Barrier of Light

Chapter 1152 World Trajectory


In the long night, the dilapidated rooftop was illuminated by the brilliant sword light.

Explosive airflow surged out from the narrow corridor.

Tonight's "invite you into the urn" has come to an end. The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole behind, and the Foundation transcendent who came to "investigate" was severely knocked to the ground.

Lu Nanjin was wearing a windbreaker and pressed the long knife on the latter's neck. She was the ultimate "yellow bird".

Gu Shen stood on the high point of the rooftop and watched this scene silently.

For the first time in my life, at this time, I had "stole" the Ruler of Truth and hid behind the water tank, but Nan Jin still noticed something strange.

But now it's different.

Luo Er used his hair to create a domain, blocking the rooftop's perception of this place.

After revealing her identity, Senior Sister Tiantong released her restraint on Gu Shen. Being able to say the words "Piyue City Disaster Situation" was enough to prove Gu Shen's identity.

Luo Er knows.

The Gu Shen in front of me is the most real Gu Shen.

" really have smelted the fire before you stepped through that door?"

Luo Er had a complicated look on his face, looking at the young man in front of him who had not even awakened his blazing ability, his eyes were rather suspicious.

"That's right..."

Gu Shen had no choice but to speak, and his voice was not very confident at the moment.

In a sense, he can already be called the God of Gu, but due to the battle with [Deep Sea], this position of God has not yet been fully established.

He looked at his senior sister.

Tiantong chuckled.

But there was no sarcasm or ridicule in this laughter.

Luo Er's eyes were full of joy: "Although I guessed that you would become a great person in the future, I didn't expect that just by being apart from each other... you would have already melted the fire and become a god."

"It can be regarded as... a quasi-god seat."

Gu Shen lowered his eyes and couldn't help but smile.

In the Five Continents, there are countless extraordinary people who are afraid of Gu Shen. Before Gu Shen was exposed to the underworld fire, in the hearts of many people, he was like a high mountain that could not be looked directly at.

But now, here.

He is nothing, he is still the "little junior brother" who just entered the school.

"So where are we this the real world, or is it a dream?"

Gu Shen remembered a very important question and asked seriously.

"The real world...or a dream..."

Tiantong was silent for a moment and said hoarsely: "Maybe it's both?"

"Due to the attack of the super-giant source matter storm, the deepest part of the [Old World] has been destroyed beyond recognition and completely destroyed."

"An extremely large amount of disordered source matter is raging at the end of the [Old World]."

"The laws of nature have been completely disrupted."

"A super-giant black hole is derived here, and the core of the black hole is the collapsed 'reality'..."

Tiantong spoke slowly, she stretched out her palm, and countless hair strands flew across the sky and returned to her palm.

"The three of us thought this was a dream at first."

"But every flower, every leaf, every plant and every tree here is extremely real, even more real than the real world."

She moved her head slightly and said word by word: "But just when we thought...this is the real world of 'time back', and every once in a while, this world will restart again."

"So, is this a dream or reality?"

Tiantong's tone was also filled with confusion.

Gu Shen vaguely felt that there was slight pain in the senior sister's tone.

"Will the world restart?"

Gu Shen frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Tiantong stretched out his finger and pointed to the rooftop in the distance.

Lu Nanjin pierced the "prey"'s shoulder with a knife and hung it on the edge of the rooftop. The cold wind at high altitude filled his eyes with the light of the knife.

"Did you find it?"

Tiantong said softly: "Some things are no different from the first life you experienced."


Gu Shen looked solemn.

Indeed, the scene in front of me was exactly what I saw when I was born for the first time, without any difference.

Senior Sister Nan Jin will defeat the intruder tonight, and will seize the intruder and bring him back to the Judgment Building tomorrow... However, these people are just pawns hypnotized by the Jiujiu Foundation. Although this time the layout was successful, the Judgment Office was unable to obtain substantial results. harvest.

He knew everything that would happen next.

"The development laws of this world, everyone, and everything... are all established."

Tiantong slowly moved his head and spoke: "As an 'outsider' who was thrust into this world, if you act according to the original trajectory of the world, then no one will change... This is the biggest thing we have discovered so far. law."

Gu Shen reacted quickly: "So... you are maintaining the original trajectory of this world?"

If you are a senior, senior, sister or teacher, you are an outsider.

Then it all makes sense.

When Zhou Jiren saw him in the interrogation room...there was something wrong in his eyes.

Those words I said on the road, if I were a teacher for the first time, I would definitely take myself to a small dark room and listen to myself explain all the causes and consequences.

But this time...

Zhou Jiren didn't ask anything.

Because he already had a rough guess in his heart.

"That's right."

Luo Er's eyes fell into the distance, and she spoke softly: "According to your words."

"This has been my 138th life, and this world has been restarted 137 times. I have tried to break away from the line of fate, and I have also tried to destroy the structure of this world, but it is meaningless. After trying all the ideas... I Teacher He decided to remain unchanged and try to stabilize the fate of each character as much as possible in the future restart of the world."

Gu Shen followed Luo Er's gaze.

Senior Brother Zhong Wei was deliberately transferred out of this old building, obviously to cooperate with the development of "World Trajectory".

"What are the consequences of destroying the trajectory of the world?"

Gu Shen's eyes flickered.

"This world is both false and real... There is a stable 'logic' behind every event."

Luo Er stretched out his palm, and countless hair strands were entangled in the void.

Her next words were a bit cryptic.

"It's like... a computing power system that is much more sophisticated than [Deep Sea], maintaining the balance of the world, so no matter what actions you make, the world will follow the current logic and continue to extend backward... and once When the 'key logic' is touched, the world will collapse and then restart."

"For example, if I skip the investigation of the fire case and find the culprit of the Long-lasting Foundation."

Tian Tong whispered: "If I remember correctly, that guy should be called Ye Ningqiu... If I kill her, then your 'trouble' after going to Dadu will disappear, and the so-called Good Night incident in Dadu will not happen either." exist."


Gu Shen was silent.

He did not tell his senior sister that after the Dadu incident, the culprit behind the Jiujiu Foundation was actually still alive.

But he already understood what Tiantong wanted to express.

"So, what is 'key logic'?"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and pointed to the core of the problem.

"It's very simple..."

Tiantong stretched out two fingers, and a strand of black hair appeared in front of Gu Shen. She said leisurely: "As 'outsiders', we are free, but not free. The world rotates for us. , but if the 'protagonist' dies, then everything will be restarted."

"For example, if I take action now and kill Zhong Wei, or kill you..."

"Then this world will collapse immediately."

Tiantong smiled and raised his hand.

The black hair disappeared with a swish and was wrapped around her fingertips again.

Gu Shen had completely understood what the senior sister meant.

Now they are like being in an infinitely restartable simulation game. On the surface, this game has no rules, but in fact, this game has only one rule.


Once the outsider dies.

This extremely real virtual world will restart immediately.

Gu Shen rubbed his eyebrows, he still had some doubts: "So what is the reason why you maintain the original world trajectory?"

"The disaster in Piyue City will come in one year."

Luo Er spoke slowly and said: "We need to maintain the 'order' of the Five Continents World as much as possible to ensure the smooth start of the Piyue City mission. In the past 137 restarts, there have been several times due to the destruction of the world's trajectory that led to our Before the 'Moon City Disaster' appears, the world will restart in advance."

"The world restarts early?"

Gu Shen was stunned for a second.


Tiantong took a deep breath, looked at Gu Shen with a complicated expression, and said slowly: "As for your strange behavior during the day, the teacher has actually told me... After so many restarts, we have figured out most of the patterns. , there’s just one thing we can’t understand.”

"Why, your death will cause the entire world to restart."

Gu Shen was stunned in place.

"This year, if we don't bring you under the jurisdiction of the Judgment Office..."

"You will die in the assassination of an unknown transcendent."

"He will die under Han Dang's mental attack."

"Anyway, you're going to die in one way or another."

"At the beginning, we didn't pay much attention to this problem, but during the attempt to ignore the trajectory of the world, we discovered that once 'Gu Shen' in this world dies, everything will restart."

Tiantong sighed and said: "The last 'world' just collapsed. Today is the first day of the restart, the starting point of the timeline returning to zero. Zhong Wei and I have come to Qinghe, preparing to give you special training... The teacher needs to take the pardon order and go to the interrogation room to protect your proud disciple."

Gu Shen's expression was very complicated.

"Am I going to die in any way?"


Tiantong said regretfully: "Because the 'fire' incident has already occurred at the starting point of the world's restart, I was too late to rush to Qinghe and prevent this extraordinary incident in advance. This also means that you have been targeted by many people, Even if we help you eliminate all troubles and secretly clean up the Long-term Foundation, it will be useless. Only by operating according to the original trajectory of the world can you survive until we step into Piyue City... By the way, if we are looking for an oasis, At that time, you will be killed. The world will also restart."

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