Barrier of Light

Chapter 113 Punch first

"Bang" sound.

Muffled sound.

It was the sound of a fist hitting his head.

Gu Shen stood guard at the door of the toilet. He saw Crow closing the door in a wan mood, coming to the sink and washing away the blood-stained fists.

"This guy used to be Madam's bodyguard, but I found out that he secretly received Zhao Qi's money... Eating from the bowl and staring at the pot, this is not the character that a loyal dog should have." Song Ci washed his hands. , while explaining softly: "The 'spiritual branding' thing has nothing to do with him, but in view of his crime of betraying his wife, I gave him some small punishment."

Gu Shen looked thoughtfully at the pool of blood slowly seeping out on the ground.

"Actually, you don't need to explain."

Gu Shen whispered: "I'm not the kind of person who abuses people..."

" that so?"

Song Ci smiled and said: "I thought you still have some virtues of a good student... such as not seeing blood, not seeing people hurt, etc... So when I struck, I deliberately acted lightly."

Having said this, he kicked the wooden partition door not far away and sighed: "Unfortunately... the blood still flowed out. If you saw it, you wouldn't think I'm a bad person, right?"

"Aren't you?"

"That's right... I'm just a bad person." Song Ci shrugged indifferently.

"The more you are admired on the surface, the more you are coveted behind the scenes. I still understand this truth." Gu Shen shook his head and said: "Madam's name is bright and bright on the public stage, but behind her back, There are countless secret scheming attacks, ready to strike."

"Yes, after all, she is a weak woman without extraordinary abilities. Standing at such a high place, forcing everyone to look up, some people will always feel unhappy."

The word "weak woman" was slowly re-read by Song Ci deliberately. Of course, it was just a joke, because no one would think that the lady was a weak woman.

"Secular rules can only restrain some people."

"But luckily...the remaining people are afraid of my fists."

When Song Ci said these words, he didn't even realize that there was a faint smile in his eyes. In Gu Shen's opinion, this was probably the satisfaction of finding his own value.

My wife often said that there was a wall of copper and iron in front of her.

And it is also an honor to be what my wife calls "the iron wall".

Crow waved his fist and chuckled: "Very good, the investigation is almost complete now."

All four names on the note have been checked.

"The suspicions of the four people have been eliminated. Even if the remaining one has no evidence... it doesn't matter anymore."

Gu Shen knew who the remaining person Song Ci was referring to.

The unknown brother who was regarded as a traitor because he had received money from Zhao Qi was still lying in the toilet cubicle. The toilet kept rumbling. Gu Shen guessed that this man's head was pressed into the toilet. , his arm should be broken and pressed against the flush button, constantly flushing his head.

In fact, it is not unfair to call him a traitor.

We are both husband and wife, why come here?

It is needless to say what the husband’s intention is to bribe the guards around his wife.

In fact, there was only a layer of unpierced window paper between the two of them.

"About Zhao Qi... I actually have some clues." Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Something happened over there in the old city."

Fifteen minutes later.

Song Ci lit a cigarette and leaned silently in front of the big mirror.

Gu Shen told Crow about the strange fog in the old city and his encounter with Shi Li... Of course, he concealed some irrelevant details and only mentioned the key points worthy of attention.

"You mean... Shi Li, who sincerely meets Nantang, has the exact same spiritual imprint between his eyebrows?"

"That's right."

"I am the doctor who removes Madam's mental brand... Because of this, I realized something was wrong."

Gu Shen paused, "How can there be such a coincidence in the world? The spiritual imprint planted on Shi Li's eyebrows is exactly the same as that of Madam. It can only explain one thing...the one who planted the spiritual imprint on Madam is the same as the spiritual imprint planted on Shi Li. The lead is the same person."


Crow's expression was very gloomy, and he sneered in a low voice: "No wonder Zhao Qi went to the old city that night. This kid saw that the last spiritual brand was destroyed, so he hurriedly went to ask for Gu again... He should have changed it that night I’m going to punch and blow this bitch’s head off with one punch.”

Gu Shen frowned.

What he was thinking about at the moment was something else.

The spiritual imprint between Madam's eyebrows... was originally incomprehensible and could not be sensed even by extraordinary beings on the tenth level of the deep sea, but it was solved by her own blazing fire.

Looking at it now, it seems logical.

Because the person who arranged this conspiracy was the master of the compass who controlled the blood and fire. This was the case in the Zhou Yu case that year. He perfectly deceived the spiritual extraordinary person of the adjudication office... It was not that the extraordinary person of the adjudication office was not strong enough, but The extraordinary qualities of this compass master are very special, and he should be extremely good at concealing his aura.

However, his own blazing fire happens to be the natural enemy of the compass master’s extraordinary qualities!

"I ruined his good things one after another... No wonder he sent me the compass."

Thinking of this, Gu Shen's heart became tense again.

The fire case involves the Jiujiu Foundation. This continuous extraordinary case is like a stretched fishing line that may break at any time, but fortunately, every time the fishing line breaks, I can always catch someone else. The thread on one end.

Gu Shen recalled the wisp of blood and fire.

He murmured in his heart: "I will live... I will find you alive."

"Brother Gu——"

A voice brought him back to reality.

Gu Shen raised his head and saw Song Ci's frowning expression. He thought for so long that the cigarette butt burned into his hand, but he still didn't notice it. Finally, he glanced at it, pressed it out on the washstand, and said in a deep voice. : "You just said that the guy with the same spiritual mark between his eyebrows is sincerely interested in Nantang?"

"Yes... Sincerely Hui Nantang, the leader of the fourth group, Shi Li."

Gu Shen was stunned and said, "Do you want to..."

"You also know... I am a rough guy and have no brains." Crow said calmly: "Since there are clues, let's investigate. I can't sit idly by and let my wife endure such danger again."

"it's useless……"

Gu Shen frowned.

He knew very well that Shi Li's files were different from those of normal people. Sincerity belonged to an underground organization. The deep sea was indeed huge and connected to five continents... but it was not omnipotent. The whereabouts of the two extraordinary beings who assassinated him were still unknown. . Even if we use the deep sea, what we can find are the files carefully disguised by the Jiujiu Foundation.

Just knowing Shi Li's name is of no use.

For them, the name... is just a code name. How can a person who can throw away his life at any time leave any traces on his name?

"Shi Li's name is just a code name." Gu Shen said, "What's more, how do you want to check?"

"I told you...I'm just a rough guy." Crow smiled, "Looking at the solemn look on your face just now, have you thought of a lot of plans? Don't think that I'm too smart, rough guy People do things very simply...most of the time they just rely on intuition."

He paused.

"But rough people's intuition is often very accurate."

"I'm unhappy with Zhao Qi, unhappy with Chen Jingtan, unhappy with Chen San, and unhappy with Chen San's four adopted sons... Facts have proved that I have a pretty good eye for people."

"There is only one guy I like in the entire Chengxin Association." Song Ci said calmly: "So for so many years, I only gave my wife a circle in the north, and I didn't do anything to the south hall, just because of that The guy is still here, otherwise I would have acted recklessly."

"one person?"

There is limited information on the Chengxin Society, especially Nantang.

"Did you notice? The person dancing in the bar just now... had two kinds of tattoos." Song Ci spoke softly, while lifting up a corner of his clothes to reveal a black hibiscus flower, "One... is this."

Gu Shen fell into memories.

In his mind were flashing lights and equally dark and hideous tattoos.

"The other kind... is a broken stopwatch." Crow narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "The sincere meeting in the north is engraved with 'black hibiscus', which is Madam's intention. And of course those guys in the south can't follow suit... They carved the 'suspension watch', and the best way to distinguish the members of the North and South Halls is through their tattoos."

The engraved black hibiscus flower means the lady...

Gu Shen was startled.

Hibiscus flower, the word for hibiscus, I didn’t realize the deep meaning at first, but when it was connected with my wife, the meaning of this tattoo became very clear.

This is a tattoo left for my sister Lu Nanjin.

"After fighting in the north, I wanted to say... look at most of the cities, below the title level, I am invincible."

Raven narrowed her eyes.

Having said this, he sighed softly, with some helplessness in his smile: "But I really didn't expect that there would be a ruthless man in the south of Chengxinhui, who is younger than me and can fight better than me, but I don't hate him."

"Chen Mi, Chen San's biological son, as his name suggests, a lonely and eccentric guy. The reason why Chen San adopted four adopted sons is because his biological son is not under control at all, and he doesn't want to take over the Chengxin Society at all." Crow smiled. , "I's because of this very simple reason that I don't hate him."

Looking at most cities, those below the title level are invincible.

The one who can say such words should at least be...the eleventh level of the deep sea?

Will not lose to Han Dang.

Gu Shen looked at the crow again and thought, is this flip-flop guy really so fierce? No matter how he looked, he looked slovenly...but he quickly retracted this idea.

It is estimated that those who have been beaten by crows had this thought before the fist landed on their face.

"...Have you ever fought with Chen?" Gu Shen asked.


Crow shook his head, "But I have a feeling in my heart...this kid, I may not be his match."

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's not a shame if you can't beat me. I've done a lot of running away." Song Ci glanced at Gu Shen's surprised eyes and said calmly: "I told you that I am Rough people, rough people must have the self-awareness of rough people.”

"So regarding... Shi Li's case, what are you going to do?" Gu Shen had a headache.

Crow smiled.

He swayed from the toilet, came to the swaying crowd, and picked out a man with a stopwatch tattoo.

There was a "boom"!

A broken sound stopped the music in the venue.

Everyone looked in horror at the man who punched and the unlucky guy who flew dozens of meters and smashed a wall.

Crow took off his peaked cap, revealing his true face.

He raised his eyebrows at Gu Shen, who was not far away, and said softly: "Punch first... then talk."

It was already past ten o'clock when we got home by car.

Only one chapter tonight. Will update tomorrow morning.

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