Barrier of Light

Chapter 1109 I am Turing, I am still alive

"The Lion Awakens...what the hell is it?"

The conversation in the array box sea area has come to an end.

Gu Shen raised the question that had been on his mind for a long time.

Facing the apostle Qin Ye back then, in order to survive, Gu Shen had no choice but to destroy the lion awakening technique in the bronze box.

And many years passed.

He doesn't even know what kind of technology Mr. Lu Cheng's "Lion Awakening" is.

Today's awakening technology is "mature".

[Deep Sea] You can rely on spiritual links to forcibly stimulate ordinary people to awaken...

So what is the difference between the awakening of the lion and the awakening of the deep sea manipulation?

"The Lion Awakens is the awakening of self-awareness."

Turing smiled and said:

"In fact, relying on external stimulation to become a transcendent...and relying on one's own ability to become a transcendent are completely two concepts. It is like those transcendents who refuse to connect to the deep water area, relying on their own perceptions to condense the domain step by step, their The strength is naturally stronger than those practitioners who rely on the computing power of the deep water area to remind them."

Gu Shen knew it a long time ago.

After the birth of the deep sea, there were two paths for extraordinary practice.

One is to rely on the twelve levels of trials provided by the deep water area for assistance.

The other path is called "conservative".

Conservative Transcendents don't connect with the deep sea, they rely on their intuition to cultivate...

Under Gu Nanfeng's teaching, Gu Shen gradually transformed into such a practitioner.

In fact, linking with deep sea is not a bad thing.

The deep sea itself is a product of a cross-age era, and it is an extremely intelligent super AI. However, if a person relies too much on the "assistance" provided by the deep water area, his own cultivation ability will be greatly reduced. Over time, the upper limit will be imprisoned. To make a "breakthrough" becomes very difficult.

For those who are truly talented.

The road of practice can only rely on oneself.

Gu Shen frowned: "But the Awakening Act is promulgated for all the people. For ordinary they have the ability to realize the 'Lion Awakening'?"

In this world, geniuses are always very few.

Although Gu Shen himself does not use the computing power of the deep water area to assist.

But I have to admit that due to the existence of the deep-sea link, the overall strength of Wuzhou's superhumans in recent years has risen by a large level.

Put it a hundred years ago.

Where are there so many titles, Tier 4?

Trials in the deep water area may lock the upper limit of a transcendent... But the vast majority of transcendents will not be able to condense the domain throughout their lives.

"Don't underestimate the power of human beings."

Turing said seriously: "There is a lion living in everyone's heart. When the lion wakes up, he can break away from the mundane world. In theory, everyone can become a supernatural person through the 'lion awakening'."

"However, this is also the reason why the 'Lion Awakening Technique' has not been implemented."

Turing sighed and shook his head, and said, "I and Lu Cheng once had a big argument because of this matter. He insisted that the lion awakening is the right that everyone should enjoy, but I think... the time is not yet. , if the 'Lion Awakening' is forcibly launched, the appearance of a large number of supernatural beings may directly disrupt the social order. At that time, I focused all my research on the 'Deep Sea'."

The contradiction between Turing and Lu Cheng about the "lion awakening technology" was born before the advent of the deep sea.

"At that time, I...was unwilling to launch the Lion Awakening technology."

Turing murmured: "I thought at the time, if [Deep Sea] can be successfully launched, then the launch of the Lion Awakening technology will no longer have side effects."


Gu Shen immediately understood Turing's thoughts.

If there is a super AI that covers the whole world and can connect five continents at the same time, then there is no need to worry about the superhuman beings destroying the order.

Mr. Turing was right, but also wrong.

Now [Deep Sea] has indeed stabilized the order of mankind, but it is no longer satisfied with playing the role of "helmsman", he wants to directly become the "captain" of the five continents world.

"Looking at it now, I still think too much."

Turing laughed at himself and said, "The superhuman hasn't been born yet, so I'm worried about the troubles caused by too many superhumans..."

Speaking of which.

He shook his head.

"Okay... Calculate the time, it's almost time. Gu Shen, do you still remember the question you asked me earlier?"

Gu Shen was startled.

Of course he remembered.

Earlier, he asked Mr. Turing, in this world... how can there be a person with so many traces at the same time?

And Turing's answer is that soon, he will know the answer.


The sea area of ​​the array box began to tremble, and a beam of light suddenly shone in this pitch-black sea area.

Chu Ling, who had been silent at the side all along, frowned and looked up at the direction where the glow came from... Although the three of them are in the [Old World] at the moment, the array box is still connected to Wuzhou's spiritual network. Technology needs to set up a "transfer station" in Wuzhou, which must be absolutely confidential, absolutely private, and cannot be detected by [Deep Sea].

When the glow of the array box condenses.

Gu Shen knew what the transfer station Turing set up was.




The bronze box slowly floated out of the stands. Lu Nanzhi pressed the box with one hand and slowly opened it. Thousands of rays of light burst out from the gaps in the bronze box, and the entire underground conference room was covered with blazing light. shrouded.

Deep in the ground of the Huazhi Building, the previous owner was Zhao Xilai, and later it was replaced by Lu Nanzhi.

But in fact.

These two banner masters don't come to this underground world very often...

For the past thirty years, Cui Zhongcheng has been in charge of Huazhi's underground construction.

The transfer station of the array box spiritual sea area is built in Huazhi underground. Around the sealed disordered black hole, Turing built a stronghold outside the [Deep Sea] network. It is absolutely safe, absolutely independent, and absolutely Privacy, absolute confidentiality.

The moment the bronze box was opened.

The spirit of everyone present was summoned by the "array box".

They're silent, they hesitate, and then...they accept.

next moment.

This meeting came from the fancy ground to the sea of ​​array boxes.

After the glow dissipated.

Fisher, Gong Zi and the others had the illusion of a world away...

Gu Shen looked at his old acquaintances.

Those old acquaintances also looked at him.


The most striking thing is not Gu Shen, but the "human figure phantom" wrapped in countless codes that is constantly distorted and changing.


The group of phantom figures slowly turned around and bowed to everyone.

He smiled and said, "I am Turing, and I am still alive."

This sentence, just this sentence.

It made all the big shots who came all the way to Huazhi feel worthwhile for this line of work.

Among them, there may be astute people who guessed thirty years ago that Alan Turing might still be alive...

However, guessing and seeing are two completely different things.

Today's meeting was initiated by Lu Nanzhi. After the bronze box was opened in the real world, all the guests entered the spiritual sea of ​​the array box. After double encryption, there is no possibility for [Deep Sea] to know the "Lion Awakening Technology" from the outside. " content and secrets.

So after adapting to the light in the spiritual sea.

A garrison asked: "So... what exactly is the Lion Awakening technology, and how should we implement it?"

Turing smiled.

He looked at the woman who had invited everyone into the sea area, and didn't speak. He chose to take half a step back, and gave this place to Lu Nanzhi, allowing her to continue the previous speech in the real world.

Lu Nanzhi had already opened this bronze box before today.

At this moment, Madam looked around.

She said softly: "The lion awakening a string of codes, but this string of codes is different from the mental stimulation technology controlled by [Deep Sea]. This string of codes is more like a soft dream, and everyone can pass this dream, feel the 'supernatural power' in their hearts, as long as they are willing, then they can push open the door between the ordinary and the extraordinary."

"It sounds...somewhat like breathing?"

Someone spoke in a low voice.

Gong Zi in the crowd also murmured: " did I think of Mr. Gu Changzhi's Breath of Spring?"

Not just him.

Many participants from Nagano thought of Breath of Spring.

Turing spoke at this moment: "Because the complete 'Lion Awakens'...was inspired by Gu Changzhi. Over the years, I have been thinking about how to promote the 'Lion Awakens' to all human beings. After years of hard thinking, I finally found I got the answer. Since Gu Changzhi can share the 'Breath of Spring' with every transcendent through dreams, then the Lion Awakening technique can also be shared through dreams."

Entering a dream is itself a means of entry into spiritual practice.

"You can understand it as a kind of 'hypnosis', but the difference is that no matter how powerful a spiritual transcendent is, it is impossible to hypnotize everyone in this world."

Lu Nanzhi said slowly: "The five continents are so vast, and they can hypnotize everyone at the same time, even the Lord of Wine can't do it."

Someone wondered: "Then what should we do?"

"The answer... is actually already in front of us."

Lu Nanzhi said softly: "Things that the Lord of Wine cannot do, can be done through [Deep Sea]."



There was a long silence.

Because these remarks are completely contradictory to the previous remarks.

The war on the five continents was aimed at overthrowing [Deep Sea], but now we want to implement the Lion Awakening technology, since we need to rely on [Deep Sea]?

Indeed...【Deep Ocean】has linked five continents, everyone.

But it has awakened self-awareness.

Even if this command is launched with the authority of the highest seat, it will not succeed.

"In the basic sea area of ​​[Deep Sea], there is a secret door. This secret door can always reach the bottom layer of the code, pointing directly to the core area of ​​the deep sea."

Turing said: "This is the door of authority that I left at the beginning of my creation. The Ancient Chinese Society is still alive these years because of the existence of this door."

Lu Nanzhi slowly stretched out her finger and pressed it between her eyebrows.

This door is called the [Red Door].

"Through this door, we can reach the deepest part of the deep sea authority, and use this sea area to do everything."

Everything, including the establishment of the meeting room of the Ancient Chinese Society.

It also includes... hypnotizing the common people in the three continents, allowing the code of the Lion Awakening Technology to blend into their dreams.

"If you want to enter this door, there is one condition."

Turing held out a hand: "We...need the key."

The word key.

Echoing in this sea area, countless dark waves splashed.


It was the first time for people who did not know ancient Chinese language to hear this word, and they all looked at a loss.

But the next moment.

Turing's outstretched hand fell on Gu Shen's shoulder.

Turing smiled and said, "The key has been found, and they are here."

The key that Turing said.

Not him, not her.

but them.



(Tomorrow should be the end of the star roll, so much more tonight, I will continue to polish the remaining part, there should be a big chapter tomorrow, and it may be disassembled to avoid everyone waiting~)

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