Barrier of Light

Chapter 115 Jiangba Lonely Shadow

Just do this favor.

After tonight, Madam will be his most solid backing in Dadu...

Gu Shen looked at the crow with some amusement and helplessness. This guy said that he was a rough man, a common man, and not very smart, but he deceived people one after another. At least Gu Shen couldn't see anything like him. Stupid person.

This is clearly a personal talent.

Another person would probably be in a state of confusion at this moment.

"You should know my strength..."

Gu Shen said: "You can hit ten with one punch. Why do you ask me for help with such an important matter?"

"You may overestimate yourself. I can punch twenty people like you with one punch." Crow smiled, and then he said seriously: "The reason why I asked you for help... is because I only have a friend like you. "

"Aren't you afraid that I'll mess it up?"

"Afraid. Of course I'm afraid."

"Only when we met for the second time, when you wanted to help Madam with her medical treatment, I started to be afraid. I was worried that something would happen to you." Song Ci pointed at his head and said with a bright smile: "It turned out that my worries were unnecessary... From what I know about you, you will say you can't do something that you can't do. Since you didn't reject me directly, it means that you also think that you can do it."


After a moment of silence, Gu Shen said: "I will give it a try and do my best."

He chose to act not because he was moved by the words "Madam has my back."

Crow still doesn't know his true identity.

The moment Gu Shen received the S-level rating of the Judgment Office, he no longer needed such a thing as "backing". His teacher was the only Grand Judiciary in Eastern Continent, the "Towering Tree", and his students were spread all over the world. The senior sister is the "Tian Pu" who transcends the 12th level of the deep sea, and everyone in this lineage knows about the existence of a new junior brother like him.

It wasn't all because of the crow's plea, either.

Among the many reasons, there is one point that cannot be ignored...

The introducer behind the calendar is most likely the compass owner.

Finding clues of blood and fire is too important to me.

Song Ci is such a cunning guy. He must have guessed it a long time ago and is also very interested in this incident...

"Are you really going to Jiangtan?" Gu Shen frowned and asked, "Can you handle it?"

"You promised me to go to Nanwan for safety, how could I not go to Jiangtan for the appointment?" Crow grabbed the unlucky guy who had passed out by his collar, got on the motorcycle, smiled and waved, Said: "Don't worry, I've seen this kind of scene too many times, sprinkle some water..."

The words have not yet finished.

One ride to the extreme.

The roar broke the silence of the night.

The motorcycle fleet in the South Bay neighborhood started up, one headlight after another shining through the night, and dozens of dark phantoms speeding on the road.

With the continuous addition of vehicles from the same road at the fork in the road, this group of teams is still growing, and the momentum is huge. The drive from Nanwan to Jiangtan usually takes forty minutes, but tonight it only took fifteen minutes.

Chen San, who was on equal footing with Mr. Zhao and drank together, adopted four adopted sons. It is said that these four people were all miserable people born from the dust, so lonely and humble that no one would take a second look.

But because Chen San glanced at them more than once.

Hence the later Chengxinhui Nantang...

The convoy finally stopped in front of the Jiangtan Bridge.

This place is far away from the crowd and is completely deserted. Only the turbid waves are rolling. On top of the bridge and embankment, you can vaguely see a figure standing alone, with the strong wind blowing... The man's clothes are flying.

This is actually a very artistic picture——

If the guy wasn't wearing a tattered floral shirt.

After the convoy stopped.

A lean man slowly took off his helmet, and the crowd spontaneously moved towards him.

Another fat man was standing next to the lean man, looking confused and frowning: "Third brother... I don't understand, what is the crow doing?"

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Independent river.

But tonight's battle is to settle old and new grudges. No matter how handsome you look, what's the use?

"...If I don't understand, it's not important either."

The man called Third Brother, whose name was Qi Zhu, ranked third among Chen San's adopted sons, stared at the man on the embankment of the river with no expression on his face, opened the back seat, and took out a black box.

There are scattered firearms here.

Qi Zhu squatted down and put the black box across his knees. He quickly began to assemble it. His hands were like phantoms. Six arms seemed to have been born in an instant, so that the clicking sound of the gun device after it was aimed at the key parts was heard in a continuous and crowded place. burst out.


A big sniper was placed in the night wind on the river bank embankment.

The fat man ranked fourth was tapped on the shoulder.

"The crow is still as coquettish as ever."

A chuckle.

Wu Yong, the adopted son ranked second, said with ridicule in his eyes: "But what age are we in... What's the use of being coquettish? Who still plays one-on-one?"

He raised his hand.



The convoy, all in black trench coats, began to assemble the firearms they carried at the moment Wu Yong raised his hand. The long silent night was torn apart by the sound of mechanical riots. At the same time, an invisible barrier was raised above everyone's heads. It is a blue arc-shaped projection like the sky, like a natural gun support, covering the long night of Jiangtan Bridge.

From an outsider's perspective, one cannot see anything inside this blue arc-shaped barrier.

This is the perfect disguise for tonight's battlefield.

"Brother's 'canopy' has been opened, and you can shoot."

Wu Yong raised his head, put his hands in his pockets, looked at the ethereal figure on the river embankment in the distance, and asked softly: "Third brother, are you sure?"

Qi Zhu didn't answer.

He just silently pushed a green sniper rifle bullet into the chamber. This was the best answer. As the gun entered the chamber, he slowly closed one eye, and the other pupil gradually lost the white, and the entire pupil was covered in ink.

There was a roaring sound of some kind of liquid boiling inside the sniper.

It's like... coming to life!

This is a special sniper rifle. The inside of the barrel is made of special materials that can withstand strong logical properties. It is matched with a 7.62 mm caliber bullet inlaid with purple silver. This is one of the few effective means in this era that can use technology to suppress extraordinary people. .

The best range of this shot is about one thousand meters, and the wind on the river is very strong... But no matter how strong the wind is, it can't affect his aim. As long as he wants to hit, he will definitely hit.

Qi Zhu has already targeted the opponent.

But he didn't fire.

Because... the man standing on the river dam slowly squatted down and raised a "shield".

That's a person.

Qi Palm frowned... Although the night was dark, the river wind was strong, and there were waves of surging waves, he still saw clearly the face of the man in Crow's hands, but he racked his brains and couldn't think of the other person's face. identity.

Who is this?

"This is the hostage who was knocked down in the bar. Although we came to Jiangtan to kill crows... but the external reason for tonight's operation is to 'rescue our subordinates'." Wu Yong looked at the figure calmly and ordered in a very soft voice, "As for his name, I can't remember it, but it's not important. If you can take away that noisy crow with one shot, you can try it without thinking about the consequences."

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