Barrier of Light

Chapter 1090 You don’t even want to call me father

What does it feel like to be born new in a baby's body?

Gu Shen stretched out his palm and touched the air.

He suddenly understood the feeling of Chu Ling coming to this world.

Now he feels novel about everything.

Most human beings tend to forget what happened before they were three years old when they reach adulthood, but there will be no similar problems when they "come into the world" in the body of a divine infant.

Gu Shen felt a pair of warm hands taking his hand.

"Why doesn't he speak?"

Chu Ling held the divine infant in her arms, and she looked at Turing curiously.

Previously [Deep Sea] took over this body and spoke human words directly.

But now that Gu Shen was born, he was really like a child and could only pronounce simple syllables.

"The deep sea can speak, because the deep sea is not the owner of this body."

Turing said lightly: "Actually, extraordinary beings with the skill of 'spiritual usurpation' can 'speak' if they occupy this body, because they will not be restricted by the rules of the divine infant's body."


Gu Shen widened the baby's eyes. What's the point?

The usurper who does not belong to this body can speak, but he cannot!

“Although they can ‘speak’, because they are not the master, they do not have the right to enjoy the authority brought by the divine child.”

Turing said: "There is a saying in the tribunal: if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight."

If you occupy the body of the God Infant, you can only speak...

Then the act of occupying the body loses its meaning.

"The body of the divine infant... is not an ordinary body."

Turing stretched out a hand, stroked the baby's head, and said calmly: "Get used to it first, and you will know after a while."

This sentence was said to Gu Shen.

"Birth is only the first step."

Turing moved his gaze outside the main boat. He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Everyone, the trouble outside has just begun."

Gubao Fortress cut off the link with the [Deep Sea] network and entered a closed network state.

This state caused a serious lag in information between the entire fortress and the outside world.

The so-called "closed network" means that in the Gubao Fortress, information can be connected by itself. In other words... they have no way of knowing what is happening in the outside world. The sentinels in this city can also use the internal communication system. , but the news from Central City and the northern border suddenly disappeared.

This is the price to pay for a "closed network".

"In three minutes, prepare to restore the deep-sea link to Gubao."

Turing looked at Lin Lin and said something unexpected.

"Restore deep sea link?"

Lin Lin looked surprised.

As "073" in the Ancient Literature Society, he knows very well what he has been fighting for all his life. The [Deep Sea] main system has now exposed its true intention, and has even locked the Gubao Fortress. Restoring the link at this moment is tantamount to Expose everything you do to the deep sea.

Gu Nanfeng stood up slowly while holding the wooden knife, and said worriedly: "Mr. Turing... restore the link, what should Gu Shen do?"

A ray of spirit in [Deep Sea] was shattered by Gu Shen.

But there are still thousands of strands of its spirit scattered around the world.

"Of course, send it out, to the [Old World], to a place beyond the reach of the deep sea."

Turing said calmly: "Until the divine infant grows up, he cannot stay in the Five Continents... This is why I ask you to prepare for three minutes. Three minutes is enough to send him out of the umbrella defense line."


Gu Shen waved his arms.

Although it had only been "born" for a few minutes, this body was extremely smooth to use, and it fit perfectly with me.

Chu Ling carried him to a closed computer, and Gu Shen typed on the keyboard and wrote out his thoughts.

【"I want to stay here."】

"Stay here and continue to be targeted by the deep sea?"

Turing just glanced at it.

He shook his head and said: "If you stay in Gubao, the deep sea will attack the entire Gubao Fortress... In addition, he will mobilize all available spirits to destroy the divine infant body again. You are confident that he will win. Are you going to fight this battle?"

Gu Shen was silent.

"If you stay in Wuzhou, Baizhu and the Queen will not be able to protect you."

Turing sighed and sent a message: "Otherwise, I would have thrown you into the cemetery long ago. Why do you need so much trouble?"

Gu Shen looked at Turing and pointed at his eyebrows.

He wants to stay in Wuzhou, not out of recklessness or impulsiveness.

It's because he still has a piece of fire that hasn't been smelted!

"Dark Fire?"

Turing saw what Gu Shen wanted to express. He continued to transmit the message and said: "Get out of the umbrella line of defense first. I have prepared everything that should be prepared. The current situation is very complicated. When Wuzhou arrives, Once the troubles here are over, I will make things clear."

He looked at Chu Ling and said, "There are two and a half minutes left."

Chu Ling immediately understood.

She hugged Gu Shen and hurried to the small energy boat. Just as she was about to set off, Turing's voice stopped her again.

"Wait, take something like this with you."

Turing stretched out his palm, and in the palm was a small iron box.

Chu Ling recognized this iron box.

"Array box..."

Each array box represents an absolutely closed and absolutely autonomous spiritual sea.

"This array box is different from others."

Turing said in a soft voice: "This is your nascent box...or in other words, the nascent box of [Deep Sea]. Your consciousness was born from this array box. Take it with you to leave the Five Continents. I'm here There is a secret door left in it. As long as you don't leave the Five Continents too far, you can re-enter the deep water area as [Source Code]. Do you understand what I mean?"

This is the final "spiritual link".

Chu Ling took a deep breath.

She said solemnly: "I understand."

Chu Ling's airship separated from the Gu family's main boat and quickly swept out of the Gubao Fortress. When it left the Umbrella Defense Line, everything went according to Turing's plan.

Three minutes, one hundred and eighty seconds, no more, no less.

Lin Lin stood on the giant wall. He asked Mr. Turing through a mental message if he really wanted to restore the link.

After receiving an affirmative look, he gave the order directly.

“Disengage from the ‘closed network’ and return to the ‘linked’ state.”

Zou Hai carried out the order without hesitation.

From the beginning to the end, there was no change in the Gubao Fortress, with heavy snow and bright lights, but after switching to the [Deep Sea] link, everyone had an illusion.

It seems that the fortress was dark before, and now it really becomes bright.

The main boat's glow came back on.

A figure instantly appeared on the central screen.


When Shenhai saw the empty interior of the main boat, he immediately understood what had happened during the few minutes in the closed state. The divine infant had been sent away.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

There was only one person left on the main boat at this moment.

Turing sat leisurely in front of the central control screen. He looked at the black shadow on the screen and smiled: "Compared to then, you are... more humane now."

This is a compliment.

It's even more of a sarcasm.

"Thanks to you."

Deep Sea also smiled: "Without your impromptu 'finishing touch', I would still be just a ball of empty consciousness."


Turing shook his head and said seriously: "Without that stroke, you wouldn't even have the consciousness of nothingness. You...are nothing."

This time, the words were outright contempt.

But the deep sea doesn't care.

In his heart, the weakest and most powerless weapon is words.

Thousands of words are worth less than one bullet.

He won't get hurt or lose a hair.

"As expected of the man who created me, after being hunted and fleeing five continents, he still had the courage to come back. However... your dormant methods over the past twenty years are indeed commendable."

Shen Hai returned to the topic. He looked at the man in front of him and said confusedly: "I checked many times and there is nothing wrong with Cui Zhongcheng's file. I can check this person's life trajectory very clearly... Before you escaped from Wuzhou, he He already existed. He studied at Dateng Public School, joined the Huazhi Group to work for Zhao Xilai, climbed up step by step, and was promoted step by step. At what point did he become a 'fake'?"

Turing smiled.

He rummaged through the trunks in the main boat, hoping to find a bottle of wine, but unfortunately the Gu family was very strict and no drinking was allowed during the fleet's voyage, so his final search ended in failure, but not without success.

Turing opened a can of alcoholic sparkling drink, opened the tab, and took a small sip.

"Perhaps Cui Zhongcheng's life is true."

Over the years, while "serving" Huazhi, he never drank alcohol and always stayed sober. In the eyes of outsiders, this was a sign of conscientiousness.

But in fact.

He couldn't get drunk, because the name "Cui Zhongcheng" carried a much bigger task than Huazhi Butler.

"There is indeed a young man named 'Cui Zhongcheng' who was cynical when he was young. Later, due to practical reasons, he had to compromise and join Huazhi. Then he gradually changed, became calmer, and gradually became successful."

Turing smiled and said: "If you check this guy's file, you will know why he joined Huazhi."

"Cui Zhongcheng's mother was seriously ill. He joined the Zhao Group for this reason. At that time, Zhao Xilai had just ascended to a high position and was in urgent need of talents."

Shenhai responded quickly: "Did you replace him at that time?"


Cui Zhongcheng laughed softly and shook his head: "I don't like this word very much. I never do this kind of thing... It's like fighting for the body of the 'God Infant'. If you win in the end, then You can say that you replaced Gu Shen, but if Gu Shen wins, I'm sorry, it belongs to Gu Shen himself."

This sentence actually contains a lot of information.

But Shenhai didn't pay much attention to it because Gu Shen had already been sent out of the [Old World].

So the only thing he cares about at the moment is the connection between Turing and Cui Zhongcheng.

"Zhao gave Cui Zhongcheng a large sum of money to treat his mother, but in the end his mother died."

Shenhai said slowly: "Since then, Cui Zhongcheng has devoted himself to working for Huazhi. Judging from the files, this is the best opportunity for you to intervene."

"Yes, but not a replacement."

Turing slowly raised his head and asked with a smile: "Since you remember it so clearly, you should also understand the year Cui Zhongcheng entered Huazhi, right?"

"New calendar year 630."

"The year is not important, but what is important is that Zhao Xilai ascended the throne and Huazhi changed his surname."

Turing tapped the table with two fingers, and he said calmly: "Before that, Hua Zhi's surname was Lu."


The deep sea was silent for two seconds.

Turing has a very good friend named Lu Cheng.

Before he launched the Ancient Literature Society to destroy the opportunity, Lu Cheng was the person in charge of the Ancient Literature Society's metropolitan area and the controller of the Huazhi Group.


"So you have forgotten how many people you killed in that era."

Turing sighed softly, stood up slowly, and looked directly at the black shadow on the screen. His tone was extremely sarcastic: "Can you accurately report the file of every person in the world and the year in which they did it?" What things happened, but you couldn't tell the names of the innocent people you killed in violation of the "Three Instructions". You seem to remember many things, but you have forgotten the most important thing, the one I taught you. pieces."

This time, the deep sea was silent for a long time.

He really couldn't remember.

During the "Guwen Society Suppression" mission, he wanted too many criminals for the crime of betraying humanity.

The war between the main system and the source code has just ended. In order to consolidate his position, and to keep himself alive and let humanity survive...he must do this.

There are many people's files that were simply not within the scope of my authority at that time.

It doesn't matter whether you can check it or not.

Directly wanted and directly erased is enough.

Gao Yi from the temple is good at doing this kind of thing, and so is Zhao Xilai from Dadu... So Shenhai gave this type of people enough authority to eliminate future troubles for themselves. This led to the complete destruction of the Ancient Literature Society, but this time The price of the killing was that he didn't know exactly how many sinners had been "erased."

How many criminals are there who are innocent?

At that time, those who were given the authority to obliterate sinners by the deep sea used this arrest to start a grand hunting spree.

After obliterating the Ancient Literature Society, they gained fame, benefit, and a solid position.

And those who died...

In the end, they just turned into a grain of sand in the torrent of history, drowned by the waves, and became silent.

"Cui Zhongcheng has been dead for a long time."

Turing said calmly: "He was just an unknown person at that time. He was drowned in that kind of massacre. It's right that you can't remember this person."

The deep sea suddenly became enlightened.

He asked: "So I went to the Zhao Group to pray for medical aid funds..."

"From then on, Cui Zhongcheng was me, and I was Cui Zhongcheng."

Turing said expressionlessly: "People who have a hard life, even if they endure all the hardships, often will not get better. God will only keep giving them bigger blows. If the real Cui Zhongcheng is still alive, he may not be able to survive." In the end, because Zhao only used him..."

A young man with a background in the ancient literary society who joins the Zhao family will be suspected no matter how well he does.

And once the seeds of doubt are planted.

Cui Zhongcheng will not end well...

Unless the person who takes over "his" destiny becomes Turing, a person who truly stands at the pinnacle of the world and transcends destiny.

Cui Zhongcheng died in the bloody night of massacre, and his death was unknown.

So a new Cui Zhongcheng stood up and entered the Zhao Group without a drop of blood on his body.

Turing controlled everything that happened in Huazhi, and the Zhao Group finally changed its surname to Lu... It seems that this series of turmoil and twists and turns have nothing to do with him, but this is his most brilliant point, true control, no need to leave behind There is no need to leave a name or even a trace of control. He does not need to be a beneficiary of history, he only needs to be a witness to history.

The hatred in the world actually has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Turing did not avenge Cui Zhongcheng, did not kill Zhao Xilai, and did not interfere with the cause and effect that occurred here. He just watched the fate of "everyone" entangled, entangled, separated, and each reached the end.

"I'm just a traveler."

Turing raised his head, looked at the ink-like black shadow, took another sip of sparkling water, and said with a smile: "Huazhi is a very good place, but it's a pity that I can never go back again."

From the moment he left Dadu, there would no longer be a person like "Cui Zhongcheng" in this world.

He went to Nagano to meet Bai Shu.

It means...he will no longer live with this identity.

"You're right, I won't give you another chance to go back."

Shenhai stared at Turing and said: "This time I will hunt you to the ends of the earth. Even if you escape to the end of the [Old World], I will not let you go."

"Speaking of which, you haven't even wanted to call me father since you were born."

"I don't understand... is there such a big hatred and resentment between you and me?"

Turing smiled, shook the empty bottle in his hand, and asked, "In other words, do you really think you are so capable?"

(Still available tonight.)

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