, but at most they will stay at the stage of enlightenment. If you want to control the origin, you can only have the throne of God. Only then can we do it!”

Back then, Atractylodes was already at its limit.

The entire Bai family sacrificed the power of their bloodline, allowing him to realize the complete [Reverse Flow].

But even so...

He had barely touched the barrier of "origin" and felt the existence of such a thing. There was no hope or possibility for him to continue to advance.

After hearing this, Shen Li subconsciously murmured: "It's really... disappointing."

"You two are different from others."

Bai Shu added: "Because you have become an apostle, you can receive the gift of 'authority'. In a sense, you also have your own 'power of authority'. The moment you become an apostle, you have reached the end." . The end point beyond the title ban. If you can control the 'origin of authority', you may have the opportunity to use the power gifted by the throne to feed yourself back and spy on the continued transformation of the 'own origin'."

Apostles can use divine objects to unleash incredible power.

The so-called "divine presence".

In fact, it is the arrival of the original power of authority!

(Another chapter tonight!)

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