Barrier of Light

Chapter 1163 Gu Shen’s Arrangement

Just restart like this?


Zhou Jiren sat up straight in silence. He thought that the exploration out of the fortress would go smoothly, but he didn't expect that the restart would happen so suddenly.

And judging from the last flash of fire, it seems that this was a "restart" initiated by Gu Shen?

Zhou Jiren took a deep breath and looked at the extra newspaper in front of him...

The newspaper recorded the details of the fire that occurred in the suburbs of Dateng City last night.

According to the inertia of the "world trajectory", after restarting, he will maintain the actions one second before the original trajectory. At this moment, he should habitually close the newspaper.

But this time, the "world trajectory" has changed.

Just as Zhou Jiren was about to close the newspaper, a fishy-sweet smell came up from his throat.


He couldn't suppress a dull cough. Although he immediately put his palms out to cover his lips, a little blood still splattered on the newspaper.

Zhou Jiren stared at the bright red color on the newspaper, his face a little pale.

How is this going?

Is it because there are too many restarts?

Doesn’t your physical state get reset every time you restart?

A feeling of dizziness came over me.

At this moment, the communicator rang.

"Teacher, it's me."

The call was from Luo Er, and she heard the unusual voice on the communicator: "What's wrong with you...?"


With a hoarse voice, Zhou Jiren silently took out his handkerchief, wiped the blood clean, then neatly folded the newspaper and temporarily placed it in the corner of the car window.

"Junior brother seems to have detonated the blazing fire?"

Luo Er was silent for a moment and said: "He initiated the restart this time."


Zhou Jiren was sitting on the backrest of the carriage. He was actually a little confused.

The airship was attacked, and it was obvious that Gu Shen's negotiations with the travelers did not succeed...

But before the "restart", they had already seen the figure of Rusty Bones. Theoretically speaking, the last journey did not reach the "end".

Silence fell on both sides of the communicator.

Luo Er hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Zhong Wei's condition is very bad."

Zhou Jiren was stunned.

"Perhaps it was because he was attacked by the source of energy storm in the Fort, and his spirit has already shown signs of collapse..."

Luo Er had already guessed the reason why Gu Shen did this.

She whispered: "The 'damage' of restarting the world will directly affect the spirit. The reason why my junior brother took the initiative to end the last 'exploration' is to prevent us from being mentally harmed."

"Teacher, we have restarted 140 times."

Luo Er paused.

She said in a hoarse voice: "Do you feel...mentally unwell?"


Zhou Jiren silently looked at the stack of newspapers that he had put in the corner.

"I mean……"

Luo Er said seriously: "We may not have many restarts."

After hanging up the communication with the teacher, Luo Er looked at the sleeping man next to him worriedly.

Zhong Wei looked very pale, and his spirit was like a candle that might be extinguished at any time.

Hypnotic sedation was applied several times.

Zhong Wei's signs of "mental breakdown" gradually improved.

The communicator rang again.

This time it was not the teacher who dialed the number, but Nan Jin.


Luo Er connected to the communication, and a familiar young man's voice came from there.

"Senior sister, I am Gu Shen."

Gu Shen stood in the ward and moved his body. The restart caused by detonating the fiery suicide caused a certain amount of mental damage to him, but it was still within the tolerable range.

After this restart.

The blazing fire grew stronger again.

Obviously... this spiritual world cannot stop the penetration of "blazing fire", and his strength is recovering.

Gu Shen glanced at Lu Nanjin who was sleeping on the bed under the blazing fire, and confessed frankly: "I took the initiative to end the last exploration and start a new round of restart."

Luo Er didn't expect Gu Shen to wake up so quickly this time. She was waiting to meet to ask about this matter.

"Last time we restarted, we encountered some 'unexpected circumstances'."

Gu Shen spoke slowly and informed Senior Sister Tiantong about the negotiation with the traveler and the results of the ancient text comprehension on the stone tablet.

Luo Er listened silently, his expression unchanged.

The reason why Gu Shen took the initiative to start the restart was consistent with what she had guessed, to ensure the safety of everyone on the airship.

"If 'Breakable' fails, sooner or later we will have another reboot."

Luo Er said helplessly: "Why are you so anxious?"

Gu Shen lowered his eyes and suddenly asked: "If I guess correctly, senior brother Zhong Wei's condition is very bad, right?"

Luo Er didn't know how to answer.

Gu Shen slowly told the story of his encounter with the original will.

Luo Er's expression changed obviously.

Does something like original will really exist?

"The teacher's condition must also be very bad..."

Among the trio, Zhong Wei is the weakest and the teacher is too old.

In these restarts, their spirits have been burdened with too much "weight".

"I won't meet you this time. I have asked General Rusty Bones to take good care of you."

Gu Shen said: "In addition, in order to protect the teacher and Zhong Wei... I have a merciless request and need to trouble you."

Zhou Jiren hurried to the rooftop with his suitcase, which has become the meeting point for the master and apprentice after restarting.

After restarting several times in a row, everyone will gather here.

Only this time the rooftop was a little deserted.

There was only one person standing on the rooftop.


Zhou Jiren looked at his disciple in surprise. After restarting this time, he could not contact Gu Shen... because Nan Jin's communicator was disconnected directly, and he was obviously hypnotized by Gu Shen's blazing fire.

Zhong Ye is not on the rooftop either.


Luo Er looked at his teacher and said seriously: "Get a good rest."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Countless hairs rolled up from the ground, flowed back like a waterfall, and wrapped themselves into cocoons. Zhou Jiren subconsciously wanted to resist, but Luo Er's voice penetrated directly into his heart.

She spoke guiltily and said softly: "This time of 'restart', just like Zhong Wei... have a good sleep."

It is disrespectful for a disciple to attack his teacher.

But Luo Er has already made his choice...

Zhou Jiren's [Holy Wood] had no time to summon, and was invaded by hair. The world in front of him suddenly turned dark, and his pupils opened and rotated.

After a while, the hair gathered in the wind and returned to Luo Er's fingertips to be entangled.

The big cocoon dissipated.

Zhou Jiren has been "hypnotized".

Looking at the fallen teacher, Luo Er had a complicated look on her face... She took out her communicator and whispered: "Junior brother, teacher and senior brother, I have made arrangements."

At this moment, Gu Shen had just left the hospital not far away.

He looked up.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The helicopter of the prison flew over the ceiling, its blades whipping up the whistling wind. Gu Shen had changed the original trajectory of the world. He left the ward early, which was equivalent to letting go of the presiding judge of Qinghe. Without Zhou Jiren to come forward, the prison The institute and the safety committee will initiate the arrest of this "fire witness"...

In fact, this incident has happened several times, but Gu Shen's action was too fast before. Before the prison and the safety committee started taking action, he had already arrived in Beizhou and met with Rusty Bones.

By the time they started searching Dadeng City, Gu Shen and his party had already left the border and arrived in the [Old World].

But this time is different.

Gu Shen was not ready to leave Wuzhou immediately.

He wants to stay here for a some people, do some things, and test some conjectures.

Gu Shen first went to an underground tavern near Dadeng City.

It was here that Zhou Jiren found Baizhu and persuaded Baizhu to come to the ground and exist as his "shadow".

The tavern was deserted, there were almost no customers here.

Not to mention a "minor" like Gu Shen. Seeing this young man step into the underground tavern, Baizhu, who was still full of stubble at that time, frowned and was about to chase him away and tell him to get out.

"Senior Bai Shu."

Gu Shen was the first to speak. He sat in front of the counter and said with a smile, "Give me a glass of wine."

" I familiar with you?"

Bai Shu just glanced at Gu Shen and then withdrew his gaze and said coldly: "Whether you are sent by the Third Institute or the Bai Family Ancestral Hall, I suggest you go back quickly... This is not a place for you to stay. In addition, You'd better be careful about that old guy who told you the location. He must have bad intentions if he tells you about my existence."

Gu Shen smiled.

With Bai Shu's strength, it is not an exaggeration to say this.

The peerless genius who has comprehended the Great Success [Reverse Flow] and touched the original power, even though he has been idle for twenty years, is still invincible and the number one person below the throne of God.

"In a sense, we are really familiar with each other."

"As for the old guy you mentioned, he is indeed not a good person."

Gu Shen picked up a bottle of red wine from the counter and touched it with his fingertips. The long neck of the wine bottle split neatly, and the cut cork was "slowly" thrown into the air and then froze.

Bai Shu turned around.

Domain activates.

Everything in the tavern was "stagnant", but Gu Shen was not affected at all. He was still pouring wine on his own.

Bai Shu looked at this scene in disbelief.

Since there were only two people in the tavern, it seemed like his field had not been activated at this moment...

And the "bottle stopper" hovering in mid-air proved that his domain had been successfully expanded.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point."

Gu Shen said in a deep voice: "I will help you resurrect Li Rou, please do one thing for me."

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was Wang Zha.

There was a snap.

The cork fell quickly and then stopped again.

Bai Shu came to Gu Shen in an instant. He stared at the young man in front of him, "Who are you? Why should I trust you?"

Worthy of being the invincible Nagano of those days...

Gu Shen felt emotional.

A flash of fire lit up between his brows. The blazing fire that was constantly awakening at this moment could already resist Bai Shu's [Reverse Flow] for a short time. This was the reason why he dared to come to this underground tavern.

"I... am considered one of your juniors."

Gu Shen's words made Baizhu stunned for a moment.

"It will be some time before we get to know each other."

He said sincerely: "Mr. Bai Zhu, you don't have to believe me, but please believe in my 'fire'."

The blazing fire slowly floated in the air, turning into ripples and spreading——

Gu Shen recorded and condensed what happened in the real world into a small flame.

Bai Shu could feel that there was no malicious intent in this ray of fire.

He frowned and looked at the images that occurred in the "Original World Trajectory".

The frown gradually loosened.

His expression became dazed, confused, and at a loss.


Bai Shu looked at Gu Shen. He had thousands of words to say, but in the end he stopped talking.

Gu Shen smiled and said: "As a merciless request, I would like to ask you to take care of the people of Zhouji. If no one at the level of a god takes action, your [Backflow] can deal with any disaster."

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