Barrier of Light

Chapter 1079 Sun Glow (First update!)

Gu Shen raised his head.

He watched Meng Xizhou's sword light slashing towards him in the void.

At this point in the divine battle, he no longer had any more strength to deal with the second person's attack... The envelope left by Mr. Gu Changzhi was already burning to the extreme, and the golden and majestic figure had begun to dissipate at this moment.

The envelope could burn up at any time.


Let out a small breath.

Gu Shen decided to ignore this sword. He manipulated the power of the Pure Land and Dou Zhan, aimed at the God of Light in the Suxuan Wood Cage, and launched the final blow!


The void was shattered, and countless hanging wooden branches shot out like sharp arrows, piercing the chest of the God of Light and breaking into pieces. The body of the god controlled by the deep sea burned like the sun, but this aging body began to crack.

The two looked at each other.

Deep Sea's expression was calm and calm. It had accepted the ending of this body being killed by Gu Changzhi's remorse.

This was unexpected.

But... it's not a bad thing.

Because Meng Xizhou's sword had already cut off Gu Shen's shoulder, cutting him in half... At the last moment, Gu Shen only had time to cover himself with the "Fire Spirit" and arm himself with elements.

But it's a pity.

Meng Xizhou's sword energy, like Jia Wei's "Light Break" and Red Dragon's dagger, possesses the power to break the taboo regardless of "elementation".

Blood splashed out in the void!

Gu Shen's body was slashed to the end and almost shattered into two halves. A large amount of vitality fire spread in the void, trying hard to piece together the broken body... But Meng Xizhou handed out the second sword without hesitation. , she put her fingers together, the sword light was like a firefly, cutting the void under the hanging tree.

Gu Shen's blood flew everywhere.

The repair speed of the vitality fire was far less fast than the cutting speed of the sword energy. His arms, thighs, chest... were all chopped into pieces by the sword of light.

The life of the God of Light has reached its end.

Gu Shen, same.

Gu Nanfeng controlled the energy boat and turned back from the void. He already had a clear route forward.

At the edge of the Umbrella defense line, he caught the aura left by the Church of Light. The fleet turned around and headed straight for the other end of the void. What made him feel uneasy was that in the dark void not far away, there were a large number of explosives remaining after the explosion. Traces of light, a withered door of light are still suspended above the broken land of the [Old World].

That was the worst guess in his mind.

Gu Shen prepares to face the throne of light alone...

At this moment, this door of light is tantamount to confirming his thoughts. The God of Light has completed its divine presence in the [Old World].

If you want to do this, you must ensure that neither Her Majesty the Queen nor Mr. Bai Shu can leave. Judging from the situation of the highest seats in the interior, Sky and Storm may have already taken action... This is a long-planned murder. From the wanted The order was put together by God, and combined with the source of this wanted order, it is not difficult to guess who planned this murder.

The fleet moved on.

Gu Nanfeng sat silently in the main control room. He had already pulled out the long knife and inserted it into the ground.

Luo Yu on the side did not dare to speak.

It had been a long time since he had seen the young master looking so angry.

In everyone's impression, Gu Nanfeng has always been a gentle and gentle gentleman. Even if he encounters big things, he will not blink twice. He is always calm and calm.

It's just that the wind pressure in the main boat has dropped to the extreme at this moment.

[Arashi Kiri] is fully charged, just short of bursting.

The aura of the Church of Light was really easy to capture. The Dongzhou Source Energy Boat Fleet followed this obvious breath of holy light for dozens of minutes before they saw the small cloud ship intercepting the void.

Compared with the huge Dongzhou fleet, this cloud ship is really small and pitiful, like an ant.

Wei Cheng did not release the Xizhou Fleet.

But he never imagined that this cloud ship was for sacrifice, and that they came for the arrival of the God of Light.

"Young Master Gu."

Batu boarded the head of the cloud ship. He struggled to withstand the strong wind and oppression brought by the Dongzhou Fleet, and spread his own spiritual voice. So far, they still don't know the mission that the gods will have to do after coming.

The only person who knows is the goddess.

And the goddess has now left.

The last order left by Meng Xizhou was to let Batu take control of the cloud ship to deal with emergencies... The arrival of the Dongzhou Fleet was one of them.

Of course Batu wanted to stop them, but when he looked at the dark fleet ahead, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The Xizhou Fleet is still in Cicada Wing City.

With just this cloud ship, how should he stop it?

"Where's Meng Xizhou?"

Arashi Kiri was activated and swept by countless strong winds. Gu Nanfeng appeared at the head of the ship. He held a long knife and looked down at the small cloud ship in front of him.

"My Lady Goddess... I have something important to do and I have to leave."

Batu looked at Gu Nanfeng and sighed. Of course he knew the relationship between the young master of the Gu family and his own goddess.

Some time ago.

He heard that Master Shenzuo also wanted to promote the marriage of these two people.

However, Gu Nanfeng, who was now on the bow of the fleet, did not have any soft look on his face. He looked at Batu expressionlessly, slowly raised his long knife, and said calmly: "I'll give you ten seconds to make way. open."

"Before I die, I can see you make such a choice..."

"I'm very relieved."

The cage made of hanging wood began to collapse, and the throne of light, which was penetrated by countless blazing rockets, came to the end of its life. Shenhai had used this body to perform for decades, and today's scene can be regarded as belonging to the throne of light. In the final scene, the old man slowly turned around in the sea of ​​fire. He looked at the woman who held out the lightsaber without hesitation, and asked softly: "Isn't it painful to make such a choice?"

"Nothing painful."

Meng Xizhou spoke calmly. She looked at Gu Shen's young body that was shattered in the void and shook her head.

"Killing one person can bring peace to the world. I won't hesitate if I do it ten thousand times again."

"If this is the case, I can safely hand over the 'fire' to you..."

The old man stretched out two fingers and pinched out a small fire particle from between his eyebrows. He said meaningfully: "After I leave, you must lead Guangming City to a higher and brighter place."

For Shenhai, seeing Gu Shen's body shattered was the mission accomplished.

This time the layout was a great success.

It's just this final drama that must be played out.

Next, the situation in the interior of Wuzhou will become extremely turbulent. It wants to ensure that Mengxizhou, after taking over the fire, walks on the right route under its own guidance.

Now this play is a crucial part.

That small fire particle emits great light in the darkness.

This time, Meng Xizhou saw clearly.

Every ray of light entwining the bright fire was extremely clear in her eyes.

Even though these pure lights were wrapped around thousands of layers, she could still see them extremely clearly.


Meng Xizhou tried hard to keep her voice from trembling. She reached out to take the small fire particle, and then began to smelt it without hesitation. The countless slender rays of light that broke through the darkness instantly hit the center of her eyebrows.

The original power contained in the bright fire also began to pour into her.

Smelting fire cannot be done overnight. It is a long process, but the moment you start smelting, you will get the corresponding source of authority.


Deep Sea smiled softly when he saw this scene.

Meng Xizhou is an existence outside of its plan. It has always wanted to find a more suitable chess piece to take over Xizhou after the body of the throne was destroyed... But now, it is no longer needed. Meng Xizhou seemed to have a strong desire for "bright fire" and started smelting as soon as he took over the fire.


How can there be a saint in this world who has no desires or desires?

Even if Meng Xizhou really has a great ambition to save all sentient beings in his heart, he still needs enough strength to support it.

It is perfectly normal to desire fire and divine power.

After the fire was given from the deep sea, the body belonging to the God of Light could no longer support it, and its skin and flesh collapsed like soot.

Before dying, it turned its head to look in the direction it came from.

In the dark void, there was a rumbling and trembling sound...

That was the sound of the source energy boat.

The Dongzhou fleet hovered in front of a cage made of hanging wood. This floating cage was actually broken.

The long leaves like flowing fire have withered, leaving only a hazy fluorescent ring that may be extinguished at any time.

In this huge cage, countless whirling light shavings can be vaguely seen... Those light shavings contain powerful power. Anyone who has been in contact with the domain and has a certain level of extraordinary people can see the power of these light shavings. It does not belong to the ordinary world, it comes from the power of a higher level.

That is the origin, the authority of the throne of God.

"The God of dead."

Luo Yu looked at the withered cage in front of him in shock.

After parting ways with Baixiu, the Dongzhou fleet moved forward non-stop. Luo Yu observed the words and deeds along the way and actually guessed what the young master was worried about.

The young master was worried that the God of Light would kill Gu Shen... But judging from the fluorescence emitted from the cage, the outcome of this battle seemed to be different from what was expected. The God of Light, one of the seven gods, actually died in this In the cage made of hanging wood, the light fragments scattered at this moment are the best proof.

But what about Gu Shen?

The inner layer of the cage was still enveloped by a powerful energy. The fleet was hovering outside the layers of light. Gu Nanfeng raised a palm to signal not to move forward and stopped.

He stood in front of the energy boat, staring silently at the dazzling holy light.

Luo Yu couldn't see clearly what was happening in the cage.

In fact, so does he.

The only thing he could see clearly was a vague figure of a woman in the cage.


Gu Nanfeng's eyes were a little complicated. He was alone, drifting away, and the [Lanqie] field shredded the sky.

More than one person asked him what he saw under the Red Lake.

Gu Nanfeng's answer was always the same.

He said he didn't see anything.

But in fact, he saw it. During the divination in the Forbidden Library under the Red Lake, he saw the scene of countless stars collapsing and exploding in the starry sky. That was the Forbidden Library's prediction about the future. One of the scenes was at this moment. As seen in [Old World], the dim void is wrapped in fluorescence.

The smell of blood emanated from the withered cage of the hanging wood.

Come closer.

He will see the woman bathed in light and reborn.

Gu Nanfeng stood in front of the cage. Behind him was the suspended array of Dongzhou Fleet, and in front of him was the fuzzy and graceful young figure.


He took a deep breath, no longer hesitated, used his wooden knife to smash a long leaf of Suxuan wood, and stepped in.


A strong wind blew against his face, and the majestic power of the source washed away like a torrent.

Gu Nanfeng's robes rustled. In front of him was the Goddess of Xizhou who had managed to fuse a ray of light and fire power. The entire cage was wrapped in the powerful light and fire aura. This divine battle had just ended. , the former God of Light was crushed into ashes, completely annihilated and shattered. Now the new God of Fire has been born.

The clothes on Meng Xizhou's body no longer glowed, but returned to the texture of silk and satin.

However, her hair, eyes, and fingertips were all radiating light, and her whole person was like a sun.

She successfully started the path of smelting the bright fire...

It will take some time to completely smelt this fire, but the power she has at this moment is no less than that of the three generals of Beizhou.

Even if you only have a ray of the original power of fire, it can be regarded as complete detachment!

Just a few hours ago, the two had a brief spiritual link. Although that link did not have any effective information... it was at least "warm".

The meeting at this moment seemed a little bloody.

Because there was not only light in the cage, but also scattered blood beads. These were Gu Shen's blood.

Gu Nanfeng clutched the long knife and stared at Meng Xizhou's left hand.

The young woman is carrying a bloody head...

Gu Nanfeng's throat trembled.

In the end, he didn't say anything, and just handed out the knife that he had suppressed for a long time!


This sword chopped into pieces the withered wooden cage. Countless winds entangled it and transformed it into an extremely sharp sword. Amidst the sharp sound of tearing the zenith, the scene in the depths of the light was completely revealed to the Dongzhou Fleet. In the eyes of every extraordinary person!

"This is...Gu Shen!?"

Luo Yu stood up awkwardly.

It's not just him.

Everyone in the Dongzhou Fleet saw clearly the head held in Meng Xizhou's hand, and there was a "buzz" in everyone's mind, and everything went blank.

The sword energy spread thousands of meters across, cutting into pieces all the light in the void.

But this knife could not hurt Meng Xizhou in the slightest.

The goddess who was initially smelting the bright fire was completely wrapped in the glow. She was holding the head with one hand, and the other hand was behind her back. The ray of light that Gu Nanfeng chopped down melted in front of the sun before it fell. , this is not a level of power at all.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was no order, but the Dongzhou Fleet started the bombardment directly.

Many of the black silver that Gu Shen brought back were made into black and silver cannonballs. These were weapons that were kept at the bottom of the box and would not be used easily, but in the first salvo at this moment, they all poured out. !

This round of shelling directly flooded Mengxizhou.

The goddess still had one hand behind her back, her eyes were cold... Facing this grand bombardment, she just took one step forward.

The black and silver cannonballs were melted by the majestic light hundreds of meters away. Although the strong logic cannonballs were powerful, in front of the "source of light", they were not even qualified to touch Meng Xizhou's clothes. This sun suddenly shined brightly. , drowned out the glory of Dongzhou Fleet's bombardment, counterattack!

Luo Yu only felt that his eyes were silvery white.

So does everyone else.

The feeling of "blindness" has truly been conveyed to the hearts of every fleet extraordinary person. The "side effects" of looking directly at the sun are not only invisible with their eyes, but also unable to catch any movement with their mental power. The violent roar of artillery shells exploded in an instant, but the whole world seemed to become extremely silent.

Dongzhou's huge fleet was forced to be immersed in this extremely silvery and silent environment.

Tens of seconds later.

The light dissipated... Luo Yu rubbed his eyes vigorously. He looked at a familiar figure leaning against the green silver glass in front of the main boat.

A lot happened in these tens of seconds.

Including but not limited to the battle between Gu Nanfeng and Meng Xizhou. As the strongest man in the Dongzhou fleet, Gu Nanfeng still insisted on using his sword after the sun's glow erupted. Although the super strong man in charge of the original power could crush the title , but it does not mean that they will not be hurt by the ban, so in the face of Gu Nanfeng's persistent attack, Meng Xizhou had no choice but to stop him.

And this is the final result after taking action to stop it.

The green silver glass was in pieces, and the wooden knife in Gu Nanfeng's hand was also in pieces. His whole body was in an extremely depressed state, but he was not dead, but he would not have the strength to use the second knife in a short time.

"Little Lord!"

Luo Yu roared angrily and rushed forward. He noticed that the young master's eyes were closed tightly, with blood and tears flowing out.

One of the costs of looking directly at the sun is blindness.

The rest of the fleet, only a few miles away, saw the glow erupt.

The young master is in the center of the explosion of light. He is the one who really looks directly at the sun!

"'s okay."

Gu Nanfeng's voice was weak, he waved his hand and said hoarsely: "Where is Meng Xizhou?"

"Meng Xizhou?"

Luo Yu was startled. He looked back and saw that the void of the [Old World] had been completely burned by the glow of the sun. Whether it was the scattered hanging tree branches or the remaining light fragments after the fall of the God of Light, They were all swallowed up by the glow just now... When the glow dissipated, these traces also dissipated.

The initiator disappeared without a trace.

"she left."

Luo Yu was filled with grief and anger, and veins bulged on her forehead.


Gu Nanfeng raised his head, blood and tears stung by the sun's rays flowed down both sides of his cheeks. There seemed to be a relaxed look on his face.

With Meng Xizhou's strength, he could easily slaughter the entire Dongzhou fleet.

But she didn't do that.

"Luo Yu, hurry up and return to Nagano. I still have important things to do..."

Gu Nanfeng coughed painfully. He stretched out a palm and tightly covered his chest where Meng Xizhou had slapped him. It was still aching.

Gu Nanfeng held Luo Yu's hand and warned forcefully: "Remember, don't go back from the Cicada Wing City Fortress. Drive west and return from the Gubao Fortress. It's faster this way."

"Little Lord……"

Luo Yu wanted to say something more, but finally swallowed it all.

After locating the Gubao, the Dongzhou fleet galloped towards the southwest. In this collapsed void, the glow dispersed and returned to darkness.

There's a lot going on here.

But it seemed like nothing happened.

Only occasionally can we see fluorescent flashes in far distances. These fluorescent lights come from the outermost edge of the umbrella's defense line.

In order to allow the fortress to better monitor the movements of the [Old World], [Deep Sea] released a batch of "Sky Eyes" to extend as far as possible into the unknown [Old World]... This void happens to be the farthest point that the "Sky Eyes" can peer into Location.

(PS: There are two more updates today.)

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