Barrier of Light

Chapter 1095 Babel (please vote for me!)

"Mr. Yan, long time no see."

A drop of water fell on the water surface, splashing thousands of ripples. Tian Shui slowly walked to the chained man.

In the void of the Tower of Source, countless chains are circling and entangled.

This level is called "The Realm of Reincarnation".

A haggard figure sat on the ground, raising his head, with sunken darkness in his eyes...

Mr. Yan smiled and said, "Tian Shui."

He has lived too long.

To be precise, this spirit has lived for too long.

Due to the excessive use of divination, Mr. Yan's physical body has been completely dismantled and turned into golden threads of fate, dissipating into the real world.

In order to preserve the inheritance of "divination".

Qinglong took action to keep this ray of spirit, and imprisoned it in the dream of the two gods in the Tower of Source. He used the power of fire to seal off the last ray of Mr. Yan’s soul. Such a method was indeed against the heavens, but Mr. Yan’s daily They all suffer from the pain of their souls being dragged away. Even if they are alive, they cannot experience the joy of living.

"...I already know everything about the outside world."

Mr. Yan smiled.

Although he only has a ray of soul left, due to his unlimited use of divination, he basically understands what is happening outside.

Divination is like using a credit card.

At this moment, Mr. Yan is a gambler with huge debts... He has already reached the time of repayment, but through the method of "mental imprisonment", he continues to overdraw his credit that has been emptied to zero.

In this case, he didn't care whether he could afford the overdraft.

"Wanted order, Red Dragon, and some things about you... I know everything."

Mr. Yan let out a long sigh.

"The real about fifteen seconds away."

Mr. Yan looked up at the world above the dream and chuckled: "In fifteen seconds, the world I am in will become pitch black."

This is the future he saw using divination to look at himself.

He knew exactly what darkness meant.

It's just that in this spiritual world, the flow of time is greatly slowed down.


There is still time for the two to talk.

"The wanted order, the red dragon, and me... are not important now."

Tian Shui wore a mask and sat opposite Mr. Yan.

He put his hands gently on his knees and smiled: "The important thing is you."

"I'm not that important, just a 'dead person'."

Mr. Yan shook his head.

During the years of serving the Tower of Source, he had almost forgotten the meaning of his existence. This ray of soul was imprisoned and bound in the spiritual world. He continued to provide accurate prophecies and divination for the Tower of Source, and When no one cares about him, his will will be forced into a dormant state by the dream of the two gods to avoid excessive consumption and waste of "life"...

The word lifespan no longer exists for him, and it may be more vivid to replace it with length of use.

But now, his existence has little meaning.

[Deep Sea] has completed its eleventh upgrade. The main system has begun to control the world, and there are many things that no longer require it.

There is no need for divination anymore.

"I promised you that I would let you survive." Tian Shui asked softly: "Now you only need to consider one question, or the same question before. Do you... want to live?"

Many years ago, Tianshui asked Mr. Yan the same question.

That time was the Sangzhou Cave Hunting.

The identity of the owner of the wine has not yet been clarified, and Tian Shui hopes that Mr. Yan will use divination to help the Tower of Source find the "son of the gods".

What happened later was...

Mr. Yan used divination to locate the little girl.

"I...want to live..."


"I... don't want to live..."

The man who was bound by the chains had a blank look in his eyes. He looked at Tian Shui's mask. Over the years, the golden thread of fortune in divination had been unable to be looked directly at except for the taboo of fire. The only thing he couldn't see through was Tian Shui's mask... ...But now, in his muddled mind, he suddenly remembered the distant memories from many years ago.

When he had just learned divination.

It was as if a blurry face appeared in front of him.

Mr. Yan stared blankly at the man in front of him.

He did not answer the question of whether he wanted to live or not, but murmured: "Tian Shui... who are you?"


This extremely thin soul suddenly began to become chaotic.

Broken memories surged up at this moment.

Mr. Yan turned his head sideways, and what he saw was not the endless ripples of the water in the "Realm of Samsara", but a slowly closing curtain cover of the life nutrition cabin. The lights flickered on and off, and he seemed to have returned to the environment of several years ago. In the middle, there is a spacious long alloy metal plate above the head. Through the transparent portholes, you can vaguely see the meteorites and meteors passing by outside the window.

Instead of being restrained by chains, he was held by a pair of strong arms.

This memory lasted less than a second.

The next moment he fell back into the realm of reincarnation.

The broken memories kept blending with the dark reality.

Tian Shui's masked face and the blurry face holding him in the life capsule a few years ago gradually overlapped and merged into one, and even the sounds made by the two people seemed to overlap.

"Do you want to live?"

Mr. Yan remembered.

Regarding the things that happened before he came to the Tower of Source, the truth that has troubled him for countless years...

At this moment, as the memory of the picture merged into one, it was unlocked.

Divination has never been a technology that people from Wuzhou can master. It is an ancient power developed by the previous starship civilization. Therefore, Qianye, another inheritor of divination who is based in Qingzhong, also comes from the [Old World].

In fact, Mr. Yan is the same.

It's just that he is not as lucky as Qianye to be able to meet someone like Gu Changzhi after sleeping.

When he woke up, his body was broken.

The reason why he was imprisoned in the illusion of the two gods was because he had no way to go... Even if Qinglong let go of the dream and let him go to the real world, he would die directly.

There is only one reason for working so hard.

That was the person who saved him... Tian Shui.

A few years ago, it was Tianshui.

A few years later, too.

The two faces overlapped, and Mr. Yan's sunken eyes became moist. He forced out a hoarse voice and uttered a word with great difficulty.


The starship ceiling lights from a few years ago shattered, and water droplets fell vertically from the sky above the realm of reincarnation.

There was a "click" sound.

This drop of water fell on the water surface of the realm of reincarnation. Mr. Tianshui stretched out a palm. This palm fell in front of Mr. Yan's eyes and slowly closed his eyelids for him. Closing his eyes this time meant forever. rest.

This soul, which was trapped in the spiritual world by chains, was finally freed.

Thousands of strands of spiritual light flew through the void and crashed into Mr. Tianshui's sleeves.

The moment the water drops fall.

Fifteen seconds passed in the real world——

This is exactly the "darkness" that Mr. Yan predicted he would face.

But it's not over yet.

The entire realm of reincarnation began to riot, the sky was shattered, and the dome of the realm of reincarnation was lifted open by two fingers, revealing a huge face overlooking the spiritual world from a distance.

Tian Shui stood up and looked up at the huge face.

"Rumble, rumble..."

The face slowly approached, and the zenith view of the realm of reincarnation could no longer cover it. In the end, Tian Shui only saw a huge, indifferent eye with murderous intent.

The accumulated water in the realm of reincarnation began to boil, and a large amount of steam spread, turned into mist, and condensed into clouds.

No one knows how many floors there are in the Tower of Source.

The world only knows that the Tower of Source is very high, as high as the sky.

In fact, every floor of this giant tower can be moved, raised, lowered, and erased at will... This existence that is as high as the sky to ordinary people is actually just a plaything of the Sky God's Throne.

With the violent trembling sound, the realm of reincarnation suddenly began to rise.

Huge pressure came.

Tian Shui let out a muffled groan in his throat, and his knees bent slightly, but after all, they were just bent, and he did not kneel down——


Finally, the entire realm of reincarnation arrived at the highest level of the Tower of Source. Here, surrounded by clouds and mist, one could overlook the entire upper city and even the entire Central Continent.

However, the realm of reincarnation, which was originally extremely wide and vast, now looks like a square chessboard.

The soul of "Mr. Yan" is no longer there.

Therefore, there is only one chess piece left on this chessboard that looks very lonely.

Tian Shui stood in the center of the realm of reincarnation, looking into his huge eyes.

His eyes widened again——

This single eye pupil returned to a huge face.

Qinglong's palm gently held the chessboard. After he let go of his palm, a large amount of evaporated mist held the chessboard.

If there is a third person entering the tower of the source at this moment, they will notice it.

Everything here is normal except for Mr. Tianshui on the chessboard, who looks like a miniature chess piece.


Qinglong sat on the throne. He sat with his chin in his hands and spoke slowly: "Remembering your kindness and cultivation towards me... I gave you time to escape from the Tower of Source. If you want to escape, in fact, I won’t chase.”

This is why Tian Shui and Mr. Yan can complete this conversation in the realm of reincarnation.

He did not escape, but stayed in the Tower of Source.


He took away Mr. Yan's soul.

If Qinglong continues to ignore it, then he can do more things in the Tower of Source.

"I have no intention of running away."

Tian Shui stood on the chessboard and looked at the disciple he had trained.

The Tower of Source is very tall, but it is not this tower that truly reaches the sky.

But clear.

"Is it because you know you don't have long to live?"

Qinglong smiled and asked: "Or is it because... you really want to kill me, so you wishfully think that you can kill me by sacrificing yourself and making some arrangements?"

Tian Shui smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

"I'm not a fan of rainy days...but it's rained uptown several times a month over the years."

"These are all arranged by you, I know."

"Gu Xiaoman's thoughts are towards Dongzhou. This was also arranged by you...I also know it."

"Red Dragon is the orphan you picked up. He doesn't have much sense of belonging to the Tower of Source. Even if he becomes the first divine envoy, he will not really sacrifice his life for me."

"I know all this."

The man sitting on the throne has countless mirrors condensed with clouds and mist around him, flipping up and reflecting the entire five continents. After playing against the main system of [Deep Sea], his flow power continues to rise and break through. At this moment [Cloud Mirror] Authority has spread throughout the five continents, almost in every corner.

He knows almost everything that happens here.

Qinglong looked at his teacher seriously.

"I see all these things, I just don't say anything."

Although he was still smiling, there was a hint of sadness in his smile.

"Teacher... I'm just curious. If you don't agree with me so much, why did you expend so much effort to support me in the first place?"

Countless [Cloud Mirrors] flipped and projected blazing light, shining on Tian Shui.

Tian Shui, standing on the chessboard, shrouded in blazing light, shook his head.

"I supported you sincerely."

"Now that I want to kill you, I sincerely do so."

"People... will change."

Tian Shui said: "You might as well use the [Cloud Mirror] to look at yourself and see how you are different now from the you back then?"

Qinglong was silent for a moment after hearing the words.

The [Cloud Mirror] directly in front slowly turned upside down.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

There were clouds and mist in the mirror, making it difficult to see the exact appearance.

But what can be seen clearly is...

He sits in the highest position in the world, unrivaled by anyone.

Here, it is almost reaching the sky.

(PS: At the beginning of the month, please vote for me! The next chapter will be at 6pm!)

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